Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 112 Bone Douluo who wants to improve

The sky in the sunset forest had already darkened.

In the dark night, Shen An drove the green sword light forward, and with his handsome and elegant appearance, he really looked like a sword immortal.

Well, if you ignore Tom who was holding his waist and Jerry who was holding Tom's tail.

The two little ones looked at the excited howling below, flying in the air was so cool!

The good sword immortal special immediately turned into a funny style.

At this time, Shen An had said goodbye to Dugu Bo and hurried to find Ning Rongrong.

Zhu Zhuqing went to school, but Ning Rongrong didn't. She just went to visit Tiandou Academy.

Shen An felt a little embarrassed when he thought of Ning Rongrong coming back from shopping and finding that Shen An and the cats and mice were all gone.

Thinking of this, Shen An looked down at Tom. The Qiluo tulip was hidden by Tom.

If Ning Rongrong is in a bad mood, then when I see her, I will tell her that I have prepared a gift for her. Tom's certification must be a fine product, which will definitely bring Ning Rongrong a good harvest, Shen An thought.

It was already dawn, and drinking and bragging with Dugu Bo, plus going back and forth to the Sunset Forest and healing and detoxification really consumed a lot of time.

Before returning to Tiandou City, Shen An no longer flew a sword, but walked.

Arriving at the high-end hotel yesterday, Shen An directly took the cat and took small steps all the way up. The little witch was really angry and directly put the responsibility on Tom.

"Mr. Shen An, here is a letter for you, which was left by the girl who was with you yesterday."

Shen An stopped and curiously opened the excitement.

Good guy, it was obviously a letter, written in black and white, but why could Ning Rongrong send a voice message?

"Ahhhhh!!! I'm so angry!!! Shen An, you! Go to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect right now!!!"

Shen An couldn't help but feel her Adam's apple sliding. It was really unkind. Although Dugu Bo took her away by force, he still left her behind.

Tom and Jerry also came over. The two kids couldn't help but swallow their saliva when they saw the words that were so strong that they could see through the back of the paper. It can be seen that this young lady was very angry.

"Hehe, don't look at me like that. What can a small auxiliary soul master do to me?" Shen An said stubbornly.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is very famous in Tiandou City. After all, it is one of the top three sects in the world. After Shen An asked, he quickly got the location.

Not long after, Shen An came to the gate of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Looking around, he saw that its buildings were magnificent and majestic, showing the style of the top three sects.

There were disciples guarding the gate of the sect. Shen An took out the token that Chen Xin had given him before and explained his intention to the disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

After seeing this, the disciple became more respectful: "Please wait a moment, I still need to go into the sect to report."

Shen An expressed his understanding, so the disciple immediately burst out all his soul power and rushed straight ahead. This is the token of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect's patron saint Sword Douluo, so of course he dared not neglect it.

At this time, Ning Rongrong was having breakfast with Ning Fengzhi and Sword Bone Douluo.

"Rongrong, eat more, you are so hungry and thin, the food outside is definitely not as good as the food at home."

Bone Douluo Gu Rong looked at Ning Rongrong lovingly and said, but found that Ning Rongrong was not interested in the food she liked.

He even tasted it deliberately: "Strange, there is nothing wrong, it still tastes the same as before, it's delicious."

How could Gu Rong know that Ning Rongrong's mouth had been spoiled by Tom.

Chen Xin, who had seen the world, said directly: "Old bone, you only have this much experience. You have never eaten anything good in your life."

Gu Douluo was instantly furious: "What are you talking about? What are you talking about? We have been together for decades and eat the same food every day. You old bitch actually look down on me."

Chen Xin ignored Gu Rong and said to Ning Rongrong:

"Rongrong, didn't Shen An and Tom come with you?"

Before Ning Rongrong spoke, Gu Rong was the first to say excitedly: "Tom? Is that the cat with superb swordsmanship?"

Ning Rongrong looked at Gu Rong in surprise, with the corners of her mouth raised proudly: "Grandpa bone, you know everything, I told you Tom is amazing, not only swordsmanship, there is nothing he can't do."

"Uh, then why didn't he come with you?"

Ning Rongrong was a little angry when she heard this. Who made Shen An suddenly disappear yesterday without even leaving a letter or returning to the hotel?

As she was about to explain, a disciple ran up with sweat all over his forehead and said, "Urgent report, someone holding the token of the Sword Douluo said he wanted to find the young lady."

Ning Rongrong's original unhappiness turned into joy, but Gu Rong was more excited than Ning Rongrong.

"Just a person? Is there a cat following?"

Although Gu Rong, who was originally level 95, could not win against Chen Xin, who was level 96, he would not lose either. After all, the most mysterious among the Titled Douluo was not called for nothing.

But since Chen Xin broke through to level 97, Gu Rong could not help but fight with Chen Xin, but was suppressed throughout the whole process and suffered a lot.

After hearing Chen Xin say that he broke through because of a cat, Gu Rong was also wondering if he could get inspiration from this cat.

Although it sounds mysterious and unreliable, people always have dreams. What if they come true?

So Gu Rong, who was unwilling to be suppressed by Chen Xin, was more eager than Ning Rongrong.

The disciple said with a strange look on his face: "Your Majesty, there is a cat. Not only that, but what's even more strange is that there is a mouse standing on the cat's shoulder."

Ning Fengzhi and the other two. Are mice so blatant these days?

Gu Rong instantly turned into a shadow and immediately rushed to the sect gate.

Chen Xin looked at Gu Rong calmly: "Feng Zhi, look, he is anxious again."

Ning Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing: "Uncle Gu just wants to improve too much."

Both of them understood Gu Rong's idea. He just wanted to see if the cat could inspire him. Chen Xin's breakthrough was too much of a stimulus to Gu Rong.

As the saying goes, I am afraid that my brother will suffer, and I am afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover.

I am more anxious to see Chen Xin's breakthrough than if I don't break through myself.

At the gate of Qibao Liuli Sect, Shen An suddenly felt a strong breath rushing at an incredible speed. He looked at it with his blue sword eyes, but he couldn't catch its figure.


With a huge sound and dust flying everywhere, a withered old man with a height of nearly two meters and five appeared.

The nearby disciples bowed respectfully and saluted: "Greetings to His Majesty Gu Douluo."

Shen An was a little surprised. He came to visit, and before he went up, this Gu Douluo, who was called the sky-supporting white jade pillar and the sea-supporting purple gold beam together with Jian Douluo, came to greet him in person.

How much importance does this show to him? Shen An was about to make some polite remarks to show his respect for his elders, but Gu Douluo's eyes were fixed on Tom.

Gu Rong's expressionless face was filled with a smile. He walked to Tom in two or three steps and held his cat's paw tightly in Tom's bewildered eyes.

"You must be Tom, right? I have heard of your name for a long time. I can tell at a glance that you are not an ordinary cat."

Jerry, who was standing by, heard Gu Rong praising Tom, and curled his lips, drooped his eyelids, and looked at Gu Rong angrily.

He was angry. Why did he praise Tom? What's so good about him?

Thanks to Assassination Terminator for the 472 reading coins

Thanks to Teammate for the 100 reading coins

Thanks to Tears of Rain for the 363 reading coins

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