Maple Leaf City, City Lord's Mansion.

In the hall, Vidal half-lying on the sofa with a lazy look on his face, he said to Greylat in front of him lightly: "Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"I have sent someone to the palace to report that you helped Duke Amon, let him leave quickly." Greylat said in a deep voice.

"Heh... This is not your style. It's for your stupid mother and idiot brother, right?" Vidal smiled.

Greylat was silent for a moment, shook his head and said: "I asked him to go. I will occasionally take a gamble. After all, this is one of the few opportunities to pull you down from the position of heir. The temptation of becoming an earl is enough to make people take risks."

"Heh..." Vidal smiled noncommittally, "My actions are not concealed at all, and even a little ostentatious. Why do you think I acted like this?"

"Because you think that my stupid brother will definitely take action. He has loved to tell tales since he was a child. Naturally, he will go to tip off this time. Even if he doesn't have this idea, you will pass it through maids, housekeepers and the like, To exert such influence on him. "

Greylat stared at Vidal and paused for a moment:

"This is also the reason why I told you frankly. Did the Duke of Amon ask you to do this? He wanted the empire to know that he was here..."

Vidal did not deny it and leaned forward slightly:

"Greylat, you are a smart man. You might as well look further. Chaos is the ladder of progress. After all, we have the same father.

"Now is different from the past peacetime. There are many channels for advancement... If I had known the situation today, I would not have returned to Tiexin Territory at all, but followed the captain's footsteps like some team members.

"If you are willing, I can introduce you to Alia. That woman is very ambitious. I am afraid that she played a role in the formation of the Northland pattern five years ago."

Grelat nodded: "Thank you, I will take good care of my stupid brother. There will be no next time."

Bidar nodded slightly and said with a bit of coldness: "There will be no next time."

At this moment, a terrifying breath came from a distance. The terrifying power of heaven and earth made Bidar and Greylat change their faces. They came to the window and stared at the distance in horror.

Large patches of darkness were slowly approaching. Soon, the entire Iron Heart City was placed under the black cloud. The thick darkness seemed to swallow everything.

In the darkness, a huge monster slowly revealed its figure.

Sharp claws, sharp fangs, the whole body was covered with scales like armor, and bone spurs bent backwards. The golden eyes exuded a strong pressure.

Golden-eyed Black Dragon King, Emperor Tian!

Even though they had never seen him before, and even though they had only seen his introduction in brief intelligence reports, Vidal and Greylat both remembered his name when the monster emerged from the darkness.

"According to the intelligence I received, Di Tian launched the beast tide in order to hunt down Duke Amon... After the two empires issued a wanted order, the soul beasts retreated to the Star Dou Great Forest." Greylat's face was heavy.

Vidal said in a deep tone: "I also guessed that the captain was fishing, but I didn't expect to catch this guy."

"Will their battle demolish the entire Iron Heart City? I heard that Wuhun City was almost turned into ruins by this soul beast king."

Vidal was not sure: "It should be... not?"

Seeing the behemoth, Amon, who was sitting on the edge of a house roof, pressed the crystal texture monocle and said with a smile:

"Finally here..."

He propped his hands on the roof and suddenly jumped into the air.

Then he stepped on the pedals made of soul power and came to the front of the black dragon:

"Long time no see, Di Tian."

He greeted happily, as if he had met an old friend after many years.

"Amon... Where is Zi Ji?" Di Tian asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Zi Ji? Oh, that hell dragon, I ate her, she tasted pretty good." Amon smacked his lips, as if he was savoring it.

The Dark Demon Evil Tiger that he parasitized ate Zi Ji, so from a certain perspective, it was not wrong to say that he ate Zi Ji.

There was a little more sadness in Di Tian's eyes, but more anger, which was quickly hidden... Facing Amon, he had lost too much.

And he knew that Amon was a guy with a very bad personality, and his anger would only make him happy.

Sensing the fleeting fluctuations in Di Tian's heart, Amon's face once again showed a bad smile:

"Is there a possibility that what I said about 'eating' means something else? She is a great beauty when she is in human form. Well, I have the means to force her to become human form... Maybe she is still alive."

Hearing this, Di Tian felt mixed emotions. He was happy that Zi Ji might still be alive, angry that his woman was insulted, and worried about Zi Ji's current situation...

After absorbing the soul ring of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, Amon's mental power was greatly improved. After Di Tian's emotions fluctuated greatly, he easily read the other party's inner thoughts... The smile on his face became even more intense.

Di Tian gathered his mind and said in a deep voice:

"You are not surprised by my arrival. It seems that this is indeed your conspiracy to lure me here. So, what you are now, is it your real body?"

