Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 249 The true face of the purple droplet


On the bed, Dai Yao sat cross-legged and let out a long breath.

After returning from the Qibao Glazed Sect's mansion, he simply ate some food and immediately returned to his room to enter the cultivation state and recover the consumed soul power.

Two hours later, the moon reached its zenith. After practicing, the remaining 40% of the soul power quickly increased to 70%. After practicing for a while, the soul power can be fully restored.

But he didn't feel any joy at all, and instead stopped practicing. Thinking of the mysterious purple droplets that appeared during the battle with Hu Liena during the day, a haze appeared in his heart unconsciously.

In his spiritual world, his biggest secret is stored, Chaos Qinglian!

During the game, because I had other business matters, I had to suppress the matter and pretend to know nothing about it. Now that he was free, he decided to eliminate this hidden danger.

With a sinking thought, he entered the spiritual world, glanced at the domineering and burly sacred white tiger, who was taking a nap, and then immediately locked his eyes on the chaotic green lotus.

To be precise, it is on the purple droplets on the green lotus leaves.

The chaotic green lotus stretched quietly, and the purple liquid droplets rolled on the lotus leaves, and from time to time, frightening purple thunder flashed. Next to the Chaos Green Lotus, there is a lotus that is also green.

But compared with the Chaos Green Lotus, the aura of this Green Lotus is undoubtedly much weaker. If the Chaos Green Lotus is the forty-eighth grade, then this Green Lotus is only the twelfth grade.

This green lotus was obtained by Dai Yao after he advanced to level 40. It has not been used and is stored in the spiritual world. After the game was over, he gave it to Dugu Yan.

It's not that he is stingy, but that there are too many changes around him, and there are many people in the competition, and it is inevitable that some people will think of something. Therefore, he will only give it to Dugu Yan after the competition is over.

Then no one would pay attention to it. Taking Qinglian, Dugu Yan's disease will definitely be completely eradicated.

"Come out, come uninvited. How long do you want to stay in my spiritual world?"

He skimmed off the drop of purple liquid and said coldly.

After the words fell, the purple liquid droplets floated in the air. In an instant, countless purple thunder suddenly struck down in the spiritual world, and the thunder roared continuously.

The purple droplet disappeared and was replaced by a gorgeous woman in a purple dress.

Her hair was combed into a phoenix-style bun, and her delicate face showed no expression. There is no trace of tenderness in a pair of willow-leaf eyebrows. They are full of arrogance and indifference from a high position, looking down on all living beings.

He seems to be a born superior.

She glanced sideways at Dai Yao, with a flash of disdain in her eyes, her jade hands behind her back, and said calmly:

"You killed me to get that ten-thousand-year soul ring. Why, can't I just stay in your spiritual world for a while?"

Hearing this, Dai Yao's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly realized:

"Is it you?!"

This woman was transformed by the Thunder Hell Vine. When Dai Yao was at the critical moment when the Thunder Hell Vine was going through a tribulation, he struck her lightly, distracting her and causing her body and soul to die.

But Dai Yao absorbed the soul ring, and the remaining mental power in the soul ring, under the power of Chaos Qinglian's creation, healed the injuries bit by bit. Her current state is even stronger than when she was at her peak.

After knowing Zi Di's true face, Dai Yao's face suddenly darkened. This woman undoubtedly knew his biggest secret, and she had to be killed to avoid long nights and dreams!

Noticing the faint killing intent emanating from Dai Yao, the woman in purple smiled contemptuously:

"What? You just want to kill me? You humans are all the same."

The woman in purple floated in front of Dai Yao, and looked at Dai Yao without fear, as if she didn't care at all about the killing intent emanating from Dai Yao, and said with a sneer:

"I might as well tell you that as long as you have the idea of ​​killing me, I will expose myself and activate the Thor bloodline in my body. Even if you have the Chaos Green Lotus to protect you, it will be enough to turn you into an idiot for a period of time!"

"I don't know how long it will last. It might be a lifetime."

Dai Yao's heart sank. He couldn't bear the price of becoming an idiot. He frowned and thought for a moment. Obviously, whenever he dares to attack the purple-clothed woman, with the purple-clothed woman's strong temper, she would rather lose both sides than let Dai Yao get his wish easily.

But he would completely eliminate any risk that could expose Chaos Qinglian.

There is currently no way to deal with the purple-clothed woman, but that doesn't mean there won't be any in the future. What we have to do now is to make excuses with the purple-clothed woman, delay it as much as possible, and first figure out the purple-clothed woman's purpose.

He raised his head, looked at the woman in purple and said:

"What do you want?"

