Douluo: Star Officials Challenge, Everyone is Better Than Tang San

Douluo: Star Official Challenge, Everyone Is Better Than Tang San Chapter 596

The situation at Jialing Pass.

Quite grim.

Immediately plain.

Tiandou millions of troops in front of the formation.

Marshal Ge Long's majestic voice sounded:

"Soldiers of the Heaven Dou Empire!"

"Ready to fight!"

Various warships, gunners.


They came out one after another and advanced.

be prepared.

The horn of attack sounded.

The million-strong army of the Star Luo Empire was in front of the formation.

Ah Khan Marshal thick and powerful.

The voice said:

"Soldiers of the Star Luo Empire!"

"Ready to fight!"

All kinds of warships and war beasts.

Cavalry, soul master team.

Get out, advance.

The horn of attack sounded.

accompanied by.

Heaven Dou Emperor Xue Beng and.

Star Luo Emperor Dai Tianxing.

The two shouted at the same time:

"The whole army obeys orders!"

"Start the attack!"


Two empires.

Two million troops entered.

Level 1 standby state.

The sound of the trumpet to heaven.

Resounding through the sky and the earth.



Boost morale.

Marshal Ge Long ordered:

"The stormtroopers obey orders!"

"Launch an attack!"

"The soul master team is covering the flanks!"

"Sweep away those who come to stop us for the army!"

"Wuhundian Soul Master Corps!"

The assault army and the entire soul master team.

shouted in unison:

"Fight, fight, fight!"

"Fight, fight, fight!"


In a burst of fierce drums.

The 100,000 pioneers advanced rapidly.

Four Elements Academy and .

A team of folk soul masters.

Take cover to the left and right.

The vanguard marched forward mightily.

Kill to Jialing Pass.

Marshal Ah Khan issued an order:

"All vanguards obey orders!"

"Start attacking!"

"The Zhu family and other soul master families!"

"Cover on both sides!"

"Assist the vanguard advancing!"

"Those who broke through the Spirit Hall!"

"The line of defense of the Soul Master Legion!"

"Breaking the city gate!"

Star Luo millions of troops and.

The soul masters of countless soul master families.

Shouted loudly:

"Fight, fight, fight!"

"Fight, fight, fight!"

Immediately afterwards.

In bursts of war drums.

The vanguard began to charge.

Unparalleled power.

In one go.

Heading towards Jialing Pass at full speed.

All soul master families.

Advance with cover on both sides.

In front of Jialing Pass.

Deployment is complete.

On the tower.

Bishop Salas.

A purple soul power was squeezed out in his hand.

Hit the sky.

Bloom like fireworks.

Incomparably bright and gorgeous.

Majestic issued an order:

"The Vanguard Army obeys orders!"

"Launch an attack!"

"All the disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect obey the order!"

"Condensed defensive formation!"

"Assist the stormtroopers!"

"Scatter the armies of the two empires!"

"Avoid both!"

"The enemy's soul master team!"

"Start a large-scale soul attack!"

"Influence the advancement of the vanguard!"

"The Bird Peak Sect obeys the order!"

"All disciples of the sect are dispatched!"

"Target enemy stormtroopers in the air!"

"Concentrated strangulation!"

"Remember not to get entangled with the enemy's soul master team!"

With Bishop Salas.

One order.

50,000 troops.

With hundreds of thousands of low-level soul master legions.

Start pushing forward.

A disciple of the Elephant Armor Sect.

Take the lead.

Summon the martial spirit inherited from the sect.

Diamond Mammoth.

Exercising the secret method of the sect.

Condensed into a solid barrier.

At the forefront of the stormtroopers.

keep pushing.

Enough to ensure defense at the same time.

Everything close by.

The two imperial stormtroopers.

Kill them all.

All the disciples of the Bird Peak Sect.

Hundreds of people took to the air.

Inside the defensive barrier of the Elephant Armored Sect.

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