"Is he already a Titled Douluo?" Hearing Tang Hao's address to Lei Yin, Tang San looked at his peer in the sky in shock, feeling unbelievable.

In order to contain the murderous aura condensed in the Killing City and eliminate the side effects of that practice, he has been cultivating himself in Yuexuan this year.

After graduation, he was eager to learn the truth from Tang Hao. He was busy recognizing his ancestors and returning to the clan. Later, he discussed joining forces with Xue Beng on behalf of the Haotian Sect. He knew relatively little about what happened in the past year.

"That guy has Jacob's shadow in him. If Jacob devotes all his efforts to training him, it's not surprising that such a young titled Douluo is born." "Gehrman" said at the side.

"Does your Amon family have a secret method that can help people quickly increase their strength? That should have great side effects, right?" Tang San's mind became active.

It can quickly raise a person's soul power to the realm of Titled Douluo. For large forces, no matter how severe the side effects are, they can accept it.

The appearance of Lei Yin gave him a greater sense of crisis, and he realized that the power of Haotian Sect was still slightly weak.

If there is such a secret method, I wonder if Gehrman can contribute it on the condition of joining forces to deal with Amon... Tang San thought in his heart.

"Side effects... a little bit, but not too big. The family's treasure can solve the side effects. Jacob has probably completely mastered the 'treasure', so he won't have any side effects when using it." "Gehrman" Shen vocal channel.

As if he had sensed Tang San's thoughts, "Gehrman" did not hide it, but openly spoke out the "secret method" of the Amon family:

"It's very simple. Isn't it enough to just absorb soul bones? If ordinary soul bones are not enough, then add external soul bones. If the absorbed soul bones are of a higher age, you can increase the level by more than twenty levels. By the way, you can also add external soul bones. It can improve your training qualifications.”

Tang San opened his mouth, not knowing what to say... I also know this method, but it just doesn't work... He muttered in his heart.

"Wait, you just said there are side effects? What are the side effects of absorbing soul bones? And what is the family treasure you mentioned?" Tang San asked.

"Gehrman" replied smoothly:

"Side effects... Not counting the attached soul bones, a person can only absorb six soul bones. If in order to increase soul power, without considering the matching degree of skills, blindly attaching older soul bones, then it's not Are these skill slots wasted?

"It is not easy to find soul bones that are old and have matching skills... Increasing the level in this way will have a slight impact on future combat effectiveness... This is a side effect."

Tang San looked a little confused, not quite able to follow "Gehrman"'s train of thought...

Why do you feel like soul bones are as cheap as cabbage in your mouth? When did absorbing soul bones have to consider both the year and the matching degree of skills?

Even for top sects such as Haotian Sect and Qibao Glazed Sect, it would be nice to be able to give their heirs a few high-life soul bones...

Our understanding of side effects may be a little different.

Tang San suddenly remembered that he had simply brought Amon the news about Gehrman and received a fifty-thousand-year-old soul bone as a reward. Moreover, the atmosphere between the two parties at that time was not harmonious and a bit tense.

He couldn't help but swallow, and said with some difficulty:

"Do you, the Amon family, have too many soul bones to use up? There shouldn't be dozens or hundreds of soul bones, right?"

"Don't be so surprised. We have a special method that can greatly increase the explosion rate of soul bones, so soul bones are not very rare for us." "Gehrman" revealed this information quite casually.

"Increase the explosion rate of soul bones?" Tang San was shocked and lost his voice... If this news spreads, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar. No soul master can refuse such a temptation, and when the time comes, I'm afraid the Amon family will also Become the target of public criticism.

"Gehrman" smiled lightly and said nonchalantly:

"You should know that the death of a soul beast during severe emotional fluctuations can greatly increase the probability of producing soul bones.

“So we just need to keep torturing the soul beasts, making them worse than death, letting them accumulate extreme emotions, and then kill them when they hate them the most.

"Of course, even if ordinary soul beasts are deliberately tortured and killed, it is difficult for their emotions to reach the threshold for producing soul bones, so you need to choose soul beasts that are already full of emotions, such as soft-bone rabbits.

"Alternatively, you can develop a relationship with the soul beast, and when the relationship is deep enough, you can deliberately create an 'accident' to put you and the soul beast into a desperate situation.

"Only if the soul beast is willing to die for you, can you survive, otherwise it will be a desperate situation for the two of you to die together... With the soul beast's IQ and emotional sincerity, there is a high probability that they will choose to sacrifice themselves to let You survive.

"Our Amon family has accumulated a lot of soul bones through this method. It will not be a problem to at least use them to cultivate a few titled Douluo."

"Gehrman"'s words were like the devil's whisper, echoing in Tang San's mind, full of temptation, but also making him feel uneasy.

