Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 164 The kiss between Huo Wu and Dugu Yan [Part 2]

"What? Is this the way you talk to your master?"

Huo Wu was stunned, a touching blush rose on her pink face, and her face was full of shame and anger.

The loss to Dai Yao was a memory she would never want to mention.

She took a deep breath, suppressed the shame in her heart, wiped the soul guide on her waist, took out a white feather, and raised a sneer at the corner of her mouth:

"Dai Yao, do you still remember this feather?"

Looking at the feather, Dai Yao's pupils suddenly narrowed.

Half a year ago, in order to save Huo Wu, he used the eight wings of the white tiger to block Huo Wu's shining sun. This feather must have fallen off at that time.

Then he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, saying nonchalantly:

"I didn't expect Miss Huowu to be so interested in Feather. However, I have nothing to do with Feather."

"Don't pretend to be deaf and dumb!"

Huo Wu sneered, approaching Dai Yao domineeringly, supporting the wall with one hand, and their heads seemed to be leaning together. The fiery red color on his body seemed to be on fire.

Smelling the manly scent that hit his face, Huo Wu felt a strange emotion in his heart. He held the feather in his hand and stepped back slightly.

"If I guess correctly, this feather fell from your soul bone."

Dai Yao smiled slightly:

"Huo Wu, you know that human soul bones are divided into six categories. No matter which type of soul bone, there will be no feathers."

After hearing Dai Yao's explanation, Huo Wu confirmed that the feathers came from Dai Yao's soul bone, and threatened:

"Dai Yao, you don't need to explain. When you saved me, I noticed the change behind you. If you want me not to reveal the secret of your soul bone, just agree to one condition."

Since Huo Wu was sure, he didn't bother to pretend. The White Tiger and the Eight Wings will eventually be exposed anyway, it's just a matter of time.

"Tell me, what are the conditions?"

Dai Yao said bluntly.

Looking at Dai Yao's indifferent expression, Huo Wu snorted in his heart and said:

"My condition is that in the next promotion round, when our Blazing Academy plays against your Oakland Academy, you and I will be the first to play."

"I want to have a good competition with you."

He lost to Dai Yao twice and lost without even using his special skills. She was so strong, but she felt so aggrieved after losing twice in a row. She was really unwilling to do so.

Dai Yao looked Huo Wu up and down, his eyes full of disbelief.

Huo Wu was stared at impatiently and asked shyly:

"What are you looking at?"

"You're not out of your mind, are you? Do you think you've won me?"

Huo Wu crossed his arms, held up his plump chest, and sneered:

"It is undeniable that you are indeed very powerful, but I am not bad either. As long as I release my soul skills, you may not be able to win!"

She said impatiently:

"My conditions, do you agree?!"

"Of course I agree."

After Dai Yao agreed, he listened to the cheers in the spirit fighting arena and asked Huo Wu:

"Do you have anything else? If nothing else, I'll leave first."

Seeing Dai Yao's impatient look, Huo Wu became furious. As a proud man of heaven, he was complimented wherever he went, but Dai Yao's completely opposite attitude made her secretly grit her teeth.

"You don't want to talk to me that much?"

"That's not true, it's just that the two of us have nothing in common."

Dai Yao spread his hands helplessly and said.

Huo Wu took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to slap Dai Yao, and asked:

"I have another question. Why did you save me six months ago?"

"That's the problem?"


Huo Wu's eyes were burning, wanting to know why Dai Yao saved her.

In the original work, Tang San very straight-forwardly analyzed Huo Wu's reasons from the perspective of interests, which was completely beyond Huo Wu's expectations. The arrogant Huo Wu naturally didn't want to owe Tang San any favors, so he repaid Tang San's kindness with his first kiss.

As long as you follow the original answer, you can get the kiss of Fire Dance.

But Dai Yao didn't want that.

So he replied: "Of course I like you, you are so beautiful, that man won't let you die, right?"

Hearing Dai Yao's answer, Huo Wu snorted, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she thought proudly in her heart: Sure enough, men are men, and they can't escape the charm of this lady!

But she still had a little doubt in her mind. A pair of agate-like eyes widened in confusion.


"Of course it's true. You are so beautiful. Who would lie to you?"

Dai Yao smiled.

Dai Yao's answer was completely in line with Huo Wu's thoughts, but somehow, she always felt a little weird.

Thinking of Dai Yao's indifferent attitude just now, he immediately reacted. Dai Yao didn't care about her beauty just now, why has it changed so much now? !

Dai Yao's answer was obviously to fool her!

As the proud daughter of heaven, how could she bear such anger? Thinking of the proud thoughts in my heart just now, I felt extremely embarrassed and annoyed. He was actually so happy because of a man's lies.

