Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 132 Zhu Zhuqing's Kiss

Zhu Zhuqing came out

Shen An looked at Zhu Zhuqing who came out. His temperament was colder and more refined, his skin was fair and flawless, and his tall figure was even hotter. His whole body was as bright as the moon, and his heart yearned for it.

There was deep joy in her eyes: "Shen An, my martial soul seems to have mutated, and it is a benign mutation. The soul power has been greatly improved, but we will not know the details until we obtain the soul ring."

"This increase in soul power should be considerable. I remember that after Rongrong obtained the third soul ring, his soul power directly reached level 37."

After hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth. Has his soul power improved so much?

She awakened her martial spirit at the age of six and studied hard every day, but she is still only at level 30 now.

After Ning Rongrong took a piece of fairy grass, her soul power actually increased by seven levels. If she practiced step by step, she would not be able to achieve it in less than two years.

She looked at Shen An. Shen An gave such rare treasures to her without hesitation, so how should she repay Shen An's kindness?

"Zhuqing, what does your martial spirit look like now?" Ning Rongrong asked curiously.

Zhu Zhuqing released his martial spirit, and a small and exquisite shadow appeared in front of everyone. Tom and Jerry also came up to take a look.

Tom looked at the dark ghost cat in front of him, and felt that its appearance was just a little bit comparable to his own, and of course it was many times more beautiful than Butch's black cat.

"Wow, it's so cute. It looks so good." Ning Rongrong couldn't help but admire.

I saw the Nether Civet in front of me. It was petite and completely black. Its eyes were deep and dark, with the moonlight flickering faintly. Its ears were pointed, and its tail was swaying gently like a black ribbon.

The most peculiar thing is that when Zhu Zhuqing's soul power is operating, its body seems to be covered with a layer of moonlight gauze, like the moon's darling.

Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful eyes flickered: "The power of my two previous soul skills has increased to a certain extent, and I also have an additional innate soul skill."

"Hey, you actually have an innate soul skill. The effect of your soul skill is too good. What is the effect of this soul skill?" Ning Rongrong said with some envy.

Even her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda had no innate soul skills, so of course, she was content with that.

"This innate soul skill is called the Blessing of the Night. When I am in the dark, my attributes in all aspects increase by 30%, and my soul power recovery speed doubles."

Shen An was also confused. This innate soul skill was too overbearing. Even if it could only be activated in the dark, it would still be amazing.

Tom Jerry didn't understand or have any interest in these soul skills. He just saw everyone's surprise and joy and looked like they shared the glory. This was the fairy grass they personally selected.

The night was already gray at this time, Zhu Zhuqing's soul power was running, and a layer of moon gauze gently enveloped her body, like a beauty under the moon, cold and bright.

The bright moon in the sky seems to complement the beauties on the ground, and the moonlight flows to the heart.

"Ah ah ah, what are you doing, separate quickly!" Ning Rongrong suddenly shouted.

Zhu Zhuqing's figure changed and he suddenly kissed the side of Shen An's face.

Tom Jerry was already sitting on the small bench, nibbling a watermelon in his hand, watching this scene with relish.

Really *melon-eating masses.

Shen An felt the amazing softness on his face, with a refreshing and cool feeling, and the fragrance from the girl penetrated his nose, teasing his heart.

Before Shen An could make any move, Zhu Zhuqing had already separated, followed by Ning Rongrong's loud shout.

Zhu Zhuqing's face was flushed, the mountains on his chest were rising and falling violently, his breathing could not help but become rapid, and his body was trembling slightly.

She forced herself to be calm and responded: "Don't get me wrong, Rongrong. This fairy grass is so precious. I just want to thank Xia Shen'an."

Shen An covered the kissed face in a daze, still slightly recalling the touch just now.

If it were comic style now, then Ning Rongrong would already be in a red-hot state.

"Haha, I can understand it. After all, this is how I thanked Shen An after absorbing the fairy grass."

These words almost popped out from between Ning Rongrong's teeth, and her tone was especially serious when she said the word "thank you".

This time it was Zhu Zhuqing's turn to look ugly. Her slender fingers clenched tightly, making a heart-stopping crunching sound.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong had a good relationship as early as the teahouse in Soto City, but when it came to Shen An, they felt like plastic sisters.

"Ahem, Zhuqing, it's already getting dark. Why don't we go back together? I'll say hello to the Meng Education Committee. I can get the soul ring for you tomorrow." Shen An interrupted.

After Zhu Zhuqing calmed down, he nodded slowly and separated from Shen An for a while. She had long missed him in her heart.

"Then go away quickly, it will be completely dark later." Ning Rongrong, who choked Zhu Zhuqing, still said a little unhappy.

"Don't worry yet, Rongrong. I'm looking at your previous actions to see if you want to hide the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda."

Ning Rongrong said gloomily: "Yes, dad asked me to try not to release it in front of outsiders. Originally, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda was uniquely blessed, but after evolving into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, it is easy to attract people's jealousy."

"Sigh, how long can I keep it secret? If I participate in a soul fighting or soul master competition in the future, I will be exposed again."

"At that time, I will either hide in the sect, or I will be surrounded by a large number of guards. It will be very uncomfortable just thinking about it."

"It would be great if we could hide the layers of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Tower, but if you think about it, it's impossible. Everyone can see it when the martial spirit is released."

As she spoke, she looked helpless. Even though the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda was one of the top three sects, it didn't mean it didn't have any enemies.

Besides, not to mention the enemies, even the original allies may not see that you are doing well.

Take the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, which is also one of the top three sects. If they knew that her martial spirit evolved into the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower, it is estimated that the old dragon Yu Yuanzhen would not be able to sit still.

Shen An smiled lightly: "It's very simple, Tom will take action, right?"

Although Tom didn't know what it had to do with him, he could hear that Shen An was praising him. He held his head high and nodded proudly, looking like a cat who could do anything.

Ning Rongrong's face was full of question marks: "What do you mean by this???"

Shen An smiled and took out the invisible ink: "You release your martial spirit first, and then let Tom show you."

"Hey, Jerry, why are you pulling my pants."

Jerry pointed at Tom unconvinced, then stretched out his index finger and shook it left and right, it couldn't do it.

It tapped its chest again, raised its thumb, and showed a confident smile, and it had to look at me.

Shen An couldn't help laughing. These two brothers, why do they want to compete in everything? "Haha, okay, then you come, just paint the bottom two layers for Rongrong."

Ning Rongrong was confused. What kind of operation is it to paint the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower?

Tom's face changed in an instant, and he looked at Jerry angrily. The little mouse wanted to steal my job.

Tom strode to Jerry, stretched out his white gloves, and flicked his fingers.


Jerry first stared blankly at the rising scenery around him, with a blank expression on his face, as if wondering how he flew.

Generally, people fly horizontally with an arc descent, but Jerry is different. It is a very straight line.

It adjusted its position and turned around, and saw the proud Tom, until it hit a tree, and the whole mouse slid down slowly along the trunk.

Jerry stood up again and stared at Tom's back unkindly.

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