Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 238 The last person, Hu Liena

In front of the Pope's Palace, the whole place was silent, and deliberately suppressed exclamations sounded from the mouths of everyone watching the game.

All eyes were fixed on Yan who was struggling to get up, and everyone's face was full of disbelief.

Yan, one of the most outstanding people of the younger generation in Wuhun Palace, and Xieyue Hu Liena are called the golden generation of Wuhun Palace. At their age, they broke through the Soul King level, set a record in Wuhun Palace, and were personally awarded the Purple Record Medal of Wuhun Palace by the Pope.

With this kind of training speed, coupled with the top-quality Fire Lord Spirit, he will definitely have a place in the enshrinement of the Spirit Hall in the future.

However, this kind of figure who was respected by countless Wuhun Palace disciples and had high hopes for many high-level geniuses was defeated by a prince who betrayed the Star Luo Empire, and was defeated by a person who was only at the Soul Sect level, one level behind. Soul master.

No, not just a simple victory, but a crushing victory. They were able to cross a large level and win so easily. This unbelievable thing shocked them as if they had seen a god come to the world.

The bishops of Wuhun Palace looked very ugly. One of them, who was known as the golden generation, was defeated by others across realms, and he had no power to fight back. Wuhun Palace was almost disgraced.

But they also knew that Yan's defeat was doomed. Even if this match were repeated several times, the result would be the same, not to mention that Dai Yao had to defeat nine more people before competing against Yan.

Moreover, some astute cardinals have begun to recall Dai Yao's message.

As the whetstone appointed by the Pope, they had briefly read some basic information about Dai Yao. After carefully calculating Dai Yao's age and the speed of his soul power cultivation, they suddenly raised their eyes with a hint of emotion. Unable to conceal the horror.

After six years of surviving in the cold palace, he awakened his martial soul at the age of six, became a great soul master at the age of nine, a soul master at the age of twelve, and a soul sect at the age of fifteen. In just six years, he has reached the soul sect level, and now has level 45 soul power.

At the same age, Dai Yao's soul power level is higher than Yan's!

Will the record of the Golden Generation, which was broken by Wuhundian, be broken again?

Thinking of Dai Yao's decision to join the Wuhun Palace, his originally gloomy face suddenly melted away, revealing a chrysanthemum smile.

This kind of genius soul master will be a figure that is generally enshrined in the future!

On the gilded throne, the indifferent faces of the four titled Douluo could not help but show a touch of surprise.

Even when they were in the Soul Sect, they couldn't defeat the Soul King at the level of the Soul Sect. What's more, there is a top-notch martial soul like Yan.

Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but turned sideways and smiled at Dugu Bo: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, for having such an outstanding son-in-law. Compared with Your Majesty, I don't have to worry about Bilin's lineage anymore."

Poison Douluo stroked his pale beard and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He was obviously in a good mood. Hearing Ning Fengzhi's praise, he immediately coughed slightly to hide the joy on his face.

"Ning Fengzhi is not a simple boy. Auxiliary soul masters like them want to find a powerful offensive soul master to protect them."

"I heard from Yanyan that he has always wanted to put his precious daughter next to Dai Yao, and he should also be eyeing Dai Yao. Seeing Dai Yao's outstanding performance today, he must not be able to bear it anymore."

Thinking of this, my heart sank, and I glanced at Ning Fengzhi indifferently and said:

"Sect Master Ning, this boy loves to be pushy and has no sense of humility. His character is flawed and not worthy of his strength."

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi was a little stunned. He understood what Dugu Bo meant and smiled helplessly. Sword Douluo looked at Dai Yao's figure and felt extremely regretful for a moment. It would have been nice if they had helped Dai Yao leave the Star Luo Empire.

It's a pity that fate has its way with people.

Sensing the strange atmosphere around Dugu Bo and Ning Fengzhi, Ju Ghost Douluo on the other side smiled at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Ju Gui Douluo's face was a little complicated. They watched Yan grow up and were defeated, and they felt a little uncomfortable. But Dai Yao's performance made them happy.

