The next day, the fiery red sun jumped above the horizon, and in an instant, the warm sunshine shone on the earth.

In the room, Dai Yao opened his eyes and his mind suddenly became clear.

After simply cleaning up, he opened the door, looked at his teammates who had already prepared, and chuckled:

"Let's go."

The carriage moved forward unhurriedly and finally arrived at its destination. After getting off the carriage, Dai Yao looked out the window at the familiar street scene and the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena towering into the clouds, feeling an inexplicable emotion lingering in his heart.

He was excited and nervous at the same time. He could not feel this kind of emotion in any previous game. His body was slightly tense and he did not dare to relax.

"Tang San, there will eventually be a battle between us."

Dai Yao's dark eyes flashed with light, and he whispered to himself.

Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena.

Today is the last round of the qualifiers and the last match of the qualifiers. Even though the ticket price has been increased by scalpers, the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena, which can accommodate 80,000 people, is still full of seats.

There are a total of twenty-seven games today. Because it is the last round, even the teams that are destined to be eliminated put aside their burdens in this last game and fight without reservation.

From today on, they will completely miss the competition, and the poetry of youth will also write its final chapter. For them, after today's competition ends, it is time for them to graduate.

And those teams that are still expected to enter the promotion round are extremely nervous at the moment, for fear that a mistake will ruin the game.

Therefore, today's game was so exciting that the audience was dizzying, and the upset from time to time made the audience hooked and it was a worthwhile trip.

Dai Yao stared at the ancient soul fighting arena that had existed for who knows how many years. His eyes slowly closed. Faintly, there seemed to be countless scenes of glory, unwillingness, and all-out efforts emerging in front of his eyes.

Countless young soul masters are swaying their youthful blood in this soul fighting arena, and those soul masters have grown up. Today's younger generation will show off their talents here just like their ancestors!

"Welcome to the final round of this year's qualifiers. Today's Tiandou City is destined to become the focus of the world's attention. The All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition has teams from deserts, jungles, cities, and oceans. Each team comes from all over the world. The best teams will decide the final result today."

"Now, welcome both sides of our final game, Shrek Academy vs. Oakland Academy!"

"Both teams are dark horses in this competition. Which dark horse team can be the dark horse? Let's wait and see!"

Following the host's introduction, Dai Yao opened his eyes, looked at his teammates behind him, stepped forward, stepped out of the dark player tunnel, and welcomed the cheers of the crowd.

When he stepped onto the soul fighting platform, Dai Yao could feel that everything around him was quiet at this moment.

For fifteen years, a young boy who was still a little ignorant when he first entered the Douluo Continent, burdened with a blood feud, left Xingluo, went to Heaven Dou, broke into the martial arts pass, entered the forest, endured the bone-breaking pain of absorbing the soul ring, and transformed like a silkworm chrysalis. Sharpen yourself.

Fifteen years have worn away the childishness and grown up. Today, if you win the battle with Tang San, the son of the plane, you will truly transform from cocoon to butterfly!

His eyes spanned a distance of a hundred meters, passed through numerous figures, penetrated the barriers of space, and shot towards the man with an ordinary face.

"Tang San······"

His mouth moved slightly, and the calm and slightly emotional name slowly came out of Dai Yao's mouth softly.

The Soul Fighting Arena was crowded with people, and countless people paid a high price just to watch this last game.

Looking around, there were actually many figures standing in the usually sparse VIP seats.

Emperor Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo, Platinum Bishop Salas, Poison Douluo with the title of Bi Lin, and countless Contra-level experts.

Lifting his eyes lightly, Emperor Xueye slowly swept his eyes across the soul fighting arena, his face filled with joy.

"What a wonderful game, it attracted so many spectators."

Ning Fengzhi nodded and said: "This proves that the empire is still extremely powerful."

Emperor Xue Ye smiled heartily, and his eyes swept over the twenty-eight teams in turn, and finally converged on the opposing teams of Oakland and Shrek on the Soul Fighting Stage:

"The future of the empire lies with these younger generations. The young people of this generation are extremely talented, even far superior to the previous generations of soul masters. When they grow up, the empire will reach a higher level."

Hearing Emperor Xue Ye's expectant words, Salas's eyes flashed with a cold light and he did not utter a rebuttal.

"Both salute!"

The referee stood in the center and motioned to both sides.

The two sides stood in a row, and they were both vice-captains. Dai Yao and Tang San looked at each other.

Buzz buzz——

A gentle air wave centered on Dai Yao and began to spread to all directions, blowing Dai Yao's clothes up and down.

Feeling this frightening aura, everyone in the two teams looked at Dai Yao in astonishment, somewhat puzzled.

