Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 164 Let me use your body for three years

After a month of delay, Duke Amon finally arrived at his loyal blue dragon territory.

Also arriving with him were Earl Romir, Yan Jin, and Lei Yin.

Thunder Dragon City is the capital of the Blue Dragon Territory. Here, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family has great influence, and can even be called the uncrowned king.

Since the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire have always had disputes over the ownership of this place and have never sent a manager, the city has always been under the actual control of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Amon arrived at the City Lord's Mansion and found that it had become the office of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

"Duke? What Duke? Go, go, go where you came from. This is the property of our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family." The guard looked impatient and waved at them like he was driving away beggars.

"Amon, can I beat him?" Yan Jin's eyes revealed a dangerous light.

"Don't worry, although we came with a certain amount of hostility, there is no need to specifically target a guard with hostility... I'm here to say hello to the owner of this place. As for whether he can survive, it depends on him. ”

Amon smiled slightly, and a terrifying aura as vast as the abyss rose up.

Others may not know his situation, but it is impossible that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family did not receive information about him.

I'm afraid that on the day he became the Duke of the Blue Dragon Territory, everything in his past had been put on Yu Yuanzhen's table, including his performance in the Soul Master Competition Championship.

But they seemed not to take it seriously, or they took it seriously but deliberately failed to notify this office to test Amon.

No matter what the situation was, Amon didn't care. He was short of a "chicken" to "fear the monkeys". In order to establish his prestige as quickly as possible, this "chicken" had to be strong enough.

The largest local force, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, is a good target.

The sudden rise of breath oppressed the guard's nerves, and he fell to the ground with bleeding from all his orifices.

The soul masters belonging to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family noticed the situation at the door and gathered around one by one, trying to expel this uninvited guest. However, they rolled their eyes and fell down before they even got close.

Some people with weak willpower and low soul power levels even lost their lives due to the sudden pressure.

"Let's go." Amon said calmly.

Yan Jin, Lei Yin, and Romil followed his steps and walked towards the city lord's mansion.

Amon went straight to the living room, sat on the main seat, and said calmly: "Anyone who can speak well, come and see me."

No one came over, because Amon's pressure had spread to the entire city lord's palace, and no one without a titled Douluo could move freely under this pressure.

"Ha... I was negligent." Amon chuckled and restrained his pressure.

A few minutes later, a man who looked to be in his forties or fifty came to Amon with a trembling body.

"It's our fault that we didn't welcome our distinguished guest at a distance when we arrived. I am Yu Xinfeng, the head of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family here." Yu Xinfeng said in a low voice with a stiff smile on his face.

Amon glanced at him and said calmly: "Dignified guest? Who is the guest? This Thunder Dragon City, this city lord's palace, was built by the Tiandou Empire...

"Although in the past, the Blue Dragon Territory was occupied by the Star Luo Empire for a period of time, resulting in sovereignty disputes.

"But now, after I come, this place belongs to the Tiandou Empire. There is no doubt about this. And Tiandou has never publicly acknowledged your Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family's ownership of this place."

Seeing Amon's attitude, Yu Xinfeng's face also darkened, and he said with a bit of anger:

"Your Excellency, please don't go too far. First, you leaked your soul pressure without any reason and hurt our disciples. Now you are still aggressive. Do you really think that our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family is made of mud?"

"Isn't it?" Amon asked in surprise.

This sentence made Yu Xinfeng silent. He did not expect that some people would think that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family was easy to handle, nor did he expect that the newly promoted Duke would be so ruthless.

"Tell your people to get out of here quickly, and ask Yu Yuanzhen to come and tell me if you have anything to do. As for the trash who can't even stand in front of me, don't be an eyesore." Amon said softly.

Yu Xinfeng led the people away in humiliation, which was the first time for the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex clan in decades.

Many forces in the city are watching secretly.

"Who is this new Duke?"

"It is said that he is the captain of the championship team in this elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy."

"Tsk tsk, what a genius... But a mere youth competition champion dares to challenge the majesty of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family here. Is he an idiot?"

The championship of the Soul Master Competition is relatively confidential. After all, apart from the two participating teams, "Xue Qinghe", Ning Fengzhi, and Chen Xin, the only people left to watch the competition are the personnel of Wuhun Palace, and these people from Wuhun Palace You have to have a certain status yourself.

Therefore, the news spread very slowly, and most of the small forces were not aware of the power Amon showed in the finals.

"That's not entirely true. There may be some force behind him. Isn't the Elephant Armor Sect very restless? It has never been satisfied with the position of the lower four sects and wants to seek promotion."