For a moment, two different emotions filled my heart.

On the gilt throne in the middle, Bibi Dong's slender jade legs overlapped and swayed gently. One hand supports Zhen's head, and the other hand holds the purple gold scepter. The purple clothes stick to the skin and outline enchanting curves, slender and elegant.

The indifference in her beautiful eyes that looked down on all sentient beings made everyone daunted and couldn't help but surrender. The peerless appearance is so insignificant compared with this world-powerful majesty.

Bibi Dong's eyes were lowered, deep in thought.

Ju Douluo noticed that the Pope was worried. He was worried that Bibi Dong would be disappointed in Yan, so he asked respectfully: "His Majesty the Pope, what's wrong with you..."

Ju Douluo's words immediately attracted the attention of several titled Douluo, looking at Bibi Dong.

After a while, Bibi Dong raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Dai Yao with a look of surprise in her eyes.

"I used to think that Dai Yao deliberately saved his soul power in order to defeat a few more opponents, but now that he has defeated Yan, I have some doubts about this speculation."

Ning Fengzhi's heart moved, and he asked sideways, "His Majesty the Pope, what do you mean?"

Bibi Dong glanced at Ning Fengzhi lightly and said slowly:

"Sect Leader Ning is indeed very thoughtful, and it seems that you have thought of it too. Yes, Dai Yao's goal should be to wear fourteen pieces at once!"

As soon as these words came out, several titled Douluo understood instantly, their pupils suddenly tightened, and the surrounding atmosphere became quiet, leaving only the sound of their Adam's apple rolling.

Ju Douluo's voice was a bit sharp and he said in disbelief: "Your Majesty, you mean that Dai Yao wants to defeat two teams by himself? How is this possible?"

Bibi Dong said calmly: "Elder Ju, Dai Yao's defeat of Yan proves that he has the strength to defeat the Soul King. Look now, how many people are left in the Shrek team and our team?"

Ju Douluo looked at the Wuhundian team, then at the Shrek team, and his eyes suddenly became focused.

Of the two teams, there are only four people left who have not yet played.

Ju Douluo's face was covered with horror and cold sweat. He knew what it meant to wear fourteen. The one-pass seven in the promotion round was already a record that shocked the mainland, not to mention the even more outrageous one-pass fourteen.

What's more, this is the stage of the top three battles, and both teams are the top teams in the mainland. Wuhun Palace even sent out the strongest young generation in history.

Once he wears the fourteenth grade, Ju Douluo can't imagine how terrifying Dai Yao's reputation will be.

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he suddenly turned around, looked at Bibi Dong, and said in a sharp voice:

"No, Your Majesty, even if he has the strength to defeat anyone, does he have that much soul power? As a soul sect, even though he has been trying his best to save his soul power, how much soul power will he have left after defeating Yan? ?”

Bibi Dong did not answer, but looked at Dai Yao. With her strength, she could naturally know how much soul power Dai Yao had left.

A flash of surprise flashed across his eyes, and he murmured in his heart: "Dai Yao, Dai Yao, I really want to see what else you can do with such a little soul power?"

Not only Ju Douluo had such doubts, but also Yan, who stood up unsteadily while coughing and clutching his chest, also had such doubts.

He had a depressed look on his face, breathing heavily, and glanced at Dai Yao, full of disbelief and horror.

After a moment of silence, his eyes averted, he finally looked at Dai Yao:

"Dai Yao, why can you continuously use your fourth soul skill?"

"No comment."

Dai Yao replied.

His fourth soul ring is the Thunder Hell Vine, which possesses the bloodline of the God of Thunder, which is beyond the reach of ordinary soul beasts. When he used his soul skills, it was as if he could control thunder without putting any pressure on his body.

As long as he has enough soul power, the thunder in the sky can continue to accumulate. At present, when he uses up all his soul power, he can launch an attack comparable to the Contra level.

