The lava fist was raised high, and then fell down with a bang. Behind the arm, there was an orange-red tail flame, like a falling meteorite.

Even at a long distance, the heat and power of this punch could still be felt.

Romil looked at the lava fist getting closer and closer, his face turned green: "Wild girl, what's wrong with you?"

Binglan also changed her face.

Just when they wanted to use their martial spirits for defense, Amon chuckled: "You've been charmed..."

It was obvious that Yanjin was hit by Hu Liena's mental skills. If it was a direct mental shock like Tang San's Purple Demon Eye, she could still resist it.

But Hu Liena's mental influence with deception and induction was so strong that Yanjin had no power to resist.

She threw this extremely terrifying punch in the direction of the people in the Northland College!

Amon stretched out his right hand and grabbed into the void.

The lava giant collapsed instantly, turning into a surging lava wave that spread around.

Binglan froze the incoming lava wave.

Without the support of soul power, the magma slowly became empty and disappeared, revealing Yan Jin who was lying on the ground and sleeping soundly.

"We lost this game." Amon said softly.

Lei Yin stepped forward, grabbed Yan Jin's collar and dragged her down.

Amon slowly walked onto the field and smiled, "Come on, the last round of the single round-robin elimination match."

Looking at Amon's calm and deep eyes, Hu Liena's eyes were condensed.

Although Amon had never shown too much power, the unknown was the most terrifying.

Moreover, just the move that he had just lightly disintegrated Yan Jin's attack was enough to make people afraid.

The battle ended quickly. Hu Liena's main means was mental control skills, and although Amon's mental power was not much higher than hers, his resistance was very strong.

When the main means failed, Hu Liena could only engage in close combat after being possessed by the martial spirit, and was knocked to the ground by Amon's air bullets.

Bibi Dong's face became more and more gloomy, and Yue Guanneng, who was standing next to her, suddenly felt a chill.

The healing spirit master of the Spirit Hall immediately came on the field and carried her down for treatment.

"Have you eaten?" Yan Jin suddenly sat up and said in a daze.

Amon, who had just come down from the competition field, nodded with a smile: "Well, it's time for dinner."

"I seem to have forgotten something." Yan Jin nodded first, then scratched his head, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Wait, the game!" she screamed.

"It's already won, the captain went up and solved the last opponent." Romil's expression was not very good, and Yan Jin's last punch scared him enough.

Even his barrier spirit could not block such an attack.

"Huh... I didn't win all of them." Yan Jin was a little disappointed.

"It's already good enough. If you really beat three of them, the Spirit Hall will lose face." An old and peaceful voice sounded, and Walter walked slowly.

"Old man!" Yan Jin showed a happy expression, "Hehehe, how about it, I'm awesome, I beat two!"

Yan Jin stretched out his right index and middle fingers and gestured.

"Awesome... Well, my teaching level is also very good." Walter stroked his beard.

"Of course, Mr. Walter's teaching philosophy is what I have always advocated." Amon stroked his monocle and said softly.

"There is still one game, keep working hard tomorrow. In addition, you should let me and His Highness Xue see your true strength." Walter glanced at Amon, then turned and left.

"The platinum bishop of the Spirit Hall..." Romil recognized Walter's identity from his clothes, "Wild girl, do you know him?"

"Well, he is my master."

"Well? Alas!"

Romil and Binglan looked at Yan Jin in surprise at the same time. They vaguely knew that Yan Jin had a powerful master, but they didn't expect it to be one of the platinum bishops of the Spirit Hall.

After lunch, the contestants from both Shrek Academy and Spirit Hall Academy recovered with the help of healing spirit masters.

Except for the Spirit Hall spirit master who was beaten down by Dai Mubai and was a little seriously injured, the rest of the people were basically not seriously injured.

Of course, mental fatigue is not so easy to eliminate.

The three people of the "Golden Generation" knelt on one knee in front of Bibi Dong without saying a word.

"What's wrong, speak up! You guys are really good, you almost got beaten three by one!" Bibi Dong couldn't hide her anger.

"Sorry, teacher, we won't lose again." Hu Liena said.

The ghostly low voice sounded from the side: "You should know what this game means, not only your honor, but also the ownership of three soul bones. If you lose, you will all go to the Lost Grand Canyon for three years!"

Hearing this place name, Xie Yue and Yan looked at each other and shuddered.

"Okay, go get ready. We can only win the afternoon game, not lose." Bibi Dong fell into deep thought as she watched them leave.

Yue Guan asked, "Your Majesty, what are you worried about? Beidi Academy?"

"No, it's the team battle in the afternoon." Bibi Dong shook her head gently.

"Team battle in the afternoon? Shrek Academy is indeed good, but there is still a clear gap between them and our team, right?"

Bibi Dong sighed softly, "I'm worried about Yu Xiaogang. I knew him many years ago. Although his cultivation could not reach a higher level due to the mutation of his martial soul, his wisdom is the only one I have ever seen in my life."

Hearing this, Yue Guan and Gui Mei both looked at the ground silently.

They vaguely knew about what was going on between Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang and didn't want to get involved.

Bibi Dong thought for a while and reminded: "Remember, Yu Xiaogang has the elder order of our Wuhun Palace in his hand. He is the honorary elder of the Wuhun Palace and a direct member of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. He doesn't have mine. Order, no one is allowed to do anything to him, please convey this to Walter for me.”

