Ever since Yan Jin obtained the soul ring, the Bingfeng Junior Soul Master Academy had exploded. She was eager to reaffirm her position in the food chain and could fight two or three times a day.

Some senior students who had already obtained soul rings, and whom she had not dared challenge before, all became her targets.

After she defeated more than a dozen people, Usman, who was recognized as the strongest among the sixth graders, finally accepted the challenge under the persuasion of others.

The duel between the two of them was scheduled for one day after school, in the woods behind the college.

There were many witnesses, ranging from grades one to six.

Most of the sixth graders stood behind Usman and were his supporters. This time he came to represent the sixth grade. If all the first graders were defeated, they would really become the "worst class."

There were quite a few people from the first to fifth grade standing behind Yan Jin, and they were all defeated by her.

Combat is the standard for testing soul masters. Although it is not the only standard, under the influence of Mu Qiang's psychology, they recognized the status of Yan Jin's eldest sister.

Usman is a handsome young man with brown hair and blue eyes, but the shape of his pupils is a bit weird, they are vertical pupils like some reptiles.

"I didn't want to fight you. This kind of fight is meaningless, but you really went too far." Usman said coldly, "You, a first-year student, are completely crushing our faces into the ground by doing this."

Yan Jin raised his eyebrows, "The strong are respected and the weak are humbled. This is the general principle among soul masters and the general principle in this world.

"We are all soul masters, and we can't avoid fighting with each other. Isn't it natural to test the results of our practice through fighting?"

Bear... A flame burned on her fist and quickly extinguished. Magma seeped out of her skin like water stains on the wall and enveloped her palm.

After these days of fighting, she has become more and more proficient in the first soul skill, and can already control the martial soul very well.

Yan Jin found that covering his hands with a layer of magma of moderate thickness was the most cost-effective way to fight. It could not only unleash the lethality of the magma spirit, but also reduce the consumption of spirit power.

The more she fought and understood, the more grateful she became to Amon.

The soul ring that the other party chose for her was a perfect match for her martial soul!

"Yan Jin, a level 14 attack-type battle soul master."

"Usman, a level 15 attack-type battle soul master."

Usman looked solemnly at the high-temperature lava in the opponent's hand, and shouted: "Martial spirit, possession."

A dark green lizard shadow appeared behind Usman and merged with it.

Dark green fine scales grew on his skin, his hands turned into claws, and his tailbone extended, turning into a thick tail when filled with soul power.

The fifteenth-level soul power surged, and the air was filled with an invisible sense of oppression.

"Oh haha, finally there is someone who can see through it."

Yan Jin was not surprised but overjoyed. The previous ones were too weak, and he had to worry about whether he would kill someone if he punched with all his strength.

"Watch the move." She rushed forward and threw an ordinary straight punch.

Usman also responded with ordinary straight punches, and he used soul power to strengthen the scales on his hands.


After all, Yan Jin's strength was no match for Usman, who was possessed by the beast spirit, so he retreated several steps before he could regain his balance.

Usman glanced at the scales on his fist that were mostly burned, and his heart sank.

It only took a moment of contact to cause such an effect. If it lasted for a while longer, his hand would probably be useless.

"Hey, not bad." Yan Jin's hands were covered with thicker lava, as if he was wearing a pair of thick gloves.

Usman's soul ring suddenly lit up, he opened his mouth wide, and sprayed a green ray from his half-lizard mouth.

Yan Jin's expression changed, and she stretched out her hand to create a large amount of magma in front of her, forming a quick shield. At the same time, she took a side step and drew aside.

The beam stagnated slightly before penetrating the shield.

Pure attack soul skills have such advantages. In battles of the same level, they are almost invincible.

The moment the shield bought was enough for Yanjin to dodge the attack, and she immediately counterattacked.

"Lava bombs!"

That being said, it's actually just a matter of making the magma the size of a baseball, then waving your arms hard and throwing it out.

In Amon's imagination, this should have been a scene simulating a volcanic eruption, where the magma was shot out like bullets due to the explosion of soul power.

However, Yan Jin did not have such detailed control and could not do this. She opportunistically used the power of waving her arms instead.

This naturally has no offensive power, but it can form effective interference.

Usman moved his arms in front of him to block the ball flying towards his face.

The magma spread out under the power of his arms, and some stars fell on him, burning black marks on his scales.

"What a troublesome martial spirit." He frowned.

Amon didn't know when he appeared in the crowd of onlookers. He pinched his monocle with a smile on his face.

"Teacher Amon, why are you here?" A student recognized him and was a little nervous.

Their behavior was suspected of gathering in a crowd to fight, which was expressly prohibited by the college. He was worried that Amon would be punished by the college after he reported it.

Amon said gently:

"Don't be nervous. I'm just a teaching assistant, not the dean. Moreover, I teach fighting skills. Some students still seriously discuss with their classmates after school and practice in actual combat. This kind of progressive attitude should not be felt by me. Are you happy?"

"Tsk..." A sixth-grade student sneered.

Many senior students did not buy into Amon's idea. They were about the same age, and some of them even had higher spirit power than Amon, so they naturally looked down on this informal teacher.

Amon did not care about their attitude at all, he just stared at the battle in the field.

Usman saw that his spirit skills did not establish the victory, so he did not continue to use them. Although pure attack spirit skills were invincible, they consumed a lot of spirit power, and he could not use them many times.

The battle entered close combat again.

Yan Jin expanded the range of magma coverage, which forced Usman to invest more spirit power to enhance the defense of scales.

Because of the characteristics of martial spirits, Usman needed to consume far more spirit power than Yan Jin to offset the impact of high temperature every time he came into contact, otherwise he would be burned over a large area.

The balance of the battle continued to tilt towards Yan Jin. Usman used his spirit skills again, trying to make a last-ditch effort, but was blocked by the large amount of magma created by Yan Jin.

Finally, in reluctance, he was knocked to the ground by Yan Jin with a punch.

"Oh, I won!" Yan Jin raised her hands and waved them to signal her supporters.

The sixth graders were silent.

They were generally five years older than Yan Jin, and the five-year gap resulted in such a result. Even Usman, who had the best talent and the strongest strength in the grade, lost. This was a little hard for them to accept.

"Heh... As expected, there are differences between people." Usman stood up with a bitter smile on his face.

He had a lot of burns on his body, but they were not serious.

Another girl with a healing spirit hurried over to help him heal.

"Hehe, how is it?" Yan Jin looked at Amon, and his face showed an eager expression again.

"Not bad." Amon stretched out his thumb and index finger, pointing at Yan Jin like a gun.

This made the latter shudder, recalling the previous beating, and calmed down.

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