Most of Amon's body, which was beaten to death by Xiong Jun, turned into a ball of meat, leaving only a head with a neck and a small part of the chest.

The pointed soft hat on his head had flown away, but there was no fear on the bloody face, only a faint, slightly sarcastic smile. The monocle hung stubbornly on his right eye, and did not break because of the death of his master.

Amon's words flashed through Xiong Jun's mind, and he suddenly became suspicious.

What if what he said was true? Should he call Di Tian and the others over?

This emotion was not the first time it had risen. Every time it killed Amon, the other party would leave such words, which would make it hesitate for a while.

"Damn it, it messed up my mind!"

Xiong Jun slapped the remaining half of his body with another palm, and then he felt relieved.

It licked the fleshy and bloody bear paw and stared at the bloody thing on the ground for a long time.

Watching them gradually become illusory and finally disappear, Xiong Jun looked at his clean claws, as if he had never killed anyone, and shook his head in disappointment, "Another clone."

It scratched its butt, got on all fours, and slowly walked into the depths of the forest.

At this moment, a chill suddenly rose from his heart.

It hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time. It was the feeling of being targeted by a more powerful predator when it was weak. The last time it felt this sense of crisis was when it was Di Tian.

It turned around suddenly and saw a dozen people rushing towards it at lightning speed.

They were so fast, and the powerful soul power on their bodies made the surrounding air seem a little distorted, but the soul power seemed to be restricted by something, and only stayed around them, without leaking a bit.

That guy is telling the truth this time! Xiong Jun had such a thought in his mind, and immediately activated his soul power and prepared to leave.

The other party was obviously well prepared, and brought him such a great sense of danger. If he stayed and fought hard, he would only die.

But when it was about to move, it found itself trapped in a quagmire and unable to move.

The figures of Yueguan and Guimei had disappeared, replaced by a golden and silver halo formed by their eighteen soul rings.

The world seemed to have turned into gold and silver, and everything around was still.

A huge halo fell from the sky, and a layer of light appeared on Xiong Jun's body, with gold and silver intertwined, flowing like a stream.

This was the martial soul fusion skill of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo - the Liangyi Stillness Field.

Xiong Jun's body was frozen, and he could only watch the attacks of the other eight Title Douluos falling from the air.

"Zhu Xie Gun!"

Walter's attack was as vicious as ever, heading straight for Xiong Jun's heart.

He knew that these soul beasts had strong vitality, and even if they pierced their hearts directly, they would not die immediately, and Bibi Dong had enough time to make up for the last blow.

But when the attack landed on Xiong Jun, he was shocked to find that his strongest attack, which came from the ninth soul skill of the 90,000-year-old soul beast, did not completely penetrate the opponent's body!

He frowned slightly, surprised at Xiong Jun's defense.

Other people's attacks more or less encountered such problems.

The ghost leopard's claws left three deep scars on Xiong Jun's body that were not fatal but visible to the bone.

The attacks of the demon bear and Tuoba Xi seemed even worse, because both of their ninth soul skills were defensive, and the attack effect of the eighth soul skill was naturally much worse.

Guang Ling was worthy of his strength as a 97-level Super Douluo. He pierced Xiong Jun's abdomen with one move, leaving a huge penetrating wound on it.

Then, Qianjun and Jiangmo's martial soul combined attack skills fell.

Their eighth soul rings lit up, and the two Panlong sticks, with golden and red lights and unstoppable terrifying power, smashed down, hitting Xiong Jun's shoulders respectively.

The shock caused by the soul power hit the body of the bear king, his bones were broken, his internal organs were shattered, his muscles were torn, a lot of blood flowed out of the bear king's mouth, and the fierce light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

A emerald green forked light wave fell, ignoring the powerful physical defense of the bear king's fur, leaving a huge wound on it.

"Eternal Wound!"

This 100,000-year-old single attack skill, under the blessing of Bibi Dong's Titled Douluo's soul power, finally revealed its true power.

Amon made a "tsk" sound, which was almost two different soul skills from the one he used.

After enduring a series of attacks, the bear king looked miserable at the moment.

It was covered in blood, with a large round hole with a burnt edge left by the light feathers on its abdomen, and its heart was eroded. I don't know how many bones were broken in its body, and a lot of internal bleeding. What's more fatal is that the injuries caused by the "Eternal Wound" continued to expand and had eroded most of its body.

The overall situation has been decided!

The huge golden and silver halo in the sky disappeared, and Yueguan Guimei released his martial soul fusion technique.

Yueguan's face was pale. It was a huge drain on him to control such a powerful opponent as Xiong Jun.

Guimei was also panting, and even his steps seemed a little shaky.

Xiong Jun suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a huge roar. The rolling sound waves spread around, conveying a message to other beasts in the Xingdou Great Forest:

Danger, humans are attacking, I'm dead.

