Twelve circular, star-shaped, translucent bugs swam in the palm of Amon's right hand, moving up and down, leaving a trail of afterimages, like a group of bugs.

Seven soul rings of yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and red appeared on his body.

Among them, the sixth soul ring left by the auspicious beast was black with an ominous aura, a dark color. The seventh soul ring left by the blood-red nine-headed bat king exuded a corrupting evil feeling, showing a scarlet color different from the general red soul ring.

After successfully obtaining the seventh soul ring, Amon was promoted to Soul Saint. The soul power accumulated by absorbing thousands of soul bones in the past was also displayed at this moment. His soul power level climbed steadily until it stopped at level 80.

At the same time, all the Amons felt the feeling of being untied by their physical restraints again, and broke through their current levels and became level 61.

He closed his eyes and carefully experienced his new ability, the martial soul true body!

This is the ability that all beast spirit masters will have when they reach the Soul Saint stage. The difference is that some beast spirits, due to their own special characteristics, will also acquire special skills different from ordinary people.

Amon raised his right hand, pinched the crystal-textured monocle, chuckled and said to himself:

"Martial spirit true body... Compared with the martial spirit true body, I prefer to call it - mythical form."

Before this, Amon's body could only maintain the human form and could not turn into a "worm of time", but after possessing the seventh soul ring, he gained this ability.

Seventh soul skill: martial spirit true body, which can also be said to be a mythical form, or a "parasite".

The body turns into a "worm of time" and parasitizes in the soul of others. When parasitizing, the influence of soul power and physical strength is greatly reduced, and the only thing that can effectively resist is mental power.

Parasitism is divided into shallow and deep levels. The shallow level is to perceive everything that the host can perceive, but cannot know the host's inner thoughts. The deep level is based on this, and can perceive the host's thoughts and control the host's behavior.

The characteristics of "stealing" have been further strengthened, so that all the previous abilities related to stealing have been greatly improved in effect. The range of the fourth soul skill stealing remains unchanged, but the success rate of a single time has increased significantly.

The essence of "parasitism" is "stealing life", so Amon's range of "stealing" has been further expanded. He can steal related concepts of life, including the limbs, vitality, soul bones, martial souls, and even souls of creatures!

Amon can directly "steal" the soul of the target, put it into his own soul space, and devour it using the characteristics of pollution. This cannot directly strengthen his own soul, but it can make up for the soul defect caused by separating the "worm of time".

There is a disadvantage to doing this, that is, it will make yourself crazy!

Using the soul power obtained from pollution and devouring to repair your own incomplete soul will inevitably affect your own personality and will, and turn you into a "stranger" little by little.

Of course, Amon will not use this method to repair his own soul. He will only use these extra souls to create clones. This can create a large number of clones in a short period of time to make up for the problem of slow growth in the number of clones.

But there is also a problem with this, that is, the result of the referendum of the whole Mongolia, after being mixed with the will of these polluted souls, the result may be different from the will of the main body!

This is a very dangerous ability, and it is also true for Amon himself, so he must be very cautious when using it.

In addition, "parasitism" is different from the soul skills in the past. It is not the soul ring skill obtained by adding soul rings, but the special ability of the martial soul awakened after obtaining the martial soul. Therefore, not only the main body can parasitize, but also the "Time Worm" clones as the martial soul split body can also "parasitize" and "steal life".

After absorbing the soul ring of the blood-red nine-headed bat king, Amon was sure that this was a soul beast with a cultivation of more than 900,000 years.

This is not much different from his previous estimate. A soul beast that can parasitize an extreme Douluo must be of a similar level!

In addition to the soul ring, a soul bone was also dropped. This is a head soul bone.

There are two effects given to Amon, one is body shaping, which can freely control his body tissue and change its form.

The second is soul condensation. When Amon splits his clone, he can shape the clone's memory and personality more finely according to his own wishes.

Both are very useful abilities. "Body sculpting" can not only change the appearance, but also transfer body tissues when injured, and use some unimportant body tissues to fill the important and damaged body tissues to maintain the normal operation of the body, thereby achieving the purpose of transferring wounds.

"Soul condensation" makes up for the shortcomings of Amon when he splits his clone. Before, he could only roughly determine the personality of the clone and simply delete and modify its memory of certain things, and could not perform more detailed operations. "Soul condensation" makes this impossible in the past possible.

"Finally got this ability, let me see... Randomly select some lucky audiences as the object of "parasitism"... Well, it's decided to be you. However, I have to deal with some things and make some preparations first." Amon smiled and cast his eyes in the direction of the Star Dou Great Forest with deep eyes.


