If Dugu Bo wanted to escape, Amon had no effective way to stop him. It was only possible to kill him if he didn't want to escape or was unable to escape.

In order to strengthen his murderous intention against him, Amon deliberately tortured Dugu Yan in the soul master competition and threatened to kill her in order to take revenge on Dugu Bo.

As expected, Dugu Bo fell into his psychological trap and attacked him with strong murderous intent.

Amon once again activated the "Invincible Golden Body". This time, he also activated the "Mountain-like". After blocking Dugu Bo's attack, he whispered:

"One thing you may not know is that Tang Hao is Walter's unyielding enemy, and his son died at the hands of 'Haotian Douluo'.

"When you prevented him from killing Tang San before, you were preventing him from taking revenge. Walter probably already hates you.

"In addition, the previous Pope Qian Xunji also died at the hands of Haotian Douluo. Your previous actions were also hindering the revenge of Wuhun Palace.

"Qianxunji is the son of Qiandaoliu... Qiandaoliu, you know, right? The great enshrinement of Wuhun Palace, a level 99 ultimate Douluo! So, you and your granddaughter must be careful and pray not to meet them in the future. ”

"What?" Dugu Bo's pupils shrank, and he was shocked by the news revealed by Amon.

Dugu Bo didn't know whether Qian Xunji died in Tang Hao's hands, but he knew about Walter's abnormal murderous intention towards Tang San.

When he wanted to escape with Tang San and Xiao Wu before, but was blocked by Walter, the focus of the opponent's attack was not on Xiao Wu, the transformed 100,000-year-old soul beast, but on Tang San.

If Tang Hao killed Walter's son, then his somewhat abnormal behavior is understandable.

Since the part about Walter in the information revealed by Amon is true, then the part about Qiandaoliu is probably also true...

This made Dugu Bo feel a strong sense of regret in his heart. For the first time, he felt that he should not be related to Tang San and should not fight against the Spirit Hall for him.

Amon had a smile on his face.

From the beginning of their meeting, he had already launched a psychological offensive against Dugu Bo.

Giving him soul bones made him happy, mentioning that he wanted to kill Dugu Yan made him angry, stealing his soul skills made him panic, deliberately being beaten away made him relaxed, using aura to suppress him made him fearful, and naming Tang Hao's enemies. To his horror...

Coupled with the constant use of "deception" to weaken his mental defense, Amon finally broke through his mental defense and successfully read his thoughts.

The giant snake that Dugu Bo transformed into attacked, but this time, he missed.

The keen observation ability brought by the "Insight" in the second soul skill "Decipherer", coupled with the judgment of Dugu Bo's thinking brought by "Mind Reading" in the fifth soul skill "Dream Stealer", allow Amon to He prepares himself before he attacks.


An air bullet exploded in the giant snake's head.

This weak attack failed to break the snake scales, but made Dugu Bo furious.

He looked at Amon and activated the soul bone skill, "Medusa's Gaze".

The green snake eyes suddenly opened wide, bursting out with a strong light. Two rays were emitted from his eyes. Wherever they passed, everything was gray and white, and plants, insects, and soil were all turned into stone.

Although Amon knew in advance that he would use this skill, he could not avoid it. His speed would not be faster than light, and he could only activate the "Invincible Golden Body".

The gray-white color spread up his legs until it covered his entire body, turning him into a gray-white stone sculpture.

A strange energy full of decay wanted to invade Amon's body, but was blocked by the regular power of the "Invincible Golden Body".

This strange energy was fleeting and disappeared quickly after failing to invade Amon's body.

Cracks appeared on Amon's stone carving, and the outer layer of gray-white rock shattered, revealing the intact Amon.

He patted his body, shook off the rock fragments on his body, looked at Dugu Bo, reached out and grabbed a monocle from the void, and put it on his right eye:

"A very scary soul skill, it almost hurt me."

Amon stretched out his right index finger and thumb and made a "little bit" gesture.

The sense of relief brought about by Dugu Bo's first attack that knocked Amon away has disappeared, replaced by heaviness and confusion.

Amon's sudden and sudden performance made him particularly puzzled.

After thinking for a while, the eighth soul ring lit up from Dugu Bo's body, and the black light painted the snake's body, turning the originally green snake into dark green.

Dugu Bo raised his snake's head and spit out a green bead.

A strange scene appeared, everything around him fell into silence, and even the air stopped flowing.

The huge body of the Jade Phosphor Snake King gradually became transparent and disappeared. Dugu Bo's body hung in mid-air, straightening his right hand, controlling the beads to slowly fly towards Amon.

The beads flew very slowly, but Amon's body was also stationary, and there was no way to avoid it.

He only felt that an invisible force imprisoned him, making him unable to move. Not only his body, but also his thinking gradually slowed down and finally stagnated.

