At night, the breeze blows and the branches sway, leaving jagged tree shadows all over the place under the moonlight.

In the darkness, a half-human, half-spider figure quietly emerged. Beside her, a man in white clothes with a chrysanthemum martial spirit and a vague figure followed each other.

The half-human, half-spider figure waved its sickle-shaped hands.

"Xiao, run quickly!" A hurried female voice sounded.

"Don't look back!"

"Mom!" Xiao Wu suddenly woke up from her sleep, sat up, and shouted in shock.

What came into view was a burning bonfire, the flames burning the firewood, making a crackling sound, and small sparks bursting out while burning.

After taking a deep breath and wiping the cold sweat from her forehead, she realized that it was just a dream. I also dreamed about the scene when my mother was killed by Bibi Dong.

"you're awake?"

A low and powerful voice sounded.

Tang Hao, wearing tattered clothes, revealing bronze skin, and a sallow complexion, sat aside, holding a wine bottle in his hand, looking a little drunk.

Xiao Wu looked around, but couldn't find the familiar figure, so she asked, "Where is the third brother?"

"He went to Shrek Academy and said he wanted to see his friends for the last time... From the perspective of a soul master, I should keep you in captivity. When Xiao San needs it, let him kill you and get the soul ring and soul bones." Tang Hao calmly spoke cold and ruthless words.

Xiao Wu looked gloomy and depressed. She didn't speak. She just lowered her head and stared at the fire with no sparkle in her eyes.

Tang Hao didn't care whether Xiao Wu was listening or not, he just continued to speak calmly:

"But, from another perspective, there will be different choices... In the past, I always thought that he was more like his mother, kind, careful and persistent.

"But when I saw him with you, I suddenly realized that he was actually more like me. Just as stupid as me.

"Did you know... Tang San's mother is a hundred thousand year spirit beast just like you. The difference is that she has reached the mature stage, while you are still in the infancy stage."

"What? Third brother's mother is also a spirit beast?" Xiao Wu finally had a different expression on her face and said with a hint of surprise.

Tang Hao nodded silently, and then said: "You should leave. Staying with Xiaosan now will only do him harm."

", do you object to us being together?" Xiao Wu whispered.

Tang Hao smiled, shook his head and said: "No, it's just not the time yet... You are really brave. If it weren't for the first Titled Douluo who saw you, I would be the one, and if it wasn't for that flower covering up Your breath, you may have become someone else’s soul bone.

"You all need time to grow up. Xiaosan said that he would make a 'five-year agreement' with his classmates, so just wait for five years. I will ask him to find you after five years."

"I see."

Xiao Wu left, leaving Tang Hao drinking alone, looking even more depressed.

Two lines of tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and he murmured: "Brother, I'm sorry..."

In Wuhun City, there is a splendid restaurant.

"Xue Qinghe" has reserved the right to use the entire restaurant, prepared sumptuous dishes, and is waiting for the arrival of distinguished guests.

"Wow, it smells so good." A head with fiery red hair poked his head in from outside the door. His dark red eyes glanced at the big table in the center, and his eyes fell on the table full of delicacies.

As for the prince "Xue Qinghe", as well as Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and Chen Xin, the "Sword Douluo" sitting next to him, they were all ignored by her.

"Xue Qinghe" did not neglect, he was also a genius...even compared to herself, she did not show off.

"Has Amen Mian come down?" "Xue Qinghe" asked gently with a smile on his face.

"Amon... he'll be there soon. He's walking too slowly. I'll come in first to explore the way for him." Yan Jin walked onto the dining table naturally, picked up a pig knuckle and started to chew on it.

None of the three people present were angry at her rude behavior, they just smiled.

"I've kept you waiting, Your Highness." A figure wearing a black robe and a pointed hat came in through the window.

The expression on "Xue Qinghe's" face was slightly stiff, and then he smiled and said: "Good night, Your Majesty Amen... you really don't take the ordinary path."

"Sometimes, you can try another path, maybe it will go more smoothly." Amon chuckled and sat across from "Xueqing River".

When he saw Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin, Amen was slightly surprised. After thinking about it, he felt that this was normal... Qian Renxue stayed as the crown prince of Tiandou, and Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin were her companions for this trip. The guardian will naturally stay with her.

After eating some food and exchanging pleasantries, "Xue Qinghe" cleared his throat and said, "Does Your Majesty Amen have any ideas about the future?"

Amon raised his right hand and touched the bottom of his glasses. He was silent for two seconds as if in deep thought, and then slowly said:

"Martial Soul Palace is very good, Tiandou Empire is not bad either, and Star Luo Empire... looks okay. In addition, I have been admiring the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect for a long time."

