the next day.

After yesterday's big celebration, the joy of victory still hasn't diminished. Therefore, everyone decided to take a tour in Wuhun City.

This thousand-year-old city is the most noble existence in the hearts of mainland soul masters. It took a lot of effort to get here, how can we waste this opportunity?

This hexagonal city has a total of six main roads, which extend inward from the hundred-meter-high wall and finally converge in the center. Therefore, Wuhun City is divided into six areas by six main roads.

Most of these six areas are various facilities under the jurisdiction of His Highness Wuhun, as well as resting places for various bishops. There is only one place for tourists to visit.

A group of people from Auckland came here and looked at the bustling business district, and couldn't help but open their mouths.

Although Dai Yao had experienced modern society in his previous life, the prosperity here was still somewhat beyond his expectation.

Yanliu Gallery, with wind curtains and green curtains, is home to hundreds of thousands of people.

It turns out that this place is not only a place for tourists to visit, but also a place where many civilians and soul masters live together. It is precisely because of these 100,000 families that the upper echelons of Wuhun Palace have such a superior life.

They are the working cells of Wuhun City, responsible for the complicated and trivial matters in the city, such as the city's sanitation and so on. And they have to serve the high-ranking soul master. So that those soul masters can free up their hands and concentrate on their cultivation.

"I'll go. The prosperity here may be comparable to that of Tiandou City."

Dai Yuan looked at the residents' residences that extended to the edge of the giant wall and said in shock.

"Although Wuhun City is much smaller than Tiandou City, its prosperity is not inferior to Tiandou City or Xingluo City. In terms of the number of soul masters, it far exceeds the two."

A charming voice sounded from the side. Just hearing the voice made the boys in Auckland feel hot and quickly turned their heads away, not daring to look at her.

The Auckland girl looked at the woman with a hint of hostility. But the woman didn't seem to care at all, she smiled softly and didn't care.

"Thank you, Hu Liena, for clarifying our doubts."

Dai Yao glanced at the city again and felt a little emotional in his heart. Is this his future home? Thoughts flashed through his mind, and he looked towards the place where the charming voice sounded, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

This woman is exactly Hu Liena.

Her long brown shawl hair was gently flowing, and she was dressed in dignified and noble brown and white clothes, which outlined her slender and hot figure, making her extremely hot. The brown waistcoat hanging to the ground added a bit of charm to her.

Especially that pretty face that looks like a fox, it's so beautiful that it's a bit tragic. A pair of eyes that are always looking at each other, making people unable to help but be captured by her charm.

Of course, compared with Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong, they are still one point behind. But spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums each have their own strengths and unique charms.

Not only the people in Auckland, but also the passers-by on the roadside looked at Hu Liena with burning eyes, and there was no concealment. But when they noticed the Purple Record Medal on Hu Liena's chest, they felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured into their hearts, and they ran away in fear.

Hu Liena pursed her lips and said with a smile, "No trouble."

"I didn't expect that we defeated you yesterday, but today we ask you to lead the way for us. It's really embarrassing." Dai Yao touched his head and said.

Hearing this, Hu Liena stiffened, took a deep look at Dai Yao, then quickly stepped forward and walked to the front. After suppressing the complicated emotions in her heart, she turned back and said with a smile:

"Winning or losing is a common thing for a soldier. I have to thank you for waking us up. I personally applied to take you to visit Wuhun City today!"

Dai Yao let go of his guard, and together with everyone in Oakland, under the introduction of Hu Liena, enjoyed the city's elegance. Everyone stopped and walked under the more iconic buildings, and Hu Liena introduced them to everyone by citing classics.

Unknowingly, everyone gradually developed a good impression of this girl of the golden generation.

Even Dai Yao is the same, but, Hu Liena's love brain in the original book made Dai Yao's evaluation of her a lot lower.

Finally, Hu Liena stopped, looked back at everyone, smiled slightly and said:

"Okay, we've reached the finish line, everyone might as well go to the market in Wuhundian and buy some souvenirs. Of course, I'll treat you."

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed. With a knowledgeable attitude, they stepped into this bustling market that only soul masters and nobles could enter with some caution.

Not long after, when everyone came out of the market, their faces were a little ugly.

In the market, the shops are quite elegantly decorated, and the women selling them all have smiles that make people feel comfortable. Moreover, there are a wide variety of products, and rare treasures are placed casually in the shops.

Rare soul guides, precious captive soul beasts, and even thousand-year-old soul bones can be seen everywhere here. People can't help but sigh the wealth of Wuhundian.

But what makes everyone feel quite uncomfortable is that the women in charge of sales, although they maintain a formulaic smile, seem to have no soul.

Moreover, everyone also saw those women who were kept in glass cabinets, pitiful, even hopeless and indifferent, with special appearance due to the mutation of Wuhun.

