Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 117 Dragon Warrior Giant Eagle

The thunder rumbled through the sky.

A blue-white dragon with wings on its back, graceful and slender, hovered above the ring.

Endless silver light roamed over the dragon, and even from dozens of meters away, one could feel the majestic power contained in the dragon.


The dragon opened its mouth and roared deafeningly. The sound waves formed by the thunder even overwhelmed the applause and shouts of tens of thousands of people in the fighting arena.

The entire fighting arena fell silent, and looking at the graceful yet majestic dragon, the heart was filled with unspeakable shock.

"Calling Thunder Bomb!"

A thunder ball condensed in the dragon's mouth, and finally shot towards the ring with a "bang".

In an instant, endless thunder light enveloped the ring.

Romil used his barrier spirit to create a hemisphere to protect everyone in the Northland Academy, complaining:

"Tsk... This guy is really messing around, even we are covered in it, what if he disturbs the captain's interest in watching the show?"

When the dazzling light faded, the opponents had already fallen to the ground, and only their weak breathing proved that they were still alive.

The third round of the battle came to an end.

"Hmph!" Hu Yanzhen in the VIP seat snorted coldly and glared at the Thunder Dragon in the sky.

Because the one lying on the ring now is his grandson Hu Yanli. And the fact that the Elephant Armor Sect's team was killed in one hit also made him, the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect, very embarrassed.

The Thunder Dragon opened his mouth and let out a low roar, as if mocking.

This made Hu Yanzhen, who was already very unhappy, furious, and he crushed the armrest of the chair with one hand.

"Master Huyan, calm down. This is a soul master competition. Injuries are inevitable. And with the defensive power of your sect's disciples, although the blow just now made them lose their fighting power, the injuries are not too serious. I'm afraid they can recover in a day or two." Sarath comforted.

"Humph, I'm angry that those little guys don't work hard. They usually look down on others, but now they are all beaten down by others. I'm embarrassed." Huyan Zhen's rough voice was a bit angry.

His words were half true and half false. Part of his anger was indeed directed at the disciples of his own sect, and the other part was directed at the participating team of Beidi College.

Huyan Zhen was angry that the other party was too disrespectful and made their Xiangjia Sect lose face.

Just when the audience thought the battle was over, Huyan Li struggled to get up from the ground. He looked at Amon, who was sitting on the chair with a smile on his face, with red eyes and roared.

"Ah..." He used up his last strength and rushed towards Amon.

Such performance made Hu Yanzhen look much better. Although there was a huge gap in strength, Hu Yanli dared to fight again in the end, which was commendable.

Lei Long swept him to the ground with a sweep.

The third round of the game came to an end.

The powerful strength displayed by Beidi College made the other teams feel suffocating pressure.

The fifth day since the opening ceremony, which was the fourth round of battles among many colleges.

A purple giant was rampaging on the field, and its indestructible defense was despairing.

Compared with the three previous instant kills, this battle seemed more interesting.

Romil's attack power was not strong, but under the terrifying size of the barrier giant, even ordinary punches and stomps became attacks that could shake the ring.

The opponent seemed to have no hope of winning the game. He did not disturb the six people watching the show on the other half of the ring, and fought with Romil.

Although the final result would not change, holding on longer would allow them to lose more decently.

On the sixth day, Northland College encountered a very strong opponent, Tianshui College!

Looking at the beautiful girls on the opposite side, Romil whistled, "The guys on the opposite side have a very similar temperament to you, Ice Cube, how about you go undercover and seduce a few beauties to our college?"

Bing Lan glanced at him coldly, and the cold air suddenly burst out, freezing Romil in an ice ball, and then kicked him off the stage.

Romil broke the ice ball and shouted from the audience: "Hey, I haven't made a chair for the captain yet, do you plan to let the captain stand to see the end?"

What he said made the audience speechless.

Bing Lan held his chin, thought for a while, waved his hand, and made a handle with ice on the ground, which looked more delicate, and there was a dog head carved on the armrest.

Romil widened his eyes and felt that his position was not secure. After thinking for a while, he said:

"You are going to let the captain sit on this? Aren't you afraid of freezing the captain?"

Bing Lan's expression finally changed a little, her eyes wandered, and she didn't dare to look at Amon.

Yan Jin made a "tsk" sound, melted the ice chair with magma, and then made the same one, but replaced the dog head with a cat head.

She used the third soul skill to lower the temperature of the magma, forming a black stone chair.

"Xue Qinghe" in the VIP seat couldn't help laughing, "The players from Beidi College are really interesting, and they are all "skilled craftsmen."

"It's just nonsense." Xue Xing muttered softly.

"Even if it's nonsense, no one dares to underestimate them. Look at the players of Tianshui College team. They haven't dared to take the initiative to attack until now." Emperor Xue Ye glanced at Xue Xing and couldn't help but doubt whether he was right to let him assist Xue Beng.