"What a strong fighting spirit."

Tang San felt a slight shiver in his heart. He didn't know why Dai Yao had such a strong fighting intention against him, but correspondingly, he was used to hiding his strength. For some reason, he felt determined not to retreat.

This battle must be won, otherwise the consequences will be catastrophic!

He looked at Dai Yao without fear, his left hand unconsciously clenched tightly, and black light surged in it.

This tit-for-tat scene instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the audience, who screamed excitedly. In the last game, they no longer had too many positions and just wanted to watch a wonderful game.


At the VIP table, Ning Fengzhi looked at the two people in surprise, a little surprised.

"Why did these two little guys start fighting in the first place? Today's game looks very exciting."

Sword Douluo behind him nodded slightly, with a calm expression on his face. He knew Dai Yao's hidden strength and also knew the secret of Tang San's twin martial spirits, so he was a little surprised:

"Two talented young men with the same amazing talents will definitely collide countless times in the future. Healthy competition is good, but once the competition is excessive, the two will become each other's enemies."

"If there is no accident, these two people are destined to become the peerless twins of the soul master world in the future."

Salas was a little surprised to see Dai Yao behave like this.

"Dai Yao's desire to attack is very strong today, it seems that Shrek Academy is in a terrible situation today!"

He believed that today's game was just a massacre. Even if Shrek performed well in previous games, in his opinion, Shrek did not have the strength to compete head-on with Auckland.

"The vice-captain of the Auckland team, Dai Yao, is a level 44 attack-type battle soul master."

Dai Yao clasped his fists and stared at Tang San, word by word.

"Vice captain of the Shrek team, Tang San, a forty-three control system battle soul master."

Tang San didn't give in.

The two faced each other, and the rest of the two teams kept silent.

"Both sides prepare!"

As the referee's words fell, Oakland and Shrek Academy quickly retreated, came to the position of the game, stood still, and set up their formations.

As the strongest attack system soul masters in the two teams, Dai Yao and Dai Mubai raised their heads almost at the same time, their gazes full of brilliance collided.

Looking at that familiar face, Dai Mubai was startled.

"he's changed."

Dai Mubai murmured.

Today, Dai Yao is majestic, extremely confident, and exudes a sense of domineering. He is far from the child who had a little inferiority and fear on his immature face when he dueled with Dai Mubai.

"Martial Soul Possession!"

Dai Yao let out a soft drink, possessed by the holy white tiger spirit, his muscles swelled, and four terrifying spirit rings floated up and down. The sense of oppression like an ancient giant beast was suddenly released, and as the strong wind blew through, the seven Shreks felt awe-inspiring at the same time.

Dai Mubai tried his best to force out his own strength, but was horrified to find that he still couldn't stop Dai Yao's oppressive attack.


Tang San also released his martial soul. The yellow, yellow, purple and purple soul rings were rising and falling. When he felt Dai Yao's frightening aura, he used his first soul skill, and six pieces of blue silver grass were wrapped around the waists of six teammates at the same time. He said to his teammates in a deep voice.

Oakland's strength is far stronger than theirs, and they must not be confused, otherwise, there is only one way to lose.

The martial souls of both sides were released almost at the same time, and the overall strength was immediately revealed.

What surprised Dai Mubai and Tang San was that Oakland Academy's strength was stronger than they expected.

"One, two, three, four, four? Is there a fourth soul sect in Oakland?"

Some viewers rubbed their eyes and said in disbelief.

As an old spectator, he knew Auckland's team configuration very well. In previous games, the number of Soul Sects displayed by Auckland had always been three.

Feng Qianli, Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing.

Why did the fourth Soul Sect suddenly appear?

It was not just him who noticed the abnormality, but also the spectators who often watched the game.

There were bursts of discussion in the auditorium.

In the spirit fighting arena, almost all eyes were focused on the sudden appearance of the spirit sect.

He is tall and slender, with voluptuous curves. His narrow snake pupils exude temptation but also carry a hint of danger. The clothes are not revealing, but very tempting.

When the audience saw that charming figure, their breathing became rapid and their Adam's apple kept rolling.

Like Medusa, seductive and deadly.

Dugu Yan slowly stretched out her slender and round jade hands forward, her green snake eyes looked at Tang San coldly, her whole body began to move slowly, a green scaled snake appeared behind her head, with yellow, yellow, purple and purple tops and bottoms. The optimally configured soul ring beats, and the deadly aura spreads in the soul fighting field.


Yu Tianheng slapped the fence hard. When he found Dugu Yan's figure, his eyes were red and his hands were shaking uncontrollably, which showed that he was extremely angry.

