The violent explosion made Huo Wu uncomfortable.

The slender and wild jade legs were scratched by the gravel generated by the explosion, and there were many cuts and wounds. Even the pretty face like a flower was unfortunately cut with a bloody mark.

His face was pale, and his rapid breathing had lost its previous calmness.

"Dai Yao, are you still alive?"

Covering the wound, he struggled to stand up. His dull eyes were scanning everywhere, looking for traces of Dai Yao, and he murmured in a hoarse voice.

In order to face Dai Yao, she specifically did not use the ring-melting technique in yesterday's match with Shrek. Once used, all her soul power will be consumed and she will not be able to use it in today's game.

Although she wanted to defeat Dai Yao and wash away her unwillingness to lose to Dai Yao twice, she really had no intention of killing Dai Yao. Who would have thought that Dai Yao could be so powerful that he didn't even use his martial soul to take over her ring-melting technique.

Just when Huo Wu regretted it, deep in the ruins, a huge boulder suddenly exploded, instantly attracting the attention of the entire audience.

Where the boulder exploded, the smoke slowly dispersed.

"He's not dead, I feel his breath!"

In Shrek's rest area, Tang San's glowing purple eyes were staring at the cloud of dust, and his breathing was a little heavier.

Under the gaze of everyone in the audience, faint footsteps could be heard in the dust, and the expressions of many people could not help but change.

As the footsteps became clearer and clearer, Tang San stared at the dust without blinking. After a moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the moon-white figure slowly walked out of the dust and appeared in front of everyone's attention. Down.

She was wearing a moon-white robe. Compared to the opening scene, it only had a few more wrinkles and was stained with dust.

A breeze blew by, and after being contaminated by dust, the dull blond hair floated gently. Looking at the masculine face full of indifference, the whole place suddenly became quiet.

That ring-melting technique was so terrifying that even Dai Yaomian's martial spirit had never used it before. Not only was he unscathed, but he was also able to do it so lightly that it seemed unbelievable.

Everyone was trying to understand what was happening in front of them, but Dai Yao's presence obviously subverted their understanding of the soul master.

"Impossible! Impossible! Why are you not even injured at all?"

Just as many viewers thought, Huo Wu's pretty face was also filled with shock. Looking at Dai Yao's unharmed moon-white figure, even his clothes were not broken, he said in disbelief.

She was very aware of the terrifying aspects of her soul skills. The fire attribute soul power was inherently explosive, and after being continuously compressed, once it exploded, its power was unimaginable.

The big pit on the Soul Fighting Stage is proof.

Slowly stepping out of the smoke, Dai Yao looked at his hands with genuine joy on his face.

"My cloud-patterned hand is done!"

Dai Yao had long known the consequences of tearing the white ball of light, but he had to take this opportunity to test the endurance of his moiré hands.

If he could successfully take over the ring-melting technique, he would have the confidence to challenge the Clear Sky Hammer with his body when fighting Tang San soon.

Hearing Huo Wu's question, he glanced at her lightly and said softly:

"I have the ability to resist fire. No matter how powerful your attack is, as long as it contains fire-attribute energy, it will be ineffective against me."

Hearing this, Huo Wu trembled. He didn't expect that her soul skills were so restrained by Dai Yao. Wasn't it because of her previous provocation that Dai Yao was laughing at her? After taking a deep breath, he suppressed the surging emotions in his heart and asked again:

"My soul skills have explosive properties, so how can I block them?"

"No comment."

Dai Yao said calmly.

This was the ability of his moiré hand, and it was his trump card when fighting Tang San. He couldn't expose the details behind it.

Looking at the indifferent figure, Huo Wu's eyes gradually dimmed. After a while, he smiled bitterly:

"I lost, and I am convinced that I lost."

At this moment, the desire to win and lose in her heart for Dai Yao completely disappeared. She could still attribute her previous failures to carelessness, but today her strongest trump card, the Fusion Ring, was easily blocked by Dai Yao, so what else could she be unwilling to do?

As Huo Wu surrendered, a series of almost dull eyes stared at the moon-white young man in the field, and a deep chill filled his heart at the same time.

Huo Wu, who had shone brightly in the promotion competition, was forced to control the rhythm of the game in front of Dai Yao. It was not until the end that he realized Dai Yao's ability to avoid fire.

Not only is his strength superior, but his intelligence is also at the top among the many geniuses in the promotion competition.

Tang San's expression became darker and darker. The corner of his eye drifted to the platinum bishop Salas in the VIP area. As he expected, Salas' face was excited, and Dai Yao's performance really surprised him.