Such as fox girl, cat girl and so on.

To the nobles and many soul masters, these real people are just commodities, tools for venting.

Staring at the women who were almost soulless and with different shapes, others just felt uncomfortable in their hearts, but Feng Wutong seemed to feel the despair and pain.

Her delicate body froze, her red lips trembling slightly.

In particular, the nobles around them commented on the women as if they were commodities, licking their lips from time to time and showing lustful eyes.

How similar was this to the time when she was tortured by the side effects of martial soul mutation? It felt like I was back in that time again, swallowed up by despair and feeling suffocated.

The body couldn't help but move a little closer to Dai Yao, and his beautiful eyes were raised slightly. When the man's back came into view, the tension and uneasiness in his heart just receded a little.

If it weren't for Dai Yao, it would be hard for her to imagine what her future would be like.

Would you rather die than surrender, or be sold like these women in front of you, and even suffer a fate worse than these women?

The person who saved her life only asked herself to be his maid. Thinking of this, Feng Wutong couldn't help but squeeze her jade hands tightly, and the determination in her eyes when looking at Dai Yao became even stronger.

Most of the people in Auckland were civilian soul masters. Seeing this situation, they all felt physically uncomfortable. Only Dugu Yan, Dai Yuanyi looked as usual.

Although Dai Yao was once named a prince, he had never experienced the corrupt life of a prince, and he was even worse than many civilian soul masters. It didn't take long for everyone to leave the place in a hurry.

"Ah, finally alive."

After walking out of the shop and into the market, Luo Feng breathed heavily, his face looking relaxed.

Even Feng Qianli, who was usually the calmest, looked a little strange at this moment. Obviously, the scene inside the store somewhat broke their perspective.

Observing the changes in the expression on Dai Yao's face, Hu Liena couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. After this trip, she also had a general understanding of Dai Yao, and she gradually gained confidence in how to control this sword.

A flash of light flashed through her beautiful eyes, she smiled generously and said to everyone in Auckland:

"It seems that everyone doesn't like these shops belonging to nobles and soul masters, so you might as well visit the markets of ordinary people."

Her eyes seemed to be moving on everyone, but her attention was always on Dai Yao alone, paying attention to Dai Yao's every move.

Under the guidance of Hu Liena, everyone came to the ordinary people's market. As soon as I stepped into Fangshi, a lively and noisy sound filled my ears continuously.

Although it is not as elegant and noble as the aristocratic shop, it is much more lively. Ordinary people dressed in simple clothes are constantly flowing in, hawking and haggling.

Here, everyone relaxed and blended in, and walked around with interest in various stalls set up on the ground. Finally, everyone was attracted by a stall owner who carved a headdress out of wood.

While the group was choosing, Dugu Yan gritted his teeth and called Zhu Zhuqing out. After saying something in a less crowded place, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly raised his head and looked at Dugu Yan, his expression glazed over.

"Give it to you."

Dai Yao took out a phoenix-patterned hairpin and the matching red belt from the stall, and gave them to Feng Wutong.

Looking at the gift brought by Dai Yao, Feng Wutong pursed his lips, feeling moved in his heart. She just stayed a little longer on this hairpin, but she didn't expect Dai Yao to notice it.


Feng Wutong murmured softly.

"You now have two Titled Douluo-level teachers, and I can't help you much. I can only give you these worthless things."

Dai Yao said casually.

"No, the young master's thoughts are the most precious."

Feng Wutong looked directly at Dai Yao, and Dai Yao was stunned by that sincere gaze, and then he waved his hand and dropped the topic.


As the sun set, everyone finally ended their day of sightseeing and returned to the hotel.

Dai Yao lay on the soft bed, looking at the ceiling, not wanting to move. What was a little strange was that Zhu Zhuqing, who had always been by her side, suddenly seemed to have disappeared.

However, he is not too worried, after all, this is Wuhun City.


There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Dai Yao straightened up, sat on the bed, cheered up, rubbed his eyes, and looked in the direction of the door with some confusion.

The next moment, Qian Ying appeared quietly, looked at Dai Yao with her green eyes, raised her eyebrows slightly, and locked the door. Twisting her waist tightly, she sat next to Dai Yao and looked at Dai Yao with her eyes like autumn water:

"What? I'm not welcome?"

"How can it be?"

Dai Yao shook his head, skillfully held Dugu Yan's waist, and rubbed it on his smooth, satin-like skin.

"Stop itching!"

Dugu Yan reached out and knocked off Dai Yao's hand, giving him a rollicking look.

Dai Yao didn't have any embarrassment. In the past few years, although there were better ways to treat the poison in Dugu Yan's body, they all chose the more glamorous method in tacit understanding, and their skin touched each other countless times.

