Becoming a god... Amon's words made everyone fall into astonishment, even Tang Hao was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while.

"Are there really immortal gods in this world?" Xue Beng was the first to come back to his senses, with extreme enthusiasm and desire in his eyes.

"German" said calmly: "Nothing is eternal, change is the unchanging truth... Gods are just powerful people.

"Of course, for humans whose lives are as short as mayflies, gods who can easily last tens or millions of years are indeed as eternal as the sky and the sea."

Just powerful people... Tang San repeated this sentence in his heart. He thought to himself, you are really worthy of being from a blasphemer family, you have no respect for gods. No wonder the gods don't like you!

Ma Hongjun looked up at the ceiling, "Such blasphemous words, aren't you afraid that the gods will strike you with a lightning?"

"I said that gods are just powerful people, they are not omniscient and omnipotent. "German" repeated his point of view.

Tang San took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "You mean, the first generation of Amon, the ancestor of your family, died at the hands of God?"

"German" pushed the glasses frame on his nose:

"According to the notes of Antigonus, the ancestor was invincible in the world at that time. Whether it was human or soul beast, they all trembled under the shadow of the Amon family.

"But the ancestor's research on the inheritance of the gods without any reverence eventually angered the gods and triggered the descent of the gods... This is the fundamental reason for the decline of the Amon family.

"Afterwards, the Black Dragon King Di Tian led the beasts to encircle and suppress the remaining tribesmen... The family that lost its ancestors could not fight against those powerful enemies and eventually had to hide in the mountains. "

"Then how can you become a god?" Tang San asked calmly.

Amon answered fluently:

"One is to become a god through faith, that is, to make outstanding achievements in a certain field and constantly deepen others' impression of you in this field.

"When your achievements are great enough to trigger the rules, and then supplemented by the power of faith, you can condense the throne and become the god of this field. This method takes too long, so it is not considered.

"The second is to inherit the throne. The gods in the past left their thrones. Find a throne that is compatible with you, take the God Test, and after passing it, you can inherit that throne and become the new god.

"But this requires a certain amount of luck. First of all, you must have enough talent. More importantly, the previous owner of the throne thinks that you are compatible with this throne."

Have outstanding achievements in a certain field... deepen others' impression of you in this field... Tang Hao couldn't help but think of "Duke of Thieves", "Theft Act", "The Thief Country", "Stealing the Treasures of the Xingdou Great Forest", "Stealing the Treasures of the Tiandou Royal Family"...

He was horrified, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Amon... is preparing to believe in becoming a god?"

Ning Fengzhi frowned and asked: "Brother Tang, what do you mean by this?"

"Didn't you notice? When we mention Amon, we will subconsciously associate him with thieves, and many of the things he did are related to "stealing", right? Even the wanted orders issued by Xingluo and Tiandou Royal Family for him before have the item of "theft"..."

Hearing what Tang Hao said, Xue Beng and Yu Xiaogang looked at each other, both showing a trace of regret.

Tang San was shocked and murmured, "Is this the Duke's cause that Thunder Douluo mentioned?"

Yu Xiaogang laughed at himself, "I boasted that I was very smart, but I didn't expect that I would do everything I could to plot against Amon, but in the end, I would actually help his cause of becoming a god?"

Zhu Zhuqing looked at "German" with a hint of suspicion and asked, "Why do you know so much about this? Matters related to the inheritance of gods should be the highest secret in any force? It seems that there has never been a god in your family."

She was extremely wary and suspicious of this mysterious man.

"German" glanced at her and replied coldly, "The distribution ratio of nutrients in your body seems to be not very coordinated, and only a small part of it is supplied to the brain...

"I just said that the ancestor of the family angered the gods because of his disrespectful research on the inheritance of the gods... This is naturally known from the research materials he left behind.

"As for why the ancestors were able to study the inheritance of the throne, and why the forces left by the gods would tell the ancestors their highest secrets... Of course, those who did not cooperate were destroyed by the ancestors."

Tang San held his chin and thought for a moment: "Why would the gods leave a legacy? For them who have almost unlimited lifespans, wouldn't giving the throne to others dilute their own power?"

"German" looked at him with an idiotic look: "Do you think this is something I can know? This is a question that only gods would consider, and even the ancestors have never reached that level."

After a pause, "German" looked at the Shrek Seven Devils and said: "Although your talents are somewhat unsatisfactory, you are the only ones I can choose.

"Only if one of you inherits the throne, we will have the capital to fight against Amon."