In the north of Xingdou Great Forest, a middle-aged man with dark green hair and dark green eyes heard Xiong Jun's dying cry and his face changed slightly.

He was about to go over when he saw Amon coming out of the woods.

"You did it?" The King of Ten Thousand Demons re-examined Amon and had a new understanding of this human who had been harassing the Star Dou Great Forest.

"I don't have such a strong power, but since you have gathered the soul beasts of the entire Star Dou Great Forest to deal with me, I can naturally find a strong human."

Amon had a gentle smile on his face, but his eyes were cold.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons was silent for a moment, and slowly said: "I don't approve of Emperor Tian's behavior of protecting the rabbit, but the bear king cannot die."

"If you want to fight with the human over there, you can pay attention to the human who uses silk thread. I believe you will have a common language." Amon reminded.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons ignored him, and it was unknown whether he listened or not. He turned into a green light and soared into the sky, quickly rushing towards the place where the bear king was in trouble.

In the south of the Star Dou Great Forest, a woman covered with black and purple scales, with a curvy figure, dark purple eyes, bright purple lips, and a charming face turned her head to the west.

On the inky black scales on her forehead, there were layers of purple halos, and her long purple-black hair was scattered behind her, naturally swinging to both sides.

"Bear Lord..." She murmured to herself.

A pair of purple-black wings spread out from behind her, and on the wings, the gorgeous purple scales shone with charming luster. Some darker, nearly black scales formed complex patterns, which looked particularly mysterious.

She flapped her wings, and with the blessing of soul power, she suddenly raised a gust of wind, and her body quickly came on stage. The strong airflow pushed her forward quickly.

The king of the Hell Dragon Clan, Zi Ji, a fierce beast with a cultivation of more than 200,000 years.

In the deepest part of the Star Dou Great Forest, around the Lake of Life, Di Tian's face changed, and he quickly walked to Bi Ji's side.

Biji, who had lived with Emperor Tian for hundreds of thousands of years, understood what he meant at the first time, nodded, and said in a gentle voice: "I'm ready."

Emperor Tian ordered: "Red King, take good care of the auspicious beast, you two, follow me."

He waved his hand, and the space in front of him gradually distorted.

Watching Emperor Tian leave with Biji, the Azure Bull Python, and the Titan Giant Ape, the golden little beast with a lion-like body and four dragon-like claws shook its tail a little uneasily.

It felt a malicious force approaching, and fate once again gave it enlightenment. The end of the Xingdou Great Forest was getting closer and closer.

"What's wrong, auspicious beast?"

A three-headed red demon mastiff with a body length of more than five meters, extremely majestic, and three identical big heads looked at the little beast beside him and asked.

"The fate of destruction is approaching again, very close, almost in front of us." The voice of the three-eyed golden lion was filled with extreme panic and uneasiness.

The Red King looked solemn, but he didn't know what to do. This was a problem that even Emperor Tian was helpless.

It shook its three big heads and decided not to think about these complicated problems. It just needed to listen to Di Tian's orders and protect the auspicious beast.

As for other troublesome things, Di Tian was smart. With him, there was no need to worry.

"Da Ming, Er Ming..." Xiao Wu looked into the distance with a worried look on her face.


Looking at the gradually weakening breath of the bear king, Bibi Dong showed excitement on her face.

A dark gold fear claw bear with a cultivation base far exceeding 100,000 years, I wonder what kind of soul ring and soul bone it will bring?

The first soul skill of her Soul Devouring Spider Emperor martial soul lit up, and the black soul ring emitted a dark halo.

A strong dark green light suddenly rose, she waved her arms in the shape of spider spears, and eight dark green crescent-shaped light blades flew towards the dying bear king.

Soul Devouring Spider Emperor is Bibi Dong's second martial soul. Even the first soul skill is a powerful soul skill of more than 50,000 years. Coupled with her cultivation base of Super Douluo, this attack is extremely sharp.

The extremely weak bear king roared and roared with unwillingness.

At this moment, what it hated most was not the murderer who was about to take its life, but the despicable Amon.

If he hadn't used such excuses to tease it again and again, it would not have been so careless and so easily attacked.

With a resentful and fierce look, it stared at Amon who was smiling beside it, as if it wanted to deeply engrave the image of the culprit who caused it to fall into such a situation into its soul.

Just when the crescent-shaped light blade was about to touch the bear king, the space in front of it twisted, and the extremely dense darkness emerged.

The light blade sank into the darkness and disappeared without a trace.

When the darkness dissipated, a handsome man with long hair stood in front of the bear king.

Following closely behind was a stunning woman in a green dress.

The Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python emerged from the ripples in space, stood behind the two men, and roared at the people from the Spirit Hall.

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