Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 167 Respective Reactions

In Tiandou City, Emperor Xueye looked at the letter submitted by the guard with a solemn expression.

"Father, what happened?" "Xue Qinghe" asked suspiciously when he saw that Xue Ye looked not right.

"look by youself."

After receiving the letter, "Xue Qinghe" also took a breath, with a look of horror on his face, "Duke Amon, killed Yu Yuanzhen, the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family?"

She also remembered that in the championship of the Soul Master Competition, Amon killed Xiaotian Douluo while blocking Qianjun and Jiangmo's combined attack skills.

Although Tang Xiao himself said that he had left the Haotian Sect, not many people would take this statement seriously, so in total, two of the sect masters among the last three sects had died at the hands of Amon.

"Xue Qinghe" couldn't help but look at his teacher, Ning Fengzhi, the master of Qibao Glazed Sect.

The latter coughed awkwardly and said softly: "Our Qibao Glazed Sect has no conflict with him...well, probably."

He suddenly remembered the interaction between his daughter and Shrek Academy, and he felt a little unsure. He felt a sudden panic in his heart.

Since Ning Rongrong dared to defend Xiao Wuhun Beast after her identity was exposed for the sake of their so-called friendship with the Seven Monsters, he might not stand against Duke Amon for the same reason.

When he thought of this, he had a headache and sighed:

"It's so unpredictable. During the qualifying and promotion rounds, I just regarded him as a talented junior, but I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, he would transform into a big man who stirred up the situation. Even our upper three sects were not allowed to Don’t avoid its edge.”

"The territory blueprint of Duke Amon may really have a chance to be realized, but this is a good thing for us in Tiandou, because the first one to bear the brunt will be the Star Luo Empire." "Xue Qinghe" analyzed.

Xue Ye nodded and said calmly: "Qinghe is right. At least in the short term, he will not be a threat to us."

Then, he looked at Ning Fengzhi and said: "Sect Master Ning, let the Qibao Glazed Sect stay as far away from Duke Amon for the time being. He is an unpredictable guy."

After being shocked by the news that Amon had killed Yu Yuanzhen, "Xue Qinghe" began to be confused by the few decrees he issued.

Although she also knew a lot about becoming a god at level 100, because she didn't know about Amon's massive theft in Wuhun City, she didn't take these measures to encourage theft in the direction of faith.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that maybe I was too ignorant and did not understand the deep meaning behind these measures. If I have the opportunity to ask him for advice in the future, if it is good, I will implement it nationwide after I ascend the throne.

Shrek Academy.

Yu Xiaogang stared at the letter in his hand, looking confused and in disbelief.

This was what Yu Tianheng handed over to Yu Xiaogang after receiving the news from his family. As for himself, he had already packed his luggage and left to return to his family.

"No way, it's not true." He shed tears and slumped on the chair.

"Xiao Gang, what happened?" Flanders took the letter and his pupils shrank.

He screamed strangely: "How is this possible? That is one of the sect leaders of the three upper sects."

Although it seemed unbelievable at first, after careful consideration, I found that it was indeed possible. With the strength shown by Amon in the Soul Master Competition Championship, it seems that it would not be too difficult to kill Yu Yuanzhen.

He looked at the tearful Yu Xiaogang and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Liu Erlong also had a sad look on his face and shook his head at Flender: "Boss Fu, please leave Xiaogang alone for a while."

"Dad..." Yu Xiaogang murmured, recalling every bit of his childhood, he suddenly covered his face and started sobbing.

After a long time, he whispered softly: "Erlong, you know, before I was six years old, I was always the pride of my father because of my intelligence.

"On the day when the martial soul awakened, when he saw that my soul power was only half level, he had a disappointed look on his face. I will never forget that look.

"After that, other people in the family laughed at me and ridiculed me. Only my father always encouraged and comforted me.

"I was not kicked out of the family, I left on my own because my existence made my father, the patriarch, very embarrassed. I made him ashamed.

"Although he didn't think so, I couldn't bear it, so I took the initiative to leave the family. In fact, I encountered many difficulties on my journey alone. Sometimes I was in trouble and couldn't do anything, but things were solved inexplicably. .

"I know that my father sent people to do that. He has always cared about me and paid attention to me.

"I want to prove to my family that I am not a loser. I want my father to be proud of me again. However, I have not yet proven myself, but he died."

Yu Xiaogang looked tired and helpless. Liu Erlong just listened quietly, hugged him and stroked his back.

"I want revenge. For such irreconcilable hatred, I must avenge...A-Meng, Duke, Jue!" Yu Xiaogang said every word, gritting his teeth.

"Xiao Gang, I will accompany you. No matter what you do, I will always be with you." Liu Erlong said softly.

