Two carriages that didn't look luxurious but were well-made were moving slowly one after the other on the road.

Tang Hao sat in the carriage in front with his eyes closed. Incense was lit in the carriage, which had a calming effect.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and a trace of vigilance and solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"Stop." He spoke in a low voice.

The Haotian Sect disciple who was driving the carriage stopped the carriage and looked at the carriage in confusion.

Tang Hao lifted the curtain, walked out, and said lightly: "You two, step back."

The two Haotian Sect disciples also noticed that the atmosphere around them was a little wrong, so they left the carriage and ran to the back together.

Tang Hao's aura was always locked on a big tree in front of him. He said solemnly:

"Since we have already revealed our secrets, why hide our heads and tails?"

A gorgeous woman in red clothes, long red hair, and dark red eyes jumped down from the branch. She was like a ball of fire, flamboyant and passionate.

"Are you Tang Hao? You are a little different from the Soul Master Competition." Yan Jin looked at Tang Hao and felt that his temperament and image were completely different from what he had seen before.

"You are... Yan Jin?" Tang Hao asked with a slight look in his eyes.

Since they have become enemies with Amon, they will naturally not forget to collect relevant intelligence and have a certain understanding of the two generals under his command.

However, compared with Lei Yin, who established her reputation with the life of a Titled Douluo, Yan Jin seemed a little inconspicuous. After all, she was doing some work of clearing miscellaneous soldiers on the battlefield.

Even if he had killed the Hell Dragon that had cultivated for tens of thousands of years, it was still not worth mentioning in the eyes of Tang Hao.

"Where is your brother 'Thunder Douluo'? Didn't he come?" Tang Hao said lightly: "If you want to get rid of me, you alone may not be enough...

"Or, you were originally going to deal with Xiao San and the others, but ended up meeting me?"

Yan Jin shook his head and smiled and said: "I just came to find you, it has nothing to do with Amon, this is my own idea, I came to avenge the old man."

"Old man?"

"His name is Walter, he is my master. Didn't you attack the Spirit Hall before... His wife and son died in your hands. "Yan Jin explained.

"Walter..." Tang Hao thought of the Soul Douluo who chased Tang San in the Soul Master Competition, and said coldly: "Hehe, the people of the Spirit Hall deserve to die. I am sorry that I couldn't send his family to reunion..."

Yan Jin crossed his arms and stared at the tall and burly figure in front of him with dark red eyes, exuding a majestic aura, and said:

"You should thank Amon. If he hadn't stopped me, I would have come here long ago, killed Tang San, killed the blue silver grass, and then killed you...

"The old man said that he also wanted you to taste the pain of your wife and son being killed... But Amon disagreed, then I have no choice but to come and get rid of you first."

Yan Jin's words set off a huge wave in Tang Hao's heart. It sounded as if everything about him was under Amon's control... They actually knew that A Yin was not completely dead!

And what does Amon mean by disagreeing? Does he have any plans for Xiao San? Yes, that must be the case! The Hanhai Qiankun Cover was originally suspicious.

Tang Hao took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in his heart, and stared at Yan Jin: "A bragging kid, you can do that?"

"You will know whether it is bragging or not." As he said that, Yan Jin burst out with a terrifying momentum, and the huge soul pressure filled the world, causing the clouds to roll back.

Tang Hao's pupils shrank, his face was full of disbelief, and he lost his voice and said: "98-level Super Douluo? How is this possible?"

He couldn't help but be surprised. After becoming a Titled Douluo, normally, each level is promoted in ten years, and how old is Yan Jin?

Compared with her, Qian Renxue of the Spirit Hall, his son Tang San, and even the "Thunder Douluo" who killed a Titled Douluo at a young age, all seemed to become mediocre.

At the same time, this also highlights the horror of Amon. Whether it was the previous Lei Yin or the current Yan Jin, he needed the strongest man of the Haotian Sect to go all out, but these two geniuses who are so young and so powerful actually obeyed Amon's words!

A small ball of magma emerged from Yan Jin's hand. As the Spirit Hall appeared, nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, black, red, red, and red emerged from her body.

Tang Hao's face showed a look of horror. The last three red soul rings made him tremble with fear.

He also keenly noticed that Yan Jin's red soul ring had mysterious golden lines, and the quality seemed to be even better than the soul ring that Ah Yin sacrificed to him.

"What's the matter with the golden lines on your 100,000-year soul rings?" Tang Hao couldn't help asking.

"This... the soul rings of fierce beasts. Fierce beasts of more than 200,000 years have two, and fierce beasts of more than 300,000 years have three. You should have heard of the original owner of my ninth soul ring. His name is Di Tian..." Yan Jin boasted proudly.

A chill rushed up Tang Hao's spine to the top of his head, making him tremble all over.