Upon hearing Dai Yao's answer, Yan immediately gritted his teeth and stared at Dai Yao:

"Okay, don't say you can. Now that you have used your fourth soul skill three times in a row, how much soul power do you have left? It must have been exhausted! I want to see what happens next for you!"

After a moment of silence, Dai Yao glanced at Yan with his peripheral vision, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice:

"You'll see."

After defeating Yan, three consecutive White Tiger Thunder God strikes consumed 30% of his soul power, and now only 30% of his soul power was left. There are four more opponents.

Dai Mubai, Xieyue, Tang San, Hu Liena.

It's okay for Dai Mubai to be a takeout delivery boy. But Xie Yue, Tang San, and Hu Liena were all difficult to deal with.

His eyes were full of solemnity, and after exhaling deeply, he relaxed a little. It is indeed not easy to wear fourteen.

Hearing Dai Yao's answer, Yan returned to the Wuhundian team unwillingly, glanced at Hu Liena, and then immediately passed by, feeling a little ashamed. Then he glanced at all the team members and found that these people were very ashamed on their faces and did not dare to To see him.

He was slightly stunned. It turned out that he was not the only one who was ashamed of being defeated by Dai Yao. He bit his lip and walked to Xie Yue. Xie Yue lowered his head and said:

"Captain, I'm sorry, I lost."

Xie Yue sighed, patted Yan's shoulder and comforted:

"I don't blame you. If it were me, I probably wouldn't be able to withstand Dai Yao's terrifying soul skills. He was bombarded three times in a row."

Hu Liena tapped her red lips with her index finger, her eyes seemed to have found some prey, her eyes were fixed on Dai Yao, and a charming voice spit out from her red lips:

"I really don't know how this guy cultivates. With Yan's soul power, it was all used up after three uses of the fifth soul skill. And Dai Yao not only defeated nine people, but he was also able to use it three times, and he did so continuously. usage of."

"His soul power is weird!"

Yan secretly gritted his teeth, but could not say anything, because he was just a loser, and the so-called golden generation seemed to be a joke.

Especially in front of Nana, being defeated by another man was an unforgivable shame for him.

Xie Yue's eyes were full of solemnity, a sharp aura slowly spread, and she said in a deep voice:

"Leave it to me next. The reputation of the Wuhundian team has suffered an unprecedented blow. No matter what, I will definitely defeat Dai Yao. Only in this way can I save a little bit of reputation."

"Although it is a bit disgraceful to defeat Dai Yao when he is exhausted, but I have to do it."

While the Wuhundian team was talking, a white figure was blown away on the field and fell in the direction of Shrek Academy.

Dai Yao panted slightly, looked at the place where the figure fell, and said contemptuously:

"Dai Mubai, you still haven't made any progress at all."


Zhu Lu anxiously helped Dai Mubai up, but Dai Mubai didn't look at him at all. His face was full of horror and unwillingness, and he looked firmly at Dai Yao.

Tang San held him down and said seriously: "Boss Dai, you did a good job. You have enough energy for the team competition in the afternoon."

Dai Mubai clenched his palms tightly, and his fingers turned white because of the strength.

He did not lose to Dai Yao on purpose to preserve his physical strength. Dai Yao was his destined opponent, so he tried his best. But he couldn't even touch Dai Yao, just like an adult teasing a child, with no power to resist.

Hearing Tang San's consolation, Dai Mubai nodded, thinking in shock:

"It's only been a few days, and this guy has improved again! What has he experienced in the past few years in the Tiandou Empire!"


On the soul fighting stage, the competition continued.

The much-anticipated Xie Yue, the nominal number one of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace, was kneeling on one knee, the hand holding the moon blade trembling uncontrollably, and cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

On his arm, a purple scar suddenly appeared.

That was the scar caused by Dai Yao's white tiger eight wings.

Feeling her increasingly weak body, Xie Yue raised her head, struggled to look at Dai Yao, and shouted unwillingly:

"You actually used poison!"

"Since it's a duel, why not? Only I can cure your poison. If you don't admit defeat, your future will be ruined."