To be honest, he didn't think Dugu Yan had done anything wrong, but every time he saw Dai Yao, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. How could Dai Yao be better than him in making Dugu Yan fall in love with him?

The members of the Tiandou Royal Academy behind him remained silent.

Feng Xiaotian looked at Auckland with a stern expression:

"How awesome that Auckland has been hiding his strength. When facing our Kamikaze Academy, he hid it."

As the proud son of heaven, although Feng Xiaotian was defeated by Dai Yao, he was still a little unwilling. Now that he saw that there was a soul sect in Auckland, he was even more dissatisfied.

In the Shrek rest area, the master's pupils shrank suddenly when he saw the snake shape behind Dugu Yan.

"What's wrong? Xiaogang."

Liu Erlong asked worriedly.

"This is the Jade Scale Snake Martial Spirit. I didn't expect Auckland to have hidden it until now! Such a secret weapon was actually used against us!"

The master's face was as dark as water, and his fists were clenched.

Liu Erlong and Flanders looked at each other. As they were wandering in the soul master world, they had naturally heard of the reputation of the Green Scaled Snake. The poison is so violent that it turns into pus in a matter of seconds!

They couldn't help but worry about the little monster.

At the VIP table, Ning Fengzhi was stunned at first, but after seeing the green-scaled snake, he suddenly realized and said to Dugu Bo:

"No wonder His Majesty Bi Linmian is here to watch the battle today. It turns out that there is a direct bloodline of His Majesty Bi Linmian hidden in Auckland Academy."

Dugu Bo's pale long hair was flying, his snake eyes were unconsciously emitting a cold light, and he replied hoarsely:

"Sect Master Ning, you are welcome. After the competition started, my girl has not played. Today is the last competition. I heard that kid Dai Yao said that Shrek is very strong, so she will also play, so I came to see .”

Ning Fengzhi's eyes were clear and he didn't say much.

Dugu Bo looked at Dai Yao and then at Tang San, with a hint of worry in his eyes. He was shocked by the potential of the two people.

Dai Yaowannian's fourth spirit ring, two external spirit bones, Tang San's twin spirits, but in terms of potential alone, Tang San's talent is still higher, after all, the talent of twin spirits is still too perverted.

Among the same level, there is basically no one who can defeat him.

Even if Dai Yao can lead for a while, he will still be surpassed in the future.

Not only that, he also knew that the two of them would be strangers in the future. Tang San was a disciple of the Haotian Sect, and Dai Yao was destined to join the Spirit Hall. The future was going to be turbulent, and there would definitely be a winner between the two geniuses.

Dai Yao was his grandson-in-law, and Tang San was his old friend. For a moment, he didn't know who to help.

"Hey, forget it, let them fight on their own, I don't care anymore!"

Dugu Bo thought in a panic.

On the soul fighting stage, Tang San looked at Dugu Yan's dangerous gaze, his heart trembled, and he thought to himself:

"I didn't expect that there is one soul sect hidden in Auckland, and four soul sects. Is this the true strength of Auckland?"

Seeing the snake-shaped martial spirit behind Dugu Yan, he thought somewhat unexpectedly:

"Jade Scale Snake? Could this be the Jade Scale Snake Martial Spirit? This girl looks like the granddaughter the old monster mentioned. I didn't expect that she is actually at Oakland College."

His eyes slowly moved to the person at the front of Auckland's formation, and his heart gradually sank:

"Dai Yao, you think so highly of our Shrek that you actually sent out the combat power that you have been hiding. It seems that you and I have the same feeling in our hearts. Do we feel like old enemies between each other?"

The strength that Auckland showed now made Tang San feel a little frightened. The opportunities that he had planned to target Dai Yao were all ruined with the appearance of Dugu Yan.

Looking at his teammates who seemed a little flustered by Dugu Yan's sudden appearance, Tang San said in a deep voice:

"Friends, don't panic. If I guess correctly, the new soul master who appears on the other side should be the Jade Scaled Snake Martial Spirit."

"Jade Scale Snake? Could it be the Martial Soul Jade Scale Snake under the Jade Scale Crown?"

Dai Mubai turned around in surprise.


Hearing Tang San's affirmation, Ma Hongjun and Oscar couldn't help swallowing, feeling a little nervous.

"Don't panic, everyone. If it's the Jade Scale Snake Spirit, I have a way to deal with it, but the tactics against Dai Yao are useless. We need to rearrange our arrangements."

"Believe me, I will definitely win!"

The referee looked at both sides and then gave the order: "The game begins!"

The moment he finished speaking, the third and fourth soul rings on Dai Yao's body flashed simultaneously.

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