Looking at Dugu Yan's seductive face, she was no less generous than Hu Liena. Dai Yao's eyes softened a bit. After these few days, Dugu Yan will return to the Tiandou Empire and be separated from him.

When we meet again, I don't know what year and month.

He grabbed Dugu Yan's jade hand and sighed softly: "Yan Yan, I really don't want to be separated from you."

Because of the conflict between Dugu Bo and Yue Guan and others, he would not join the Spirit Hall. As Dugu Bo's granddaughter, joining the Spirit Hall was not a good choice. With no choice, Dugu Yan had to follow Dugu Bo and return to Tiandou.

Hearing Dai Yao's true confession, Dugu Yan's always cold eyes revealed a soft look. He broke away from Dai Yao's hand, walked to the window, and tightened the curtains.

Then under Dai Yao's astonished gaze, his clothes fell to the ground.

Dai Yao's breathing suddenly became rapid: "Yanyan, what are you?"

During their treatment, although they were somewhat ambiguous, they had never met each other so frankly.

Dugu Yan smiled charmingly: "After today, I will return to the Tiandou Empire. I may not see you for several years. Today, please give me one last treatment..."

Like a snake, [15 words omitted], with red lips spitting out lightly, squirting numbing heat into Dai Yao's ears, and said in a low voice:

"My sister wants your body!"

In an instant, blood rushed to his brain, and Dai Yao stood up, [omitting fourteen words].


The moon disappears and the stars sink.

The movement in the room finally stopped.

A few strands of Dugu Yan's purple hair were wet with sweat and stuck tightly to her cheeks. From top to bottom, exuding an astonishing charm. Her pretty face was pressed against Dai Yao's chest, and she raised her head from time to time, looking into Dai Yao's eyes full of love.

"Dai Yao, I've given you everything now, but you can't let me down."

Dai Yao nodded lightly and touched Dugu Yan's hair. Even after it was over, Dugu Yan was still like a snake. [Four or five words omitted], she was indeed a beautiful snake.

"Yanyan, what you did today is really..."

Dai Yao couldn't help laughing when he recalled what he felt just now.

"Is it a bit of a surprise?"

Dugu Yan raised his head, stared at Dai Yao closely, and said as if he was lost in memories:

"Do you know? Dai Yao. The rain of rocks in the Eyes of Ice and Fire was really too big. It rained in my heart for a whole six years. I will never forget the time when you blocked the huge rocks for me. .”

Hearing this, Dai Yao couldn't help but laugh. He didn't expect that it was the original misunderstanding that caused this girl to fall in love with him.

Dugu Yan continued:

"In this world, you are my destined husband. Only you can detoxify the poison in my body."

Dai Yao was a little silent, glanced at Dugu Yan, and asked: "If I can't cure your poison, will I still be your husband?"

In the original work, Tang San also had the ability to detoxify, and Dugu Yan's words made him feel blocked.

Dugu Yan straightened up, as if he noticed something, stared at Dai Yao, and said dissatisfied:

"Why can't you be as confident as you were when you were fighting souls? Are you the kind of person who believes in fate?"

He sighed softly, his voice became much softer, and his eyes looking at Dai Yao again were a little more gentle:

"Actually, since I grew up, I have never seen a strange person like you?"

"What's weird about me?"

"My Dugu family has always been known for being cold and ruthless. Everyone who sees us is afraid of them. Even if they barely keep calm, there is still a bit of unconcealable fear in their eyes."

"But you are different. Not only do you have no fear in your eyes, but you treat me like an ordinary person. Even if I give you something, you have no doubts about it and you don't worry about whether it is poisonous or not."

Recalling the past, Dugu Yan couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

"My parents passed away when I was very young, and my grandpa raised me single-handedly. Grandpa was a titled Douluo, very majestic, and no one dared to bully me. Grandpa also tried his best to fill in the missing paternal and maternal love, but Grandpa is not my parents after all."

"Under the pampering of my grandfather, I live a carefree life, but every time I see my peers getting along with their parents, I feel like there is something missing in my heart."

"However, the more I lack these things, the more arrogant I become, using my external strength to fill the poverty in my heart."

"It wasn't until I met you that you shattered my framed appearance and made me realize that I was just a child without the love of my parents. That day in the stone rain at the Eyes of Ice and Fire, you sacrificed your life to block that deadly stone for me. I My heart beat violently, and I realized for the first time that someone would risk everything to save me."

"Today, you also gave me that precious soul bone, making me more aware that you are the man I will entrust to you for life."

"But I have to return to the Tiandou Empire. I don't want any accidents to happen between us because of time, so I gave me to you so that you will never forget me."

Looking at Dugu Yan's dreamy eyes, Dai Yao was deeply moved in his heart, and held her tightly in his arms. He had no desire, but simply wanted to hold her in his arms and cherish her.

