After a while, Dai Yao came to the giant eagle and sat next to Salas.

Salas patted Dai Yao on the shoulder and praised: "Good boy!"

In the wooing of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School just now, Dai Yao finally chose the Wuhun Palace. Although he didn't put much effort into rescuing Dai Yao.

This is no nonsense, Dai Yao knows the true strength of Wuhundian.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect were wiped out before using the combat power of the Shrine Hall.

Dai Yao bowed to Ning Feng and said gratefully:

"Thank you very much, Master Ning, for your rescue. I will definitely visit the Qibao Glazed Sect in the future to thank you for saving your life today."

Ning Fengzhi leaned on the sapphire staff and said with a gentle smile: "Little friend Dai Yao, you can come at any time. Our Qibao Glazed Sect is waiting for your arrival."

Being rejected by Dai Yao, he seemed to be completely unaffected, with a gentle temperament like jade, worthy of being the master of the sect.

But Jian Douluo didn't have such a good self-cultivation, he glanced at Dai Yao coldly, and said:

"Boy, we all know about your bullying of Rongrong."

"If you join the Qibao Glazed Sect, I won't care. If not..."

Ning Fengzhi pulled Sword Douluo's sleeves and shook his head slightly, before Chen Xin closed his mouth and snorted coldly.

He had put in a lot of effort to save Dai Yao just now, slashing Dugu Bo with his sword, but Dai Yao actually refused the invitation of Qibao Glazed Sect, which made him a little angry.

Chen Xin's eyes were like swords, and Dai Yao suddenly felt his eyes stinging. He groaned and smiled bitterly in his heart.

"As expected, he is indeed a ninety-sixth level Titled Douluo. I can't bear just one look."

Salas's expression changed, and he immediately stood in front of Dai Yao, looking at Chen Xin warily.

Chen Xin withdrew his gaze with an indifferent expression, activated the sword technique, and the sword under his feet vibrated. Just as he was about to fly, Ning Fengzhi smiled gently and nodded to Dai Yao.

Immediately afterwards, the sword intent soared into the sky, drawing a brilliant silver rainbow and piercing the sky.

After Sword Douluo left, Salas let out a long sigh of relief.

After all, the pressure from Sword Douluo was too great. Although Wuhun Palace was not afraid of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, the only people here now were him and the giant eagle under his feet.

Even Dugu Bo, who is at the Title Douluo level, is not the enemy of Sword Douluo Chen Xin. How could they not be afraid of the two Contras?

Once Sword Douluo's heart breaks out, not only will they not be able to save Dai Yao, they may also have to stay here.

Looking at the direction in which Sword Douluo was leaving, Salas felt lingering fear. After relaxing his nervousness, he asked Dai Yao:

"Dai Yao, how about you come back to Wuhun Palace with us first?"

Dai Yao said: "Thank you Bishop Salas for your rescue today, but I want to go back to the academy first. Zhuqing should be waiting impatiently. Then I will go to Wuhun Temple."

Salas nodded: "That's okay."

Then he patted the giant eagle at his feet and said loudly: "Old Jin! Let's go!"

With an eagle cry, the giant eagle spread its wings, fanned the airflow, and flew towards the sky.

Ice and fire are in the eyes.

Dugu Yan looked at Dai Yao's leaving figure, as if he were a stone statue, not moving for a long time.

Seeing his granddaughter behaving like this, Dugubo sighed and shook his head. He was in his seventies and had never seen anything before. He was very familiar with this kind of behavior from his granddaughter.

"Yanyan, Dai Yao is indeed a talent, but there are some things that cannot be forced. I can only try my best to give you some help. Whether it succeeds or not is up to you."

He thought silently.


Auckland College.

The giant eagle happened to land at Dai Yao's training place.

When the giant eagle was still flying over Oakland College, Dai Yao saw the lonely figure standing next to the waterfall, and felt pity in his heart.

A huge shadow suddenly appeared on the ground. Zhu Zhuqing was startled. He looked up and found that it was the giant eagle transformed by the Soul Douluo from Wuhun Palace.

Standing on tiptoes, he tried hard to see the figure on the giant eagle.

When I saw that familiar figure, I felt a burst of joy in my heart, and tears flowed down unconsciously.

"I'm back."

Dai Yao jumped off the giant eagle, came to Zhu Zhuqing, and said softly.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing with a haggard face and dry lips, Dai Yao was extremely heartbroken. One can imagine how much Zhu Zhuqing suffered during the time when he disappeared.

He suddenly hugged Zhu Zhuqing in his arms and exerted force, as if he would lose her if he was gentler.

Smelling the fragrance of Zhu Zhuqing's hair and feeling the excited heartbeat, his eyes became a little red.

Being kidnapped by Dugu Bo, the tight string between life and death was finally broken, and his whole body relaxed.

Zhu Zhuqing did not feel uncomfortable because of Dai Yao's strength. She leaned silently on his shoulder, hugged Dai Yao tightly with her backhand, and sobbed softly.

"Don't leave me again, okay."

Zhu Zhuqing raised his head and said with red eyes.

Ever since she found out that a titled Douluo had kidnapped Dai Yao, she suddenly felt like the sky was falling and she didn't think about food or tea.

"Well, definitely not."

Dai Yao gently stroked Zhu Zhuqing's back and comforted him in a low voice.

After a while, he gradually felt that the trembling body in his arms became calmer, and the sobs disappeared. When he looked down, he found that Zhu Zhuqing had fallen into a deep sleep. He immediately understood how much pressure Zhu Zhuqing was under.

He bent down, picked up Zhu Zhuqing, returned to the wooden house, and put her on the bed. When he was about to get up, he found that Zhu Zhuqing's hands were tightly hugging his neck and would not let go.

His brows were furrowed tightly, and his body trembled from time to time.

Only when he hugged Zhu Zhuqing, the frown on her beautiful eyebrows slowly relaxed.

Dai Yao's heart felt warm and pitiful at the same time. He hugged Zhu Zhuqing gently and lay beside the bed.

He was also very tired. He struggled to survive after being injured in Dugubo. He had not rested and was very exhausted.

Unconsciously, he felt that his eyelids were as heavy as mountains, and he slowly closed his eyes.

The moon is at the zenith.

Feeling the strange movement beside him, Dai Yao suddenly opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him stunned him.

Zhu Zhuqing was half-lying on the bed with sleepy eyes, supporting his body with one hand and scratching his head with the other hand.

The long black hair hangs down like a waterfall. Although it is a little scattered, under the moonlight shining through the window, the whole person seems to be covered with a faint silver halo.

The beautiful and hot figure is particularly attractive under the moonlight.

Like a goddess under the moonlight.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

Dai Yao's gaze made Zhu Zhuqing's cheeks turn red, her eyes dodge, she didn't dare to look at him, and she spoke softly.

"you are so Beautiful."

Dai Yao said blankly.

Now he is extremely glad that he let Zhu Zhuqing go when she assassinated him, otherwise how could he have a woman who was so good to him.

"Gu Gu Gu~"

Both of their stomachs rumbled at the same time.

After Dai Yao came back, the two of them relaxed, only to find that both of them were still drinking water and their stomachs were empty.

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Dai Yao stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Let's go and eat something first."

Zhu Zhuqing put his hand on Dai Yao's, nodded and hummed.

Although it was very late, the cafeteria of Soul Master Academy was open all day.

When we came to the cafeteria, some students were eating midnight snacks. When they saw Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing, they were stunned by the beautiful Zhu Zhuqing who was smiling brightly, and their chopsticks fell to the ground.

Is that still the rumored iceberg fairy?

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