Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 289 Titled Douluo Level Attack Thunder Baji Collapse

Chapter 289 Titled Douluo level attack - Thunder Baji Collapse

In the early morning, the sun shines into the valley from the crack in the east of the valley, and the dark valley suddenly becomes brighter.

In the cabin.

The tall Heron stood behind Dai Yao, carefully combing Dai Yao's long golden hair with a wooden comb.

Looking at the long hair that he had accumulated over the years in the mirror, Dai Yao's eyes flickered and he said calmly:

"Heron, please give me a short haircut."

Hearing the words, Lu Yu's hands froze, and the smile on his face froze. After a few breaths, Lu Yu managed to squeeze out a smile, and said with trembling hands:

"Master, you look so handsome with long hair, why do you want to cut it off?"

While Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong had not left, Feng Wutong had done all the work of tying Dai Yao's hair. Finally, after Feng Wutong left, Lu Yu had the opportunity to take over the job of tying her hair.

This was one of the few times during the day when she could come into contact with Dai Yao.

She cherishes this short time, but if Dai Yao cuts off his long hair, it means that she will not have the opportunity to get in touch with Dai Yao so closely.

"My hair is too long, which affects my cultivation."

Dai Yao smiled.

Next, he will ponder the fusion skills of the fourth soul skill and Baji Beng. Just like before, he will practice under the waterfall. When the time comes, it will be wet and the long hair will feel uncomfortable sticking to the body.

It would be much easier to get a short haircut.

"Okay... Okay."

Heron forced a smile.

Immediately, he took out a set of hair-tying equipment from the soul guide and meticulously trimmed Dai Yao's hair.

With the sounds of "cha" and "cha", the blond waist-length hair continued to fall to the ground, and a short-haired Dai Yao gradually appeared in the mirror.

Although Lu Yu felt a little bitter, in order to be perfect, he still carefully modified every detail of Dai Yao's face. Two quarters of an hour later, he finally completed the hair cutting task.

Touching his short hair and looking at himself in the mirror, Dai Yao felt a bit novel and praised:


With a simple sentence, Heron seemed to have received the highest praise. His heart was pounding, and he barely maintained his surface calm and said:

"Master, this is what I should do."

Standing up, Dai Yao turned his head and looked at the tall Heron. It had to be said that Heron was really too tall, a head taller than him.

The legs are incredibly long, but they don't look out of place.

He knew very well what the maids were thinking.

The peacock is arrogant and pursues the strong; the cuckoo is quick-thinking and is a chess piece sent by Bibi Dong to monitor him; the egret, although it looks smart, is the most careless among them; the last partridge is quiet and a little sad. Spring is sad and autumn is sad, but things are not bad at work.

These four maids, as long as he raises his finger, will recommend themselves to the pillow mat. As long as he asks, they will not refuse even if they are accompanied by several people.

But Dai Yao didn't want to do this. Although the four maids already belonged to him, he went to Yunyu with Feng Wutong and Zhu Zhuqing just a year ago. When they were away, if he wanted the body of a certain maid, he would inevitably let several maids go. The desire to compete for favor arises.

By then, it would be bad to hurt Zhu Zhuqing, Feng Wutong and the others.

In his heart, these three women, Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, and Feng Wutong, were ranked first. These four maids were far inferior to the three.

"Okay, you are such a tall person and have been standing bent over for so long. Thank you for your hard work. Practice hard and don't let your soul power level drop."

Dai Yao pointed.

"Okay, Master, with you, my cultivation speed has improved a lot. In just four and a half years, I have almost reached level 49."

"I won't let you down."

Heron raised his fist and said firmly. It's a bit weird for Sister Yu's figure to act like a little girl.

"Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, it has already been four and a half years. You have also been with me for four and a half years."

Looking at the morning light, Dai Yao said with emotion.

"It is our honor to serve the master."

Heron said excitedly.

Since becoming Dai Yao's maid, not only has the speed of cultivation increased a lot, but even though it takes a lot of time to serve Dai Yao, the progress of cultivation is actually much faster than before when being around Dai Yao;

Moreover, their families also benefited a lot, especially Lu Eun's family, which was on the verge of ruin. After becoming Dai Yao's maid, their family immediately received the goodwill of many families and immediately came back to life!

This was one of the reasons why she stayed with Dai Yao until death.

Dai Yao nodded. Now that he was being served like this, he no longer felt flattered. He gradually integrated into the rules of this world.

The strength of the martial spirit directly determines a person's position in the world. Some people are destined to be supported by others.

