Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 102: Cat and Mouse Collaboration: There is No Enemy That Cannot Be Defeatable

Shen An had nothing to do and was playing backgammon with Ning Rongrong. In the beginning, Ning Rongrong had no victory, but in the end, he seemed to be competing against each other. Ye Zi watched quietly from the side.

Just when Ning Rongrong was about to win, Shen An Zhuangruo was unintentionally surprised and said:

"Oh, why is Tom missing? I don't know where Zhuqing is. No, no, it's not safe at night. I have to go find them."

Shen An suddenly stood up, and when he stood up, he "accidentally" disrupted the chessboard. Ning Rongrong's teeth were itching at the sight, and Shen An couldn't afford to lose.

However, on the one hand, Shen An escaped the losing chess game, and on the other hand, Zhu Zhuqing and Tom and Jerry were missing. Shen An was indeed a little worried.

Of course, the main concern is that Tom and Jerry don't cause trouble. After all, the mysterious reaction produced by the cat and mouse together is too powerful.

Zhu Zhuqing had the speed-up potion he gave him, and Zhu Zhuqing never caused trouble, so he should be fine.

When Zhu Zhuqing saw the malicious expression in front of her and was about to drink the potion and fight to the death, two figures wearing helmets, one large and one small, suddenly appeared in front of her.

Tom looked angrily and unhappy. This man was so bad that he not only interfered with the construction of his own home, but also missed his future mistress.

Jerry stood on Tom's shoulder, grinning as unhappy as Tom.

Jerry, ‘I don’t know what I’m doing! All Tom's enemies are my enemies! '

Bu Le smiled: "A stupid cat and a stinky mouse are as loyal as a dog. I will catch you first and then completely tame you into dogs..."

Bu Le's words made Tom and Jerry angry. Comparing them to dogs is really insulting to cats (rats)!

Tom and Jerry looked at each other and raised the corners of their mouths at the same time. Even the arcs were exactly the same. Tom and Jerry joined forces for the first time in Douluo Continent.

It's a pity that Shen An is not here, otherwise Shen An will definitely feel silent for his unhappiness. Shen An, who has watched thousands of episodes, has long understood this truth.

That is, you can offend either cat or mouse, but you cannot offend both.

Offending both of them would lead to death.

Bu Le smiled cruelly and grabbed Tom and Jerry. They were just stupid cats and stinky mice. They dared to be soul sects. What a joke.

Tom didn't panic at all, and took out an iron rod from behind, and swung the iron rod directly at Unhappy's arm.

Although Bu Le was surprised where the cat got the iron rod from, he didn't think that a cat's strength could defeat it at all.


The iron rod collided with the arm full of soul power, Bu Le smiled, just like that, limp and without any strength.

Who would have expected that Tom would also smile at the same time, and the straight and hard iron rod would actually wrap around Bu Le's arm like a rope under Tom's swing.

Bu Le felt something bad inexplicably. Jerry didn't know when he ran to a tree and took out a U-shaped magnet that didn't fit his body shape at all. The strong magnetic force attracted Bu Le and was wrapped around the iron rod. arms.

"call out!"

Bu Lekong had the soul power of the Soul Sect, but found that he could not control his body at all, and flew backwards into the tree crazily.


There was a heavy sound, and Bu Luo's hand was tightly attracted by the magnet hanging behind the tree. The strong magnetic force prevented him from moving.

Before Bu Le could react, Jerry jumped on him, from his hair through the bridge of his nose to his shoulders, and finally slid down to Bu Le's waist.

Jerry took out a match and a small firecracker. The match was lightly swiped along Bu Le's waistband. Sparks lit up and the small firecrackers were also lit. Jerry directly pulled Bu Le's waistband open. Under the influence of force, the small firecracker was extremely powerful. Coincidentally attached to unhappy lifeblood.

Jerry jumped down lightly, and Tom under the tree had already stretched out his white gloves to catch them. The cat and the mouse shrank their heads at the same time, making Zhu Zhuqing confused.



There was a violent sound of firecrackers, Bu Le's crotch was exploded, and yellow, white and red things flew everywhere, making Zhu Zhuqing feel sick.

Bu Le also fainted from the pain caused by the explosion of his lifeblood.

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned on the spot, everything ended too quickly. Tom and Jerry obviously had no soul power, but after a series of operations, they defeated a soul sect so smoothly.

Jerry took out a small cannon from nowhere and was able to roll the fainting unhappy into a round shape and stuff it inside.

Tom excitedly lit the match and lit the fuse behind the small cannon.


Unhappiness turned into a round fireball and flew into the sky.

Tom and Jerry looked at each other, smiled, shook hands, and cooperated happily.

Zhu Zhuqing was in a daze, and it was over. It could only be said that Tom was indeed no ordinary cat, and neither was the mouse.

Tom and Jerry have not forgotten the real purpose of their visit this time, which is to repair the collapsed teahouse and make up for their mistakes.

The two of them came to the ruins of the tea house without stopping at all, and at the same time showed expressions of serious thinking. Suddenly, a golden light bulb lit up.

A cat and a mouse simultaneously held tools such as hammers, turning into a blue whirlwind and a small brown whirlwind to cover the ruins.

Zhu Zhuqing pinched his little face in disbelief when he saw the scene in front of him. I didn't wake up, and I was even getting up.

The rubble and waste wood that was originally on the ground were swept away, and a building that was exactly the same as the previous one suddenly appeared. Even the flaws on the door were exactly the same.


Zhu Zhuqing took Tom and Jerry back and told Shen An and others about a series of things that happened on the way. When she spoke, Zhu Zhuqing's tone was more serious than ever. She was afraid that Shen An would not believe her and wanted to take Shen An to the teahouse immediately.

Shen An just touched his chin and said, "It sounds so familiar. No one can do it except Tom and Jerry. What a pity that I didn't see it on the spot."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Shen An in disbelief. No, what I said were all outrageous events, and you believed them all without questioning.

"Okay, in that case, let's proceed according to the original plan. Ye Zi will stay in Soto City to look after the teahouse, and we will go to Tiandou City tomorrow."

In Tiandou City, Dugu Bo, with dark green hair, looked at Dugu Yan in disbelief, with tears in his eyes: "Okay, okay! Yanyan, all the poisons in your body have been cured, and your life will never be in danger again."

"There is such a strange person in the world. Yanyan, you did the right thing. Let alone a favor, this strange person saved your life. Grandpa will not hesitate to go through fire and water for you."

Dugu Yan stuck out her tongue: "Grandpa, you are wrong. It was not a strange person who saved my life, but a strange cat."

At this moment, Dugu Bo doubted his ears a little. What? The uncurable poison in his granddaughter was saved by a cat?

Is it my ears that are hallucinating or Yanyan's brain has become stupid.

Update first and then modify, and there are two chapters to be posted during the day

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