"Anyway, I've seen something good. I hope it won't affect my industry. The rest doesn't matter."

"The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family will not remain silent. The majesty of the Shangsan Sect cannot be challenged."

After occupying the city lord's palace, Amon did not do anything, but quietly waited for Yu Yuanzhen's arrival.

Wuhun Palace secretly collects information on Shangsanzong, Xingluo, Tiandou Royal Family and other major forces to prepare for the subsequent "Soul Hunting Plan".

Amon learned from Walter that the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family is currently in a period of weakness. There is only one titled Douluo in the sect. There are quite a few Contras, but they have not been titled and cannot even set foot in Amon's home. There is no qualification for the battlefield.

"Lei Yin, I have something to tell you." Amon asked Yan Jin and Romil to leave, leaving him alone.

When there were only two people left in the room, Lei Yin asked in confusion: "Mr. Amen, do you have anything to tell me?"

Amon raised his right hand, touched the bottom edge of his monocle with his index finger, and asked softly: "I want to make a deal with you."

Lei Yin showed a puzzled look and waited quietly for the next step.

"How about I exchange a set of soul bones for the right to use your body for three years?"

Lei Yin looked serious, "A set of soul bones?"

"Yes, I will prepare a complete set of soul bones for you, including skull, torso bones, and limb bones, and the quality shall not be less than a thousand years... Well, I will try my best to give you ten thousand years.

"As a price, I will use your body for three years. During this period, I will do some dangerous things. You may die. You should think about it carefully."

Lei Yin's breathing quickened. He knew how precious soul bones were. Even a titled Douluo might only have two or three soul bones in his body.

Lei Yin smiled: "Do you still need to consider this? A ten-thousand-year-old soul bone is enough for me to work hard for. A complete set... The conditions given by Mr. Amon are really generous."

Amon chuckled and said: "This can be regarded as a small reward for you following me for so many years. Of course, it is not entirely based on our friendship over these years, because you need to use your body to fight against strong enemies. You yourself The stronger the strength, the better.”

He moved his fingers slightly, and a right arm bone appeared in his palm. This soul bone emitted a blue halo, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

"This soul bone comes from a 30,000-year-old thunder beast. Go and absorb it." Amon handed the soul bone to Lei Yin.

Lei Yin took it and looked at the soul bone in his hand, with a look of joy on his face. He bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you, Mr. Amon."

Then, he sat down cross-legged and began to absorb the soul bones.

Lei Yin had already broken through to level 42 after the Soul Master Competition. Later, Walter took him to hunt a "Sword Thunder Rat" and broke through to level 42.

The absorption of soul bones is not limited by the soul master's level. Even if you only have one level of soul power, you can easily absorb soul bones that are one hundred thousand years old.

About an hour later, Lei Yin finished absorbing it, and the soul power fluctuations escaping from his body also showed that his soul power level had reached level 45.

Lei Yin immediately reported his new ability to Amon:

"Mr. Amon, this right arm bone has given me a skill called 'Thunder Gun'. I can consume the power of lightning to give certain metal objects special power and move them at extremely high speeds." Launched.

"The speed at which the object is shot depends on how much lightning power I consume. The disadvantage is that it must be made of metal with sufficient strength, otherwise it will not be able to carry the power and will collapse directly."

"Very good attack ability, this is exactly what I need." Amon smiled and took out another soul bone, "Absorb this again."

Lei Yin's eyes were a little dull. Anyone who got two soul bones in a short period of time would find it difficult to calm down.

And judging from its completeness, it is a piece of ten thousand year quality!

Lei Yin opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Amon smiled: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and absorb it. I carefully selected these two pieces. I haven't found the right one for the other four pieces yet. I will give them to you after a while."

Lei Yin suddenly knelt down and said seriously: "Mr. Amon, no, your lord, my life belongs to you."

Although he didn't care very much, Amon was also satisfied with Lei Yin's attitude and said with a smile:

"You cooperate with me to do things well in the next three years, which is better than anything else."

Lei Yin absorbed the soul bone again, and his soul power level reached level 47. This time, he has an additional space ability, "Soul Bone Space".

In fact, its function is similar to that of a storage soul guide. You can store and take out items with just a thought. However, the speed is much faster than ordinary space rings, with almost no delay, and it is very stable.

It can also be used in fierce battles without having to worry about being affected by chaotic soul power, making it difficult to store or retrieve items.

"Um... What's the use of this skill? Why do I feel like I have a more convenient space ring?" Lei Yin scratched his head, feeling a little confused.

But Amon showed a satisfied look and said gently: "No, this is a very powerful ability, and it plays an important role in my plan."

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