Back in the rest area, the Shrek Academy group fell into silence. Zhu Zhuqing's experience made them feel heavy.

"It was my mistake. I misjudged my opponent's ability. If she hadn't listened to me, she wouldn't have been hurt so badly." Yu Xiaogang's face was filled with self-blame.

"I was also at fault. If only I could have taken the initiative to withstand some of Yan Jin's attacks. The burns would have done much less damage to me, and Zhu Qing would have been more prepared." Ma Hongjun said guiltily.

Tang San shook his head, "No, teacher, Fatty, it's not that your judgment is wrong, it's that your opponent is too cunning, she has been hiding this trick.

“When Dai Lao rushed to the stage, she unleashed an attack that heated up the air and melted the earth, completely different from what she had done before in the game.

"I'm afraid this is the last of her three permanent soul skills. It has been actively suppressing the fire damage of magma."

As Yu Xiaogang's disciple, Tang San had a very solid theory. He roughly saw the effect of Yan Jin's last soul skill, and then continued:

"Fat man, what you felt before was right, because she didn't use 'high temperature' to deal with you, so even if she withstood the attack, she wouldn't be burned."

Ning Rongrong said bitterly: "Then why did you do this to Zhuqing? How can a girl survive after her family is harmed like this? She may be disfigured...

"I...I'm going to find my father. I can't just let it go. This revenge must be avenged, and those bastards from Northland College must pay the price!"

In the infirmary, Zhu Zhuqing, who had already received treatment and was wrapped in gauze, was lying on the bed, her eyes dull.

Dai Mubai sat on a small stool and waited beside her.

" there a mirror?"

Dai Mubai shook his head, "Zhuqing, what you need most right now is to rest. Don't think about things that are not there."

"Am I disfigured? Am I ugly now?"

"No, it's going to be okay, it's going to be okay."

"Get out, get out!" Zhu Zhuqing suddenly screamed and shouted hysterically.

"Zhuqing, calm down." Dai Mubai held his hand, "I will be with you, always."

After struggling for a long time, Zhu Zhuqing finally fell asleep.

Dai Mubai left the medical room and came to the rest area of ​​the Shreks.

"Boss Dai, how is Zhuqing's injury?" Xiao Wu asked with concern.

Dai Mubai glanced at Yu Xiaogang gloomily and shook his head: "The wound has basically stabilized, but on the face..."

Tang San smiled, "Boss Dai, this is not a problem. Have you forgotten the name of the fairy grass Zhuqing took?"

The gloominess in Dai Mubai's eyes lessened a little, and he said with some earnestness: "'Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone'? Could it be that..."

"That's right." Tang San nodded with a smile, "Moisturizing the muscles and replenishing the bones, and unblocking the meridians are its aids in cultivation, but it also has the effects of improving the skin and beautifying the skin. No matter what kind of injury, you will not take it again. left scars on his body.”

"Thank you, mistress, thank you...I'll tell Zhuqing the good news right now." Dai Mubai ran out excitedly.

Lounge area at Northland College.

"I'm so angry. Those slimes are messing with each other, right? Can't she see such a big wall of magma? Has she grown a brain? Does she think she can swim in magma?"

Yan Jin complained angrily, "And that blond guy, he attacked me unexpectedly without practicing martial ethics. If he hadn't been in the competition, his body would have been reduced to ashes by now.

"The old Soul Saint who came to bother me in the end was also a bastard. He suddenly came up and scared me. I will kill him if I get the chance!"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, have a glass of milk." Aaliya put a glass of milk on the table in front of Yan Jin.

"Oh, okay, thank you." Yan Jin drank the milk gurglingly.

After drinking, Yan Jin calmed down a lot.

"Hahaha, you are indeed a child. Don't you get angry after drinking milk?" Romil laughed loudly.


Yan Jin kicked him over and was blocked by a barrier.

At the end of the promotion round, Northland College's ranking was not high, because most colleges were very cooperative in the later stage, so Amon always gave up on behalf of the college.

Binglan undoubtedly became the person with the most wins alone, and was praised by Emperor Xue Ye.

Finally, Emperor Xue Ye announced that Prince Xue Qinghe would represent him as the envoy of the Tian Dou Empire and go to Wuhun City, located at the junction of the Tian Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, to participate in the judging of the competition.

There are only three days for each team to adjust. Three days later, the fifteen teams of the Tiandou Empire, the teachers from each academy, the prince and his entourage will be escorted by 500 Royal Knights soldiers to the finals. Venue.

Tiandou City Spirit Temple.

Amon sat on the windowsill, stroking his monocle with one hand and a smile on his face, "Sir Walter, you should also know what happened in the promotion competition, right?"

Walter's slightly older face was filled with anger, "Well, I know everything...Shrek Academy..."