Sweat broke out on Dai Yao's forehead. After defeating Dai Mubai, he only had 20% of the soul power left in his body. The situation at this time was already very bad, and he still had three opponents.

Twenty percent of the soul power is simply not enough.

But he also hides a trump card, which is poison. The Eight Wings of the White Tiger should not be said to be the soul bones of the Eight Spiders, the poison of the Human-Faced Demon Spider.

In the original book, Tang San used this move to defeat the Wuhundian team.

But the use of poison cannot be used on the table. It can only be used once. After using it, others will definitely be on guard.

Therefore, you must choose an opponent strong enough to use up your only chance. Yan can't do it, because although he is strong, his fire element can directly burn toxins. In the original work, he was the only one to avoid the bat-wing reincarnation move.

And Xie Yue just meets the conditions.

In order to get close to Xie Yue, he was forced to use a White Tiger Thunder Strike. His soul power plummeted again, leaving only 10%, but the effect was outstanding, and he successfully stabbed Xie Yue with the eight wings of the white tiger.

Xie Yue endured the weakness of his body and stood up, but quickly fell to the ground. The anger and unwillingness in his heart seemed to burst out. Even if he was poisoned, he still wanted to continue fighting with Dai Yao.

However, the sound in his ear made him stunned.

Looking in the direction of the Pope, Bibi Dong nodded slightly, gritted his teeth and said unwillingly:

"I surrender!"

Hearing this, Dai Yao stopped the soul masters who wanted to rescue Xie Yue. The eight wings of the white tiger stabbed into the wound again, sucking out the toxins from Xie Yue's body, and he also absorbed part of the soul power.

Only 10% of the soul power was restored to 15%. Although it was better than nothing, this half of the soul power might be the key to victory or defeat.

"Okay, the toxin has been removed."

Looking at Xie Yue who was gradually recovering, Dai Yao said.

While Xie Yue was busy recovering, she looked deeply at Dai Yao: "You are very powerful. Although I don't want to admit failure, poison is indeed a method. You have made me see something new."

"After you join the Spirit Hall, I will definitely have a discussion with you."

Dai Yao nodded: "Definitely."

Afterwards, Dai Yao returned to the soul fighting stage again, looked at Tang San in Shrek's rest area, and said slowly:


Tang San took a deep breath, trying to calm down the restlessness in his heart. He wanted to have another duel with Dai Yao, but the scene of being severely injured and dying by Dai Yao was still vivid in his mind.

Although Dai Yao has exhausted his soul power, he undoubtedly still has the strength to defeat himself. Once he was seriously injured due to his recklessness, resulting in the failure of the team competition in the afternoon, he could not forgive himself.

The Clear Sky Hammer and the Cloud Pattern Hand clashed again, with constant roars and both sides maintaining restraint. After Dai Yao used his ten thousand-year soul skill again, Tang San gave in at the right moment.

"Dai Yao, we will fight again."

After Tang San stepped down, he sneered and said to Dai Yao.

Dai Yao no longer had the energy to answer. He gasped for air and curled his lips slightly to show his attitude.

How could he not know Tang San's trump card? It's just a hidden weapon and a seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill.

Although he defeated Tang San, his soul power was on the verge of exhaustion, with only half of his soul power left. He couldn't even use the White Tiger Thunder God Strike, but he still had to face the true number one person of the golden generation - Hu Liena. .

After Tang San lost, the whole place was silent.

Everyone knows that Dai Yao has accomplished an unprecedented achievement. He has become a legend in the history of Douluo Continent. He has become a legend in the history of Douluo Continent.

Many eyes were focused in the direction of the Wuhundian team, looking at Hu Liena.

Everyone wants to see Dai Yao defeat Hu Liena and create an unprecedented miracle, but they also don't want to see Dai Yao win. Otherwise, if the Wuhun Palace team is defeated by seven, Wuhun Palace cannot afford to lose face.

Under the complicated gazes of everyone, Hu Liena stepped onto the soul fighting stage step by step...

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