Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 180 Three Heads and Six Arms

"I'll leave this to you," Qian Daoliu said to Bibi Dong, Yue Guan, Gui Mei and others.

Afterwards, he took the worshipers back to the worship hall.

Before leaving, Qianjun said to Amon:

"Although the Grand Priest did not hold you accountable, you hid information from the depths of the Star Dou Forest and deliberately led such ferocious beasts to Wuhun City, causing damage to the city and the casualties of soul masters. We will not forget it."

Jiangmo said: "Regarding the matter of Emperor Tian, ​​we will also hold a meeting of elders to discuss countermeasures. You can also come to participate... This is also the intention of other worshipers."

Amon raised his right hand, pinched his monocle, and chuckled: "I will do it."

After a long time, Bibi Dong finally absorbed the Titan Ape's soul ring. A hint of joy flashed in her eyes, but she quickly covered it up. She stood up and stared at Amon:

"How dare you play tricks on me..."

Amon spread his hands, "How dare I? Didn't you get a hundred thousand year soul ring?"

"What's going on with that black dragon? You've never mentioned it before." Bibi Dong said coldly.

"I don't know either... I was shocked when I saw that ghost thing. Fortunately, I always expect leniency from my enemies, so I managed to escape with my life." Amon pretended to be innocent. .

Bibi Dong couldn't refute and responded: "Our deal is over."

Amon nodded, "Well, it's over."

Subsequently, Bibi Dong began to organize personnel to rescue the injured, count casualties and property losses, and formulate a repair plan for the damaged city walls.

Amon's true form and Lei Yin were walking on the street, and the latter suddenly asked: "Mr. Amon, why don't you kill the black dragon? You can do it, right?"

Hearing Lei Yin's question, Amon chuckled: "In the situation just now, it is indeed possible to kill him, but why bother? Killing him will do me no good. After all, the ultimate spatial attributes... He He is also qualified to be one of my future soul rings."

Is that kind of monster just qualified to be a soul ring... Lei Yin's heart was filled with waves.

As expected of Mr. Amon, even the terrifying black dragon is the same as an ordinary soul beast in his eyes. There is no difference. It is just a hunting target when obtaining the soul ring. I regard Di Tian as a threat to the survival of the country. A powerful enemy is coming... Lei Yin thought to himself.

Amon suddenly stopped and said with a smile: "Sister You has absorbed the soul ring, let her come out."

They came to a secluded and uninhabited place, and Amon unfolded the soul barrier to cover up his breath.

As the starry sky-like colors lit up, a small ball flew out of Lei Yin's hand. The sphere expanded rapidly. The three thousand insects of time that made up the sphere were swimming in the air, and then turned into a stream of light and returned to Amon's body.

Yan Jin exuded powerful soul power fluctuations, and the huge energy in the Red King's soul ring pushed her level from level 70 to level 76, even surpassing Lei Yin.

Amon smiled and said: "Tell me what you have learned. I have checked the body of the Red King, and there is no soul bone left. But according to common sense, it is impossible for a ferocious beast with a cultivation level of close to 300,000 to survive." The one who created the soul bone is in your hands, right?"

"Hey hey... after I absorbed the soul ring, this thing came to me on its own." Yan Jin smiled brightly, "I'll show you how awesome it is!"

There was a flash of red light, and two pairs of arms covered with thick, short red-black hair grew out of Yan Jin's back, near his shoulders. The palm is black, and the five fingers are not human-like, with sharp claws at the end.

The pair of arms that grew out of Yan Jin's original arms held a lava spear in his right hand and a dark red rock shield in his left hand.

The pair of arms that originally grew out from under the arms hold a blazing white ball with red light in the right hand, and a red ribbon in the left hand.

"This is... an attached soul bone?" Lei Yin asked in surprise.

"There's more." Yan Jin closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there were two heads growing on the left and right sides of his neck.

Both heads have short black-red hair on their faces, and their faces are slightly raised forward, somewhat similar to the heads of the three-headed Red Demon Mastiff.

"Three heads and six arms..." Amon felt a little surprised, "Did you move the Red King's head and four claws to your body?"

At first, Yan Jin's two pairs of arms covered with short black and red hair gave him a sense of sight of the goddess of the night, but now he feels more like Nezha.

Although soul beasts that are more than 100,000 years old must have soul bones, it is very rare for two soul bones to appear at once.

Is this the so-called stupid blessing... Amon muttered in his heart.

Yan Jin turned his head, looked at the dog heads on both sides, and said with some disgust: "It's a dog, why isn't it a cat?"

If you don't want it, you can give it to me... Lei Yin's face was filled with envy.

"Does your weapon soul's true body have any special abilities?" Amon asked again.

