Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 153 Tang Xiaosan loses the Clear Sky Hammer

Tang San was suddenly stunned. The Bluesilver Grass, which was as sharp as the Eight Spider Spears, was actually chopped into pieces by a kitchen knife, and the kitchen knife didn't have a curled blade?

Tom's sudden move instantly made Tang San startled and suspicious, and he even thought about avenging Xiao Wu someday. After all, doesn't being able to cut the Blue Silver Grass mean that he can cut his Eight Spider Spears?

Wouldn't rounding it off mean it could kill him?

But Tom looked like he was eating seriously and no one else was watching, which made him feel inexplicably insulted.

Tom used a fork to pick up a piece of blue silver grass. He could only say that it was worthy of being a blue silver grass. It was thicker than ordinary blue silver grass.

After taking one bite, Tom vomited it out quickly. It was so unpalatable that he would give it to Jerry to try next time.

Good opportunity, seeing Tom vomiting, Tang San threw countless poison-tempering hidden weapons at Tom.

As a disciple of the Tang Sect, you must seize every moment when you can do without martial ethics.

Lancets, money darts, and bone-penetrating nails are like dark shadows in the sky, some flying straight, some flying diagonally, and some going behind the back, all aimed at Tom the Cat.

Tom didn't seem to be aware of this, still concentrating on spitting out the bluesilver grass, and even stuffed the cat's paw into his throat.

At this time, a blue dragon's breath spit out, it was Dugu Yan. She could watch from the sidelines when Tom beat someone, but she couldn't stand by and watch when Tom was beaten.

The Jade Phosphorus Snake evolved into the Jade Phosphorus Divine Dragon, and her original third soul skill, the Jade Phosphorus Purple Poison, has become the Jade Phosphorus Dragon Breath.

Not only does it contain a stronger poison than before, but it also possesses the burning properties of fire, which is extremely powerful.

"Tang San, have you forgotten that you still have me?" Dugu Yan said coldly.

Then he turned to look at Tom gently: "Tom, you have done a very good job, leave the rest to me."

Yu Feng is still flapping his wings in the sky...

Damn it, I was ignored again. If I had known better, I wouldn't have flown so high.

As for Yu Tianheng and others who lost their fighting ability, they had already helped each other to get off the stage, and wet nurse Ye Lingling rushed to the rescue.

Only then did Tom belatedly realize that Tang San had just attacked it. Damn it, it hated being disturbed when it was eating, even though the meal was terrible.

Tang San stared at Dugu Yan with purple eyes. He could feel that this woman had changed a lot compared to the last time in the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena, and she was very difficult to mess with.

"Dugu Yan, if you don't stop me this time, I, Tang San, owe you a favor, and after killing this cat, we will take the initiative to admit defeat."

Dugu Yan, who was possessed by the martial spirit, said disdainfully: "Favor? You Tang San have such a big face."

"Who do you think you are? Your favors are of no use. Why don't you take a piss and see what you look like?"

Tang San's face turned green and white when he was told this. He, Tang San, thought he was a genius. He thought that the favor he promised was extremely valuable, but yet he was ignored by Dugu Yan like this.

"Very good, I have already given you a chance. Since you don't cherish it, I will defeat you all." Tang San said with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Okay, let's see who is afraid of whom." Dugu Yan was not afraid at all. She had a grandfather with a title of Douluo. She was the only one who scared others, so there was no reason for her to be scared by others.

At this time, Tom pushed Dugu Yan away angrily, and threatened to kill it when he opened his mouth. He really thought it was a cat that was easy to bully.

Dugu Yan said blankly: "You want to fight by yourself again?" Tom nodded heavily.

Tang San was overjoyed, this cat was really seeking death.

Dugu Yan retreated silently. Since Tom said so, she would just wait and see. After all, Tom had created too many miracles.

Seeing Dugu Yan retreat, Tang San launched Blue Silver Entanglement again without hesitation, another burst of sword light flashed, and all the Blue Silver Grass fell to the ground.