Isn't this just a complete lack of position... "Xue Qinghe" complained in her heart and organized her words:

"Then do you want to accept the employment of the Tiandou royal family? I can promise that I will give you the title of honorary marquis. The royal library will be open to you. If you have any needs, you can put them forward and we will try our best to meet them.

"You don't need to accept the dispatch, just declare to the outside world that you are the royal family's tribute, and occasionally help us when we are in trouble. Of course, we will also give corresponding rewards when you help."

When in Tiandou City, Qian Renxue wanted to recruit Amon as her subordinate, but now she has no such idea at all. A Tiandou prince is not qualified to ask a Title Douluo-level strongman to be loyal.

Amon chuckled: "Very generous conditions, but I have a question. I don't know whether these conditions are given by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to gain personal friendship with me, or by the Tiandou Empire to let me serve the empire?"

Of course it is the first one... "Xue Qinghe" glanced at Ning Fengzhi and didn't say it out loud.

Ning Fengzhi just stood on her side vaguely. The object he supported has always been the Tiandou Empire, not just a certain person.

The interests of the two of them are not completely consistent. If "Xue Qinghe" and Emperor Xue Ye have a conflict, then there is no need to think too much. Ning Fengzhi will definitely stand on the side of Emperor Xue Ye.

"Xue Qinghe" pondered for a moment and said against his will: "Of course it's the second one."

In front of Ning Fengzhi, she couldn't show too much ambition. She had to maintain the image of the gentle prince and be a modest gentleman who cared about the empire.

"It's the empire... Then can the conditions be changed? I want the title of 'Duke', the kind with actual fiefdom, not just a title."

Amon leaned back slightly, leaned back on the chair, and said softly.

"This..." "Xue Qinghe" showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, "Your Majesty Amon, this is not very practical. The Tiandou Empire can no longer give out such a large land to enfeoff a real duke."

For the Tiandou Empire, in addition to the two external enemies of the Spirit Hall and the Xingluo Empire, the biggest destabilizing factor is the five principalities and kingdoms that were enfeoffed. So as long as Emperor Xue Ye's brain is not cramped, he will not agree to such outrageous conditions... even if it is to recruit a titled Douluo.

Amon stroked his monocle and smiled, "I only accept this condition... But there is one thing, Your Highness, you misunderstood. Although I also want a fiefdom that matches the status of a duke, I also know that the Tiandou Empire will not give out such a large piece of land, so... my request for the fiefdom is this."

Amon's fingers moved slightly, and he took out a map from the space ring. After spreading it out, he took out a pen and casually drew a circle on it that was as big as two or three duchies.

Only a small area including the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family residence on the circle belongs to the Tiandou Empire, which is only equivalent to a slightly larger baronial territory. The rest is the land of the Xingluo Empire!

"Your Majesty Amon, you are..." "Xue Qinghe" was also slightly stunned by this strange request. How could the land of other countries be divided to vassals?

"I only need the official recognition of the Tiandou Empire that I own this land. As for whether the Xingluo Empire gives it or not, that's my business... They won't refuse."

"Xue Qinghe" understood what he meant. This is to bite off a piece of the Xingluo Empire's territory directly!

This is no loss to the Tiandou Empire. Anyway, it is the Xingluo Empire that is worried. But after all, it is to confer a real duke, and the Emperor Xue Ye must agree.

"Xue Qinghe" smiled, "Personally, I really want to agree to your request, but I don't have that much power. This requires the consent of my father. He will most likely agree, and I will try my best to fight for you... If it is to confer a real duke, you must publicly swear allegiance to the emperor. Can you accept this?"

"Of course, believe me, I have always been loyal to the empire and His Majesty, but I just suffer from the lack of opportunities to serve." Amon said with a smile.

"Xue Qinghe" raised his glass and saluted Amon, saying, "Then let us wish that the Tiandou Empire will have another Grand Duke Amon. Cheers!"

Ning Fengzhi also raised his glass and said with a smile, "Grand Duke Amon, please!"


Yan Jin grabbed a glass of juice and joined in, "Cheers!"

Next, "Xue Qinghe" talked to Amon about many details and finalized the cooperation intention between "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince" and "Grand Duke Amon".

Finally, "Xue Qinghe" reminded, "Your Majesty Amon, if you want to take action against the Xingluo Empire, our Tiandou Royal Family can only support you and provide some material support... As long as they don't attack other territories of Tiandou, the Royal Family will not take direct action."

"I know... I don't want others to interfere either. This is my own business." Amon nodded.

After eating and drinking, the few people parted ways.

Amon walked out of the restaurant, blowing the slightly cold night breeze, with a smile on his lips: "Grand Duke Amon, interesting..."

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