Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 120 If you are new, practice more

Ma Hongjun went back. He worked hard to cultivate to level 30 and came to Sunset Forest, but it was all in vain.

Even though the soul beasts in Sunset Forest were not of high level, the seriously injured Golden Iron Triangle was no longer able to obtain soul rings for him. If he continued to stay, he would inevitably bear the risk of being attacked by high-age soul beasts.

After learning the cause and effect of the incident, Ma Hongjun felt resentful, and the object of his resentment was precisely Dai Mubai and Tang San.

He was frightened by Shen An and didn't want to provoke Shen An, especially this time he couldn't get soul rings, which made him resentful.

As for Xiao Wu, she was shocked and scared that there was a Titled Douluo in Sunset Forest.

When she learned that Tang San was seriously injured and taken away by a mysterious person, Xiao Wu realized belatedly that her fear turned into hatred and remembered Shen An.

Yes, she hated Shen An. She didn't dare to provoke a Titled Douluo, because he was going to give her a big gift package of equipment.

'Sooner or later, he will go to Xingdou Great Forest. At that time, I must grind him to ashes. 'Xiao Wu thought with hatred.

But just as Xiao Wu was thinking this, in the Xingdou Great Forest, the Azure Bull Python looked at the water level that occupied only one-fifth of the lake, and his hatred increased greatly.

The lake that had slept for a full 100,000 years was sucked up by a cat. It had been sleeping naked for who knows how many days.

However, Er Ming's speed of moving water has become much faster recently, and the Azure Bull Python is thinking about why.

Then a Titan ape was seen using a palm as big as a millstone to scoop up clear water, and at the same time opened its bloody mouth and spit out water.

The Azure Bull Python jumped from the shallow lake into the air with a start and glared at the Titan ape.

"Er Ming! Change the water for me!"


Shen An stared at the small firecrackers and small rockets in his hands with fiery eyes. They can be generated every day. They are simply artifacts.

Although Shen An had drawn small firecrackers before, he was reluctant to use them because of their scarcity. Now that he has Taifei's arsenal, the generous Shen An decided to experiment with their power.

In the back mountain of Qibao Liuli Sect, Shen An lit a finger-sized firecracker, threw it out quickly, and covered his ears tightly.

Tom and Jerry also closed their eyes and covered their ears tightly. They were both blown up by this and it hurt.


Accompanied by fierce flames and gunpowder smoke.

The small firecracker exploded, leaving a dark place. Shen An estimated that a great soul master like Yu Xiaogang could not withstand the power of this small firecracker.

Shen An took a breath. This kind of thing should only be regarded as the lowest level in Taifei's arsenal, but it is so powerful.

Shen An looked at Tom who was shrinking his head tightly and couldn't help but sighed, 'Tom is really a brave cat. He dared to put such a powerful firecracker on his nose. '

This wave of fame points is worth spending blood. As for the small soul experience package, Shen An is not going to use it for the time being. This thing can not only improve soul power, but also quickly restore soul power.

Anyway, it won't reach the Soul Sect level if you use it now, so you might as well keep it for later use in battle.

Shen An sighed that it was a fruitful day, but he had to keep working hard, because fame was never enough.

The next day.

Chen Xin came to Shen An in high spirits early in the morning. With the improvement of his swordsmanship, he felt that he was good again. Tom's swordsmanship was no longer so unfathomable in his eyes.

Naturally, Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong were also present. Chen Xin had been bragging about Tom's swordsmanship. Although they also believed what Chen Xin said, seeing is believing, and they were also very curious.

So, Master Tang was forced to open his business early in the morning, holding Shen An's Nine-Leaf Sword Grass in his hand, and Jerry on the side looked at him unhappily.

Obviously, Jerry is not inferior to Tom in his life, but you only pay attention to this stinky cat.

Soon, Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong saw Chen Xin, the top swordsmanship peak in Douluo Continent in their eyes, being bloodbathed.

Tom is grumpy when he wakes up. Chen Xin wakes him up early in the morning to compete with him in swordsmanship, which makes Tom very unhappy.

After the competition began, no matter how complicated Chen Xin's swordsmanship was, Tom always defeated him with three or two swords. After a competition, Tom actually stabbed a pair of words on Chen Xin's clothes with his sword.

Chen Xin looked at the four big words stabbed on his clothes by Tom, and he was in a trance. He felt that he had been practicing swordsmanship for so many years and lived like a dog. It seemed that Tom had always let him go before.

The four big words were "Practice more if you are not good at it."

Can people really practice this kind of swordsmanship?

Oh, Tom is a cat, so it's okay.

After the competition, Chen Xin stood still. Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong didn't know how to comfort him.

After all, in Chen Xin's mouth, Tom's swordsmanship was only slightly better than his. Who would have thought that Tom just didn't take it seriously. Now, Tom, who is grumpy when he wakes up, broke Chen Xin.

After a while, Chen Xin said, "From now on, no one is allowed to call me Jian Dao Chen Xin. If anyone calls me that, I will be angry."

Shen An, who was standing by, smiled awkwardly. He said that Tom should not be disturbed early in the morning, because this cat is very irritable when he wakes up.

Shen An winked at Ning Rongrong, and the two of them quietly slipped away with the cat and the mouse.

For the next six or seven days, Shen An went to the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena every day.

This is the simplest and most brutal place to brush reputation.

On this day, Shen An defeated a Soul Sect again, and then participated in a 2v2 Soul Fighting with Ning Rongrong, defeating the enemy like a dead tree and rotten wood.

The whole Soul Fighting Arena was cheering Shen An's name.

This kind of cross-level battle is what the spectators love to see the most.

Unfortunately, the Tiandou Great Fighting Soul Arena is not short of popularity, so Shen An's request for continuous battles was rejected.

Shen An looked at his fame value that had skyrocketed again, and regretfully left with the cat and the mouse. The Great Fighting Soul Arena is very good, and he will come again tomorrow.

This time of exposure also made many forces recognize the name of Shen An. Those who can challenge cross-level are all geniuses, not to mention Shen An's repressive victory.

As soon as Shen An walked out, he saw a team of well-trained guards surrounding a familiar figure.

Xue Qinghe smiled and said, "See you again, Shen An."

Shen An also looked at Xue Qinghe in surprise, and actually met this prince again.

"Brother Xue, long time no see, I didn't expect to meet you here." Shen An responded with a smile.

Xue Qinghe certainly wouldn't say that it was because he asked his men to pay attention to Shen An's movements and learned that he specially designed this encounter after he was in the Great Fighting Soul Arena.

As the only evildoer in the continent with an innate soul power of level 20 and a god-level martial soul, Xue Qinghe hides a self-esteem under his humble appearance.

It is no exaggeration to say that even the so-called golden generation of the Spirit Hall is nothing special in his eyes, but Shen An gives him a different feeling.

Whether it is Shen An's martial soul that is no less than that of a six-winged angel, or his unchanged attitude after knowing his identity, Xue Qinghe looks at him differently.

Xue Qinghe waved his hand to signal the guards around to disperse, walked to Shen An and stretched out his right hand: "Shen An, you came to Tiandou without coming to me first, which really disappoints me."

"Haha, it's not because I'm afraid that Brother Xue is busy with official business and has no time to deal with me, an idle person." Shen An said while holding Xue Qinghe's outstretched hand.

I've been stuck in Kawen for a day, and my thoughts have gone astray. I'll update first and then make changes. It's a big change, please forgive me

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