Gritting his silver teeth, he glared at Dai Yao and forced Dai Yao to the corner step by step.

The four people who were following him in secret stretched their necks one by one, trying to see clearly what was going on.

Huo Wu's amber-like eyes stared directly at Dai Yao, her breathing became a little heavier, her towering chest kept rising and falling, and she said coldly:

"You lied to me!"

Dai Yao could feel the anger in Huo Wu's eyes. He sighed helplessly in his heart. Feeling the fragrance coming so close to him, he softly admitted:

"Yes, I lied to you."

Huo Wu looked at Dai Yao in disbelief, his eyes flickering, his lips pursed, and his heart was fluctuating.

Finally, under Dai Yao's surprised gaze, his arms were put on Dai Yao's neck, and his red lips moved towards Dai Yao's lips and pressed against them.



In the corner, Feng Xiaotian watched Huo Wu kissing Dai Yao. His back teeth were almost broken. He slammed his hand into the wall and said unwillingly:

"Sister Huowu, why are you! Why are you doing this! How can I be inferior to Dai Yao!"

"No, I can't bear it anymore!"

Just when Feng Xiaotian couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to rush out, Yu Tianheng stopped him and comforted him:

"Brother Xiaotian, please be patient. What identity do you use to stop them?"

Yu Tianheng's words awakened Feng Xiaotian. Yes, I am not related to Huo Wu, so why should I stop Huo Wu?

However, watching Huo Wu kiss Dai Yao, jealousy burned in her heart, her fists were clenched tightly, and her nails were embedded in her flesh.

Yu Tianheng looked at Dugu Yan, who was staring at Dai Yao motionlessly and with an angry look on his face, and sneered in his heart and said:

"Yanyan, look, this Dai Yao is really not a good person. He is obviously with you, but now he has an affair with Huo Wu. He is really a scumbag..."

The more Feng Xiaotian listened, the more uncomfortable he felt. Although Yu Tianheng was right and he thought so, no matter how you looked at it, Yu Tianheng stopped him just to let Dugu Yan recognize Dai Yao's true face.

Dugu Yan raised his head and glanced at Yu Tianheng, as if he was looking at a stranger.

Then, he turned around and faced Zhu Zhuqing, who had his eyes wide open, paying attention to Dai Yao's every move. He gritted his teeth and said:

"Sister Zhuqing, when you go home today, don't let Dai Yao enter the house! Give him a good drying time."

Although Zhu Zhuqing did not agree, his jade hands involuntarily tightened, showing his master's uneasy mood.

While several people were talking in low voices, a sudden change occurred between Dai Yao and Huo Wu.

Huo Wu, who was kissing him, suddenly felt something was wrong with the touch. When he opened his eyes, he saw that in front of him was not Dai Yao's lips, but a broad palm.

Dai Yao's palm.

In other words, her kiss was stopped by Dai Yao with his hand.

"Does he dislike me?"

For a moment, she looked at Dai Yao with dull eyes, her lips moved, but she could not speak.

From childhood to adulthood, no matter where she was, she was admired by all the stars. This is true in cultivation, and it is also true in appearance.

All the men wanted to get closer to her, but the more they did, the less seriously she took them.

She originally wanted to use her first kiss to repay Dai Yao's kindness.

No matter how he was thrown into the arms of a great beauty like him, Dai Yao would secretly be happy and accept her kisses without wanting to refuse them.

Unexpectedly, Dai Yao blocked her kiss with his hand.

For a moment, she, who had always been proud and arrogant, couldn't bear it anymore. Tears hung in the corners of her eyes. She tried hard not to let them stay. She felt sour in her heart and asked:

"you dislike me?"

Looking at the emotional Huo Wu, Dai Yao put down his palm. There was still a little moisture on his palm, which made some ripples appear in his heart.

He really couldn't figure out why Tang San, who was so powerful, could never avoid girls' kisses.

Huo Wu was like this, Meng Yiran was like this, and Ning Rongrong was like this too.

He sighed helplessly, shook his head and said:


"Then why won't you let me kiss you?"

Huo Wu's eyes were burning.

Now, she had completely forgotten the idea of ​​repaying her kindness. Dai Yao's rejection of her kiss had severely hit her self-esteem. All her attention was focused on why Dai Yao rejected her.

Dai Yao said softly: "I know you are a good girl, affectionate and righteous."

"Although I saved you, I had no intention of repaying my kindness. Taking you as a maid was just a joke."

"But girls must be careful when kissing. This is a very important thing to you. Only when you meet the person you love deeply can you give it to him and kiss him passionately."