Unsatisfactory... The corners of the mouths of the people in Shrek Academy twitched. It was the first time that their talents were evaluated in this way.

"What about you? Why don't you try to inherit the throne yourself?" Dai Mubai couldn't help asking.

"I have the blood of a blasphemer flowing in my veins. If I take the God Test, the content of the test will probably be how to survive the attack of the God." "German" said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Then the most important thing now is to find the inheritance of the God... otherwise, nothing can be done." Ning Rongrong said.

Everyone looked at "German" with a hint of expectation.

"German" did not disappoint their expectations and smiled and told them the location of the inheritance of the God:

"There are only two inheritances with clear locations that I know of. One is the inheritance of the Angel God, and the master is Qian Daoliu, the great worshiper of the Spirit Hall. He is the high priest of the Angel God..."

Spirit Hall, Qian Daoliu... Just the mention of these two words made the Shrek people silently cross out this option in their hearts.

Tang Hao, Tang San, and Xue Beng changed their expressions because they remembered that Qian Renxue also had a six-winged angel spirit and was Qian Daoliu's granddaughter.

"Qian Renxue, could she inherit the throne of the angel god?" Tang San said with a dry mouth.

"It is very likely... In fact, she is the one who is most likely to become a god in this era. If it were not for Qian Daoliu's fight against Di Tian and Qian Renxue's resolute resistance to the army of the Xingluo Empire... Their actions all hinted at helping Amon. I am worried that if the angels had any connection with Amon, they would not have come to you."

"German" had a hint of disdain in his eyes and tone.

This made Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing feel a little angry, but their doubts about him were reduced a lot.

Tang San asked: "What about the second place?"

"The second inheritance is the inheritance of the Sea God, on the Sea God Island."

At this time, Yu Xiaogang also spoke up: "I have heard a little about that place. The Spirit Hall calls it the Devil Island. The soul masters living there call themselves children of the sea. We also call them sea soul masters. Most of the martial arts they possess are related to aquatic animals.

"The Spirit Hall once sent two thousand soul masters to this island to try to recruit the soul masters there. As a result, they went but never returned. Less than a hundred people were able to come back alive, and two Titled Douluo were killed there.

"Now it seems that recruiting soul masters is an illusion. Their real purpose is probably to seize the inheritance of the god's throne on the island."

"Ah? There is such a mysterious force in the soul master world? I have never heard of it before." Ma Hongjun muttered.

Yu Xiaogang explained: "That's because the sea soul masters living on Sea God Island cannot leave the island. Outsiders who go there can stay there and become a sea soul master as long as they pass their tests... But there is one thing, after becoming a sea soul master, you can't leave there... This is the rule of Sea God Island."

"Devil Island, it sounds terrible..." Ning Rongrong's eyes flashed with a trace of worry.

Yu Xiaogang shook his head: "Sea soul masters are not bloodthirsty. That time, the Spirit Hall landed on Sea God Island in a hostile way and killed some sea soul masters, which caused their counterattack."

"Since Sea God Island has such an important divine throne inheritance, why didn't the great worshiper of the Spirit Hall personally take action to subdue them? Once the Extreme Douluo takes action, even if the sea soul master occupies the advantage of the terrain, he can't resist, right?" Ning Fengzhi was a little puzzled.

"I guess Sea God Island probably has corresponding combat power, and there are also strong people at the level of Extreme Douluo, which is why the Spirit Hall is deterred." Yu Xiaogang responded.

"Poseidon..." Tang San spit out a name from his mouth.


"That Extreme Douluo is named Poseidon..." Tang San looked at "German", who nodded slightly.

Poseidon? Some long-lost memories awakened in Tang Hao's mind, and he suddenly said:

"My brother and I once went to Poseidon Island to deliver letters on behalf of my grandfather, and met that 'Poseidon Douluo'... My grandfather seemed to have pursued the one from Poseidon Island...

"At that time, we were young and energetic, and we had some conflicts with the people of Poseidon Island. As a result, a random Titled Douluo easily captured us alive."

"Ah?" Everyone showed a trace of surprise in their eyes. They didn't expect that there was such a past.

"Dad, is there anything we need to pay attention to when we go there?" Tang San looked at Tang Hao.

Tang Hao thought for a while and said calmly: "I don't know much about Poseidon Island, but the people there are not vicious or arrogant, but they are extremely respectful to Poseidon.

"You just need to be careful not to violate local customs, don't be disrespectful to the gods, and don't kill people... For your great-grandfather's sake, even if you cause a little trouble, 'Sea God Douluo' won't do anything to you."

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