Such vicious methods... Tang San couldn't help but take a breath, especially the last one, which was simply a devil playing with people's hearts... It seems that this Amon family is not a good person, and they would use such evil methods. Obtain soul bones.

He said to "German" solemnly: "I hope you don't reveal these methods casually. We humans have finally reconciled with the soul beasts and reached an agreement to deal with Amon together. Such means will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the beasts and may cause another beast tide."

"German" replied with a stern face: "The black dragon is also my enemy... The former Amon family fell because of him. But I can promise you to deal with Jacob first, no, I should call him Amon... Maybe he is right, even the black dragon king Di Tian is helpless against him... But I will not forgive what he did."

"German" showed a complicated expression on his face. This made Tang San couldn't help but guess the grievances behind it in his heart.

Lei Yin, who was confronting Tang Hao in the sky, showed his martial spirit, and a thunder that kept jumping appeared in his hand.

His soul rings were also revealed, which were yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black and red soul rings with seven golden lines.

When helping Amon hunt the auspicious beast two years ago, Leiyin was already level 75, and he had already collected a complete set of soul bones.

They were the 30,000-year-old right arm bone "Thunder Magnetic Gun", the 40,000-year-old left arm bone "Soul Bone Space", the 70,000-year-old torso bone "Thunder Pool", the 60,000-year-old left leg bone "Thunder Speed", and two 20,000-year-old soul bones used to upgrade the level, which were not very useful.

It was not that Amon did not want to give him better, but that Amon's own strength was limited at that time, and he only had a few hundred soul bones in his hand, most of which were hundreds or thousands of years old.

Moreover, he also needed to prepare the "Grudge Curse", and it was impossible to spend too much effort to help Leiyin get two high-quality soul bones, so he could only take two pieces to make up the number, "pulling up the seedlings to help him grow" to improve his soul power, so as to increase the success rate of hunting auspicious beasts.

After Amon absorbed the soul ring of the blood-red nine-headed bat king and was able to "steal life", he decided to help Leiyin replace the two useless soul bones.

After all, Leiyin is the sharpest sword in his hand, and it can help him more in the short term than Yanjin.

Finding loopholes in the rules is what Amon is best at. He found that he only needed to "steal" the two soul bones and free up the position, and then he could absorb soul bones again.

Although stealing soul bones will cause the soul power level increased by absorbing this soul bone to drop, as long as the quality of the reabsorbed piece exceeds the original one, the overall level will increase instead.

Amon also tried to get a bug and did an experiment:

Let someone absorb a soul bone, steal this soul bone, and then let him absorb the soul bone in the same part, and finally "return" it to see if the two soul bones can be fused to form a higher quality soul bone.

Unfortunately, it didn't work. Whether the fusion is very random, sometimes it succeeds, sometimes it fails, resulting in the complete destruction of the two soul bones and the soul master being severely damaged... and there is no pattern at all. Therefore, Amon gave up this idea.

Lei Yin spent a year and a half to upgrade himself by two levels. Amon used two 90,000-year-old soul bones to replace his head soul bone and right leg bone, helping him upgrade by three levels, bringing his level to level 80.

Amon had spread clones all over the place. Many clones did not have clear tasks, but only served as a backup for resurrection, responsible for staying alive.

Not all Amons would be content with "living" peacefully.

There were a few adventurous Amons who put on straw hats, raised sails, and sailed to the vast ocean.

Some were swallowed by the waves, some were buried in the mouths of sea soul beasts, and there was also a lucky one who crossed the ocean and came to the Sun and Moon Continent.

Amon's plan focused on the Douluo Continent, and he was not very concerned about the Sun and Moon Continent, but he also asked Amon there to pay attention to the location of certain soul beasts.

The Evil Eye Tyrant Overlord was thus included in Amon's reserve list.

Three months ago, Amon first merged his spirit with Leiyin, and then Amon from the Sun and Moon Continent initiated the theft, and stole Leiyin completely.

He took Leiyin with him and hunted the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord, using it as Leiyin's eighth spirit ring. Then he stole Leiyin's head spirit bone again, allowing him to fuse the head spirit bone dropped by the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord.

After absorbing such high-quality spirit rings and spirit bones, Leiyin's spirit power level has increased significantly, and he has jumped several levels. At this time, he is already a level 86 soul douluo.

As for why he is obviously just a soul douluo, but he is called "Thunder Douluo" by Tang Hao, the answer is also very simple, this is what he fought for.

He once repelled the Ten Thousand Demon King who disguised himself as the master of the Beast Taming Sect in Feipu City. Two months ago, he killed a titled Douluo of the Star Luo Empire on the front battlefield with his own strength, and then he was given the title of "Thunder" as a soul douluo.

Therefore, facing the younger Lei Yin, whose spirit power was far lower than his own, Tang Hao did not dare to be careless at all, because the other party's title was obtained by stepping on the corpses of the older generation.

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