This is Dugu Bo's eighth soul skill, "Time and Space Freezing". It can make everything around you fall into stillness.

But Amon had known for a long time that he had this ability, so he was prepared early. He left a Time Worm every one kilometer.

The scope of "freezing of time and space" is very large, but it is ultimately limited.

When Dugu Bo activated this skill, Amon let the time insect in the distance, which was not within the range of "time and space solidification", take over the body remotely through spiritual contact.

He can still activate the "Invincible Golden Body" and maintain it for a long time.

So when Dugu Bo controlled the bead and wanted it to invade Amon's body, he found that it was blocked by a force from the outside and could not integrate.

His expression was solemn, his eyes were bright with green light, and he shouted loudly, "Rong".

Nothing happened, still unable to integrate.

Although Amon's appearance has been rendered green, Dugu Bo knows that it is only a superficial phenomenon, but the inside is still the same as before.

This situation also made him more certain that Amon had not reached the level of Titled Douluo, but he had special rules-based soul skills.

If it comes to a titled Douluo, he cannot be easily imprisoned at all. Without special rules-based soul skills, there is no way to prevent the integration of the beads.

The soul power required for the eighth soul skill "Time and Space Freezing" is also huge for Dugu Bo, and he cannot maintain it for a long time.

After trying a few more times, but still unable to invade Amon's body, he finally gave up and continued with the next action with the mentality of giving it a try.

He took back the bead and put it into his mouth. The green light in his eyes converged. His left hand, which had been dyed green, faced Amon. He drew his fingers inward and shouted: "Broken!"

A crisp cracking sound sounded, and a crack started from the top of Amon's head and quickly spread throughout his body. This scene is very similar to when it was petrified with the petrifying light just now.

Dugu Bo's figure flashed, he distanced himself, and the black light of his eighth soul ring also dimmed.

The frozen time and space returned to normal, and Amon shattered, but it was still just the surface. When the green fragments faded away, he was still standing on the shore intact, looking at Dugu Bo with a smile.

The monocle is an external soul power and is not protected by the "Invincible Golden Body", so Amon grabbed a pair of glasses again, put it on his right eye, and chuckled:

"A very scary soul skill, it almost hurt me."

He stretched out his right index finger and thumb and made a "little bit" gesture.

Seeing this scene that was exactly the same as before, Dugu Bo took a deep breath and felt a headache.

Amon himself is not strong, but his strange abilities are confusing and completely subvert his understanding of the soul master's power system. This is the first time for him to face such a difficult enemy.

However, he had no intention of backing down. The rule-based soul skills were strong, but they also had great limitations. Dugu Bo firmly believed that as long as he could find a flaw, he could easily kill Amon.

Dugu Bo began to save his soul power, and even stopped opening his martial soul avatar. He only used his soul power to strengthen his body and engage in close combat with Amon.

His response was very reasonable, and this was the fighting method that Amon hated the most.

If Dugu Bo uses powerful and expensive soul skills again and again, his condition will soon slip, playing into Amon's hands. He can easily find flaws and defeat his opponent.

But it was Amon who suffered from such low-consumption melee fighting.

With the blessing of soul power, the body of a titled Douluo can pose a huge threat even with the most ordinary fists and kicks.

The control of the body brought by the "thief", the observation and judgment brought by the "decryption scholar", coupled with the ability to read minds and materialize soul power, Amon can be sustained in the hands of Dugu Bo.

Although they are not defeated, they are still in danger and extremely embarrassed. They have to activate the "Invincible Golden Body" from time to time to survive.

Dugu Bo punched, and Amon activated his "Invincible Golden Body" and crossed his hands in front of him to block.

Looking at Amon, who was covered in dust, had his hat off, and had some minor scratches on his face, Dugu Bo sneered:

"Hmph...how long will your regular soul skill last? How many more opportunities do you have to use it?"

A series of fights made him understand Amon's true and false nature, and he knew that his current method was the best way to deal with it.

Amon's lips curved into a smile, "That's it."

He took advantage of Dugu Bo's carelessness and stole his remaining vigilance.

Amon's crossed arms suddenly lit up with emerald green light, as if they were emeralds. The outward part of his forearm seemed to have an edge, with a little green light swimming around the edge.

Dugu Bo's expression suddenly changed. He felt the fatal crisis and immediately retreated.

Those emerald-green arms were like the scythes of death, drawing out two oblique, staggered slash-shaped waves of light.

"Eternal Creation!"

The sixth soul skill from Bibi Dong’s second martial soul, a single-target attack skill brought by a hundred thousand year soul ring!

Even for Bibi Dong in the later stage, it is one of the most domineering single-target attack skills.

This was a strike that Amon had planned for a long time. He crossed his hands in front of him, seemingly blocking Dugu Bo's fist, but in fact it was also a preparatory action for launching the "Eternal Creation".

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