Douluo: Star Officials Challenge, Everyone is Better Than Tang San

Douluo: Star Official Challenge, Everyone Is Better Than Tang San Chapter 235

PS: Chapter 5 (5/5)

I owe three more.

This is from yesterday.

Some people may think that the protagonist is written like this.

I just want to say that the previous image of an expert has been ruined.

The protagonist is just a modern person who has traveled to the world of Douluo and is only on the eighth day.

He also has seven emotions and six desires, so he plans to write a little emotional line.

It's not a challenge, a challenge, a challenge from start to finish.

Chapter 116 Liu Erlong Hopes to Resurrect His Clan, Titan Giant Ape Comes, Qian Daoliu Bibidong Qian Renxue Arrives

Hanhai City.

at the square.

It was early in the morning.

It's gathered here.

A large number of sea soul masters are watching here.

And there are many more.

Soul masters came from all directions.

Just to see.

Today's star official challenge.

There is also the opening of the luck challenge.

Hanhai City.

as the entire continent.

It is a necessary place to go to Sea God Island.

Located in the eastern part of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Headed by level 98 Golden Crocodile Douluo.

Wuhun Hall.

Six worshipers.

Previously served as Pope.

Bibi Dong's life.

The guard is here.

Prevent Tang San from going secretly.

Sea God Island.

Golden Crocodile Douluo and others.

I didn't think of it either.

Today's star officials challenge the ring.

It will be randomly refreshed in Hanhai City.

They held back their breath.

Hidden in the crowd.

If the seniors come out.

Before hosting the star official challenge.

Tang San and others dared to show up at the scene.

It will be at the speed of thunder.

hands on.

Kill it.

Tang San will achieve success in the future.

The matter of Sea God and Shura God was exposed.

He has become a member of the Wuhun Temple.

Enemy number one.

It is also except.

Except for the next four sects of obedience.

A lucky star in the eyes of other forces.

At this time.

A full body.

A terrifying and murderous woman came to Hanhai City.

Within three meters of her.

Everyone is far away.

For fear of provoking her.

It was from the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect overnight.

Liu Erlong rushed over.

She at this time.

Look tired.

His face was haggard.

A pair of eyes glazed over.


There was a terrible murderous aura around him.

It seems that there is one at any time.

A ferocious god who may kill.

Everyone can't avoid it.

Not long after.

Duke Long Mengshu.

The snake lady is fragrant.

with their granddaughter.

Meng still came here.

Three people stood in the crowd.

For the upcoming.

I am looking forward to the star official challenge.

Especially Meng Yiran.

She holds a scepter in her hand.

His eyes looked at the arena.

The closed jade door.

eager to see through.

Duke Long and Mrs. Snake both smiled happily.

these years.

Meng is still the first time.

Show off like this.

Daughter's gesture.

It's just that the status of seniors is honorable.

Even the saintess of Wuhun Temple.

Hu Liena was rejected.

The two elders were a little worried about this.

in the crowd.

A man with a cold breath.

came here.

Looking with cold eyes.

Golden Crocodile Douluo and others are enshrined in the Wuhun Hall.

Golden Crocodile Douluo noticed something.

Look at the past along the spiritual force.

When he and ghost eyes.

When looking at each other.

There was an invisible ghostly aura of terror.

Repression came.

Golden Crocodile Douluo turned pale instantly.

Back away.

The martial soul in his body trembled even more.

Jiangmo, Qianjun and so on.

The priest quickly supported him.

After Golden Crocodile Douluo stabilized.

He whispered in horror:

"Ghost Douluo's Ghost Spirit is truly terrifying!"

"And his soul power!"

"It turned out to be from level 97!"

"Upgraded to level 98!"

his words.

Make five enshrined behind him.

His face was shocked.

once Upon a time.

Ghost is also the elder of Wuhundian.

Not even qualified to enter the worship hall.

but now.

But because of accepting the adventure challenge.

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