Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 125 You dare to steal my mistress! You are just trying to make things difficult for me, Tom.

"Of course I'm sending the fairy grass to Zhuqing. This was specially picked out by Tom and Jerry. I think it will be very useful to her."

Ning Rongrong was a little disappointed at first. After all, she thought she was the most distinctive one. She didn't expect Zhuqing to have fairy grass.

But Ning Rongrong's main point is a good attitude. The beautiful big eyes of Kazilan blinked and then pointed at the guards of Qibao Liuli Sect and said:

"Then let's do this. I'll ask someone to bring the fairy grass to Zhuqing. Let's go to Tiandou to play and take a look at the good stuff you mentioned."

Tom glanced at Ning Rongrong. Ning Rongrong's little calculation in her mind was almost jumping out of his eyes. Isn't it just to reduce the contact between Shen An and Zhu Zhuqing, and then monopolize Shen An alone?

Shen An pointed at Tom and said, "No, look, Tom has specially applied Stankang hair oil to see Zhuqing. We can't stop him from going. Besides, the fairy grass is so precious, let's send it over in person."

The little plan failed, Ning Rongrong hummed in a muffled voice, and then quickly followed.

When they arrived at Tiandou Royal Academy, they entered smoothly again. There was a blind man who wanted to deliberately show off his power and make things difficult for a few people, but he was frightened by a student who knew Ning Rongrong and let him go.

"This is the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Do you want to die? You dare to stop her." A student with a slightly mature appearance scolded another student.

At this time, another Tiandou student's eyes flashed, 'It's him, I have to tell Boss Xuebeng quickly. '

Although he came here last time, Shen An still couldn't help but sigh at the size of Tiandou Academy, which occupies the entire mountain.

Tom and Jerry were already very eye-catching, and when they all had their hair sparse today, they looked even more funny.

Many of the idle Tiandou Academy were attracted by Shen An and his group. After all, Shen An was handsome, Ning Rongrong was beautiful, and especially the cat and mouse with a peculiar style.

Shen An asked an oval-faced girl directly: "Hello, do you know where Zhu Zhuqing is? I am her friend who came to find her."

The oval-faced girl looked at Shen An strangely: "Zhu Zhuqing, she has been practicing in the dark pattern jungle of the school, but you'd better be careful, Shao Hu has been eyeing her recently."

Shen An frowned, and the oval-faced girl hurriedly said: "Shao Wei is a famous strong attack spirit master in our Tiandou. His martial spirit is a black tiger, and his strength has reached level 37. He is very close to the playboy Xue Beng."

Shen An felt an inexplicable irritation in his heart. He had just beaten away a white tiger, and a black tiger came. He even suspected that his martial spirit should not be Jiancao but Wusong.

Tom was even more angry and covered his fist. What? Someone actually wanted to steal his mistress. Isn't this just making things difficult for Tom?

After Shen An asked where the specific place was, Tom, who had always been timid, walked to the front with a fierce momentum, rolled up his blue sleeves, and looked like he was looking for someone to fight.

In a deep jungle, Shen An heard the quarrel inside before he entered.

"Shao Hu! Stop pestering me, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Haha, Zhu Qing, you don't have a boyfriend, and I don't have a girlfriend. This is a reasonable pursuit. How can you say that I pester you?"

"Don't call me Zhu Qing. We are not familiar with each other. How many times have I said that I already have a crush on someone."

"Then you should call him out, but even if he comes out, he has to fight with me first. Only the strongest male can win the priority to choose a mate."

As he spoke, Shao Hu raised his arms, looked at his muscles intoxicatedly, and stared at Zhu Zhuqing with lustful eyes, as if he was staring at his prey.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes revealed a deep disgust, and at the same time a little helpless. This 37-level soul power gap was indeed not something she could contend with. If only Shen An was here, it would be fine, she couldn't help thinking.

"Tap, tap, tap!"

Heavy footsteps sounded on the ground. It was Tom, whose eyes were blazing with anger.

Tom walked up to Shao Hu aggressively, and said, "You want to steal my mistress?"

Shao Hu stared at Tom blankly. The cat walking upright, with such an anthropomorphic expression, made him a little stunned.

Tom stretched out his hand to grab Shao Hu's collar, but he didn't grab it because he was not tall enough. Jerry, who was standing by, immediately understood Tom's idea.

Jerry usually quarreled with Tom and didn't give him face at all, but when Tom was really angry, Jerry would always support Tom.

Without saying a word, Jerry came to Tom's feet and lifted Tom up high. Tom, who had an extra section out of thin air, could finally grab Shao Hu's collar.

Jerry just couldn't hold Tom's weight and was swaying from side to side.

Shao Hu didn't care about Tom at first, thinking that he was just a smart looking house cat. He didn't expect that when Tom pulled his collar and shook him from side to side, he actually shook along with him.

Who would believe this? A level 37 strong attacking spirit master was swayed from side to side by a house cat.

As a male animal, he wanted to save face in front of a woman, so Shao Hu used his right fist to knock Tom out, and even Jerry fell out.

Tom, who flew out horizontally with his head stuck in the mud, pulled himself out by his tail.

Then he came to Shao Hu again in anger.

Shao Hu looked at Tom with contempt: "Little cat, have you never been beaten? If you provoke me again, I will peel your skin and pull out your tendons."

"You dare!" Zhu Zhuqing was heartbroken when she saw Tom being beaten, and said to Shao Hu coldly.

"Oh, it turns out Zhuqing, you know this cat. Haha, the big cat and the little cat are a perfect match. So, if you go out with me on a date and let me kiss you, I won't hit this cat."

Shao Hu said with a lewd smile on his face that the college stipulated that female students could not be harassed, so he had been resisting not to attack Zhu Zhuqing. He had long been impatient after being rejected. Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing cared so much about the cat, of course he To threaten.

Hearing the man in front of him who had ill-intentioned insults to Zhu Zhuqing, Tom's angry cat head swelled into red and warm, with black smoke rising from his head, and he looked like his eyes were splitting.

Jerry looked at Shao Hu with pity in his eyes. Even Tom in this state had to retreat. The man in front of him was dead.

Ever since, Shen An and Ning Rongrong, who came later, watched helplessly as Tom put his white gloves to his mouth and blew a big breath. The cat's paw, which was originally a normal size, expanded to be larger than Tom's whole body. .

Shao Hu suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart. He quickly unfolded his two yellow and one purple soul rings and tried to escape, but found that he seemed to be locked. His legs were shaking and he could not move at all.


The huge fist hit Shao Hu's face, and he flew backwards with foaming at the mouth. He hit an unknown number of trees during the process, leaving behind a long ravine as if it had been plowed by oxen.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong covered their mouths in disbelief. They really didn't expect that cute Tom could have such a violent side.

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