Looking at Huo Wu who was in shock, Dai Yao smiled and continued softly:

"Am I the one you love? No. If I don't reject you today, when you meet the one you love, you will definitely regret giving your first kiss so easily to an emotionless person. "

Hearing Dai Yao's words, Huo Wu was stunned.

She really didn't expect that Dai Yao would reject her for this reason.

She thought for a while, if Dai Yao hadn't refused and had given her her first kiss in a moment of excitement, she would have regretted it when she met her true love.

Although Dai Yao's words were harsh, they seemed unexpectedly gentle in her heart.

A strange emotion arose in her heart. It was no longer the emotion of wanting to compete with Dai Yao, but a feeling that made her heart beat faster.

The tears in her eyes finally couldn't hold on anymore, and they streaked down her delicate face like a chain of pearls.

"Are you OK?"

Dai Yao was at a loss and asked.

Hearing Dai Yao's concern, Huo Wu seemed quite embarrassed, and quickly wiped away his tears, putting on an angry look.


"It's fine."

Seeing Dai Yao's happy look, Huo Wu was so angry that he wanted to bite Dai Yao.

Huo Wu's face was wet with tears. Dai Yao was a little helpless and wanted to wipe away her tears, but Huo Wu opened his hand and said in surprise:

"what are you doing?!"

Dai Yao explained: "Your face is stained with tears. It won't look good when you go out."

"You don't have to worry about it!"

Hearing Dai Yao's words, Huo Wu's heart warmed slightly. Although he said this, his tone was obviously much weaker and he didn't resist much.

When Dai Yao's hand gently touched Huo Wu's jade face, he clearly felt that Huo Wu's whole body began to tremble slightly.

Blushes appeared on her pink face, and a pair of amber-like eyes were wandering around without knowing where they were placed.

Dai Yao's movements were very fast, but Huo Wu felt that this moment was so long, and she didn't wake up until Dai Yao's hand left her face.



Only then did Huo Wu realize that he had made a mistake. He quickly changed the subject and said harshly:

"'s nothing, Dai Yao, please remember. Don't let me offend you just because of what happened today. Wait until the promotion round and see how I defeat you. Just wait to face failure!"

Dai Yao laughed and said, "Then I'll wait."

At this moment, although Dugu Yan couldn't hear the conversation between the two, but seeing the two getting closer and closer, he couldn't bear it anymore, pulled Zhu Zhuqing, and rushed forward.

"What are you doing!"

Angry voices exploded around Dai Yao and Dai Yao like thunder, instantly shattering the ambiguous atmosphere surrounding them.

Also rushing out with Dugu Yan were Feng Xiaotian and Yu Tianheng.

Dai Yao and Huo Wu both looked panicked and stunned, as if they were trying to catch someone. But Dai Yao realized that he had obviously done nothing, so why panic?

"It's nothing, Yanyan."

Dai Yao kept explaining. Of course, he didn't say anything about rejecting Huo Wu's kiss. After all, Huo Wu was a girl with too strong self-esteem. If others knew about being rejected, she would inevitably feel uncomfortable.

Dugu Yan was still a little suspicious, but she looked at Dai Yao's lips carefully and found nothing strange. It was obvious that they had not been kissed before, and she immediately believed Dai Yao's words.

So, she turned to look at Huo Wu, narrowed her snake eyes and said:

"Sister Huowu, if you want to duel with Dai Yao, of course there is no problem. However, Dai Yao has a partner after all. How can a proud man like you have to work with another woman?"

Hearing this, Huo Wu's expression suddenly became cold and stern, and he snorted coldly:

"Dugu Yan, I don't need you to point out my affairs. Besides, if I, Huo Wu, want to do something, can you stop me?"

"Not to mention that I don't like Dai Yao, so what if I like him? What can you do to me?"

Hearing this, Dugu Yan smiled disdainfully and ignored Huo Wu. Instead, he looked at Dai Yao and said:

"You and Hu Meizi came out today and didn't do anything. That's very good. I want to reward you..."

As Dugu Yan spoke, he suddenly rushed forward. In the surprised eyes of everyone, his seductive red lips pressed against Dai Yao's lips, and they kissed him affectionately, even making a clicking sound.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing, who was still young, a blush rose on his face.

And Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian were even more stunned.

Only Yu Tianheng's eyes were about to spit fire, and his back teeth were almost broken. When he was about to step forward to stop him, Feng Xiaotian stopped him.

"Hey, Brother Tianheng, please be patient. What identity do you use to stop them?"

Yu Tianheng was stunned. What Feng Xiaotian said made sense. He indeed had nothing to do with Dugu Yan.

However, he suddenly realized that didn't he just say this to Feng Xiaotian?

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