Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 210 Peace Negotiation Conditions

One year later, Tiandou City, Yuexuan.

Neither the beacon fire and smoke of the border battlefield nor the screams and wailing of the people of Haagen-Dazs Kingdom seemed to have affected this place.

Elegant and tranquil lights shot out from the five-story building, and a steady stream of people walked in with their invitations. Each of them wore gorgeous clothes, and their outfits were enough for an ordinary family to live for several years.

Men and women chatted and laughed, talking about which guy was the most handsome and which girl was the most charming. There are also ladies who smile and send hints to the young people they like. Their manners are elegant but full of temptation, and their words are dignified but make people think wildly.

Tonight is Yuexuan's graduation ceremony, and another group of noble children will walk towards their own stage from here.

On the third floor, Tang Yuehua was dressed in silver palace clothes, standing on the side of the hall with a smile. When the time was up, she nodded to signal the commencement of the graduation ceremony.

A group of boys and girls dressed in silver entered from the gates on both sides. They were orderly, with harmonious steps, and calm smiles on their faces, noble but not proud.

Tang San, dressed in white, slowly walked out with an exquisite and graceful golden harp in his arms. The clear blue eyes are clearly visible, the long dark blue hair is spread over the shoulders, and there is a faint smile on the corner of the mouth.

As the representative of the graduates of Yuexuan, he gave a beautiful performance.

Below, the distinguished Prince Xue Beng looked at Tang San on the stage with a smile. He then looked at Princess Xueke who was looking at Tang San with a fascinated look on his face, and his smile became even brighter.

At the end of the song, there was warm applause.

The wave of applause made Tang San feel a little dazed, and he recalled all his experiences in the past five years.

In the past five years, he has risen from level 42 to level 60... The hard training under the supervision of his father, the bloody battles in the Killing City, etc. all come to mind one by one.

At the age of twenty, he had reached this stage, far surpassing the golden generation of Wuhun Palace. He should have been proud, but he was not proud... because there were still several peers waiting for him ahead.

Yuexuanzhong's experience allowed him to look at the gap between himself and others more calmly, face himself and the gap squarely, and then do his best to catch up and surpass.

The graduation ceremony ended successfully. Every student received their graduation certificate from the master of the school, Tang Yuehua, and happily came to their relatives.

Prince Xue Beng came up accompanied by Xue Ke, who was also a recent graduate, "Brother Tang San, what a great performance."

"Thanks for the compliment." Tang San said with a smile.

This year, although Prince Xuebeng was not a student of Yuexuan, he often went in and out of it and became familiar with Tang San. The two seemed to have forgotten all the unpleasantness before and got along well.

"This girl Xue Ke is very in love with you. She often mentions you in front of me." Xue Beng said seemingly unintentionally.

"Brother!" Xue Ke rolled her eyes at him.

Tang San shook his head: "I already feel like I belong."

Thinking of Xiao Wu, Tang San showed a happy and expectant smile on his face.

Xue Ke's pretty face turned pale and her lips moved silently.

Xue Beng was slightly disappointed, patted Xue Ke's shoulder, and then said: "Brother Tang San, how did you think about the last time I proposed something to you?"

Tang San's eyes narrowed slightly: "I still have some things that need to be dealt with. I will give you an answer when I come back... I will work hard to facilitate this matter."

"Okay, then I'm looking forward to good news from you, brother Tang San." Xue Beng's smile became more sincere.

After the graduation ceremony, there was a party. The aroma of the food fills the air, the ingredients here are carefully selected, and the drinks are of the highest quality.

The nobles moved elegantly through the venue, sipping red wine and chatting with each other. Everyone had the same smile on their face, as if they had received professional training.


"Xue Qinghe" swallowed a cold steamed bun with difficulty, and hurried to the city head wearing a suit of armor that had not been washed for an unknown period of time.

"Damn it, these bastards from Xingluo are endless, right? They have been attacking the city for three consecutive days!" Her eyes were bloodshot, and her body exuded a bad smell.

But no one cared about this, because the more pungent smell of blood and fire filled the air, and the arrival of the coach would only make the soldiers on the wall feel at ease.

After a long career on the battlefield, she lost the gentleness and elegance of the past, and her words were no longer appropriate, replaced by coldness and solemnity.

On the battlefield, gentle words are useless. The best language is the loudest voice that can convey the intention most simply and efficiently.

"Are you going to let people sleep?" Yan Jin was still dressed in flame-like red clothes, cursing and following behind "Xue Qinghe".

"I'm going to burn them all to ashes!" She was dissatisfied and threw the "Meteor Volcano" with all her strength into the enemy formation, and then found a safe position to recover her soul power.

Due to the frequent wars, she had no time to create and store magma. The fifth soul ring was empty, and the magma she was using now was temporarily generated with soul power.

Amon didn't want the war to end too quickly, so he limited the supply of soul power to Yan Jin and would not provide help to her unless it was a critical moment.

