Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 110 Dugu Bo: This is not rational

Chapter 111 Let’s criticize Tang San by name here

Dugu Bo is a master of poisons. He naturally knows that some poisons have very fast and some very slow onset, but the antidotes are different.

No matter how awesome the antidote is, it only suppresses the poison at first, and then slowly eliminates it like a cocoon. At this point, the body is still a little weak.

It's just like Jerry's potion. After drinking it, not only all the toxins are gone, but you're also full of energy, with no soreness in the waist or pain in the legs.

So even with Dugu Bo's temperament, he couldn't help but curse.

After the violent shock, Dugubo fell into great joy.

Not only was his granddaughter's poison detoxified, but the poison that had troubled him for decades was also detoxified. He even felt that the bottleneck of his soul power that had troubled him was loosening.

As long as you concentrate on practicing for a period of time, it will definitely not be a problem to break through to the next level.

‘Shen An, Shen An, you saved our lives, how can I repay you? ’ Dugu Bo thought to himself that he had behaved strangely in his life and was withdrawn by nature, but he valued kindness the most.

"By the way, Shen An, why are they missing?" Dugu Bo asked.

Tom Jerry pointed at the spring at the Eye of Ice and Fire at the same time. Dugu Bo looked around and saw a man and a sword soaking in the spring.

"Damn it! I'm killing my ancestor, why the hell did you get in here?" Dugu Bo himself almost died in the spring water, so he naturally knew its power.

Seeing that Shen An was among them, Dugu Bo did not dare to be careless, and his soul power suddenly activated, preparing to jump to rescue Shen An.

I jumped, eh, why didn’t I jump? Dugu Bo found that his legs and feet were being pulled, and looked strangely.

But he found that it was Tom and Jerry holding his legs respectively, and Dugubo fell silent again.

He recognized that the cat and the mouse were proficient in pharmacology. The world was full of wonders.

But why can they hold back a Titled Douluo who explodes with all his strength? Even if he is the weakest in frontal strength among the Titled Douluo, these two little guys who don't seem to have lived for a hundred years can't stop him.

Jerry immediately took out a pen and paper and wrote down the reason clearly, explaining that Shen An was fine. This made Dugu Bo feel relieved a little and just sat silently staring at Shen An.

As for why Tom and Jerry can pull out all kinds of things out of thin air, Dugubo no longer cares. There are too many incredible things about these two little guys.

He didn't want to use his limited knowledge to speculate on other people's magic.

I don’t know how long it has been~

Shen An in Quanyan suddenly opened his eyes. The blue eyes contained the meaning of extreme yang and extreme yin, as well as red and ice blue, but in the end they were all occupied by green.

The same is true for the nine-leaf sword grass. The intersection of water and fire tempers the edge, and the cold light blooms, showing its sharpness.

Green light illuminated the entire valley, and Shen An emerged from the spring. He had never felt so refreshed.

I subconsciously looked at the system panel.

Host: [Shen An] (Thirty-level Soul Master)

Martial Spirit: [Nine-Leaf Sword Grass (Ultimate Martial Spirit)

Partner: [Tom and Jerry]

Fame value: [5482]

It's strange why he is still the ultimate martial soul. Shen An was confused and asked the system.

A line of illusory small words appeared. The ultimate is incomparable. The host's martial soul is the ultimate, so after it is improved again, it surpasses the previous limit, which is also called the ultimate.

Well, Shen An reluctantly accepted the system's statement. After all, he could clearly feel the enhancement of the Nine-leaf Sword Grass.

"Ahem, Shen An, put on your clothes." Dugu Bo coughed and handed over a pair of clothes. Only then did Shen An realize that his clothes were quickly destroyed by the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Shen An blushed and put on his clothes quickly. Fortunately, there was no woman around, otherwise he would have been completely dead.

"Congratulations to Senior Dugu for clearing the toxins." Shen An said this after seeing all of Dugu Bo's originally enchanting green hair turn into black.

