"Xue Qinghe" returned to Tiandou City and reported the results of the discussion in the Pope's Palace to Emperor Xueye.

Xue Ye frowned. He looked at "Xue Qinghe" and asked, "Qinghe, what do you think? Should we respond to Wuhun Palace's call and send people to discuss setting up an alliance against soul beasts?"

"Xue Qinghe" smiled slightly and replied: "I think it shouldn't be."

"Huh?" This answer was somewhat beyond Xue Ye's expectations.

He knew that his son had always had a good impression of Wuhun Palace and had always taken the overall situation into consideration, but he did not expect that he would oppose the reasonable proposal put forward by Wuhun Palace at this moment.

"Xue Qinghe" explained: "The influence of Wuhun Palace among soul masters is already amazing enough. The summary of this incident is that a soul master killed an important soul beast, and the soul beast came to take revenge.

"If Wuhun Palace takes the lead and promotes the alliance, then it means that Wuhun Palace protects the soul master's right to hunt soul beasts.

"This will further increase the prestige of Wuhun Palace among soul masters. It is not conducive to the rule of the empire, so I suggest that Duke Amon be the host.

"Let him ask for help from Wuhun Palace, Xingluo Empire, and us in his own name. In this way, our three parties' status in this incident will be equal, and Wuhun Palace will not be able to gain fame."

Xue Ye was satisfied with "Xue Qinghe's" rational judgment. He pondered for a moment and said, "It's a very reasonable method, but will Duke Amon be willing to cooperate with us?"

"Xue Qinghe" smiled confidently. Since there was such a proposal, of course she had already prepared it:

"If he is smart, he will not reject our proposal at this time. Because Ditian's goal has always been him, and he will be the biggest beneficiary after the establishment of the alliance. With him as the initiator, he can also occupy more The right to speak. Moreover, he is the Duke of Tiandou after all."

"What's the attitude of Wuhun Palace?"

"Xue Qinghe" replied: "Actually, it was the Pope of Wuhun Palace who attacked a ferocious beast first, and Di Tian went to rescue him, which gave Duke Amon the opportunity to take advantage. So they are also the objects of Di Tian's hatred. After Amon is dealt with, it’s their turn, so Wuhun Palace also has urgent needs.”

"Where's the Star Luo Empire?"

Although Wuhun Palace has gradually become the biggest threat to Tiandou Empire, Xue Ye still has many concerns about Xingluo Empire, which has repeatedly attempted to annex Tiandou.

"They may or may not agree. But their attitude towards Wuhun Palace should be consistent with ours. If they don't agree to establish an alliance, they will definitely be targeted by Wuhun Palace afterwards."

"Then I'll do what you said." Xue Ye nodded and approved the suggestion made by "Xue Qinghe".

After getting the approval of Emperor Xue Ye, "Xue Qinghe" rushed to Tuduo Territory as soon as possible in order to promote the alliance before Wuhun Palace officially issued the call.

When Amon met her at the Duke's Mansion and learned of her purpose, his expression became strange.

You are really completely committed to your identity as "Prince Tiandou"... However, this is exactly what I want.

A smile appeared on his face:

"As a duke of the empire, I naturally stand on the empire's side, and this matter started because of me and is in my best interest. I have no reason to refuse."

Hearing Amon's answer, "Xue Qinghe" nodded with a smile and said in a soft voice:

"Then I'll just wait for the good news."

Amon immediately sent people to send invitations to Wuhun Palace and various sects in Tiandou.

After all, the time for his rise is still very short, and he does not have such great appeal. Except for the Wuhun Palace, the Tiandou Royal Family, and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family, which had a close relationship with him and knew his strength, other sects might not betray him.

Therefore, the Tiandou royal family also sent letters to the forces other than Wuhun Palace.

Half a month later, the sect conference was held in the Night Capital. This meeting was not so much held by Amon as it was held by the Tiandou royal family.

The Star Luo Empire didn’t send anyone over, and neither did the Haotian Sect. This is not too unexpected. The former has nothing to do with the spirit beast siege incident, while the latter has closed the sect and is hiding from the world.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family split into two branches after Yu Yuanzhen's death. One group stayed in the Tuduo Territory and accepted Amon's rule, while the other group, mainly direct descendants of Yu Yuanzhen, left for another country.

The branch that stayed in Tuduo's leadership elected a new head, Yu Yuanzhen's cousin Yu Yuanqiu. Of course he didn't dare to ignore Amon, and because he was closer, he was the first to arrive.

Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, was present in person under the protection of Sword Douluo.

The representative of Wuhun Palace is Bishop Platinum, Walter.

Representative of the Tiandou royal family, "Xue Qinghe".

The leader of the Elephant Armor Sect, Hu Yanzhen.

Titan, the leader of the Force Clan.

The principalities and kingdoms affiliated with the Tiandou Empire also sent people.

At the meeting, Amon will announce the information discussed in advance with Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Royal Family, and inform them of the threat posed by the ferocious beasts.

The news about the ferocious beast caused an uproar. Almost everyone thought that the hundred thousand year old soul beast was already the most powerful soul beast. They did not expect that there would be even more terrifying existences above this.

They thought that those who attacked Wuhun City were just hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts with extremely powerful combat capabilities, but they didn't expect that they turned out to be even more special beings.

A soul master hunted for a soul ring and was retaliated by a soul beast. This was a major event that all forces had to take seriously.

After some negotiations, the Soul Master Alliance was established to deal with the threat of soul beasts in the Xingdou Great Forest.

It was agreed that no matter what the situation, if a soul master was retaliated for hunting soul rings, the local area must not compromise with the soul beasts, must not expel the soul master, and must work together to deal with the soul beast attack.

