
In the sky, deafening muffled thunder suddenly exploded, and then, under everyone's horrified gaze, silver snakes pierced through the sky and earth struck down.

The twelve hidden weapons that were originally speeding through the air and shot from the peacock feathers now rushed into the net formed by the Thunder Forest, as if they were stuck in a quagmire, unable to move.

"What kind of soul skill is this?"

Looking at the sudden appearance of thunder in the sky, Tang Xiao felt a little numb on his face, and murmured in a low voice in shock.

"According to the estimated power, this soul skill has surpassed the fifth soul skill of an ordinary soul master, and barely reached the soul skill of the Soul Emperor! Moreover, this soul skill is instantaneous. Is this guy really a monster?"

The second elder frowned, with deep shock hidden in his tone.

Since Dai Yao became the Soul King, the power of his fourth soul skill has become much greater.

On the one hand, it was because he had specially studied many thunder-attribute soul skills in the Library Pavilion and had a deeper understanding of soul skills. On the other hand, it was also due to the assistance of the Thunder Hell Vine.

Tang Long and Tang Hu's eyes widened even more at this moment. Only now did they realize how big the gap between themselves and Dai Yao was!

What Tang San showed now had already subverted their imagination. A control-type soul master could actually achieve this.

And Dai Yao's response was beyond common sense.

No matter how much Tang San struggled, Dai Yao could always hold him down steadily.

On the top of the snow mountain, Ju Gui Douluo breathed a heavy sigh of relief at the same time. If Dai Yao died here, they really wouldn't be able to explain it to the Pope.

Ghost Douluo let out a long breath, with deep fear hidden in his tone:

"Thanks to Dai Yao for having a trump card, otherwise I would die here. I really don't know how to face this girl Zhuqing."

Ju Douluo glanced at Ghost Douluo lightly, and there was a trace of undetectable jealousy in his eyes:

"You're really nice to that apprentice of yours."

Ghost Douluo remained silent.

Ju Douluo's feminine voice came to mind again, and he said with some solemnity:

"I didn't expect that boy Tang San to actually return to the Haotian Sect. With the help of the Haotian Sect, this little beast's cultivation speed will increase a lot!"

"Moreover, this guy's attack method is really incredible, and those weapons are simply unheard of! If he continues to grow, he will definitely be the enemy of our Spirit Hall in the future!"

"After you go back, you must report to His Majesty the Pope and tell him to get rid of him as soon as possible."

Ghost Douluo stared at Tang San in the sky and nodded deeply.


"Tang San, if your trump card is these things, it will really disappoint me!"

Dai Yao's right hand was palm downwards, with his fingers spread wide. Looking down from a high altitude, it seemed as if he was suppressing the entire Haotian Sect with one hand.

The fourth black soul ring shone with a soul-stirring light.

It is his fourth soul skill - White Tiger Thunder God Strike!

Countless thunder lights flashed around Dai Yao, and the silver snakes that penetrated the sky and the earth changed directions as Dai Yao moved his fingers, binding all the hidden weapons in the peacock feathers.

Peacock Ling's twelve hidden weapons were basically made of metal, so under the influence of the power of thunder, they were stopped as expected.

"How... how is it possible? My peacock feather, the third-ranked super hidden weapon among the Tang Sect's machine-type hidden weapons, how could it be blocked by you!"

Seeing those hidden weapons being intercepted by Dai Yao's thunder, Tang San murmured in disbelief at first, gradually turning into hysterical ferocity.

It was as if the supreme sacred existence in his heart had been tainted by Dai Yao.

That's the Tang Sect's hidden weapon! This is the trump card in his arsenal, thinking that the Tang Sect's hidden weapon will become a blockbuster once it appears on Douluo Continent!

Kill the peerless genius Dai Yao.

However, the reality did not kill Dai Yao as he expected.

"Hey, it seems you don't have any other trump cards. It's really disappointing!"

Dai Yao snorted disdainfully and said.

At this moment, only Dai Yao's disdainful voice was left in the sky, and the entire Haotian Sect was shrouded in deathly silence.

A pair of blood-red eyes stared at Dai Yao.

"In that case, let me show you my trump card!"

Dai Yao sneered.

He slowly stretched out his left hand, and several sharp blades slowly popped out from the fingers of his fist. The unabashed sharpness immediately startled the elders of the Haotian Sect.

"That... that's...! Another attached soul bone! No wonder his physique is so strong, not even the Clear Sky Hammer can break through his physical defense!"

Tang Xiao said in horror.

The eight pairs of wings on the back, plus the sharp blade on the left hand, are obviously not one of the six conventional soul bones, but external soul bones!

Two attached soul bones!

