Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 124 Qian Renxue and Amon

There was a month between the preliminaries and the promotions, which was not long and passed quickly.

Amon's soul power level went from level 57 to level 58, and Yan Jin also rose one level to level 55.

After reaching level 50, even with their talents, the speed of cultivation gradually slowed down.

"Xue Qinghe" sent people to help Alia, Franco, Vidal, and Brady hunt soul rings, allowing them to reach level 41 and successfully promote to Soul Sect.

Gong Chengyun, Yang Feipeng, Binglan are still level 39, and Romil is level 48.

Lei Yin broke through to level 40, but the breakthrough was late, and he didn't have time to get the soul ring.

The promotions began with the contestants feeling either nervous or expectant.

The promotions were not as lively as the preliminaries. They were held in the Royal Hunting Ground, and spectators were not allowed to watch.

The Royal Hunting Ground is located 50 kilometers southwest of Tiandou City. The internal terrain is varied and the area is vast. Normally, no civilians are allowed to approach.

The strongest armed force in the hands of the Tiandou royal family, the Royal Knights have long sent 10,000 people to take turns here, responsible for patrolling and guarding, and also use the terrain of the hunting ground for training to maintain combat effectiveness.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble and conflict, and to prevent the teams of each college from being detected in advance by other colleges, the fifteen soul master teams that entered the promotion match were arranged to rest in different places.

Compared with the preliminaries, which were more performance-oriented, the promotion match seemed more formal and serious.

When the Northland College came here, the first thing they saw was the patrol cavalry of the Tiandou Royal Knights. They were wearing bright silver light armor and riding on the Tianhun horses with a trace of soul beast blood. The horses were also covered with armor.

In this regard, Yan Jin's evaluation was that they were very handsome, but they couldn't fight.

Generally, the soul skills chosen by soul masters consume soul power. After a few times, they will fall into a state of soul power exhaustion. When facing the army, they will appear relatively weak and easily overwhelmed by human sea tactics.

But Yan Jin is different. Under Amon's planning, her soul skills are not very soul-consuming. In addition, her fifth soul skill can store the magma she usually creates, so her endurance is far beyond that of ordinary people. So she doesn't care much about these seemingly neat and disciplined troops.

"Please show your handbook." They were stopped by a team of knights on the periphery.

Amon handed over the qualification certificate obtained at the preliminaries award ceremony.

After checking the authenticity of the handbook, the knight who stopped them immediately saluted and said:

"Welcome, all soul masters from Beidi College, I am Levis, the captain of the first brigade of the Tiandou Royal Knights, please follow me."

Under the protection of him and the other fifty fully armed royal knights, the Beidi College group walked into the hunting ground.

On an open grassland, a large military camp formed a circle. Levis pointed to the camp and said:

"The promotion match of the All-Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition will be held in the center of the military camp, which can guarantee your safety and privacy.

"In addition, you can visit at will, but please don't go too far. Some military areas are prohibited from entering."

Amon followed him to a barracks. The furnishings inside the barracks were simple, with only beds and chairs, but they were very clean.

After introducing the matters that need to be paid attention to in the military camp, Levis saluted Sun Boyuan:

"Everyone should rest early. The promotion match will officially start tomorrow. At that time, someone will lead you to the competition venue. There is no starting ceremony for the promotion match. The battle will be carried out directly. The victory or defeat will be jointly determined by the Empire and the Spirit Hall. "

"Thank you, General Levis. "Sun Boyuan returned the greeting.

There are five barracks provided, one for Yan Jin, Alia, and Bing Lan, one for Vidal, Brady, and Franco, one for Sun Boyuan, Yang Feipeng, and Gong Chengyun, one for Lei Yin and Romil, and one for Amon alone.

The five barracks have an independent yard. They put away their luggage and made beds. Not long after, they saw a young man in simple aristocratic clothes walked in.

"Your Highness, why are you here?" Alia's silver bell-like voice was a little charming.

"Xue Qinghe" smiled gently, "I came to see you. After all, you are the most dazzling team in the preliminaries. I guess this is your captain, right?"

"Xue Qinghe" looked at Amon with a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

Looking at the "Xue Qinghe" who was disguised perfectly in front of him, Amon raised his right hand, stroked his monocle, and said with interest:

"Your Highness, Hello, I am Amon, the captain of the Northland College team. "

Amon was very interested in Qian Renxue, after all, she was one of his alternative targets.

In addition, Qian Renxue's behavior of replacing Xue Qinghe and living as him for a long time also made Amon feel very interesting.

If she was a soul beast, this alone would be enough for Amon to write her on the hunting list for the next soul ring.

"Xue Qinghe" suddenly felt a strong malice coming towards her, which made her shudder, but this malice was fleeting, making her think it was her own illusion.