Although Dai Yao feels a little uncomfortable, he is now also a member of the rentier class and must uphold this set of rules.

Opening the wooden door, he took off his shirt, revealing his muscular upper body.

As soon as they saw it, the faces of the maids couldn't help but blush and became shy.

After Dai Yao greeted several other maids, he took a deep breath, jumped lightly, and stood under the waterfall.

The water falling from a height of a hundred meters slapped Dai Yao's back blankly, and the sound of the slap was covered by the roar of the water.

"You four, stay away!"

Dai Yao greeted.

The move he was going to practice next was so powerful that he couldn't even control it, let alone protect the four girls. Once the moves are out of control and the four girls are too close, I am afraid they will only die.


The four women looked at each other, and Peacock gritted his teeth and ordered.

Now Peacock is the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor and the first among the maids. Besides Feng Wutong, she is the first of the four maids. Under the leadership of Peacock, the four girls gradually moved away from the waterfall.

After watching the four girls go away, Dai Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief and thought excitedly:

"Now, it's time to practice seriously. Then, Tang San can get a little surprise."

The soul power moved, yellow, purple, purple and black, and five soul rings suddenly appeared. The fourth black soul ring slowly shone, and tiny blue-purple thunder lights flashed in the valley with a crackling sound.

The sky gradually became darker.

"The fourth soul skill, White Tiger Thunder God Strike, has not been used for a long time. I used it to shine in the competition. I am really nostalgic."

Staring at the thunder in his hand, Dai Yao's heart sank slightly.

This is a terrifying soul skill from the Thunder Hell Vine, and the thunder element is inherently explosive and huge. Trying to integrate it into the Baji Collapse would be tantamount to whimsical in the eyes of outsiders!

A movement in his heart awakened the Thunder Prison Vine in the spiritual world.

The purple figure was magnificent, opened her indifferent beautiful eyes, looked at Dai Yao, and said in a calm tone:

"What are you calling me for?"

Dai Yao simply said hello, reminiscing about old times, and then informed Hell Teng of his thoughts. After all, integrating the fourth soul skill into Baji Beng requires the cooperation of Thunder Hell Vine.

Before Dai Yao finished speaking, Thunder Prison Vine's eyes widened and he said in disbelief:

"Are you crazy? Don't want your life?!"

"Your fourth soul skill is already powerful and domineering. I have also seen the Baji Beng. Its explosive attributes are not inferior to your fourth soul skill at all. It is impossible for them to coexist!"

"Is it really impossible?"

Dai Yao did not directly refute Hell Vine's statement, but said with a smile.

In his right arm, the soul power began to compress, and at the same time, the fourth soul ring also shone with a faint light. A moment later, a silver snake struck from the sky, dividing the world into two halves, and finally fell on Dai Yao's right hand. above the arm.

At this moment, Dai Yao's Bajibeng was also ready. The moment the silver snake fell, he swung out his right arm. The explosive energy, mixed with the thunder element accumulated in his arm, instantly blasted towards the top of the waterfall. go out.

The sound of wind breaking in the air and the crackle of thunder filled the valley.

The waterfall rolled upward ten meters, and Dai Yao's position formed an empty area where no water fell.

The water that was swept up hit the water flowing down, causing countless splashes. The waterfall seemed to have stopped for a moment, and the next second, all the water crashed down.

The waves stirred up on the water continued to hit the shore.

In Hell Teng's incredible eyes, Dai Yao explained with a smile:

"Although I didn't concentrate on my cultivation during this year, I just kept reading in the library, but the gains it brought me, in a sense, exceeded my decades of hard work."

"For this move, I painstakingly studied a lot of knowledge about thunder elements and soul power compression theory. Through study and summary, I gradually realized that the so-called thunder is also a kind of soul power!"

"Inspired by soul power, it ends in the form of thunder."

"Therefore, since thunder is also a kind of soul power, and my Baji Beng is also used to compress soul power, then why can't I combine the two?"

"As the saying goes, make bold assumptions and verify carefully. After having this idea, I began to verify carefully."

"The power of the two soul skills at the beginning and the strongest period are much smaller, which is within the range of my body's endurance. Therefore, I used the smallest skill power of the two to start the fusion."

"Although I have gone through many hardships, the rewards are not small."

Dai Yao pointed at the aftermath of the blow just now and said with a smile.

Hell Teng's face was full of shock, and he said with a dazed look in his eyes: "You are really a genius..."

Dai Yao shook his head and said, "I'm just standing on the shoulders of those who came before me."