Ordinary people don't even have one soul bone. This guy not only has two, but they are both extremely rare external soul bones!

"This kid's luck is really terrifying!"

The second elder swallowed, suppressed his shock, and spoke calmly.

The two looked at each other and understood what the other meant. No matter what the price, they could not let this child go back alive.

Tang San finally recovered from the shock, and saw something even more shocking. He was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes were about to split and he said:

"Externally attached soul bone? How is it possible... How can you still have an externally attached soul bone! It's so strong that it can cut through iron and metal. This... this is actually the metacarpal bone of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear!"

Tang San was taken away by Tang Hao before the finals, and Bibi Dong protected Dai Yao's information, so outsiders didn't know about Dai Yao's second externally attached soul bone.

"Having good eyesight, Tang San actually recognized my soul bone."

Dai Yao said calmly, looking at Tang San indifferently with his eyes, making Tang San's unwillingness grow stronger and stronger.

A touch of despair crept into his heart quietly.

He had exhausted all means including the Killing God Realm, the Blue Silver Overlord Spear, and the Peacock Feather, except for the random cloak hammering technique, but he still couldn't hurt Dai Yao at all.

"Tang San, you have tried to kill me over and over again, and now I won't be polite to you! It's your honor to die with the skills in my outer soul bone!"

The dark gold Terrorclaw Bear's metacarpal bone on Dai Yao's left palm released a dazzling light. In fact, it was not light, but sharp Gengjin energy.

When Tang San used the blue silver cage to trap Dai Yao, Dai Yao took advantage of his trick and secretly activated the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear's soul bone-attached skill, completing the process of accumulating power.

Tang San was plotting against him all the time, so why wasn't he plotting against Tang San?

Looking at Tang San coldly, Dai Yao slowly raised his left palm, about to release the Gengjin Qi in his hand.

Although he said he wanted to kill Tang San, he actually had no such plan. After all, he wanted to keep Tang San and lure Xiao Wu to sacrifice!

They just wanted to use this to force the Haotian Sect to reveal their strength in order to save Tang San.

In fact, Xiao Wu's soul ring is not very suitable for Dai Yao, but the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is more suitable for him.

But after much thought, he decided to use his foresight of the original work to snatch the soul ring of Tang San's 'lover'.

Because although he is a twin martial soul, the Chaos Qinglian martial soul cannot appear in this world until he becomes a titled Douluo or even a god; moreover, the Chaos Qinglian martial soul does not require him to hunt soul beasts to add soul rings. , you can gather soul rings by yourself.

It can be said that Dai Yao was equivalent to having only one martial spirit for a long time.

Therefore, the existence of Xiao Wu's soul ring as a soul ring resetter is very important. By resurrecting Xiao Wu, he can wash away all the soul rings of his previous centuries and millennia, thereby absorbing more powerful soul rings. ring.

By then, it might be possible to absorb several more hundred thousand year soul rings.

The increase that these soul rings bring to the body is immeasurable. Moreover, Xiao Wu's soul ring is a hundred thousand year old soul ring after all, and it can also play a certain transitional role.

"No, go and save the mistress!"

Tang Yuehua now lost her usual indifference and elegance. She grabbed Tang Xiao's sleeve and said anxiously.

There was a cold light in Tang Xiao's eyes, and his powerful and solid aura was slowly released, and he suddenly flew into the sky. But just when he was about to block Dai Yao's attack for Tang San, a figure in golden armor appeared. , blocking in front of him.

"Ju Douluo, is your Spirit Hall really going to fight us to the death?"

Looking at Ju Douluo who was standing in front of him, Tang Xiao shouted coldly.

The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand was so huge that just by looking at it, it felt like a huge boulder was pressing on his heart.

The nine soul rings slowly emerged, and the surging pressure rushed towards Ju Douluo.

Feeling this pressure, Ju Douluo groaned, the ninety-fifth level Clear Sky Hammer Soul Master was far beyond what he, a ninety-fourth level titled Douluo with soul power, could resist.

Just when Ju Douluo could no longer hold on, a ghost appeared next to Ju Douluo, and the pressure on his body suddenly decreased.

Ju Douluo immediately let out a breath, cast a grateful look at Ghost Douluo, and then looked at Tang Xiao again. His cold eyes were mixed with a chilling chill. He turned his eyes as if he remembered something, and looked at Tang Xiao. Looking at Dai Yao in the sky, he smiled and said:

"Haha, how can our Wuhun Palace be threatened by you?! Dai Yao, just do it. If anything happens, we will take care of it for you!"


Hearing this, Dai Yao was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing.