"Your Highness, the Star Luo Empire's army has been a bit abnormal recently. Although their offensive is fierce, it cannot achieve effective results. I suspect they are just distracting our attention."

The guard of this section of the city wall saw "Xue Qinghe" arriving and put forward his guess to her.

"Xue Qinghe" frowned, his face darkened slightly, and he glanced at the Xingluo army whose offensive had slowed down because Yan Jin's "Meteor Volcano" was in chaos, and said: "Yan Jin, I'll leave this to you, I'll go Check out another section of the city wall.”

"Oh, don't worry, leave it to me. I'll take a nap first. Wake me up if you can't hold on any longer." Yan Jin lay down and purred.

She is only responsible for providing fire support and does not care about the rest.

When "Xue Qinghe" saw this, his eyes twitched and he couldn't help but sigh that this guy was so nervous and could still sleep under such circumstances.

She nodded to the guard on this side of the city wall, and then strode forward.

In her heart, Yan Jin is quite least not in terms of force.

Her martial spirit seems to be born for the battlefield. In many cases, a single move of "Meteor Volcano" can stabilize a precarious situation.


Tang San couldn't wait to know the answer back then, so he left Yuexuan and left Tiandou City. He no longer suppressed his speed and galloped all the way back to the mountains where he once practiced.

He saw the green canyon surrounded by mountains, the majestic waterfalls connecting the sky and the earth, and the familiar tall figure.

"You're here, mistress." Tang Hao's leisurely voice came.

"Dad, I'm here." Tang San looked at Tang Hao, who seemed a bit younger, with a faint hint of the spirit of the past, and asked, "Now, can you tell me the truth about the past?"

Tang Hao nodded and told Tang San exactly what happened in the past.

After hearing this, Tang San's eyes flashed with hatred: "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you."

Tang Hao smiled boldly: "How can I put such a heavy burden on you? Let us, father and son, join forces to give the Spirit Hall a good fight."

"Dad..." Looking at Tang Hao, whose temperament had changed drastically, Tang San had a trace of confusion on his face. It was clear that when they parted ways in Yuexuan a year ago, his father still looked decadent.

Tang Hao smiled slightly and explained:

"After I came back, I thought about it a lot... I talked a lot next to your mother... I didn't expect your mother to respond. It was the first time she had responded in twenty years, which made my dead heart come alive again. .

"She wrapped the leaves around the right leg bone left behind, as if she was saying something. I thought that the Blue Silver Emperor's talent field was regeneration, so with the mentality of giving it a try, I cut off my right calf and took out the original right leg. The leg's soul bone, which was not of good quality, was fused with this one.

“It gave me extremely strong self-healing ability, allowing me to regenerate my right calf and heal all the hidden wounds.

"With the accumulation of so many years and the improvement brought about by fusing a hundred thousand-year soul bone, I broke through the constraints in one fell swoop, rising from the original level 95 to the current level 97. I am now stronger than ever before."

Seeing the high-spirited Tang Hao, Tang San's face showed joy, "Congratulations to father for reaching a higher level."

Then, as if he remembered something, Tang San said: "During this year, while studying at Yuexuan, I met Prince Xuebeng, who wanted to gain the support of the Haotian Sect."

"Tell me more specifically." Tang Hao's tone was slightly condensed.

Tang San pondered for a moment, organized his words, and said slowly: "Prince Xue Beng believes that the Tian Dou Empire is on the verge of reaching its limit and should not continue the war. He wants to negotiate peace with the Star Luo Empire."

"Duke Amon will not be captured without mercy. In five years, you have grown a lot, and he will not stand still. No one knows how far he has grown now. If he wants the Haotian Sect to help him capture Duke Amon If so, it can only be said that he is whimsical." Tang Hao shook his head and showed fear when the name "Amon" was mentioned.

Tang San shook his head and said: "There is no need to capture Amon, Xue Beng said that this is not only a peace negotiation between the Tian Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, but also a peace negotiation between mankind and the Star Dou Forest.

"He has secretly contacted the Star Luo Empire and the Star Dou Forest. The basis of the peace talks is that both human empires have issued death warrants for Amon.

"Once his whereabouts are discovered, notify the Star Dou Forest immediately, and when the soul beasts are chasing Amon, the human side needs to provide assistance."

Tang Hao showed interest: "Then what does he need from us? What can he give us?"

"We need to support him to ascend the throne. The current crown prince'Xue Qinghe's position is in favor of Wuhun Palace. Xue Beng promised that as long as Haotian Sect supports him, he can ban Wuhun Palace, and Xingluo will also take the same measures. measures." Tang San responded smoothly.

"Abolish Wuhun Palace?" Tang Hao's pupils shrank, "If such a big move is made all at once, Qian Daoliu will not sit idly by."

"Xue Beng said that the Beast God will keep an eye on Qian Daoliu."

Tang Hao and Tang San looked at each other, and both saw the answer in the other's eyes.

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