"Ha..." He sneered, "Don't worry, someone will take care of them naturally. By the way, in three days, on the way to Wuhun City, if you encounter any bandits, be more restrained when taking action and protect yourself. That’s it.”

"Robbers?" Amon said with a smile on his face, "Like the ones Yan Jin and I once encountered?"

Walter shook his head, "It's much higher than that level. I'm just a small leader among them."

"Is there such a big battle? What is it for?" Amon asked pretending to be curious.

"For what?" Walter repeated, looking strangely:

"A student from Shrek...if I put aside my selfishness, I would feel like the person who made this decision was kicked in the head by a donkey. But it just might help me verify something, so I didn't express an opinion."

He changed the topic and suddenly asked: "I heard that Tang San from Shrek Academy used a hammer spirit when fighting Feng Xiaotian, the captain of Shenfeng Academy?"

Amon nodded slightly, "Yes, he is the twin martial soul, the Blue Silver Grass, and the Clear Sky Hammer..."

When he heard the words "Haotian Hammer", Walter's soul power fluctuated for a moment, then quickly calmed down, "I know..."

After a long silence, Walter sighed: "Take care of Yan Jin."

"I will." Amon nodded.

In an elegant room, with light incense burning on the table, "Xue Qinghe" and Ning Fengzhi sat opposite each other.

"Is this really a problem for me?" "Xue Qinghe" said with a slightly helpless smile on his face:

"Northland College represents the nobles of the Northland lineage, but Shrek College has a teacher, your daughter, and I'm very optimistic about Tang San's talent... I didn't expect that they would have such a serious conflict."

"Actually, Your Highness, you don't have to choose between the two, you just need to pretend not to know." Ning Fengzhi took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

"Teacher, what advice do you have?"

Ning Fengzhi shook his head, "Guidance doesn't count. Player injuries are something that can easily happen in the Soul Master Competition. And you saw the situation at that time. It was the player from Shrek Academy who didn't dodge and ran directly into the lava." middle."

"Xue Qinghe" said gently with a faint smile on his face: "Teacher, I thought you would persuade me to choose Shrek."

"No, if Northland College were a bunch of idiots, then I would naturally advise His Highness to make this choice, but they are not. Yan Jin's talent is even better than that of Tang San, not to mention the mysterious captain. And the nobles of the North...what does Shrek have?"

After a pause, Ning Fengzhi continued:

"Except for the talents of a few students, it seems that there is only trouble... Your Highness, the two martial arts spirits of the White Tiger and the Netherworld Spirit Cat, you should also be aware of. As for the Clear Sky Hammer, there is no need to say more about it."

Dai Mubai is a member of the royal family of the Star Luo Empire. This fact cannot be hidden from the knowledgeable nobles. The Nether Spirit Cat Wuhun also belongs to the big family of the Star Luo Empire, and the Haotian Sect has always supported Xing Luo before he retreated from the world. The empire, to "Xue Qinghe", the crown prince of Tiandou, these can be said to be hostile forces.

If "Xue Qinghe" really takes Shrek's side in the conflict between Northland College and Shrek College, Xue Beng will laugh out loud in his dreams.

"Isn't there teacher and your daughter? That's enough." "Xue Qinghe" smiled.

Ning Fengzhi was silent for a moment and said: "Rongrong is Rongrong. Although I am very optimistic about Shrek's geniuses, this matter is different. The game is a game, and I will not provide Shrek with anything other than this." help."

"Teacher, I'm relieved if you think so. I was worried that if I didn't side with Shrek, I would be dissatisfied with you, teacher." "Xue Qinghe" smiled.

"What's there to be dissatisfied about? If it was Rongrong who was injured, then as her father, I would naturally not give up, but it's not her... As the leader of a force, I need to consider more than starting from my own feelings. , do things according to your own likes and dislikes.”

"I've learned a lesson." "Xue Qinghe" said softly.

Wuhun City.

A man in white clothes with a feminine face stood in a hall. Next to him was a man in black clothes, with a faint black mist exuding from his body, and his whole body was cold.

"Ghost, are you ready?" Yue Guan, dressed in white, asked.

"Well, Lordiara has gathered all the people and set an ambush on the road ahead of time." Ghost replied.

"Hmph, he sent out such a big battle just for such a small soul sect. He can be proud even to death." Yue Guan had a sneer on his face.

Gui Mei shook his head and said cautiously: "Don't be careless, this is a task assigned by His Highness the Pope himself... Twin martial souls, unprecedented geniuses, if such a person cannot be used by our Spirit Hall, then we have no choice but to let him go died."

Salas still reported the information about Tang San to Bibi Dong, but he did not mention the students at Northland Academy, because it was related to Walter. If there were any problems, Walter should be free to explain to the Pope.

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