Shui Bing'er, the captain of Tianshui College, who was 1.65 meters tall and had long aqua blue hair, frowned when she saw this scene, and felt a little angry at Beidi College's indifferent behavior.

The people from Shrek Academy shook their heads. Ma Hongjun complained, "Zhu Qing, your plan doesn't seem feasible. These guys don't hesitate to beat their teammates on the stage."

Dai Mubai said in a deep voice, "They are too arrogant."

Bing Lan walked forward, looked at the people from Tianshui Academy who were waiting for the battle, and said in a cold tone, "Sorry for the long wait. It's my turn today."

A hazy blue halo lit up on Bing Lan's body, which was almost exactly the same color as that of Tianshui Academy, as if she was in the same group with Tianshui Academy.

Such a scene amazed the audience.

"Haha, she is not an undercover sent by Tianshui Academy, right?" Some audience members laughed.

While Beidi Academy was arguing about the chair, Shui Bing'er and her team member Xue Wu were quietly preparing for the martial soul fusion technique.

The black-haired Xue Wu and the blue-haired Shui Bing'er instantly merged into one, turning into a dazzling blue-white light column that rushed into the sky.

A circle of dark clouds spread out, and the players from Tianshui Academy immediately retreated and shrank to a corner of the stage.

"You are too careless. Give me enough time to prepare this. If you can't hold on, just admit defeat and we will stop." Shui Bing'er's voice came from the light column.

It began to snow in the sky, and each snowflake was as sharp as a blade, spinning and falling, turning into a vortex of ice and snow and attacking the Northland College.

"Hey, Ice Cube, you block it, don't let this little trick disturb Captain Amon!" Romil shouted under the ring like a loyal lackey.

Binglan waved his hand, and with the unlimited supply of Amon's Time Worm Soul Power, he instantly used an ice ball to protect the other people in the Northland College.

"Ice Cube, you can't do this, you have blocked Captain Amon's sight, how can the captain watch the game?" Romil said.

Binglan paused in his attack, took a deep breath, and replaced the original thick ice wall with a thinner and more transparent ice wall.

This did not block the view, but it also forced Binglan to use more of his mind to maintain it and replenish the consumption of the ice wall at any time.

After doing all this, she soared into the sky and turned into a blue-white giant eagle.

"What?" Everyone in Tianshui College was shocked.

Shui Yue'er murmured, "This is not with the captain and the others..."

The giant eagle flapped its wings, stirring up gusts of wind, blowing away all the ice and snow vortexes and dark clouds.

A loud phoenix cry sounded from the blue light column, and the originally scattered snowflakes gathered towards the light column, and a lifelike ice phoenix gradually took shape.

The two ice-blue beasts began to fight in the sky above the ring.

"Oh, not bad..." Yan Jin looked at this scene and exclaimed.

Alia's falling stars, Lei Yin's thunder dragon, Romil's purple warrior, Bing Lan's blue-white giant eagle, and her own lava giant soldiers without the help of Amon's power, are actually at the level of Soul Emperor.

This is the first time she has seen this level of power in other colleges since the competition started.

The Ice Phoenix and the Giant Eagle were in a close fight, but the soul power burden on Bing Lan was borne by the many Time Insects that Amon had integrated into her body, while Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu had to bear this huge consumption by themselves, and they could not hold on for long.

The Giant Eagle tore the Ice Phoenix apart, and the two figures fell powerlessly from the sky. The Giant Eagle flapped its wings, and a cold wind with a chill carried them slowly down.

This made Shui Yue'er, who was a little panicked on the ring, feel relieved, and she and another girl stepped forward at the same time to catch the two people who fell.

Looking at the Giant Eagle looking down at herself and others with cold eyes from high above, Shui Yue'er smiled helplessly: "We admit defeat."

In the stands, the Shrek students were already stunned.

Ma Hongjun shook his head: "I can't fight, I can't fight, I really can't fight this one. I feel that even if the dean goes up, he will only be beaten up."

"You stinky boy!" Flanders cursed in a low voice, but did not refute.

The strength displayed by the Northland Academy is equivalent to a team composed entirely of Soul Emperors. In this competition for young Soul Masters under the age of 25, it is indeed too much.

"Although they have not all taken action, five of them have already shown such strength, and the remaining two must not be bad either." Liu Erlong also felt a little frustrated.

"And one of the remaining two is their captain. Judging from the attitude of other students towards him, the captain obviously has a high prestige and his strength is probably even stronger."

At this point, Liu Erlong and Flanders looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

To make a group of genius Soul Emperors so convinced, how strong must their captain be? Could it be... Soul Saint?

Just when the students on the Shrek side were about to lose their fighting spirit, Yu Xiaogang coughed lightly and said lightly: "Boss F, Erlong, you have all been deceived. In fact, they are not that powerful."

"What do you mean?" Flanders looked at Yu Xiaogang, expecting him to tell some secrets.

It's not that he can't accept that others are better than his students, but the strength shown by Northland College is so strong that it seems unreal.

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