Douluo: Star Officials Challenge, Everyone is Better Than Tang San

Douluo: Star Official Challenge, Everyone Is Better Than Tang San Chapter 624

5000 years of cultivation as a potion.


The entire Star Dou Forest.

Hundreds of millions of soul beasts.

The cultivation base has been increased by 5000 years.

Born once.

Hundreds of hundred thousand year soul beasts.

Another example.

The endless ocean to the east of the continent.


During the air luck challenge.

The challenger is the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

Obtained 10,000-year power potion.

Hundreds of millions of sea soul beasts.

All repairs have been upgraded for 10,000 years.

Thousands of heads were born directly.

One hundred thousand year soul beast.

These various high-level combat powers.

Humans are completely incomparable.

It is impossible to stop.

The all-out attack of the soul beast clan.

for a while.

Fear throughout.

Everyone in the council building.

My heart rises.

Salas et al.

Still working on it the last second.

Victory in the Battle of Jialing Pass.


this second.

One by one pale.

The body trembled uncontrollably.

I really didn't expect it.

The crisis in Wuhundian was resolved.

Humanity's crisis has emerged.


Golden Crocodile Douluo leads.

The rest are titled Douluo.

With a thousand Contras.

Return to Wuhun City.

Rebuild and deploy.

What the world expects.

Wuhundian launched a full force.

Begin to clear the two empires.


Zongmen soul master's plan.

did not appear.

Instead, it is published.

The soul beast family is about to attack humans.

The thing that started the war.

In this way.

The entire Douluo Continent.

No matter what area it is.

Soul masters and civilians.

It's all a mess.

People panic.

A hint of despair.

Flooded in the hearts of billions of human beings.

There are also a small number of people.

Have a skeptical attitude towards this.

I think it is a conspiracy of Wuhundian.

Want to take the opportunity.

Paid for effort.

Take everything in Douluo Continent.

The power of the soul master is in the bag.

But most people.

Come through this time.

The gathering place of the three great soul beasts.

Attitudes and reactions to humans.

Make an analysis.

Infer this is.

The Soul Beast Clan is ready.

A harbinger of all-out war for mankind.

A large number of civilians and soul masters.

Migrate towards the area where the Spirit Hall is located.

After all, according to the current situation.

on the mainland.

It is the safest place in Wuhundian.

under the influence.

Has one hundred and eight Title Douluo.

With a group of powerful sect soul masters.

In this situation.

Although Wuhundian.

Various aspects.

Do your best to respond and respond.

arranged work.

The number of soul masters and civilians who are still being migrated in large numbers.

Create peer and management direction.

Congestion, runaway impact.

The entire Douluo Continent.

After the Battle of Jialing Pass.

into a panic.

on the mainland.

most places.

It has already become an empty city.

No one smokes.

All towards the central part.

Gathered in the Wuhundian area.

This side of Wuhundian.

Tired of accepting from all directions.

The soul masters and civilians who rushed over.


Absorbed more and more soul master power.

Unprecedented strength.

Among humans and spirit beasts.

In front of the war.

Many soul masters choose.

Come forward.

Contribute to the survival of the race.

own strength.

Take Haotianzong.

Headed by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Some sect forces.

It is to choose to hide.

Even they are worried.

The attack of the soul beast family.

But more worried.

The encirclement and suppression from Wuhundian.

Star Dou Great Forest.

core area.

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