The Xingluo Empire declared war on the pretext of attacking Amon. Their first target of attack was also Tudor Territory. At this time, the Night City had become the front line of the battlefield.

Dai Chenghua personally led an army of 700,000 and was in a stalemate with "Xueqinghe" for more than half a year.

It was not as unstoppable as he had imagined, which made him very annoyed and worried. Although the imperial power of the Xingluo Empire was very strong, far exceeding that of the Tiandou Empire, and its political system was closer to the centralized system, it was not the emperor's one-man show.

The hereditary nobles headed by the Zhu family, the newly rising ministers and generals, could all exert control over the imperial power. Due to the defeat in the war, many anti-war voices have emerged.

"Xue Qinghe" was also not feeling well. For her personally, it was an extremely brilliant victory to drag the Xingluo army here with less than half the enemy's troops, but the Tiandou Empire was fighting on two fronts at this time.

In addition to facing the offensive of the Xingluo Empire, the soul beast army roaming in the kingdom was also a serious problem.

Moreover, the rampage of soul beasts affected production, and the loss of several important grain production sites made the already unsustainable logistics even worse.

She had ordered tax increases many times, and even collected several months of grain taxes in advance. She knew how much damage this would cause to the people's livelihood in the Tiandou Empire, but it was also a helpless move.

The two sides could fight to this point, which was inseparable from the patriotic people belonging to the Amon family in their respective armies.

Before the war, both sides conducted a nationwide conscription, and the Amons actively applied to contribute to their country.

Although these Amons look the same, they joined the army in different places. Dozens or hundreds of them mixed into a team of up to hundreds of thousands, which made them inconspicuous.

After joining the army, although they did not show too strong strength, they were reused just based on their basic physical fitness. Generally, they started with a small team leader of ten people.

Through spiritual communication, these Amons understood the deployment of troops and tactical arrangements of both sides clearly, which was equivalent to opening a full map hang, and there were people in the enemy who cooperated with the action.

The Amon in the Tiandou Empire army first showed bravery on the battlefield, was promoted again and again, and got a certain status. After having a certain degree of autonomy, he carried out some "surprise attacks" and repeatedly gave the Xingluo army a head-on blow.

The Amons in the Xingluo Empire's army often fought some battles that were brilliant in some areas, but useless to the overall situation, or even harmful and would expose certain military intentions in advance.

Due to the uncertainty and variability of the battlefield, it was difficult for the high-level commanders of the Xingluo Empire to find these problems when reviewing the battle after the war, so these Amons were repeatedly commended.

Of course, the Amons also tried not to let too many Amons rise to too high positions, because the higher the position, the greater the probability of meeting each other, and the greater the chance of being exposed. Most of them stayed at the level of grassroots officers and no longer performed.

"Xue Qinghe" was able to hold back the Xingluo army with less than half of its troops, and at least 50% of the credit should be attributed to the Amons who silently contributed on both sides of the enemy.

Controlling such a war through some subtle movements, while being of low rank and power, is also a big challenge for Amon.

"But that's it. It will be much easier next time." An Amon glanced at his boss in front of him and muttered to himself in an almost undetectable voice.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" A centurion looked at the young man in front of him and said gently.

He was very satisfied with this newly promoted subordinate. He was honest, clear-headed, had a very keen sense of the battlefield, and could often see through the enemy's intentions. He had decided to cultivate him as a confidant.

"I just want to ask you, sir, have you ever heard of the Amon family? Are you interested in joining us?" Amon, who was wearing simple leather armor and had a short haircut, pinched his right eye socket and slowly raised the corner of his mouth.

Looking at his slightly evil smile, the centurion's heart skipped a beat and suddenly felt bad. He wanted to shout and opened his mouth, but found that no sound came out.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a transparent and illusory figure, twisting around him like a python.

In the hazy picture, he had hands and feet, vaguely wearing a black classical robe, a pointed soft hat of the same color, and a crystal-textured monocle on his face.

I seem to have seen this image somewhere before... That's right, it's the Duke, Duke Amon!

Then, the centurion lost consciousness and fell backwards to the ground with a thud.

After a while, he opened his eyes again and sat up with his hands on the ground.

The guards outside the tent heard the noise and asked, "Sir, what happened?"

"Nothing." The centurion pinched his right eye socket, and the corner of his mouth slowly curled up.

The same thing happened in the various tents of the Tiandou and Xingluo armies.

In one day, thousands of grassroots officers got used to pinching their eye sockets.

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