"Many sages have studied the theory of thunder elements and soul power compression to a very in-depth level, but they don't have the physical conditions that I have, so they don't have such ideas."

Hearing Dai Yao's words, Hell Teng seemed to have thought of something, and said in a low tone:

"Even if they have your conditions, they won't have your courage, right?"

She is born noble and has the blood of the God of Thunder. With her own talent, she can stand at the top of many soul beasts. But Dai Yao's strength is enough to overlook many of his peers, but he still persists in creating shocking skills.

While this made her feel incomprehensible, it also made her fall into deep thought. The Thunder Hell Vine clan knew that they would inevitably die in the road ahead, but they still continued to fly like moths into the flames.

To put it nicely, it is called martyrdom, as strong as thunder, wanting to fight this unfair world.

To put it mildly, it is a stupid way to die.

How many thousands of years have passed, but has a Thunder Hell Vine ever succeeded? Why not try to work around it? Just like Dai Yao, maybe he can not only defeat this unfair world, but also become stronger!

After a slight silence, Thunder Prison Vine said in a deep voice:

"By the way, you haven't told me yet, what do you want from me?"

Dai Yao nodded and said: "Although I have completed the fusion of the two soul skills at their lowest power, as the power increases, the uncontrollability of the fusion also doubles. Therefore, in order to allow me to concentrate on fusing the soul skills, I will Lei’s work is up to you.”


Thunder Prison Vine pondered for a moment and agreed.

The sun rises and sets, summer passes and autumn comes, and the heat gradually recedes.

The valley is dyed with a light golden color, and soon, the golden color covering the mountains and plains will arrive.

In the valley, just like every day in the past few months, thunder continued to strike. The rock walls around the waterfall were barren of grass and had been scorched black by lightning.

Although it was daytime on this day, the sky above was as dark as ink. Among the black clouds, there were faint flashes of thunder, and the terrifying power of thunder was gestating in it.

"The strongest blow is about to come!"

The Thunder Prison Vine controlled the thunder in the sky and reminded Dai Yao.


Dai Yao closed his eyes and carefully felt the eight times the soul power in his right arm that had been compressed to the limit.

The entire right arm has swelled, and the sleeve of the right hand has been torn into pieces by the strength of the compressed soul power. The surrounding space seems to have become distorted. Just looking at it closely makes your scalp numb. Terrified.

The slightly leaking energy hit the surrounding rock walls, causing the rocks to splash and make a loud explosion.

Not weaker than the full blow of the Soul Sect!

Under the double increase of White Tiger's Dark Gold Transformation and White Tiger's Titan Transformation, his body has become incredibly strong, reaching the theoretical limit of compressed soul power, eight times compression.

Hearing this, the Thunder Prison Vine drew the thunder down and struck Dai Yao's right arm. His right arm instantly expanded in a circle, and several lightning beams attached to it, flashing continuously.

Although Dai Yao possesses the ability to avoid thunder, at this moment, with such a huge power of thunder being poured into his right arm, he also felt a sense of stiffness and bulging.

It seemed like it was going to explode the next moment.

"it's time!"

Dai Yao's eyes lit up and his heart burst into laughter.

Over the past few months, he had experienced countless times where the power of thunder had gone out of control, eventually causing him to be seriously injured. However, under the influence of Chaos Qinglian, these injuries could be restored to their original state the next day.

Because of these injuries, he became more and more familiar with the control of the power of thunder and compressed soul power.

If he didn't strike out immediately, he would be severely injured by two forces that were on the verge of losing control.

Swinging his fist upwards, eight times the compressed soul power was enveloped in thunderous thunder, with the explosion of air and the crackle of thunder, as if it had transformed into a giant thunder dragon, rushing straight up towards the waterfall!

In an instant, the 100-meter-long waterfall stopped flowing, and was rushed up into the sky by the Thunder Dragon, turning into water droplets and falling down, until the Thunder Dragon completely rushed into the sky. After a while, water gradually fell down from the waterfall, and then quickly increased in size and turned into water droplets again. That magnificent waterfall.

However, compared with the thunder dragon just now, this magnificent waterfall can no longer bring people a shocking feeling.

"Finally completed, a blow comparable to a titled Douluo!"

Dai Yao was bathed in the torrential rain, but his eyes were extremely bright. Although he suffered a lot, it was all worth it!

Although this move can only be considered as just hitting the threshold of a Titled Douluo, it is still an attack at the level of a Titled Douluo.

"Since it is a fusion skill of thunder power and compressed soul power, let's call it Thunder Baji Collapse!"

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