The woman in purple said indifferently: "Don't worry, I don't have much ill will towards you, even if you kill me and absorb my soul ring."

"In a sense, your goals and mine are the same."

"You are the master of this divine artifact. This divine artifact is the foundation for you to become a strong person. You must not want to be known by others. And I also want to use this divine artifact to practice. Like you, I have not leaked it. motivation."

Hearing this, Dai Yao felt relieved. The purple-clothed woman's purpose was consistent with his, and she would keep the secret of Chaos Qinglian. But he still had some caution in his heart. Who knew if the woman in purple was lying?

There might be some conspiracy behind trying to get him to lower his guard, maybe even to seize the Chaos Green Lotus.

Dai Yao looked at the purple-clothed woman up and down, thinking constantly in his mind. The purple-clothed woman who was waiting to see was a little impatient, and then he continued to test:

"You said you used Qinglian to practice, can you confirm it?"

The woman frowned like a brow created by the heavens. If other men saw her frown simply, she would probably want to take out her heart and let the woman express her inner dissatisfaction.

The woman said displeased:

"I have the blood of Thunder God, and I never bother to tell lies, but you still suspect that I can lie to you?!"

Dai Yao didn't care about the woman's beauty, and said sternly:

"I don't care what Thor's bloodline you are, or any other bloodline, since you want to stay in my spiritual world and practice with the help of Qinglian, then listen to me honestly, otherwise, I would rather fight to become an idiot, I will never let you be such a disaster!"

Dai Yao's merciless words made the woman startled for a moment, and then immediately became furious, and said loudly:

"I have a majestic Thunder God bloodline, and you actually doubt me! How can I lie about such a noble bloodline?!"

Dai Yao was also stunned by the woman's words, what is going on with this woman? Do you have to emphasize so much on your Thunder God bloodline, just a bloodline, and you are not a real god, so you think so highly of yourself?

Moreover, even if they are real gods, the gods of Douluo Continent are not that noble.

Dai Yao looked at the woman suspiciously, but persisted in his thoughts and shouted coldly:

"Now, you either show me how you practice, or you lose both ways!"

The woman was breathing heavily, and the mountains tightly wrapped in purple robes were rising and falling. It was obvious that she was extremely angry. But Dai Yao's determined attitude forced her to wake up.

She didn't reply, but snorted coldly, and turned into a drop of purple liquid again, rolling on the lotus leaves of the chaotic green lotus. The speed begins to climb upward.

She directly demonstrated her training method.

This kind of practice is not only much easier than her way of being struck by lightning, but also more effective. The most important thing is that without the prying eyes of plane consciousness, she can continue to increase the life of the Thunder Hell Vine until it reaches its peak of millions of years.

Seeing this situation, Dai Yao also believed what the woman said.

The purple-clothed woman's cultivation method has been confirmed, but whether what she said is credible or not remains to be seen in the future, so you still have to be wary.

Thinking of the scene where Zi Di was exposed, Dai Yao couldn't help but ask:

"Okay, I believe you. But why did you take the initiative to expose yourself during the day? Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to find you."

If he was the Thundering Hell Prison Vine, he must have been lurking in the spiritual world until he cultivated into a million-year soul beast before he would take the initiative to expose it. This purple-clothed woman took the initiative to expose it today, which really made him unable to understand.

However, the purple drop seemed to be angry, and did not answer his question.

After a long while, Dai Yao frowned and shouted:

"I said, since you want to cultivate in my spiritual world, you should obey the rules honestly. I just asked you a few questions, which are not your privacy. Why don't you answer them?"

The purple droplet didn't even melt into the purple-clothed woman, and kept the shape of the droplet all the time. Hearing Dai Yao's cold drink, he had no choice but to answer honestly:

"I have the blood of Thunder God, and Xiao Xiao's mental shock dares to offend me. Naturally, I will fight back!"

Although the woman's cold voice had a sense of helplessness, there was still a hint of arrogance.

Dai Yao was confused by the woman's answer, and said in a dull voice:

"You actually exposed yourself because of this? Because you felt that she offended you?!"

"Of course, I have the blood of the God of Thunder, how can these ordinary people offend me?"

Speaking of this, there was a little natural pride in the voice of Lei Ming Hell Prison Vine.

But Dai Yao only felt that it was a shame.

The image of the thundering Hell Prison Vine that fought against fate, persevered until it was destroyed, disappeared in Dai Yao's heart, and was replaced by an extremely proud lunatic.

Now, Dai Yao really believed that what the purple-clothed woman said would not reveal Qinglian's secret was true, and this kind of extremely arrogant lunatic would never lie.