After losing Yu Yuanzhen, the only titled Douluo in the family, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family has experienced a huge change.

The clan elders waited and watched for a while, and after realizing that Amon had no intention of killing them all, they began to fight for power.

There are many people with Soul Douluo cultivation, and none of them are willing to give in to the other. They quarrel every day for the right to speak and the allocation of resources.

This makes Yu Tianheng, who has returned to the family, feel tired. He stood on the edge of the cliff and looked into the distance. The sky and the earth were vast, and the white clouds were faint. He just felt that he was so small and powerless.

Dugu Yan followed behind him, "Tianheng..."

The two looked at each other and saw the bitterness and helplessness in each other's eyes.

Yu Tianheng suddenly said: "The leader of Haotian Sect was killed by Amon, my grandfather was killed by Amon, and your grandfather also had conflicts with Amon. Do you think he did it too?"

Only then did they know what Amon did in the championship. After a little association, they found that Amon was very suspicious of killing Dugu Bo.

"I don't know." Dugu Yan said with some confusion.

She didn't know what to do next. The powerful enemy who could kill the Title Douluo was not something she could fight against.

There was still a glimmer of hope to seek revenge with the help of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, but now they can't protect themselves.

The two hugged and leaned against each other, feeling the warmth from each other's body, and then they felt a little relieved.

In the meeting hall of the main peak of Jiulong Mountain.

A Soul Douluo elder suddenly said: "Although Duke Amon did not take further action against us, is he waiting for us to come and apologize?"

"What? Third brother, are you crazy? That bastard killed our clan leader and asked us to apologize?" Another person said angrily.

"What else? Without the clan leader and the title Douluo in the family, can our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family still maintain the reputation of the top three sects?" The third elder looked ugly.

An old man with white hair and a long beard said: "What the third brother said makes sense. If that Duke Amon wants to do something, we can't resist it at all."

"My father's body is not cold yet, and you are thinking about how to wag your tail and beg for mercy from the murderer?" Yu Xiaogang's eldest brother, Yu Yuanzhen's eldest son said angrily.

"We are also considering the family. If we don't bow to Duke Amon, then our various functional industries in Tuduo Territory will not be preserved at all. How will the family solve the problem of food, clothing and daily expenses in the future?"

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family is mainly divided into two factions. The diehards headed by Yu Yuanzhen's lineage would rather move the clan land and flee thousands of miles away than bow to Amon.

The other faction is the surrender faction, hoping to retain the industry in Tuduo Territory by apologizing to Amon and expressing obedience. They are mainly concerned about future interests, not the feelings of the clan members and the pride of the family.

Neither of the two factions can convince the other, and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family is in a crisis of division.


Amon brought a soul master out of the execution room and asked him to absorb the three soul bones peeled off from Yu Yuanzhen.

After confirming the skills carried by these soul bones, he killed the soul master and called Lei Yin.

Lei Yin fell silent as he looked at the two soul bones in front of him.

He was a little dizzy and didn't know what to say. He had just absorbed two pieces not long ago, and now there are two more. When did soul bones become so common?

"Don't ask too much, don't think too much, just absorb it. The stronger you are, the more help you will give me. This is my little investment. As long as it succeeds, it is worth paying more soul bones." Amon smiled.

Yu Yuanzhen has two soul bones that are adapted to Lei Yin.

One is a trunk bone and the other is a left leg bone. As for the other, it overlaps with the left arm bone with the "soul bone space".

The trunk bone provides a "thunder pool" skill, which has the same effect as Lei Yin's second soul skill, both of which store electrical energy, but the storage capacity is very different.

The second soul skill can only store electrical energy equivalent to Lei Yin's full soul power at level 35, while the capacity of the "thunder pool" is quite considerable for a Titled Douluo.

The other left leg bone provides "thunder speed", of course, not real thunder speed, otherwise Yu Yuanzhen would not be so passive when fighting with Amon.

The effect of this soul bone is to increase speed, which is a good supplement for Lei Yin.

His "elemental" movement is very effective when moving over long distances, but it is not so satisfactory in close combat. Because it is too fast, it is difficult for him to control it and cannot be used continuously.

The "thunder speed" of this left leg bone just makes up for this.

After absorbing the soul bone, Lei Yin's soul power level reached level 50.

Feeling the fluctuations of his soul power, Lei Yin looked dazed and confused. It has only been a short time since he was promoted to Soul Sect, and he has reached level 50!

And he has a hunch that he is definitely not just an ordinary level 50 now. There is still a lot of soul power that cannot be expressed because he does not have a fifth soul ring. If he can get a soul ring, he will have a significant improvement.

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