Afterwards, "Xueqinghe" required each force to send a certain number of soul masters to the city near the Xingdou Great Forest to assist the local army in guarding the city.

The representatives of these forces began to shirk their responsibilities one by one, until the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family expressed their opinions one after another, and then they reluctantly made a promise to send some people.


A border fortress of the Xingluo Empire.

The tall and thick city walls are built of black boulders. Each rock is a strictly selected stone, tightly spliced ​​together, like an indestructible barrier.

There is a deep moat under the tower, and the surging river water provides a natural barrier for the fortress. The moat is about tens of meters wide and several meters deep.

Arrow towers and watchtowers are regularly arranged on the towers. On the watchtowers, the sentinels with strict military appearance and solemn expressions perform their duties and always look into the distance.

Under the sunshine, the stone walls of the pass flicker with cold light, giving people a solemn feeling.

This is Xingyao City, known as the gateway to the Xingluo Empire. Not far in front of it is the soil of the Tiandou Empire, and it is also the bridgehead for attacking the Tiandou Empire.

There are not many areas where the Xingluo Empire and the Tiandou Empire's royal territories intersect, and the middle is basically separated by the kingdoms and principalities under the jurisdiction of the two empires.

Xingyao City happens to be one of the few intersections of these direct territories, so it is particularly important.

The most elite army of the Xingluo Empire, the White Tiger Army, is stationed here.

At this time, a middle-aged man in bright silver armor stood at the gate of the city, staring at the distant horizon.

He is not tall, with a long face, a birthmark on his forehead, eyebrows raised, eyes slightly small, and a low nose bridge, which makes him look a bit funny.

He is the commander of the White Tiger Army, Wei Zhaowu.

"General Wei, what are you looking at?" A young man with long golden hair, double pupils, and cold eyes came over and asked.

Next to him, there was a beautiful girl with a hot body and a cold temperament.

"Third Prince, I'm waiting for someone." Wei Zhaowu stared into the distance.

"Waiting for someone? Who is it that requires you, the great general of the empire, to wait in person?" Dai Mubai's face was puzzled.

After parting with his companions at Shrek Academy, he returned to the Xingluo Empire with Zhu Zhuqing.

Due to his good performance in the Soul Master Competition, he received more care from Dai Chenghua. After he proposed to go to the army for training, he was assigned to the White Tiger Army.

However, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's status plummeted. They were seriously injured by Yan Jin in the Soul Master Competition, and a lot of resources were consumed just for treatment.

Moreover, so many people in the team were defeated by one person, which made his talent no longer optimistic. Many officials who originally supported him began to waver, subconsciously distanced themselves and began to wait and see.

Although Shrek Academy was also defeated by one person, they at least made it to the end, defeated the "golden generation" of the Spirit Hall, and obtained the qualification to participate in the championship. And the one who defeated them was Duke Amon, who was already famous in the spirit master world. Although defeated, it was still glorious.

"Here it comes." Wei Zhaowu said lightly.

Dai Mubai followed his line of sight and showed astonishment in his eyes. Noticing the change in his expression, Zhu Zhuqing also looked up at the distance and was also stunned.

Because what was rolling in was a group of soul beasts!

In the center was a huge ground ankylosaur lizard, with a group of flaming lions on the left and a white bone mammoth on the right.

In the sky, there were even two hell dragons and groups of two-legged flying dragons.

A sharp alarm sounded. Although they had been notified in advance that a friendly army would arrive today, this did not quite fit the definition of "friendly army" in any way, so the lookout chose to blow the alarm after hesitating for a moment.

Wei Zhaowu frowned, "Pass the order, that's a friendly army, don't panic."

The alarm stopped.

The soul beast army stopped about a hundred meters in front of the city wall. Even the most elite White Tiger Army soldiers couldn't help showing some fear when looking at the huge beasts.

"Wei... General Wei, is this a friendly army?" Dai Mubai asked a little stutteringly.

"Yes." Wei Zhaowu nodded.

A hell dragon fell from the sky, and the huge dragon head slowly drooped.

The ordinary-looking Ten Thousand Demon King walked down from the dragon head, and he restrained his iconic, carpet-like long hair.

The dark green eyes looked at Wei Zhaowu, and whispered: "General Wei, the demon eye is here to keep the appointment."

"Okay, okay, okay..." Looking at the group of soul beasts full of power, Wei Zhaowu's eyes showed a hint of surprise, "Master of the Demon Sect, let me introduce you, this is the third prince of our Xingluo Empire, and also a strong contender for the future throne."

"Your Highness, this is the master of the Beast Taming Sect, Mr. Demon Eye, a powerful Titled Douluo." Wei Zhaowu introduced the two parties.

"Beast Taming Sect? Is there such a sect?" Dai Mubai showed a puzzled look on his face, "Aren't soul beasts very arrogant? How can they be kept in captivity by humans and even obey orders?"

The Ten Thousand Demon King showed a slightly evil smile, "Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This is the unique skill of our sect.

"Don't you know? Soul beasts can also communicate. I don't control them forcefully, but treat them as my friends and my family, so they are willing to fight for me."

Dai Mubai couldn't help but think of Xiao Wu and nodded.

PS: In the original work, Tang San took Xiaobai and the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan to fight the Evil Demon Killer Whale Clan. Although it was a divine test, it already had the meaning of "taming beasts", so it was not abrupt for the Ten Thousand Demon King to package himself in this way.

High-level soul beasts will not be kept in captivity by humans. This is what Yu Xiaogang said to Tang San. Character cognition does not represent the setting of the work, and there may be errors.

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