Yan Jin immediately replied: "It's the same as Lei Yin's, it's elemental, immune to physical attacks, and energy attacks can be offset by consuming soul power.

"In addition, the temperature of my magma seems to have increased a lot." She said with some uncertainty.

Amon nodded, "The three-headed Red Demon Mastiff itself has flame attributes close to the ultimate fire. You absorbed the Red King's soul ring, and it is expected that the temperature of the magma will increase."

Yan Jin suddenly looked at Amon maliciously, with a look of eagerness on his face, "Even if you absorb a soul ring, I remember, Amon, you are still the Soul Emperor..."

Amon knew that she was itching for trouble again, and smiled warmly, "If you want to do it, do it. It's just right. I also plan to help you eliminate some hidden dangers."

"Is it here?" Yan Jin looked at the hill in the center of the city. Knowing that this was in Wuhun City, he was worried that there would be trouble if he took action.

"It's okay. The noise won't spread. It will be over soon."

As soon as the voice fell, a terrifying pressure like a deep sea suddenly descended.

Yan Jin knelt on one knee, supported the ground with her hands, and looked up at Amon with difficulty. Her pretty face was pale and her eyes were full of fear. She said in a hoarse voice: "What is this?"

"Soul pressure... You should have seen how others look when facing me, but you have never felt it yourself." Amon replied.

In the past, when using this trick, he used the time worm parasitic on Yan Jin to steal the "soul power expression" acting on her, so she had never really felt Amon's power.

At this moment, Yan Jin felt Amon's terror more deeply. She knew that this was just the tip of his iceberg, a small part of his strength.

And with Amon's character, the hidden and unknown power might far exceed what he showed.

"Okay, okay, I surrender."

But Amon did not stop immediately. The pressure on his body became stronger, and Yan Jin's body began to tremble.

She felt as if she was about to be crushed. Every muscle was trembling, and every bone was making a bang because of the heavy load.

Suddenly, her body suddenly became lighter, and she looked at the dog heads on both sides of her neck with some surprise. At this moment, she felt that her extra head and extra arms were like fingers and arms, as if they were originally part of her body.

Yan Jin suddenly felt that the dog head became familiar, after all, it was her head.

Amon restrained the pressure and smiled: "It seems that you have completely integrated the external soul bone."

"Completely integrated?" Yan Jin was a little confused.

"Before the external soul bone is completely integrated, it can be peeled off just like ordinary soul bones. But after it is completely integrated, it will not fall off even if the soul master is killed. The value of your two soul bones is so great that even a super Douluo would covet them." Amon explained.

I was scared to death. I thought my sister's behavior angered Mr. Amon, so Mr. Amon wanted to teach her a lesson. It turned out that he was trying to help my sister completely integrate the external soul bones and solve the hidden dangers. Mr. Amon really looks cold, but he is actually very gentle to the people around him... Lei Yin's heart was relieved.

"By the way, what should we do next, Mr. Amon?" Lei Yin asked, "I'm afraid that black dragon will not give up."

"Wait." Amon pinched his monocle and said softly, "Wait for the Wuhun Hall to do a good job of the aftermath and hold a meeting of elders. Their decision will affect our response."

They walked and talked, and Yan Jin looked around.

There were many collapsed houses in Wuhun City that were affected, and Yan Jin felt that the city suddenly became unfamiliar.

"Amon, is this really Wuhun City?" She asked, looking at the collapsed Douluo Hall on the top of the mountain.


"What happened? Did the Empire's army attack here?" Yan Jin looked confused.

Although Amon told her the complete plan, she didn't listen at all. She only remembered the part about herself. After killing the Red King, she had been absorbing soul rings in the "Soul Bone Space", so she didn't know what happened later.

Lei Yin had no choice but to explain what happened to her.

"What? There are such terrible soul beasts in the Xingdou Great Forest?" Yan Jin was surprised, and then said with some disappointment: "I didn't see the black dragon, what a pity."

"So, when Mr. Amon told you the plan last time, what were you listening to..." Lei Yin rubbed his forehead.

Yan Jin responded: "I listened very seriously, killing the Red King and absorbing soul rings."

Amon smiled and said gently: "Not bad, at least I can remember what I should do."

"Hehe..." Yan Jin scratched the back of his head.

Lei Yin had no expression on his face, and silently complained in his heart: Mr. Amon, have your expectations of my sister been so low...

Yan Jin suddenly said seriously: "Amon, is there anything I can do? You and Lei Yin both contributed to this hunt, but I did nothing. Even the Red King was killed with your help, but I got the most. What price should I pay?"

Amon's mouth corners were raised, revealing a smile:

"There is one thing that needs to be corrected. I must be the one who gained the most. As for the price, we will talk about it later."

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