This was what Tang Xiao said not long ago. At this moment, when Ju Douluo returned the original words, his face suddenly darkened and he said with some embarrassment:

"Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, if you kill Tang San today, none of you will be able to leave the Haotian Sect alive!"

"Haha, then I want to see if your Haotian Sect has such strength!"

Ghost Douluo said hoarsely, his tone full of mockery.

This time they had six titled Douluo, including three super Douluo from the Enshrinement Hall. The Haotian Sect's words simply made them laugh out loud.

Above the sky, Dai Yao waved his left palm boldly, and a bright light penetrated the sky and the earth, killing Tang San with a harsh sound of breaking through the air.

Not only that, Dai Yao flapped his eight wings, followed the bright light, and killed Tang San.

Seeing this situation, Tang San's heart felt cold, and he knew that it was the moment of life and death. Countless blue silver emperors grew crazily, wrapping him layer by layer, forming a large cocoon, trying to resist Dai Yao's amazing soul skills.

Not only that, after the cocoon was completely formed, he also released the Clear Sky Hammer, blocked it in front of him, and maximized the recovery effect of the Blue Silver Emperor's soul bone.


Tang Hao shouted with eyes splitting.

No longer holding anything back, with a deafening sound of breaking through the air, he quickly rushed towards Tang San.

Two shadows stood in front of him again, and Tang Xiao said sharply:

"Get away!"

Waving the Clear Sky Hammer, several soul rings lit up, and the Clear Sky Hammer suddenly became as big as a mountain, trying to break out of the siege of the two men.

"Don't even think about it!"

Ju Douluo sneered, and together with Ghost Douluo, they lit up several soul rings at the same time. Their combined momentum was a bit higher than that of Tang Xiao.

At this moment, two gray streams of light soared into the sky from the Haotian Sect, and two Haotian Hammers smashed into the Jugui duo.

It was the second elder and the seventh elder.

"Two Titled Douluo?! There are actually three Titled Douluo in the Haotian Sect?! Just twenty years later, the Haotian Sect actually has two more Titled Douluo. They are obviously hidden from the world, but their strength is more than They were even stronger when they were at their peak!”

Ju Douluo thought in shock.

"Sect Master, you go rescue Tang San and leave these two to us. It just so happens that we also have several accounts to settle with them."

The second elder said calmly.

Although he is thin and thin, as long as he holds the Clear Sky Hammer, an invincible aura is released.

He wanted to save Tang San, but he also wanted to hide the Haotian Sect's strength. In his opinion, the appearance of the three titled Douluo now can make the Wuhun Palace throw away the rat.

Tang Xiao didn't say anything and flew straight towards Tang San.

The second elder frowned, looked at Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, who had no desire to fight, and said in confusion:

"Why, have you given up on trying to stop the sect leader?"

Ju Douluo smiled softly and said, "Hey, who said we are the only ones coming to Haotian Sect?"

The pupils of the second elder and the seventh elder suddenly shrank.

A roar sounded from under the snow-capped mountains, and then, a white stream of light rose into the sky, flying towards Tang Xiao, and caught up with Tang Xiao.


The sharp blade of the raptor caught the Clear Sky Hammer, sparks flew everywhere, and a series of sharp sounds pierced the eardrums.

"Damn it! It's the Titled Douluo who has been hiding in Wuhun Palace! He just appeared at this most critical moment!"

Tang Xiao paused and cursed secretly.

The Clear Sky Hammer exerted force violently, and the sticky force on the Clear Sky Hammer shocked Lingyuan Douluo. Unable to escape, he forcefully took a blow from the Clear Sky Hammer, let out a muffled grunt, and then ran away.

She had just entered the realm of Titled Douluo, but she couldn't stop Tang Xiao who was at level 95.

But the moment she delayed was enough.

The bright light in the sky had already struck the cocoon formed by the Blue Silver Emperor. In an instant, like a knife cutting tofu, the roots of the Blue Silver Grass were cut off, revealing Tang San's figure.


Tang Xiao shouted with eyes splitting.

In front of Haotian Sect, Tang Yuehua knelt down weakly on the ground, covering his mouth, tears rolling down his eyes, his expression despairing and depressed, and he said unconsciously:

"Little San...Xiao San..."

Many Haotian Sect disciples felt sad in their hearts. Although they were dissatisfied with what Tang Hao had done and implicated the Haotian Sect, Tang San's fighting with all his strength had made them begin to identify with him.

"You must live, Tang San!"

Tang Long looked at the falling Tang San with confusion, thinking expectantly. But he also knew that this was just an extravagant wish.

Under everyone's gaze, the Sky-Tearing Claw struck hard at Tang San, who was blocking him in front of him with the Clear Sky Hammer...

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