Thinking of Dai Yao's relationship with Wuhun Palace, he looked at the blue silver grass on his right hand, with a flash of hatred in his eyes.

Auckland viewing area.

Looking at the light and graceful figure on the Soul Fighting stage, the Auckland team members suddenly cheered. Feng Qianli finally let go of his tightly clenched fists and let out a long sigh of relief.

After Dugu Yan saw that Dai Yao was safe and sound, he immediately put away his worried eyes, snorted softly, and cursed secretly:

"You show off, you have to make the game so scary, Zhuqing, when Dai Yao comes back, you have to teach him a lesson."

Zhu Zhuqing turned his head, with a gentleness that no one else could see on his cold face, and replied with a chuckle:

"I believe in him. He will definitely not do anything he is not sure of."

Dugu Yan was startled, sighed, looked at Zhu Zhuqing with complex eyes, poked at her delicate face, and said:

"You will be eaten to death by him in this life!"

Looking at the messy spirit fighting arena, the referee looked at Dai Yao and then at Huo Wu, but hesitated to speak.

"Due to the damage to the field, player Dai Yao and the players from Blazing Academy who are about to play are asked to rest for a while while waiting for the technical staff to repair the field."

Hearing this, Dai Yao looked at Huo Wu who was lying on the ground unable to move. He sighed in his heart and jumped to Huo Wu's side and helped her up.

Feeling the strangeness around him, Huo Wu was stunned, turned his head and looked at Dai Yao's handsome face. For some reason, his heart trembled, and a blush appeared on his face, and he murmured:


"You are welcome."

After sending Huo Wu to Huo Wu's hands, Dai Yao turned and left. Huo Wushuang glanced at Dai Yao with complicated eyes, thanked him, and quickly asked the auxiliary soul master to restore Huo Wu's depleted soul power.

Two fiery red light beams shone on Huo Wu, and the paleness on his face quickly faded, becoming a bit rosy. Thinking of the situation at Chihuo Academy, he asked Huo Wushuang:

"Brother, do we still want to compete? I'm afraid we are no match for Dai Yao."

Huo Wushuang looked at his teammates with different expressions and pondered for a moment. Thinking of the strange looks from many colleges after Huo Wu failed, he couldn't help but clenched his fists. Those glances clearly showed contempt for Blazing Fire Academy.

Dai Yao defeated Huo Wu without even using his martial soul. Some people even thought that Blazing Fire Academy was so famous that it was hard to live up to it.

Huo Wushuang said decisively:

"No matter what, we must force out Dai Yao's martial spirit. Otherwise, wouldn't our majestic Blazing Fire Academy be looked down upon by others?"

"Well, captain, let's fight them!"

Thinking of Dai Yao's indifferent look, the crowd in Blazing Academy was excited for a moment.

Returning to the Soul Fighting Platform, under Dai Yao's surprised eyes, one by one the earth soul masters continued to perform their soul skills. Only a quarter of an hour later, the Soul Fighting Platform, which was originally in a mess, was restored to its original state.

"Now, please invite the second member of Blazing Academy to come on board!"

Following the referee's order, a fire figure suddenly rushed out of the Blazing Academy viewing area, it was the Fire Leopard Spirit Master.

"I will definitely force you to use martial arts."

The Fire Leopard Spirit Master said solemnly.

"It depends on your strength."

bang bang bang—

In everyone's surprised eyes, the members of Blazing Academy came on stage one by one, and were easily knocked off the soul fighting stage by Dai Yao one after another. However, Dai Yao's martial spirit was still not forced out, and the whispering voices became louder and louder. Come bigger.

"This Blazing Fire Academy must have a false reputation, why did it lose so easily?"

"Yes, you can't even force out your opponent's martial spirit."

The soul masters from the kingdom and the principality tried their best to ridicule the Blazing Academy and reduced it to nothing. The members of the Blazing Academy, who were originally excited, now became extremely depressed.

They couldn't find any reason to refute. Who told them to be defeated like fallen leaves by Dai Yao's autumn wind?

But the faces of Shenfeng Academy, Tianshui Academy and Shrek Academy were extremely solemn. They are well aware of the strength of Blazing Fire Academy. Compared with them, Blazing Fire Academy is not much worse.

If it were them, the result might be the same.

From beginning to end, Dai Yao was so calm and calm. Five members of Blazing Fire Academy entered the field one after another. Among them, the twin brothers Huo Yun Huo Yu broke through the Soul Sect level.

But no one can make Dai Yao use martial arts.

Explosive step and Baji collapse, two self-created soul skills, cooperate with each other. The one who is fast is not as strong as him in attack, and the one who is in attack as strong as him is not as fast as him. Dai Yao kept catching his weakness and then blasted him out of the Soul Fighting Platform.

