The bad news of Nanfeng City spread, and the entire Haagen-Dazs Kingdom fell into panic.

The city of tens of thousands of people did not even have a single survivor, and was devoured by a group of terrifying and ferocious arthropods and reptiles.

After receiving the intelligence, the kingdom immediately asked for help from the Tiandou Royal Family.

In fact, this intelligence was discovered by Amon under their guidance. Otherwise, according to the corruption and incompetence of the officials of the kingdom, the soul beast army would have marched straight in and turned the people in Haagen-Dazs City into food. When the gate of the palace was about to be breached, the king would not realize that the soul beasts had already wreaked havoc in his territory.

Marshal Ge Long, who was hailed as the pillar of the empire, was ordered to lead the most elite Tiandou Royal Knights, the temporary ordinary army, and thousands of soul masters sent by various sects to support the battlefield.

The bear king's offensive was temporarily stopped. The well-trained hundreds of thousands of troops carrying sophisticated equipment could completely fight the soul beast group that had no organization or discipline.

Although they barely maintained harmony with each other under the control of the Bear King, there was no way to talk about cooperation and coordinated operations. They should be thankful that they did not hurt their own people during the melee.

The Bear King wanted to rely on his own tyrannical strength to force his way out, but facing the legion-level attacks launched by many soul masters, he did not dare to act recklessly.

Those joint attacks were enough to seriously injure or even kill him.

Imperial Marshal Gelong showed his excellent military qualities.

For an army of hundreds of thousands of people, just ordinary transfer and dispatch is a very complicated matter, which tests the organization and management ability of the generals.

However, Gelong coordinated the relationship between the various legions in a short period of time, put the right people in the right positions, and let the complex soul master team play its due role.

After a few days of stalemate in a city, the Bear King suddenly retreated. It did not fight with Gelong's army, but turned to attack other human cities.

Ge Long was too slow to react and stop the attack. Two more cities were breached and the residents in the cities became food for soul beasts.

This army of arthropod and reptilian soul beasts led by Xiong Jun is absolutely terrifying.

They don't need supplies. The humans along the way are their food. They don't need roads. Even the steepest cliffs can be walked on flat ground.

Ge Long had to face a very serious problem, that is, his army was far less mobile than Xiong Jun's soul beast army.

He fell into an extremely passive situation. If they blindly pursued, they might encounter soul beast traps in the wild. Although they were currently victorious and had an advantage, the advantage was not great.

But if they didn't pursue, they would also fail Xue Ye's entrustment. Allowing soul beasts to wreak havoc in the country would bring great losses to the Tiandou Empire.

However, the good news is that the people who are now being threatened by soul beasts are not the people under the direct territory of the Tiandou royal family, but the kingdoms that already have a rebellious heart. Their weakening will help the stability of the Tiandou Empire.

"By the way, where is Duke Amon? Isn't he the target of the soul beasts? As long as he appears, the soul beasts will not attack other places anymore."

The military minister of the Kingdom of Haagen Dazs saw the current situation and was anxious. He couldn't help but say that he wanted to use Amon as bait.

In fact, his proposal was useless at all. Even if Amon stood in front of the bear king, it would not even look at him. Unless killing the other party was just a by-product, it would never spend more effort.

Because he had killed too many people, he was numb.

The ultimate purpose of Emperor Tian's beast tide this time was not to kill one or two of Amon's clones, but to make Amon a sinner of mankind and make everyone hate him.

Only when he was not tolerated by the whole world and had no place to hide, Emperor Tian would be sure to find all his clones and kill him truly and thoroughly.

The mighty army of soul beasts walked in the human territory with death and fear, while the army that was supposed to protect the human territory was still hesitating in place.

Another human city was massacred, blood all over the city, and corpses were scattered all over the ground.

In front of spiders, ants, centipedes, snakes, etc., these soul beasts with special perception abilities, there is no place to hide. Even if you hide in the most secret cellar, you will eventually be discovered, dragged out, and die under the hideous mouthparts or fangs.

However, this time, the bear king did not leave the soul beasts time to thoroughly clean up the city. After all the people in the open were killed, he took them away.

This is not its mercy, but it needs these living people to spread despair and fear.

They don’t need to worry about whether this will cause opposition between all humans and soul beasts, resulting in counterproductive results, because Xingluo has united with them.


The Minister of Military Affairs of the Kingdom of Haagen-Dazs slammed his fat hands heavily on the conference table: "Assholes, aren't you here to deal with the soul beasts? Just watch them wreak havoc and do nothing?"

Ge Long's face was not very good, and he tried to speak in a calm tone: "I understand your feelings. It is not what we want for things to develop like this, but I can't let the soldiers die in vain."

"Marshal, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect has reinforcements." A soldier came in to report.

"Please come in." Ge Long's face showed surprise.

The visitor was an old man with neat silver hair, dressed in white, and exuding a sharp aura.