Dugu Bo showed a cheerful smile: "Hahahaha, I have to thank you for this. Shen An, I owe you a huge favor. If something comes up in the future, I will not shirk it."

Dugu Bo solemnly made his promise.

Shen An smiled and said: "As long as I can help senior, as for favors, I just took two jelly grass from senior's medicine garden, so I can use this as a favor."

Dugu Bo smiled: "It's just two flowers and grass, it doesn't count. I said before, if you like it, you can take it yourself. You are looking down on me, Dugu Bo."

At this time, Tom and Jerry ran over with three more flowers in their hands, which were exactly the three that Shen An had discovered, but they didn't know how effective they were.

"Tom, Jerry, what are you doing?"

The two little ones raised the grass jelly in their hands, and Tom made a charming cat girl pose, and then flexed his muscles.

Jerry gently put his hand on Tom's hand and danced like an elegant noble princess.

Shen An understood, and the corners of his mouth twitched and asked, "You two mean that after eating these two things, Zhuqing and Rongrong will become stronger."

"But there is one more thing?"

Tom and Jerry immersed themselves in it, took a deep sniff, and looked intoxicated. Shen An understood, and they expressed that they liked the flower very much.

So Shen An asked awkwardly: "Senior Dugu, can that favor be exchanged for three more fairy grasses? This fairy grass will be very helpful to my friend."

Dugu Bo was worried that he owed Shen An such a huge favor and didn't know how to repay it. It was just a few flowers and plants that he didn't know the effect of.

"Take it, take it. Let alone a few flowers and plants, even if you empty my herb garden, what's the problem? I'd love to have it."

Dugu Bo pretended to be generous.

"Haha, it's enough to get a few plants of immortal herbs. I'm not a greedy person, so how could I do such a bad thing as emptying the herb garden."

After saying this, Dugu Bo looked at Shen An with a kinder look. Who doesn't like a young man who knows how to advance and retreat and knows how to measure?

Shen An thought about it. Since the flowers and plants here have such miraculous effects, he also took a few of them. Why not ask Tom if he has any useful things for Dugu Yan? It can be regarded as offering flowers to Buddha.

After all, Senior Dugu didn't seem to know much about the exotic flowers and plants in his herb garden.

"Senior Dugu, can you release your martial spirit?"

Although Dugu Bo was surprised by Shen An's request, he did it. The shadow of the Green Phosphorus Snake King appeared, and Shen An was frightened. It was really powerful.

Jerry was so scared that he hid behind Tom. Oh my god, there's a snake. I don't want to die.

Although Tom was trembling with fear, he still protected Jerry.

"Tom and Jerry, don't be afraid. This is just a martial spirit, not a real thing. I want to ask if you can find a magical herb that can help this martial spirit."

After hearing Shen An's words, Tom and Jerry barely calmed down, but their legs were still weak from fear.

Dugu Bo immediately put away the martial spirit, and Tom and Jerry returned to normal.

Soon, Tom found a green grass that looked like a snake. Jerry sniffed and shook his head, took another yellow exotic flower and put the two together.

Shen An smiled and said, "Senior Dugu, these two flowers and herbs can be used for your granddaughter. You must take them together. I believe it will help her."

Dugu Bo, who saw how powerful Tom and Jerry were, naturally believed this. He looked at Shen An deeply and put away the two flowers and herbs solemnly.

"Senior Dugu, why don't we go back first so I can go find my friend."


"By the way, Shen An, since you don't want to be my grandson-in-law and I don't have a son, why don't you take care of me in my old age and be Yanyan's godfather."


"I refuse!"

Thanks to Bai Yi Jing Guan for the 100 Yue coins

Thanks to Ben Shi Qing Deng Bu Gui Ke Yi Yin Zhuo Jiu for the 200 Yue coins

Thanks to Qing Deng Bu Gui for the 688 Yue coins

Thanks to Meng Wei Wei Xing for the 100 Yue coins

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