Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 127 Northland College and Shrek

The teams of the principality and kingdom had no direct conflict of interest with the Northland College. Anyway, the rewards from Emperor Xue Ye were not for them. Instead of fighting to the death with the Northland College, it was better to follow Amon's wishes, so that the ranking would at least be better.

So in the next few days, when Binglan played, the opponents she met were all from the weakest team of the opponent team, and gradually became stronger.

They just changed the order of appearance, and did not deliberately let her win.

But this was enough. The long winning streak made Binglan's number of wins far ahead.

Facing these cooperative colleges, the Northland College also responded with goodwill. Not only did they act very measuredly on the field, but every time the opponent defeated Binglan, they would directly admit defeat.

In addition, there was no more one-on-seven situation. Binglan could always be defeated at the right time, leaving the opponent with the last bit of dignity.

On the tenth day of the promotion match, the Northland College played against the Shrek College.

Amon did not arrange for Binglan to play again, as she had won enough games.

When Yan Jin stepped onto the field, the atmosphere of the entire large parade ground seemed to be a bit more solemn, and the aura of the Soul King was undisguised, making people feel a bit depressed.

Before, when facing the Blazing Fire Academy and the Thunder Academy, she was always laughing and joking, and it was not until this moment that people who had never faced her on the stage truly felt her power as a Soul King.

At the same time, he also felt that the Northland Academy was getting serious.

Flanders looked at Yan Jin on the field with a worried look on his face. He was a little worried about the students.

Yu Xiaogang said lightly: "Now we can only trust Xiao San and the others."

Although he seemed calm, his eyes were fixed on the field, and he dared not relax at all.

"Erlong, be prepared at any time, and don't relax at all. Once the opponent seems to be ruthless, go up and save people."

"I know." Liu Erlong nodded seriously.

In fact, the Northland Academy did not have such a big malice towards Shrek Academy. In addition to some unknown plans of Amon, the other students just regarded them as ordinary opponents.

That is to say, there was a little quarrel at the opening ceremony on the first day, which was not taken seriously by Yan Jin and others. If they were to hold on to this, Romil would die a hundred times a day.

But Shrek has never hesitated to speculate others with the greatest malice, and some small disputes can develop into conflicts that are almost life-and-death.

From the beginning of the preliminaries to now, more than half of the people who were seriously injured on the field were from Shrek Academy.

"Hey, among you, who is called Tang San? Let him come up quickly. I also want to see what kind of strength someone who can have a ten thousand year soul ring at the Soul Sect stage like me has."

Yan Jin shouted to the people of Shrek Academy with an eager look on his face.

"Humph, you are not qualified to challenge my third brother." Although Ma Hongjun, who was on the field, was a little scared, he still said very stubbornly.

Yan Jin chuckled: "Forget it, it doesn't matter if we didn't meet him. Anyway, as long as we beat you all down, we can meet him, right?"

"Arrogant." Ma Hongjun's face darkened, and the anger of being despised overwhelmed his fear of Yan Jin.

He revealed his martial soul, and immediately activated the third soul skill after possessing the body, flying into the sky to distance himself from Yan Jin.

Yan Jin had shown his terrible melee ability in the previous battle with Yu Tianxin, which made him dare not approach.

"Phoenix Fire Line."

Ma Hongjun activated the first soul skill and tentatively launched an attack from the air.

Yan Jin's hand was wrapped in a thin layer of magma, and he casually slapped it and dispersed the flame ray.

"Huo... Phoenix, the top flame beast martial soul, it seems that you want you to test my strength first?"

"Huh, so what? The master had long guessed that you would be the first to appear. His wisdom is beyond your imagination." Ma Hongjun said proudly.

"Ah... Is this hard to guess? Amon has never concealed his intentions. For those who cooperate with us, let Binglan go, and for those who don't, let me go... I have some interest in you, so I will go too.

"In fact, even if Binglan is the first to go out today as usual, she will admit defeat and then replace me. So the first person you really have to face will only be me... Everyone knows it."

Yan Jin scratched the back of his head, not quite understanding what Ma Hongjun was proud of.

Ma Hongjun's expression froze and he fell silent.

He hovered over Yan Jin's head, as if looking for an opportunity to launch an attack.

Yan Jin knew that the little fat man in front of him was just used by Shrek Academy to test his strength and consume his soul power. The best way to deal with it was to remain unchanged in the face of all changes and wait for the other party to land on his own after his soul power was exhausted.

But she was not a patient person. She raised her right hand, and a large amount of magma emerged from her hand, wrapping up her entire right arm, and pointed the five fingers of her right hand at Ma Hongjun.

"Volcano bomb. "

Volcanic bombs shot up into the sky.

Ma Hongjun flapped his wings and kept dodging in the air.

