Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 128 Give Ning Rongrong some dumbbell shock

Shen An nodded, after all, he had done it to Ning Rongrong at that time.

If only Zhu Zhuqing was there now, Shen An could still coax her, but Ning Rongrong was also there, so it was naturally difficult to lie.

"Oh." Zhu Zhuqing said sullenly, her face slightly dim.

Ning Rongrong saw Zhu Zhuqing's dim expression and felt a little guilty.

'But Zhuqing, if I hadn't interrupted just now, based on the situation at that time, something I didn't want to see would probably happen next. I'm sorry, I have to think about myself too. ' She told herself quietly in her heart.

Shen An coaxed: "Zhuqing, look, this Mo Yue Qiu Hai Hai inside is a fairy grass that is very helpful to you, and its habits are very consistent with your martial soul. You will definitely have unexpected gains if you take it."

Zhu Zhuqing took the bouquet handed over by Shen An. Although she knew that Ning Rongrong had also received it, and that these flowers were basically made by Tom, she still couldn't help feeling a little strange.

She lowered her head and sniffed the fragrance of the flowers. The refreshing scent went straight into her heart. Looking at Shen An's handsome and elegant face in front of her, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help thinking, it would be great if this moment was eternal.

"By the way, Tom, how do you take this flower?"

Tom pretended to eat it raw, and Shen An immediately understood: "Zhuqing, take this fairy grass directly, and then refine it with soul power."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the mysterious and noble Mo Yue Begonia, and her eyes also showed reluctance.

So beautiful, this is the first flower Shen An gave me, and since it is a fairy grass, it must be able to be preserved forever.

Zhu Zhuqing whispered: "Can this fairy grass be preserved for a long time and not wither?"

Tom nodded, but what he meant was that, let alone the fairy grass, even ordinary flowers and plants can be made to never wither.

But the meaning is not different.

Zhu Zhuqing blinked her big eyes and looked at Shen An reluctantly: "Can I not eat it? I want to keep it for it."

Ning Rongrong always felt that this sounded familiar. Wasn't this what she said when she received it?

Shen An's mouth twitched, and he looked at Ning Rongrong calmly, thinking, how come these two girls have the same reaction after receiving the flowers.

He patiently advised: "Zhuqing, this fairy grass was specially picked by Tom. It will be very helpful for your future practice. You should eat it. I will send you a lot of flowers in the future."

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes lit up slightly. Who else would send me a lot of flowers in the future except for boyfriends and girlfriends? Is he hinting at me?

"Ahem." Ning Rongrong on the side deliberately expressed dissatisfaction.

Jerry and Tom looked at each other helplessly. It seems that it will be difficult to help Shen An have two perfect relationships in the future.

Shen An turned around and quietly lip-synced to Ning Rongrong, and I will send you a lot of flowers in the future.

Ning Rongrong finally calmed down.

"Okay, then I'll eat it." Zhu Zhuqing looked at the Mo Yue Qiu Hai Hai that Shen An had taken out reluctantly, and closed her eyes and swallowed it into her stomach.

Shen An couldn't help laughing. How reluctant was she to eat it? She even closed her eyes when eating it.

Zhu Zhuqing, who took the fairy grass, had her hair color become deeper, and the light in the room seemed to be absorbed by her alone.

Then there was a glowing moonlight on her body, like a goddess under the moon, exuding a mysterious and elegant aura from head to toe.

Shen An was a little stunned. Zhu Zhuqing, who was originally cold, looked even more unlike an ordinary person under this moonlight-like brilliance. Is the effect of this fairy grass so strong?

Shen An recalled that when he took the fairy grass, it seemed that ice and fire were mixed in his body, and then he jumped into the ice and fire Yin-Yang spring.

Then he obtained a physique that was immune to all poisons in a mediocre way, and then he enhanced the sharpness of the nine-leaf sword grass in a mediocre way.

But in terms of the change in appearance and temperament, whether compared to Zhu Zhuqing's mysterious elegance or Ning Rongrong's elegance and luxury, they are far apart.

Shen An gave Ning Rongrong a look, indicating not to disturb Zhu Zhuqing, and then took Jerry and her out, leaving Tom and the cat to look after them.

You can't leave Tom and Jerry in the same room, otherwise there will be big problems. This is the experience Shen An has gained from watching Tom and Jerry countless times.

To absorb the medicinal power of the fairy grass, it is still relatively necessary to have a quiet place. It is enough to leave Tom and the cat to look after it.

"Yes, let's try it."

Ning Rongrong looked curiously at the dumbbells in Shen An's hands, which were hexagonal at both ends and a smooth iron rod in the middle. There has never been anything like this in Douluo Continent.

"What is this?"

"This is called a dumbbell. Well, you can think of it as a divine weapon I accidentally obtained."

Ning Rongrong covered her mouth and chuckled: "Shen An, don't try to deceive this young lady. This thing looks ordinary. You actually said it is a divine weapon. I have seen a lot of things. I don't know how many kinds of soul guides I have seen."

Shen An said helplessly: "How can I cheat you? I will show you once. You can follow my movements and do it repeatedly for half an hour."

Shen An immediately demonstrated to Ning Rongrong what it was like to lift a dumbbell, and then handed it to Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong took the fitness dumbbell half-doubtfully, muttering: "It doesn't feel special. Are you teasing me on purpose?"

But Ning Rongrong was very honest while muttering, trying to lift the dumbbell like Shen An.

"Fuck!" The elegant young lady couldn't help but burst out.

It doesn't seem heavy, but once you lift it, you have to use all your strength every time.

And this aroused Ning Rongrong's stubbornness: "It's really extraordinary, but I just like difficult things. Just give it half an hour and let me win."

Then, within twenty strokes, Ning Rongrong slowed down and said with a slightly flat mouth: "Shen An, it's so difficult, can I stop doing it?"

Shen An looked at Ning Rongrong, who had been so hot for less than three minutes, with a black line on his face, that's it? ? ?

"No, it has to be done for half an hour, otherwise don't blame me for bullying the little girl." Shen An glanced at Ning Rongrong with a deliberately evil smile, and let out a weird smile.

Unexpectedly, Ning Rongrong was not afraid of being overjoyed when she heard this. There was even some expectation in her eyes: "Then come, I want to see what you can do."

Shen An······

But in the end, under Shen An's supervision, Ning Rongrong still worked for half an hour.

After finishing, Ning Rongrong said tiredly: "I won't do it again. It's too tiring. Except that it's very heavy to lift, there's nothing special about it."

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt a warm current flowing through her body, washing away the fatigue from just lifting the dumbbells with all her strength.

Ning Rongrong felt the changes in her body, her beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at Shen An in shock: "My strength seems to have increased?"

As an auxiliary soul master, his own strength is not very strong, so the increase of three kilograms of strength is very clear to Ning Rongrong.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that she sometimes uses the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda to enhance herself, so she can perceive changes in numerical values ​​more clearly.

Shen An said teasingly: "Why, do you still want to do it in the future?"

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