Di Tian, ​​the king of fierce beasts, who fought against the Ultimate Douluo Qian Daoliu without losing, and led the soul beast army to besiege Wuhun City for more than two years, was actually hunted and turned into a soul ring!

Moreover, there were only eight golden patterns on Yan Jin's ninth soul ring, but there were nine golden patterns on her eighth soul ring!

What does this mean? A terrifying soul beast that is 100,000 years older than Emperor Tian also died in the hands of this girl in front of him!

Tang Hao has always been conceited. Although he was defeated by "Thunder Douluo" last time, he thought that was because the opponent's soul skills were weird and he was caught off guard when he first saw him. If he had to do it again, he would be very confident to deal with it.

But at this moment, facing such a Yan Jin, even he couldn't help but feel discouraged... There was no hope of winning at all!

The terrifying soul rings on her body have already explained everything! And if nothing unexpected happens, the opponent has at least three soul bones from fierce beasts!

Tang Hao took a deep breath and thought about how to escape in his heart.

As if seeing his thoughts, Yan Jin smiled and said, "Don't think about running away, you can't escape."

Her ninth soul ring lit up, and waves of ripples spread around her. Wherever the waves passed, the world became a little different.

This is Yan Jin's ninth soul ring, the soul skill provided by the Golden Eye Black Dragon King Soul Ring, "Space Lock".

It can block the space of a surrounding area and prevent the enemy from escaping. It is somewhat similar to the life and death competition space of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, both of which overlap the special soul skill space with the real space.

The difference is that after the life and death competition arena of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is revealed, it is mainly based on the soul skill space, while after the "space lock" of Yan Jin is unfolded, it is mainly based on the real space.

Then, her eighth soul ring lights up, and the "God's Domain" descends into the "space lock".

Volcanoes emerge, spewing magma, and large pieces of volcanic ash rise into the sky, making the sky shrouded in haze.

The strong and pungent smell of sulfur permeates the air, making people feel uncomfortable.

In this "God's Domain", in addition to the visible threats such as volcanic bombs, volcanic ash, and magma, the toxic gases dissipated in the air are also deadly.

These poisonous gases that appear with volcanic eruptions will not affect Yan Jin himself, but will erode the opponent unknowingly and accumulate fire poison in the opponent's body.

Tang Hao deployed the God of Killing Domain, and with difficulty blocked the influence of the "God's Domain".

Under the suppression of such a terrible domain of the "God's Domain", Tang Hao's God of Killing Domain was suppressed to a small area around him.

Tang Hao couldn't help but feel a trace of despair in his heart. The opponent had not really revealed his killing moves, but simply deployed the domain, which made him feel heavy pressure.

This was a crushing victory in strength that he had not encountered for a long time. He even suspected that even if Qian Daoliu was here, he could not beat the girl in front of him who was the same age as his son.

Tang Hao swallowed his saliva and said in a dry voice: "Amon will actually help you hunt such a fierce beast as a soul ring. Isn't he afraid that you will lose control after you become powerful? Now you are probably standing at the top of the world..."

Yan Jin looked at Tang Hao, her face gradually became serious. She hammered the palm of her left hand with her right fist and said:

"Yes, maybe I can beat Amon... I'll try it later."

Thinking about it, a silly smile appeared on her face: "Hey hehe..."

Tang Hao: "..."

Well, Amon doesn't seem to have to worry about this guy losing control.

Tang Hao took advantage of Yan Jin's distraction and confusion of his aura, and immediately withdrew and retreated.

He used all his soul power and rushed away.

Yan Jin glanced at him, but did not chase him. He just turned silently and looked at the opposite side.

After a while, Tang Hao flew over from the direction Yan Jin was facing now.

Seeing Yan Jin in front of him, Tang Hao's pupils shrank, and he quickly stopped, his heart sinking to the bottom of the valley.

"Run, why don't you run? I allow you to run for thirty-nine minutes first!" Yan Jin said with a smile.

"What did you do?" Tang Hao's tone was heavy.

Yan Jin raised an index finger, shook it, and explained:

"This is the effect of my ninth soul skill, which cuts off the surrounding space, just like an ant on a ball, crawling in one direction, and finally crawling back from the other side.

"So you can't run away simply by running, unless you have the ability to forcibly break the domain soul skill brought by this 800,000-year soul ring.

"Or, defeat me, and the space blockage will naturally be lifted."

Tang Hao calmed down the surging soul power in his body and began to adjust his state, "There is no other way, I can only fight."

"Yes, from the beginning you didn't have the option of running away. You can only kill me, or be killed by me... Destiny has given me many things, now, use your life to repay part of it."

Yan Jin smiled, and the surrounding volcanoes seemed to become active as her mood changed. Suddenly, a large amount of magma and smoke and dust were sprayed into the sky.

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