In the dark void, a figure slowly appeared. Although there was no reference, one could feel the hugeness of his figure.

He wore an armor covered with dark red magic patterns, and his body was surrounded by a dark red light, which was the color of dried blood. The dense blood wrapped around him, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

The huge figure like a mountain made a sound like thunder:

"Two more qualified people have appeared. In total, there are already four qualified people in that world. Haha, it seems that my god status will be thrown away soon."

He chuckled, a hint of lilt in his voice.



A majestic voice rang in Tang San's ears, and Tang Hao was already standing quietly on the road ahead without knowing it.

Three years have made him look older. Tang San was keenly aware of the same qualities in the other party as his own, which was the aura of the God of Death realm.

"Dad, do you also have the God of Killing Domain?" Tang San's eyes were still cold. This was the sequelae of the condensed murderous aura that could not be perfectly controlled.

Tang Hao nodded and smiled: "You did a good job. You didn't disappoint me. Follow me."

Tang San quickly followed his footsteps.

"What you may not know in the Killing City is that a lot of things have happened in the outside world in the past three years, which can be said to be unprecedented changes in hundreds of years...

"We want to take revenge on Wuhun Palace, and now is the best opportunity. You must grow up as soon as possible, otherwise it may not be that easy when everything settles." Tang Hao said as he walked.

"what happened?"

Tang Hao told Tang San everything that had happened in these years.

The ferocious beasts appeared, the Spirit Palace was trapped, the spirit beasts massacred the city, the empire went to war... Tang San was stunned to hear these major events.

He thought that the knowledge he had learned before was false, and couldn't help but ask:

"Ferocious beast? Are there really such terrifying spirit beasts?"

"Yes, this is the first time I know that there is such a monster in the Star Forest."

Tang San suddenly asked anxiously: "What about Xiao Wu? Is Xiao Wu okay?"

"She is in a safe place now, you don't have to worry. By the way, mistress, tell me honestly, do you hate Duke Amon?" Tang Hao said seriously.

Tang San recalled everything in the past. His hostility towards Amon was mainly due to his greed for possessing the fairy grass. Later, he was teased on the contrary, and Xiao Wu was accidentally exposed, and he replied:

"I don't have that much hatred. Many things come from myself. The most difficult thing for me to accept is his humiliation of Xiao Wu in the Soul Master Competition."

Tang Hao said in a deep voice: "Duke Amon is a very terrifying figure, and almost every major event that has happened in recent years has been implicated in him.

"And it seems that his shadow can be seen on the battlefield in all directions. People can't help but wonder whether he intentionally led the situation to the current situation.

"You can hate him, but you must not show it. If you are not sure of killing him with one strike, you can only bury everything deep in your heart. Do you understand?"

Looking at Tang Hao's extremely serious expression, Tang San nodded, and after a moment's hesitation, asked:

"Dad, have you heard of the Amon family? I met a man in the Killing City who looked exactly like Amon. He claimed to be his brother, a man named Gehrman Sparrow. He was because After chasing Amon, he was tricked and trapped in the killing city. "

"The Amon family..." Tang Hao pondered for a while and said:

"In recent years, information about the Amon family has also spread. It is said to be a very ancient hidden family, but because of Amon's activities, it has gradually appeared in the sight of other forces."

Tang San nodded, "What I learned from Gehrman is similar. In fact, Amon was not originally named Amon, but Jacob.

"'Amon' is the name of the first ancestor of their family, and it is also the name of each generation of patriarch. After becoming the patriarch, he will change his name to Amon. There should be many secrets that we don't know."

After a pause, he changed the topic and continued, "Is it time to tell me about the past?"

Three and a half years of hard work transformed Tang San from a boy of less than fifteen years old to a young man of eighteen years old. His strength also made great progress, and he truly began to move towards the world of the strong.

"You are still far away from being able to truly stand on the top level of a soul master. You need greater improvement." Tang Hao's expression returned to its former cold and hard state.

"Then when will I meet your requirements?" With two major fields, Tang San felt that he was already good enough.

Tang Hao replied calmly: "When you have washed away all your sins, restrained all your murderous intent, and completely mastered the realm of the God of Death, I will tell you everything. Only then will you be initially equipped to face those things?" , the qualifications of those people.”

Wash away the lead... Tang San chewed on this word, nodded, and then asked:

"Do you know where Amon is? Gehrman said that if you tell Amon the news about him, you can ask for a soul bone that is no less than 50,000 years old from Amon as reward."

