Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 155 Desperate Tang Xiaosan

"This is just to go out and have a spirit fight. You spent all the gold spirit coins I gave you. Why are the children so injured?"

Looking at his students, Flanders felt his chest was tight and short of breath, and he could hardly breathe.

Xiao Wu's abdomen was stained with blood, Dai Mubai's left face was disfigured with hideous scars, Tang San had been in a coma, and the others, except Oscar, were not much better.

Yu Xiaogang looked gloomy and didn't know how to speak to Flender.

Qin Ming told the story of the incident with a wry smile.

"What, a cat single-handedly kills us Shrek Seven Devils?" After hearing this, Flanders lay down on his office chair slightly weakly.

"Xiao Gang, Xiao Gang, we don't have a life-or-death feud with this cat. Why do you always want to provoke it or even kill it?"

"Look, this cat seems to be our Shrek's nemesis, and nothing good happens every time we encounter it."

Yu Xiaogang's face was gloomy. Didn't he accuse him in public? Didn't he want to lose face?

"Things have already happened, what's the use of talking about it anymore." He said stiffly.

Flanders had a wry smile on his face, and there was a knock on the door. It was Shao Xin who came.

Flanders had no choice but to give up what he wanted to say to Yu Xiaogang, "Shao Xin, come here and take a look at the children's injuries, especially Tang San, why he has been unconscious."

After a while, Shao Xin gave several people jelly beans with different effects. Everyone woke up one after another, with uncontrollable resentment in their eyes.

But Tang San was still unconscious, and in the distant Soul Fighting VIP room, the walnuts that Tom had knocked had already piled up into a small mountain.

This move forcefully squeezed the juice out of Tang San's exhausted soul power.

If a person no longer has soul power, it is impossible to maintain the martial soul, but the Clear Sky Hammer is still there.

So, according to the law of conservation of energy, when the soul power is gone, what will be consumed?

Shao Xin frowned and said uncertainly: "Tang San doesn't have even a trace of soul power in his body now. Every time there is new soul power, it disappears inexplicably."

"I don't know why this happens. It stands to reason that this situation will only occur if the soul master overdraws his soul power. But once the overdraw reaches a certain limit, the human body will protect itself and cannot overdraw anymore."

"But Tang San is different. He seems to have exhausted his efforts and soul power to an unlimited extent. If he continues like this, not only will his future cultivation become extremely difficult, but his lifespan will also be shortened."

Yu Xiaogang was immediately anxious, how could this be possible, Tang San was his most proud disciple, if he turned into a waste, how could he prove his perfect theory in the future.

Yu Xiaogang grabbed Shao Xin's collar, his eyes were bloodshot, and he gasped: "I don't care what method you use, you must make this disciple of mine get better!"

Shao Xin frowned, even if he was only an auxiliary soul saint, when would it be a great soul master's turn to point fingers at him.

The muscles in his arms swelled, and with a hard push, level 29 great soul master Yu Xiaogang fell to the ground.

Yu Xiaogang sat on the ground in disbelief, trembling with anger, how dare he, I am Flender's good brother!

Flanders' eyelids twitched, Shao Xin was not ordinary. He was a soul saint in the food department and was as popular as Contra. If it weren't for the brotherhood, Shao Xin would have run away long ago.

But he had to take care of his old brother, Homo sapiens Yu Xiaogang.

He first dismissed the other students, leaving Yu Xiaogang and Shao Xin alone. This was not a joke to the students.

Although Xiao Wu was worried, she also knew that it was useless to stay. She just looked at Tang San worriedly and then walked out.

Flanders helped Yu Xiaogang up and smiled bitterly: "Shao Xin, if you can think of a way to cure Tang San, I'll beg you."

Shao Xin's expression returned to normal. Flanders must give him some face. He hesitated and said, "Okay, then I'll give it a try with my martial soul avatar."

The use of the martial spirit avatar requires a great deal of soul power from the soul master, and may even cause a certain degree of weakness.

If Flanders hadn't spoken, Shao Xin really wouldn't have wanted to use it.

Soon, a jelly bean was condensed, which could remove most of the negative effects, restore injuries, and recover equivalent to 70% of Shao Xin's consumed soul power.

The soul power of the seventy-level Soul Saint was enough for Tang San to make up for it. After Tang San took it, his pale cheeks quickly turned red, and his eyes slowly opened, looking at the familiar environment around him.

"Am I back?" he asked confused.

Yu Xiaogang squeezed in and grabbed Tang San's hand: "Xiao San, you finally woke up. The teacher is worried to death. Please check your body quickly."

When Tang San heard Yu Xiaogang's concern, a warm current surged in his heart. Although this master was a rookie, he really cared about him.

However, Tang San did not check his body first. Instead, he turned around and asked, "Xiao Wu is here, how is she?"

Yu Xiaogang comforted him: "Don't worry, my master brought you and Xiao Wu back together. She is now awake and waiting for you outside."


"Yes, you and Xiao Wu are both unconscious. I can only hold you with one hand and Xiao Wu with the other. Don't worry, the teacher is not tired." Yu Xiaogang said with a calm smile.

At this moment, he felt that his mentor and friend were full of power.

There was a trace of violence hidden deep in Tang San's eyes. Apart from him, how could any other man hold Xiao Wu in his arms?

The warmth in my heart instantly turned into a coldness that was colder than ten thousand years of ice.

Yu Xiaogang felt a little cold all over for no reason: "Xiaosan, look at yourself to see if there is anything wrong with you. Shao Xin said that you have been overdrawing your soul power and hard work."

Tang San looked at Yu Xiaogang deeply, and then used Xuantian Gong to check his physical condition.

After a while, his eyes revealed an expression of disbelief, and he said in a lost heart: "My soul power has been downgraded, I am only level 41 now!"

"How could it be." Yu Xiaogang also said in dismay, how much overdraft would it cause the soul power to be downgraded.

Tang San had no time to reply to Yu Xiaogang, he could feel his soul power being consumed constantly, sometimes slowly, but sometimes suddenly faster.

Tang San's eyes were empty, he suddenly remembered that Tom hit him with the Clear Sky Hammer, but he couldn't take it back.

"Yes, Clear Sky Hammer, my Clear Sky Hammer." Tang San murmured, he calmed down and sensed his other martial soul.

But from beginning to end, it was as if he only had the Blue Silver Grass and had never had a twin martial soul.

In an instant, the blood color on Tang San's face faded away, and the whole person was lifeless. His biggest trump card, the Clear Sky Hammer, which he would rely on to become an invincible strongman in the future, was gone.

"Xiao San, what's wrong? Tell me quickly." Flanders saw that something was wrong with Tang San and asked in a deep voice.

"My Clear Sky Hammer can't be sensed." Tang San said hollowly, like a puppet.

"What?! How is it possible!" Yu Xiaogang and Flanders spoke at the same time, one with an extremely ugly face, and the other with an extremely panicked face.

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