"Yes, Your Majesty." Yueguan bowed slightly.

The sun changed its angle slightly, but its brilliance and heat remained unchanged. Under a clear sky with no clouds, the two teams met again in the square in front of the Pope's Palace.

"You bunch of dishonest villains must pay a price for daring to play tricks on us." Xie Yue stared at Dai Mubai coldly.

"Hmph, who wouldn't say harsh words? Let's see the real deal." Dai Mubai responded coldly.

Bibi Dong stood on the high steps, looking down at the two teams below, and said in a soft voice: "Are you all ready? Let's start when you are ready."

Although her voice was soft, it rang clearly in everyone's ears.

The Wuhundian Academy team and the Shrek team formed formations on both sides of the field.

A strong and cold murderous aura was pressing towards the Shrek Seven Monsters like a sharp blade. Feeling this killing intent, Tang San's heart skipped a beat.

Just as they planned to attack Binglan in the ring and teach Beidi Academy a profound lesson, the Wuhundian Academy team also had similar thoughts. Their target was Tang San, who Gui Mei and Yue Guan had not killed. .

As for the loss of qualifications after killing someone, Wuhun Palace, as the organizer, can naturally come up with a reasonable solution. After all, they have the final right to interpret this Soul Master Competition.

Surging soul power erupted from the seven members of the Wuhundian Academy team. The three people standing in front, Xieyue, Hu Liena, and Yan, all had five soul rings flashing: two yellow, two purple, and one black, giving people a great feeling. pressure.

Shrek's side did not assume the same formation as in previous games. Instead, they quickly retreated and formed a circle after the game started.

The five people walked quickly around Oscar and Ning Rongrong, and strong soul power fluctuations gathered among them.

Sitting in front of the Pope's Hall, Bibi Dong, Ning Fengzhi and the other three titled Douluo all had doubts in their eyes. They didn't know what the Shrek Seven Devils were doing.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing. The steps taken by the five people were surprisingly consistent. Both in frequency and size, they were very synchronized and followed a special rhythm.

At the same time, their soul power continued to rise and fall according to this rhythm, forming a special trajectory.

Standing in the center of the formation, Ning Rongrong and Oscar held hands and closed their eyes at the same time.

Nine-colored brilliance rose from Ning Rongrong's body, and a faint red light shone on Oscar's body. Two rays of light circled back and forth, rising into the sky.

Although the players on the Wuhundian Academy team didn't know what the Shrek Seven Devils were doing, they all felt a strong threat from the opponent's special soul power rhythm.

Red light burst out on Xie Yue and Hu Liena. The two of them collided and merged together, turning into a person with long hair and indistinguishable yin and yang.


The martial soul fusion skills used jointly by the two soul kings are enough to fight against the soul saint in a short time!

Shrek Academy also completed their final preparations.

The formation of the seven people suddenly changed from a circle to a vertical line. Under Ning Rongrong's "ring-melting" ability, all the soul power continued to pass forward and gather, and finally gathered on Tang San at the front.

His body trembled violently, and then a huge pressure emerged.

Bibi Dong saw some tricks, her eyes lit up, and she unconsciously glanced at the calm master standing outside the arena, and said softly: "This is a seven-in-one fusion technique."

The demon moved, and a red light glowed on his body. The light spread quickly and turned into a light curtain, covering half of the arena.

Tang San's hammer suddenly began to grow in size, becoming larger than his entire body. Light patterns shone on the hammer body, and the dark golden light was dazzling.

Bibi Dong looked shocked and confused, but Ning Fengzhi had already exclaimed: "The true body of the weapon soul!"

This is a useful ability that only Soul Saints can use, and what's appearing on the field at this moment is the "Haotian Hammer", a weapon that is second to none!

Tang San didn't know that this was the "real body of the weapon soul", but he did it subconsciously. Huge power continued to flow through his body and spirit, forming a strange cycle.

He looks at his opponent, steps, sprints, twists, and swings.

Even under the suppression of the "demon" light curtain, Tang San, who used his weapon soul's true form, still burst out with unparalleled power.

Xie Yue held the moon blade twice as big in front of him to block it, but was still beaten unconscious by the hammer.

Tang San struck again, and a dark golden light magnified in front of him. It was the huge shadow of the Clear Sky Hammer, covering the remaining people in the Spirit Hall within the attack range.

The huge hammer swept past, and Yan and other contestants from Wuhundian Academy were knocked to the ground without any resistance.

After doing this, Tang San held the hammer in both hands, and a strong desire arose in his heart to use the Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique. This seemed to be the instinctive desire from the martial soul.

Tang San followed this desire and was about to swing the hammer again when a voice rang in his ears: "Stop, withdraw your strength, and return to your soul."

Tang San woke up and took back his martial spirit. His expression changed from brief shock to pain, and he had a sudden realization:

Using the weapon soul body of the Clear Sky Hammer consumes not only soul power, but also soul strength!

This game ended very quickly, and many people were still immersed in the terrifying power of the Clear Sky Hammer.

The Spirit Hall lost the game again. This time in the Soul Master Competition, their team didn't even make it to the final championship.

Bibi Dong had a complicated expression, frowning slightly, looking at Yu Xiaogang with a bit of love and admiration.

Amon stood outside the stadium, raised his right hand, and stroked his monocle: "Is this the Clear Sky Hammer that shakes the world... Tsk, interesting."

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