Tang Hao's steps stagnated. Even with his calmness, he couldn't help but be moved by it:

"I don't know what's going on with the two brothers. Since you say so, you should think that this promise has a high chance of being fulfilled. But the key now is that Duke Amon's whereabouts are secretive. No one knows where he is. Where.

"He is the target of the Black Dragon Emperor Tian, ​​and all the soul beasts are hunting him. He is also the target of the Xingluo Empire. The Xingluo Emperor specially issued the "Star Killing Order" for him and promised a generous reward. Therefore, he will not show up in a swagger and stay in one place for a long time."

Tang San's eyes became strange, and he thought in his heart: Amon is really restless. He just got rid of German's pursuit and was hunted by the beasts and the Xingluo Empire. Could it be that he likes the feeling of being chased and beaten?


Hu Liena walked on the path in the forest. She didn't know where she was and could only move forward blindly.

The crow with white circles under his eyes combed his feathers with his beak.

The soul and the body influence each other. The soul controls the actions of the body, but the hormones secreted by the body will also subtly change the behavior of the soul.

After parasitizing on this crow for a long time, this time worm has been greatly affected. Sometimes he can't even remember that he is a person.

But this is not a problem. After all, it is just a clone, and the underlying logic will not change. If necessary, he can recover at any time under the inspiration of Amon's original body.

"Girl." A shrill voice sounded.

"Elder Ju." Looking at the figure in white, Hu Liena shouted in surprise.

Yue Guan smiled and said, "Congratulations, you can successfully walk out of that ghost place, you have proved your excellence. Come back with me, His Holiness the Pope will be very happy to see you return safely."

Hu Liena suddenly noticed that Yue Guan's white clothes were stained with a lot of blood, and her face changed.

She knew that Yue Guan was a very clean person, and if it was not a particularly urgent moment, he could not bear to be dirty.

"Elder Ju, your clothes...what happened?"

"Oh...this, haha, I'm almost used to it, don't worry, it's not my blood." Yue Guan smiled, "You are still careful girl."

Yue Guan paused and said: "This is what splashed when I rushed out of Wuhun City. It's just some blood, not bad."

Caught out of Wuhun City? Hu Liena was a little confused and didn't understand what Yue Guan was saying for a while.

Could it be that Elder Ju betrayed Wuhun Hall?

This thought just came up, and Yue Guan continued:

"You have to be mentally prepared. The current situation of Wuhun City is not very good. Although it is not critical, it is quite troublesome. Even the chief priest doesn't have a good solution."

A few days later, Yue Guan brought Hu Liena to the vicinity of Wuhun City.

"Be careful, you may run into those beasts next, you have to be mentally prepared."

Although she was informed of some basic situations faced by the Spirit Hall early on, Hu Liena still felt angry when she saw the group of soul beasts surrounding the Spirit City.

"Focus and restrain your breath! I have notified Lao Gui to come out to pick us up. Don't be careless. If you are noticed by the beasts, even if we two Titled Douluo want to escort you to kill them, it will not be easy. Some of the soul beasts are very powerful, and they may have been at the level of 100,000 years." Yue Guan reminded in a low voice.

Hu Liena nodded and said softly: "I know, Elder Ju."

After a while, the shadows at their feet suddenly moved, and a large area of ​​shadows gathered to form a vague figure.

"It's up to you next, Lao Gui." Yue Guan said to the person who came.

"I know, Her Majesty the Pope is also watching this place closely. If there is any situation, she will lead people to support." The ghost shrouded in the shadow nodded.

The shadows around him suddenly spread out, covering Yue Guan and Hu Liena, and then the figures of the three of them began to become somewhat illusory.

"Let's go, don't make too much noise." Gui Mei said.

"Ha Hu..." A baboon with white eyes and brown fur suddenly made a strange cry. He didn't know where Hu Liena was, but he knew the location of the white-eyed crow.

Several ten-thousand-year soul beasts approached, as if waiting for its orders.

"Ha Hu Ha Hu..." It made a strange cry while pointing in the direction of Hu Liena.

The soul beasts understood and immediately began to gather their companions. Under the command of the white-eyed baboon, they rushed towards Hu Liena and others.

Noticing the movements of the soul beasts, Yue Guan suddenly whispered: "Not good, they found us."

"Don't worry about hiding or not, go at full speed, and enter Wuhun City before they are surrounded by them."

After a thrilling and exciting battle, they finally got rid of the soul beasts and successfully entered Wuhun City.

"Ga..." The white-eyed crow flipped and circled in the air, looked at the white-eyed baboon from a distance, and then returned to Hu Liena.

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