Tiandou City, under the influence of the Continent-wide Senior Soul Master Elite Competition, was now a scene of empty streets.

The hotel was full early, and the tickets for the Tiandou Spirit Fighting Arena were also sold out.

This is a grand event that attracts worldwide attention in the soul world. From the royal family, nobles to common people, everyone is looking forward to its arrival.

Sun Boyuan had a headache at this time because they arrived a little late and failed to grab the best hotel.

Although there are worse hotels, the sound insulation effect is not very good, and he is worried that this will affect the students' rest.

"It's okay, leave it to me." Yan Jin patted his chest and led everyone to a luxurious-looking mansion.

"This is..." Vidal was a little confused. The mansion in front of him covered an extremely vast area, even compared to his home.

But this is Tiandou City where every inch of land is precious! Although the area is only about the same, the actual value is not the same.

"Hehehe, the old man said he would let us stay here during the competition." Yan Jin said with a smile.

"Thanks for the treat." Aaliya glanced at her and walked in first.

Amon pinched his monocle and smiled, "Very good."

He had a premonition that Walter was going to make some move again.

When they left Northland City, Marquis Feikris was officially declared dead, and the fight for the title reached its most intense and critical moment.

It was probably Walter who attacked the Marquis, and Alia colluded with him. Therefore, the death of the Marquis is probably closely related to Aria, the "filial daughter".

The Soul Master Competition hasn't even started yet, but the smell of conspiracy has already filled the air.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Amon?" An old man dressed as a butler in a black tuxedo walked up to them and bowed slightly.

Amon nodded, "It's me."

"The master has been waiting for you for a long time. Master soul masters, please come in." The butler politely made an "invite" gesture.

Under his leadership, several people came to the living room of the mansion.

A fat middle-aged man wearing yellow complex aristocratic clothing, wearing a pair of crystal monocles, with his hair parted in the middle, greeted warmly:

"Good afternoon to all my friends from the North, my name is Dennis, and I am very happy to host you here."

Sun Boyuan was a little confused. If it was the arrangement of Vidal, Aaliya, Brady or Franco, he wouldn't be too surprised, but Dennis obviously came for Yan Jin or Amon.

Amon glanced at the monocle on his left eye and showed a slightly interested smile:

"Hello, Lord Dennis, I am Amon."

Dennis looked at Amon for a few times and was slightly startled when he saw the monocle on his right eye. "Classmate Amon... he is indeed a talented person."

Then, he said to Sun Boyuan: "You must be Teacher Sun. I have arranged your guest rooms. The housekeeper will take you there. If you have any needs, just tell him. Now, please allow me to occupy some of Amen's rooms." time."

Dennis took Amon to his study, closed the door, and sat on a sofa covered in soul animal skin. He made two cups of tea and placed them on the coffee table.

"Please sit down." He gestured with his hand.

Amon sat opposite him, and the two of them adjusted their monocles in unison, and couldn't help but smile when they saw each other's actions.

Sometimes, it’s not necessarily Amon who wears a monocle, at least not Dennis yet.

"I think Amon must also know my position," Dennis said with a certain tone.

"Are you from the prince?"

"Yes, I am a supporter of His Highness the Crown Prince, responsible for recommending and selecting some talents for him. Some time ago, His Highness the Crown Prince personally told me to entertain everyone from Northland College during the Soul Master Competition." Dennis said with a smile. .

"Are you just one of the prince's people?" Amon asked.

"That's just it... But I also know something about Mr. Walter, and I also agree with some of His Highness the Crown Prince's ideas. It is precisely because I agree that I become his supporter." Dennis explained.

"About Wuhun Palace?"

"I don't know, Amon, what do you think of the relationship between Wuhun Palace and the Empire?" Dennis did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"There should be no confrontation." Amon did not go into too much detail.

Dennis sighed, "Yes, there shouldn't be confrontation. I was just a civilian. I still remember that when I was a child, my family was very poor and we often didn't have enough to eat.

"It wasn't until the deacons from the Wuhun Palace came to the village to awaken the martial arts for us children. Fortunately, I have the talent for cultivation, and my destiny has changed since then.

"The deacon was a very kind elder. He lent me five gold soul coins to use for my study expenses.

"I left three coins at home, and went to school alone in the city. I encountered a lot of troubles during this period. I asked Wuhun Palace for help several times, and every time someone lent me a helping hand.

"Later, I became a low-level soul master, but my life was still not satisfactory. It was the subsidies from Wuhun Palace that supported my cultivation, so that I didn't have to worry too much about my livelihood.

"Although I joined the royal family and became a noble at the invitation of a friend I met when I was in school, I can never forget that it was Wuhun Palace that helped me when I was in the most difficult time.

"Tell me, how many children like me are there in this land who have received help from Wuhun Palace? How many soul masters are grateful to Wuhun Palace?"

Amon did not answer, but listened to Dennis's story calmly.

"This number is definitely huge, but the Spirit Hall in the past was not like this. It was a civilian organization, an organization for mutual assistance among spirit masters, and did not involve too much power.

"It was not until recent years that it gradually deteriorated and became unfamiliar to me. And the wish of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is to change the Spirit Hall and make it return to the pure, mutual assistance organization among spirit masters in the past.

"In public, the opposition with the Spirit Hall will cause turmoil in the empire and is not conducive to the stability and development of the empire. In private, I don't want the organization I am grateful to have a conflict with the empire I am loyal to.

"Then, classmate Amon, can you understand our philosophy?" Dennis looked at Amon with burning eyes.

"So, the contact with Walter is also within the scope of your recognition?" Amon did not answer directly, but asked another question.

"Mr. Walter also has similar ideas. He will help us contact people with the same beliefs in the Spirit Hall. "Dennis nodded with a smile.

"I am not a person with a strong sense of responsibility..."

Amon's words made Dennis' face change slightly, but soon, he smiled again.

"But I think following His Royal Highness the Crown Prince should be a good choice, and I am willing to contribute my own strength to his great cause."

Hearing what Amon said, Dennis nodded with satisfaction:

"Perform well in the Soul Master Competition, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will watch it, this is related to your status, and I look forward to the day when we work together."

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