"Sword Douluo", Chen Xin!

"The sect master heard that you encountered some troubles here, so he asked me to come and help." Chen Xin said calmly.

"You came at the perfect time. We are now having a headache because of Mr. Xiong's tactics." Ge Long stepped forward quickly.

"The military situation is urgent, and I don't have time to clean up the situation for Sir Sword Douluo. I hope you'll forgive me."

"It doesn't matter. I can do whatever I am told, but it depends on your orders." Sword Douluo nodded.

"I wonder if Sir Sword Douluo is sure to stop Mr. Xiong?" Ge Long asked.

Chen Xin frowned slightly, thought for a moment and then said: "If I fight alone, I will definitely die, but with the help of the disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect, although I am not sure of defeating him, it will not be a problem to barely entangle him."

"Then what about me?" A slightly older voice came from behind, and countless white threads gathered into a human shape.

"Walter? You're not in Wuhun City?" Chen Xin was confused.

Walter smiled, "I have a hunch that Wuhun City is probably just a certain direction where the soul beasts are attacking. They will attack from other places, so they didn't go back."

Because Walter himself is a person who does very extreme things, he will also take the extreme behavior of the soul beast into consideration, bypassing Wuhun City and go directly to massacre civilians.

In fact, he was already present when the soul beast massacred the second city, but he did not rush to save people impulsively and kept waiting. He didn't show up until Sword Douluo arrived and he felt confident.

"Joining forces with Sword Douluo, I can completely entangle Mr. Xiong... We can let the soul masters set off first to stop the soul beasts. Your cavalry will follow closely, and finally the slowest infantry will take advantage of the soul masters. , when the cavalry is fighting the soul beast, rush to the battlefield," Walter suggested.

Ge Long nodded, "That's exactly what I meant. One thing you need to pay attention to is that the distance between the soul master, cavalry, and infantry cannot be too large. This is still a restriction, but it is much better than before. ”

The auspicious beasts are the carriers of the power of destiny in the Star Dou Forest. When Amon absorbed the soul rings of the auspicious beasts, he suffered the backlash of the power of destiny, so he simply swallowed the fate of the soul beasts together.

Now, there is a trace of destiny connection between him and every soul beast belonging to the Star Dou Forest. He could feel that two strong destinies were in the direction of Wuhun City, one was in the Haagen-Dazs Kingdom of the Tiandou Empire, one was in the Star Luo Empire, and the other was deep in the Star Dou Forest.

In addition, there is a vague giant that flickers in and out of the Star Forest.

The first three are Di Tian, ​​Bi Ji, and Xiong Jun. The one in the Star Luo Empire is probably the Ten Thousand Demon King. The one in the Star Dou Forest is Zi Ji. The last it the Silver Dragon King or the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm? Amon thought in his heart.

The string of fate was touched, and the clone sent news. He suddenly raised his head, looked towards Xing Luo, raised his hand to stroke his monocle, and whispered to himself: "Interesting."

Then, he called Yan Jin, Lei Yin, and Romil, "Lei Yin, Yan Jin, follow me to Liuyun City. Romil, you can find a place to hide yourself, preferably in a remote place where no one knows you." Small town, maybe I’ll have to play hide-and-seek with others for a while.”

"Ah? Is there anyone powerful targeting us?" Yan Jin scratched his head.

"Well, you, I and Lei Yin can run away. If Romil is discovered, he probably won't be able to run away."

Tiandou City, which was facing away from Xingyao City, was now surrounded.

They didn't even have time to convey the news of the Star Luo Empire's invasion before they were besieged by the White Tiger Army riding armored dragon lizards, flaming lions, and bone mammoths.

The number of the White Tiger Army is small, less than 20,000 in total, and the number of those riding soul beasts is even less, only about 5,000.

But this is the best of the best.

Although Shangyun City on the Tiandou Empire side also had ten thousand troops stationed there, which was more than enough to defend the city, but with the addition of the variable spirit beast, the situation was completely different.

After Wei Zhaowu asked the White Tiger Army to surround Shangyun City, but failed to persuade him to surrender, he immediately began to attack the city.

The two-legged flying dragons and hell dragons in the sky made the advantage of the Tiandou soldiers' wall useless. The terrifying monsters with wings kept swooping down, grabbing the soldiers with their feet, and immediately flew upwards, and then Release your claws and let it fall from the sky.

The number of wyverns was small, but they also brought great chaos.

Two hellish dragons hovered and spewed out purple flames, setting the city wall on fire. The purple flame seemed to be inextinguishable. If it sticks to a little bit, it will immediately burn all over the body. The soldiers can only turn into charcoal exuding the fragrance of meat while wailing and screaming.

An extraordinarily huge white-bone mammoth slammed its body against the thick city gate. After a few hits, with a dull roar, the city gate collapsed inwards.

The White Tiger Army filed in and started a brutal massacre.

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