"Of course... not."

Amon smiled and said, "How dare I be so careless about you, the king of soul beasts...

"However, the grudges between us do need to be settled, so my true form will naturally not be too far away."

At this time, in a small town in the Sun and Moon Continent, in a somewhat old tavern, the main body Amon took a sip of cheap fruit wine with a unique local fruit flavor, with a smile on his face.

Amon in front of Di Tian continued: "With just a few clones, I am not sure I can deal with you... Of course, I didn't set up traps in advance... because there is no need.

"I chose the location of the decisive battle here instead of Wuhun City, just because it is too close to the Star Dou Forest.

"After all, I am very afraid of the existence that even you need to call 'Lord'."

Ditian's pupils shrank and he said in a low voice: "You actually know about the existence of the Lord?"

"Well, I was also present when you had the meeting with that little rabbit." Amon explained.

"Is it really that rabbit? Is she your spy?" Di Tian's face was gloomy.

Amon stroked his monocle and chuckled:

"Internal intelligence doesn't count, but the difference is not big. I put surveillance methods on her... Well, the auspicious beast was an unexpected surprise. My target was originally just her.

"Do you still have any questions? I can answer them for you and make you understand."

"Mr. Xiong, where is the King of Ten Thousand Demons?" Di Tian asked.


"No more." Ditian flapped his dragon wings and roared towards Amon.

Amon snapped his fingers, and a black light curtain spread out, covering both him and Di Tian.

They came to a gray world, in a huge circular arena, where Di Tian and Amon stood opposite each other.

Twelve columns are evenly distributed around the edge of the arena, like the scales of a clock.

After Di Tian briefly observed the surrounding environment, he saw a giant black tiger standing on a pillar.

"This is...the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger?" He said with some uncertainty.

In his long life, he has naturally seen this rare soul beast many times, but in his impression, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger has muscles all over his body and looks extremely strong and strong, but in front of him it is just What the hell?

Although it is tens of meters long, far larger than any Dark Demon Tiger he has ever seen, and has the strongest cultivation in history, it is as fat as a ball. Viewed from the front, its height and width are Almost equal. The four fleshy claws are extremely short and thick, and the round belly can be dragged to the ground.

Seeing the new appearance of the Dark Devilgod Tiger, Amon was stunned for a moment. Then, he smiled and said:

"If you eat too much, there will be some excess nutrients. Once it is fully digested, it will naturally become powerful."

"Eat?" This word sharply caught Di Tian's attention, and his pupils shrank.

Amon said with a smile: "Yes, Mr. Xiong, King of Ten Thousand Demons, and Zi Ji all entered its belly.

"It seems that you care about Zi Ji very much. Don't worry, I will reunite you soon."

"Ouch!" The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger roared in unison and jumped down from the pillar.

That huge and heavy body made the arena tremble.

"Hiccup..." The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger burped, and it uttered human words: "The last one, I really can't eat anymore."

"Well, the last one, there is nothing for you to eat for the time being." Amon nodded.

Rich darkness filled the entire competition space, and Di Tian's figure was hidden in the darkness.

"You don't actually have that much control over this world, right? The function of this space is just to restrict others from leaving..." Di Tian's voice came slowly, resounding from all directions.

Although I don’t know why the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger joined forces with humans, there is no doubt that no matter which one of these two confronts each other alone, it will not be easy to defeat them. Therefore, Di Tian also changed his previous head-on approach. Style, intend to quickly resolve one of these by covering it up with darkness.

"Oh, is it dark..." Fierce, turbulent, and terrifying light burst out from Amon's monocle.

The entire space, not only the small arena, but also the places shrouded in gray mist further away, were filled with pure and scorching sunlight.

The gray fog temporarily dissipated, revealing the surrounding scene. This is a desolate, dilapidated ruin. Among the rubble, you can vaguely see the city's former glory.

This ancient city of the past has reappeared in human sight after bidding farewell for an unknown period of time.

This is also the first time for Amon to see these things... His control over this competitive space is limited to the small competitive stage, and the further distance is beyond his reach.

… These seem to be the ruins of a city from an unknown age, when soul guidance devices were developed.

At the same time, the entire Iron Heart Territory suddenly ushered in darkness, a darkness that was even more complete than when the black dragon came just now.

Graylat tried to use the light produced by his soul skill to illuminate the surroundings, but there was no response.

He could feel that the soul skill had taken effect, but there was no light at all.

It was as if the light had been stolen by something.

Di Tian stared blankly at the "light" that illuminated everything and the ruins around him, and couldn't help but squint his eyes.

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