Tom stuck out his tongue in provocation, then threw the kitchen knife out. The knife whirled in the air. Tang San could clearly see the trajectory of the kitchen knife, but he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart that he couldn't escape.


Tang San felt a chill on his scalp, and the kitchen knife flew past its scalp. The cold blade made him almost think that he was about to confess here.

He reached out and touched his head. It was smooth, but the hair on both sides was still there.

Have I become a Mediterranean? Great doubts arose in Tang San's heart.

Then this doubt turned into a furious rage. First he hurt Xiao Wu, and then he insulted him. If he didn't take revenge, how could he, Tang San, have any face?

Seeing Tang San chasing after him, Tom ran away. It was obvious that Tang San's ghost tracking had reached its peak, but he was still just a little short of catching Tom. He swung the Eight Spider Spear many times but failed.

Tom, who was running, rolled his eyes and threw the mousetrap prepared for Jerry backwards, catching the Eight Spider Spears accurately.

This mousetrap can catch anything except mice.

The eight Eight Spider Spears, which were as hard as steel, were all clamped, and even a big bump appeared in the area where they were clamped.

"Fuck, it hurts!"

Tang San screamed with a distorted face. He could never imagine why the things thrown by this cat were more accurate than his hidden weapon skills, and why the Eight Spider Spears, which were spirit bones, were actually swollen.

"I want you to die! Ahhhhhh." Tang San had said this countless times, but he still roared angrily again.

Countless hidden weapons flew towards Tom again. When Tom saw this, he took a sharp breath, and the whole cat expanded into a ball, and then blew it out with all his strength.

For this breath, Tom's whole cat deflated, and the effect was extremely extraordinary. The powerful airflow blew all the hidden weapons in the air down.

Tang San was completely dumbfounded. The Blue Silver Grass had no effect on Tom. The Eight Spider Lance was swollen and could not be used. It was still painful. The hidden weapons were blown away. How could he fight?

As a combat genius, Tang San instantly thought of the last and only feasible way, which was to use the hidden weapon technique to activate the Clear Sky Hammer. With the weight of the Clear Sky Hammer, this dead cat would definitely not be able to resist.

But is it worth it? Exposing his biggest trump card in public.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk."

A mocking voice came out. It was Tom. He kept sucking his lips, as if to say, this is all you can do.

A nameless fire rose in Tang San's heart and then burned fiercely. A small hammer suddenly appeared in his hand and smashed towards Tom.

Tang San, who threw the Clear Sky Hammer with the hidden weapon technique, was pale at the moment. He had injected all his soul power into it.

At this moment, the Clear Sky Hammer weighed more than a thousand pounds. He didn't believe that Tom could take it!

He looked at Tom excitedly, but he was dumbfounded again.

The Clear Sky Hammer did hit Tom, hitting Tom's head. The cat's head was stretched dozens of meters with its body, and it hit the wall outside the fighting arena, digging a deep pit.

But Tom didn't die. Instead, his head was smashed into a round pancake, and two eyes popped out, revealing an anthropomorphic angry expression.

Then the head and the hammer were quickly pulled back.

"No, no, no, how is this possible." Tang San shouted out of control.

Tom took the Clear Sky Hammer, walked angrily in front of Tang San, swung the hammer and smashed it. If you dare to hit a cat with a hammer, you must be prepared to be hit.

Tang San wanted to take back the Clear Sky Hammer, but found that he was as if he didn't have this martial spirit, and he immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

'How is it possible? Why can't I sense the Clear Sky Hammer? That is my biggest trump card for the future invincibility. '

Tang San felt an incomparable sense of fear in his heart.

"Don't do it, I admit defeat! I admit defeat, I won't bother you again!"

It was too late, Tom's hammer had already exploded, and Tang San was hit by a huge force and fell to the wall, forming a human-shaped pit.

Tom took the hammer away by the way, hum, if you dare to smash it, I won't give it back to you!

From twin martial spirits to single martial spirits, I wonder if readers can give monthly tickets (begging for face)

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