The master observed Yan Jin's performance with a puzzled look.

Yan Jin's soul skills are difficult to analyze, because her first soul ring, fourth soul ring, and fifth soul ring are all shining for a long time, which means that these three soul rings have been working.

But from the battle, she did not show any special features, so the effects of these three soul skills are still a mystery.

"Teacher, do you see anything?" Tang San asked.

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, "It's very strange, her soul skills are different from others, and I've encountered them for the first time, but what is certain is that her first, fourth, and fifth soul skills do not consume much soul power, otherwise they cannot be maintained for a long time.

"I have roughly guessed the second soul skill. When she first came on the field, she used the second soul skill to jump very high, and now she uses it to launch volcanic bombs... The effect of the second soul skill is to give the martial soul or itself an initial speed.

"The third soul skill was used when making a stone chair for their captain. The magma was solidified into rock. The effect can solidify the martial soul and enhance defense."

Tang San said thoughtfully: "Teacher, don't you think her control over the magma is too strong? She can even make subtle changes and carve a cat head on the chair."

Yu Xiaogang suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Yes, it's control! Among the three permanent soul skills, one is probably to improve her control over the martial soul, otherwise normal people can't do this kind of fluid type martial soul into the desired shape at will.

"The other one is soul power! She has an abnormal amount of soul power, so there must be a skill that can store soul power, storing the soul power that is not used at ordinary times and using it at critical moments. "

Yu Xiaogang lived up to his reputation as a master of theory. Through some clues, he guessed Yan Jin's ability almost exactly.

On the field, Ma Hongjun felt the little soul power left in his body, and suddenly dived, approached, and activated his fourth soul skill, "Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike".

A shock hit Yan Jin's body, making her feel slightly dizzy, and then, the magma rising from her feet submerged her.

"That's it?" After the magma disappeared, Yan Jin looked strange, "What are you thinking? Use magma to attack me?"

At this time, Ma Hongjun had retreated to the edge of the field, and said to Yu Xiaogang without looking back:

"I didn't feel the heat in her magma, but the magma summoned by my "Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike" had no effect on her. "

Ma Hongjun looked at Yan Jin, with a smile on his fat face, "I just want you to feel my passion, beautiful lady."

After saying this, he regretted not controlling his talk, the girl in front of him was not someone he could tease casually.

"Oh, just in time, I'm actually very passionate too." Yan Jin smiled very cheerfully.

Feeling the dangerous atmosphere coming towards him, Ma Hongjun immediately jumped out of the arena, "Fuck, I give up."

Yu Xiaogang frowned, he thought Yan Jin's martial soul was mutated, the magma without temperature was just "flowing rock".

But the result of Ma Hongjun's "Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike" told him that Yan Jin must also have characteristics related to fire, otherwise he would not have directly endured the burning of the magma summoned by Ma Hongjun without any damage.

"Is it the effect of the last unknown soul skill? "

Zhu Zhuqing was the second player arranged by Shrek Academy to play.

Dai Mubai said to her: "Be careful, if something goes wrong, leave the field immediately. The victory or defeat in the promotion match is not that important."

"I know." Zhu Zhuqing rolled her eyes at him.

In Dai Mubai's mind, this look was quite charming, and he felt that his heartbeat seemed to speed up a bit.

Zhu Zhuqing's task was also to consume Yan Jin's soul power and create opportunities for Tang San behind.

The soul king level Yan Jin brought too much pressure to Shrek. In a one-on-one situation, no one was sure to defeat her.

"Ah? Isn't it the guy named Tang San?" Yan Jin scratched his cheek.


Zhu Zhuqing just remained silent.

After her martial spirit possessed her, her eyes changed color at the same time, the left eye was dark green and the right eye was clear blue, and the long hair on her head naturally stuck to her back.

"Cat! It looks like a golden retriever. "Yan Jin turned his head and glanced at Vidal in his team.

Zhu Zhuqing seized this opportunity and rushed towards the opponent silently.

The first soul ring lit up, and the spike-like claws popped out from the palm, and the speed instantly doubled.

"Netherworld Thrust!"

When Yan Jin turned around, the claws were close to her face.

In response, Yan Jin just turned his head slightly, then took a step forward and hit Zhu Zhuqing in the face with a headbutt.

The latter covered her bleeding nose and retreated in pain. She did not delay, and immediately adjusted her posture, touched the blood on her nose with her left hand, and her cold eyes were a bit angry.

"Zhu Qing!" Dai Mubai shouted anxiously, and there was a bit more murderous intent in his eyes when he looked at Yan Jin.

"You are still bleeding." Yan Jin pointed to the blood dripping from her nose, "Do you want to admit defeat?"

"Small problem. "Zhu Zhuqing said coldly.

What irritated her more than the pain in her nose was Yan Jin's careless attitude.

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