Even if someone forced her, she would not speak out, otherwise it would be a betrayal of her noble blood.

But even so, Dai Yao still kept a bit of vigilance, the life in the cold palace brought him an extremely cautious character. Maybe what Leiming Hell Prison Vine is showing now is all her pretending?

She is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. It is said that the female university is three thousand, and she is in the fairy class. This purple-clothed woman has already become a spirit!

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, he suddenly thought that it would be inconvenient to call Leiming Hell Prison Vine, so he proposed:

"Hey, should I give you a name, it's not convenient for me to call you now..."

However, before he finished speaking, a cold voice sounded from the purple droplet:

"No need, I have the blood of the God of Thunder, how can any mortal name be worthy of me? Just call me Thunder Hell Vine."

Dai Yao's mind is full of black lines:

"Okay, okay, I will treat you like Thunder Prison Vine from now on."

One sentence from the left about the bloodline of the God of Thunder, and another sentence about the bloodline of the God of Thunder made his brain almost explode. It was just a god-level bloodline. Is it necessary to emphasize it so much?

This Thunder Prison Vine must have placed too much emphasis on its own bloodline. Just having a god-level bloodline seems to make it superior to others.

Breaking away from the spiritual world, put on simple clothes, stood up, walked to the window step by step, looked at the Wuhun City with sparse lights, and sighed long.

There was a fierce battle this morning, and in the afternoon I took the risk of using the second martial spirit to break the seven-in-one, and then Tang Hao appeared, creating a life and death crisis. Sword Douluo came to his aid, Ning Rongrong's bad news broke out, and he parted ways with Ning Rongrong, and then discovered the true identity of the purple droplet, which turned out to be the Thunder Hell Vine.

One after another, one after another, it made him physically and mentally exhausted.

The vacillation between Wuhun Palace and Qibao Glazed Sect; after joining Wuhun Palace, whether to tell Bibi Dong about the second martial soul; and then the appearance of Thunder Prison Vine, where will his future go.

For a moment, he was a little confused.

"That's all, I can't think of a reason after all. What I have to do now is to grasp what I can grasp, practice well, and face the final battle tomorrow with a full posture."

"As for the Thunder Hell Vine, just take it one step at a time. If she has evil intentions, she will be exposed one day."

The cool night breeze blew by, and Dai Yao suddenly felt a little cold. He closed the window to isolate the noise from the outside world, returned to the bed, sat down cross-legged, and continued to recover his soul power.


On the top of the mountain where the Pope's Palace is located, an old man in gold robes and silver embroidery slowly walked to the top of the mountain.

Looking up, the pitch-black night seemed unable to block his sight. Looking at the direction Tang Hao left in the afternoon, the old man sighed quietly.

A touch of sadness and helplessness flashed across his cloudy eyes:

"It's you who chose to turn into human form this time, Silky Bone Rabbit. But you have to know that this is not only your personal vendetta, but also a key part of my soul beast's million-year plan."

"Even if this plan fails, as long as the chosen person becomes a god, your existence will be a trace of fire retained by the soul beast lineage."

"I just didn't expect that Tang San would be the child of the Blue Silver Emperor. This can be regarded as a fate."

"Tang Hao Ayin is on the verge of failure, but if Tang San succeeds, all the sacrifices will be worth it. The gods above will surely bear the anger of our soul beast clan that has been suppressed for millions of years!"

Thinking of this, the old man's heart, which had been stable for hundreds of years, suddenly stirred up a wave of excitement and became a little excited.

But what he didn't know was that when Tang San became a god and took Xiao Wu to the God Realm, Xiao Wu had completely forgotten the hatred of the spirit beast.

Looking at the full moon that has lasted for hundreds of years, the old man sighed:

"I am getting old after all..."

There was silence on the mountains. After a long time, the old man looked at the hotel where Oakland College was staying, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes:

"Dai Yao is also a seedling to become a god. Unfortunately, there is no suitable female soul beast that can transform into a human form. The chance of success of this plan is already slim. Maybe, no soul beast is willing to try it."

The chirping of cicadas was extremely clear in the night sky. The patrolling soul master suddenly found someone standing on the top of the mountain and immediately said vigilantly:


The old man turned around. When the patrolling spirit master saw the old man's appearance clearly, he immediately broke into a cold sweat and said nervously.

"It's not intentional for small people to worship adults."

The old man glanced at the patrolling soul master, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, patrolling is your duty. I'm just in a state of silence, so let's continue patrolling."


The patrolling soul master quickly left, and the mountains under the night returned to calm again.

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