There are six players in Blazing Academy, including three soul masters above level 40, but none of them can cause Dai Yao the slightest trouble.

There was no trace of fatigue on Dai Yao's face, and it seemed that his soul power was still abundant.


Dai Yao put one hand behind his back and blasted the fire rain away with the other hand before speaking calmly.

The Soul Fighting Platform suddenly fell into silence. In this silence, Dai Yao's voice was faintly recalling, and all the eyes were filled with deep fear.

The ridicule towards Blazing Fire Academy was more of an insult to the situation.

After all, veteran heroes like Blazing Academy have always been a mountain in their hearts, and there is no chance for ridicule.

Now, the demon-like figure on the soul-fighting stage made them feel cold all over.

How could there be such terrifying peers in this world? !

Some people even began to hope that Huo Wushuang, the last member of Blazing Fire Academy and known as one of the strongest attack-type soul masters in the promotion competition, could have a chance with Dai Yao.

"elder brother······"

Huo Wu was about to speak but stopped, looking at Huo Wushuang's lonely back with complicated eyes.

Huo Wushuang turned around and looked at his sister. His original solemn expression was like an iceberg melting, and his smile was filled with pity. He gently stroked Huo Wu's hair and whispered:

"Don't worry, leave the rest to me."

He raised his head and glanced around the members of Blazing Fire Academy, only to find that all of them had their heads lowered and dejected. They did not dare to look at him and shouted:

"Stand up your chests! One by one, if you lose, won't you be able to see anyone?"

"You are all the proud ones among your peers, but when you participate in the competition, you must be prepared to fail. There will always be geniuses more powerful than you on Douluo Continent!"

"After failure, what we have to do is to accept the failure calmly, continue to hone ourselves, and wait for the next time to win back, instead of hanging our heads here, what does it look like!"

After hearing Huo Wushuang's words, the five people who were swept away slowly raised their heads, their eyes gradually brightening.

They had never faced peers with such a disparity in strength, and it was hard to accept it for a while, but Huo Wushuang's words woke them up.

Looking at the people who had regained their spirits, Huo Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head, and his face suddenly became solemn.

Dai Yao has already achieved an amazing record of one penetration of six. If he is defeated again, it will be another miracle of one penetration of seven. Moreover, the opponent is the Blazing Academy, a well-established and powerful team, and Dai Yao's reputation will reach an unprecedented height.

What's even more frightening is that Dai Yao hasn't even used his martial spirit until now.

Blazing Fire Academy became Dai Yao's stepping stone and was forever nailed to the pillar of shame.

As the captain, Huo Wushuang carries the last hope of Blazing Academy. Even if he cannot defeat Dai Yao, he must force Dai Yao to use his martial spirit. Otherwise, the reputation of Blazing Academy will plummet!

Taking a deep breath, the cold air penetrated into the heart, and the restless heart suddenly calmed down a lot.

Amidst the whispers, Huo Wushuang slowly walked up to the soul fighting stage with many strange eyes on his face.

Looking at the still indifferent moon-white figure, Huo Wushuang cupped his fists and said coldly:

"Captain of Blazing Fire Academy, Huo Wushuang, a level 43 attack-type War Soul Sect, please give me some advice."

Dai Yao returned the favor with cupped fists.

"The vice-captain of the Auckland team, Dai Yao, is a level 45 attack-type fighting soul sect. Please give me some advice."

Hearing the forty-fifth level soul power, there was a low noise immediately. The forty-five level soul power was second to none among all the soul masters in the fifteen teams.

Especially Tang San, his heart immediately sank.

"In just one month, Dai Yao has made progress again. Is he a monster? He is a few months younger than me, but his soul power is already higher than mine."

Game start!

Following the referee's order, Huo Wushuang completed the possession of his martial spirit in an instant. The unique one-horned Fire Tyrannosaurus martial spirit was so hot and explosive that the temperature in the air began to rise.

His body bent slightly, and in the next moment, his whole body exploded towards Dai Yao like a cannonball. At the same time, the third soul skill shines crazily, the third soul skill - Claws of the Fire Dragon!

Looking at the menacing Huo Wushuang and feeling the determination hidden in those dark red pupils, Dai Yao felt a chill in his heart and felt a little admiration.

Facing an invincible opponent, he still dares to draw his sword. This kind of brave man deserves his respect.

But respect does not mean letting go. Faced with the honor of wearing seven, he was very interested and looked at Huo Wushuang greedily, like a beast staring at its prey.

The soul power in his palm continued to gather, and the self-created soul skill that defeated the five people from Blazing Academy was brewing again.

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