"Don't think about the painful past anymore. From now on, I will give you a happy future."

"I trust you."

Dugu Yan hugged Dai Yao tightly, saying happily.

At this moment, she is no longer the beauty who manipulates people's hearts, only Dai Yao's woman.

After a while, Dai Yao let go of his embrace and took out a green lotus under Dugu Yan's doubtful eyes. Dai Yao stared at the green lotus quietly curling its lotus leaves, as if looking at a peerless treasure, and then handed it to Dugu Yan's hand and said:

"Yanyan, this is my parting gift to you."

Looking at the green lotus in her hand, Dugu Yan could clearly feel the desire of the green-scaled snake martial spirit in her body, and her breathing became rapid, but she still held back the throbbing and asked:

"Dai Yao, what kind of treasure is this? Immortal grass?"

Dai Yao shook his head and said: "No, this Qinglian has the power to conquer the heaven and earth. Let your martial soul evolve, just like Wutong."

"Wu Tong?"

Dugu Yan frowned and said, "Are you saying that Wutong also evolved into the Suzaku Martial Spirit after taking this Green Lotus?"

"Yeah, but what Wutong took was not Qinglian, but Red Lotus."

Dai Yao explained.

Dugu Yan stared at this green lotus in a daze, and couldn't believe that this green lotus had the power to evolve a martial soul, but the fact was right in front of her eyes, so she had to believe it.

"It's no wonder why Wutong obeys your advice. It turns out that's the case. I said why she is such a beautiful woman who is so beautiful, why she is willing to be your maid."

She suddenly realized.

But she immediately realized something was wrong. Now that Dai Yao had taken out the Qinglian, wouldn't it mean that he could have taken it out a long time ago, but never gave it to her? Do you doubt her? Thinking of this, she said with a little cry:

"Dai Yao, don't you still trust me?"

"why do you say so?"

Dai Yao said in a panic.

"Then why didn't you give it to me earlier? Did you have to wait until now?"

Hearing this, Dai Yao breathed a sigh of relief: "Of course it's not that I don't believe you, but that Qinglian's effect is too powerful. Wutong's original martial spirit was a relatively ordinary blazing bird, but now, it has become a god-level martial spirit Suzaku .”

"The same is true for Zhuqing, not only the evolution of the martial spirit, but also a radical change. You can see that Wutong and Zhuqing are so beautiful, partly because of the role of these lotus flowers."

"In this way, you should understand the importance of these lotus flowers. Everyone knows your martial spirit, but there are too many people in the competition. Once your martial spirit and appearance change, it will definitely arouse the attention of those who care. suspicion."

"After the competition, there will be a lot less people paying attention to these things. And with your grandfather's cover, the changes in your martial spirit and appearance can be explained."

"In order to avoid such trouble, I'm giving it to you now."

After a while, Dugu Yan snorted coldly and said: "Okay, you have passed this level."

Dai Yao immediately put his arms around Dugu Yan, and said intimately: "When we meet again next time, I really want to see how charming you will become after taking Qinglian."

Dugu Yan turned his head and said, "I won't show it to you."

Looking at the sulky Dugu Yan, Dai Yao shook his head, became serious, and warned:

"Yanyan, when you go back, you must help me keep an eye on the Ice and Fire Eyes."

Sensing the seriousness in Dai Yao's tone, Dugu Yan was no longer angry and asked doubtfully:

"What's wrong?"

"I'm worried someone will come and rob it."

Dai Yao said solemnly.

Dugu Yan seemed to have thought of something, and frowned: "Is it Tang San?"

"Yeah. Help me keep an eye on the Ice and Fire Eyes and don't let this guy Tang San break in. Of course, if things don't work, just give up."

After all, there is Tang Hao behind Tang San. Once Tang Hao takes action, not even Dugu Bo can resist him. However, according to the original plot, Tang Hao had already broken his arms and legs at that time, and only had level 79 soul power, so there was no need to be too careful.

But don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. If the plot changes, Dugu Yan will be in danger. He had just experienced the danger of changes in the plot, so he warned Dugu Yan in advance.

"Don't worry, I will never let this little thief Tang San get into our Ice and Fire Eyes!"

A flash of hatred flashed across Dugu Yan's eyes. She almost died in Tang Hao's hands, if Dai Yao hadn't sacrificed his life to save him...

He rolled his eyes and said with a smile:

"Dai Yao, take Wutong away quickly. She knows a lot of secrets. Only by becoming your woman can she completely eliminate the possibility of leaks."

Dai Yao suddenly choked up. It was impossible to say that he had no idea about Feng Wutong, but he always felt that he hadn't reached that point yet. He patted her gently and elicited an exclamation.

"What are you worrying about? Keep working!"

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