Looking at Amon, who also had a gentle smile in front of her, "Xue Qinghe" suddenly felt like looking in the mirror.

"Hey, do you think these two people give people a similar feeling?" Yan Jin poked Lei Yin and asked in a low voice.

"It's true that they are very similar. They both give people a feeling of being bathed in spring breeze, which makes people easily trust them." It was Alia who answered her.

Bing Lan looked at the gentle and approachable "Xue Qinghe" and suddenly blushed.

Romil, who noticed her appearance, whistled.

"It seems I haven't seen you take action in the qualifying rounds." "Xue Qinghe" said with a smile, "I wonder if I can see your style in the promotion round?"

"I may disappoint you, Your Highness Xue. I am just an auxiliary soul master. Frontal combat is not what I am good at." Amon replied softly.

“Auxiliary soul master?”

"Yes, you don't really think that the performance of our team's players in the qualifiers is their true strength, right? Those are all the results of my assistance." Amon had a smile on his face.

"Xue Qinghe" smiled lightly and looked at him with a hint of meaning:

"There has been such speculation. After all, their ring number is not high, and the strength they displayed is a bit abnormal... I look forward to your performance in the finals."

"Believe me, I will not disappoint your expectations." Amon laughed softly.

Xue Qinghe didn't stay long before leaving.

Yan Jin walked over and said, "Amon, you seem to know him."

"Well, she should be considered your master's boss."

"Ah? The old man's boss?" Yan Jin raised his eyebrows, his eyes a little more probing.

"Should we discuss the tactics for the promotion round?" Sun Boyuan asked.

"Is that necessary? I can defeat the entire audience by myself!" Yan Jin shook his fist.

Sun Boyuan laughed dumbly, "That's right. With you in charge, it doesn't matter how I fight."

"By the way, do any of you want to agree to the Tiandou royal family's recruitment? You can try to get Emperor Xueye's promise of a 30,000-year soul ring. Those who can get this reward are the top three with the most wins. Who is confident? If necessary, we can discuss and arrange it," Amon said suddenly.

Aaliya felt a little moved, but remembered her true strength, so she didn't speak. The same goes for Brady, Franco, and Vidal.

Yan Jin and Lei Yin will most likely join the Spirit Hall, while Romil is determined to follow Amon.

In the end, Binglan hesitated for a moment, then slowly raised her hand and said, "Captain, I want to give it a try."

"Then let's leave the weak opponents to you, and we will help you get rid of those troublesome guys." Amon said with a smile.

"Come on, Ice Cube." Although he was encouraging, Romil's expression seemed to be mocking.

"Hehehe, those you think you may not be able to beat, don't go on the field, leave it to me, and try to maintain your condition." Yan Jin said carelessly.

"Thank you, thank you all." Binglan said movedly.

At night, Amon walked out of the barracks and stared at the bright moon in the sky with deep eyes.

"Drive... drive..." Yan Jin was riding a horse on the grassland.

She drove the horse and galloped to Amon, reined in the reins, "Huh? Why are you here?"

"Where did you get the horse?" Amon asked.

"Borrowing it from Levi's is really fun, but it runs a little slower. I will catch a powerful one next time." Yan Jin said with a smile.

"It's late at night, aren't you sleepy?"

"You're not sleepy, Amon, aren't you asleep too?"

"Why do you think I can't sleep?"


"Of course it's because some idiot is yelling here." Romil walked over while picking his ears.

"Did I disturb you? Hehehe, I'm sorry." Yan Jin scratched his head.

"Heh, that's quite interesting." Amon smiled.

"If the captain is interested, let's have a horse racing competition." A voice like silver bells sounded, and Aaliya came over leading several horses.

"Then let's have a competition. The loser will run around the entire camp three times, shouting 'I'm an idiot' while running. How about that?" Vidal looked at Yan Jin with a malicious smile on his face.

"I'm coming too, I'm coming too." Franco was wearing a hunting suit, riding a horse, holding a whip in his hand, looking very professional.

"It seems like everyone can't sleep." Brady followed Franco.

Gong Chengyun, Yang Feipeng, and Binglan also came over.

"After all, we may have to go our separate ways from now on. It just so happens that everyone seems to be quite interested today, so let's just treat it as a party." Vidal said.

"Then let's have fun." Amon got on his horse.

Under Vidal's plot, Rock Ember fell to the end.

She is a person of her word and actually walked around the camp three times shouting "I am stupid".

The rowdy behavior at Northland College affected others, especially Shrek College, which was nearby.

Dissatisfied, Flanders found the commander of the Royal Knights stationed here and reported to him that Northland College's behavior had affected the rest of his students and might affect the next day's game.

The officer in charge shrugged helplessly and said that they had no control over this because there was no provision in the competition rules not to do so.

Thanks to Arknights for the 200 reward, and thanks to the Killer Queen Mother for the reward in the rain.

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