Under the clear sky, there were no clouds in the sky, and the sea breeze brought a light coolness, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

At the dock, in front of a gray ship, "Klein" stood close to the ship, and next to him were the Shrek Seven Devils.

In front of them was a group of sailors.

"Captain, didn't you say that you won't go out to sea in the near future? Have you changed your mind?" asked a man who looked to be in his thirties.

"Klein" smiled and replied, "It's not going out to sea to fish. For some reasons, these friends want to go to an island and pay us to take them to that island.

"Because this trip is extremely dangerous, I need to ask everyone's opinions in advance. If you are willing to go, you will be able to get ten times the reward of the usual trip. "

Ten times... This is a very exciting number. Generally speaking, there are only two or three trips a year. In other words, this trip can earn the equivalent of three years of normal income.

But they all know that high rewards also mean high risks. Although Captain "Klein" is generous, he will not give a remuneration far higher than the market for no reason. He is a person who advocates equal exchange.

"Captain, which island are you going to?" A young man who looks to be in his twenties raised his hand and asked.

"Klein" did not hide it and immediately responded:

"It's Poseidon Island. Those who don't want to go can quit now, don't feel ashamed, and I won't have any opinion on it.

"If someone has a lot of concerns, and losing you will have a great impact on your family or certain people, then I don't recommend you to take risks. After all, you should have heard about the dangers of Poseidon Island."

"Where is there no danger on the sea? When we go out to sea to make a living, we always put our heads on the line. Isn't it a good deal to earn three or four years' salary by taking a risk? And you, the captain, must have a certain degree of confidence in taking this job..." a middle-aged man said nonchalantly.

"Yes, we don't have too many concerns. On the contrary, if you, the captain, die, it will be a big loss. After all, there is still so much money to be spent." Another person joked.

"Hahaha..." The sailors suddenly burst into laughter.

"Of course, although I like taking risks, I don't like to die." "Klein" responded with a smile.

A young man thought for a long time, then raised his right hand hesitantly: "Sorry, Captain, I just got engaged to Leah, and I don't want to do anything too risky."

"Klein" nodded gently: "You have considered your responsibilities, which is beyond reproach. You are still welcome to join me on my next trip. In addition, congratulations, remember to treat me to a wedding banquet when the time comes."

"I will." The young man nodded heavily.

Seeing "Klein"'s gentle attitude, two or three people with families and concerns withdrew.

"Is there anyone else withdrawing?"

"Is there anyone else withdrawing?"

"Klein" asked twice in a row, until he was sure that no one else withdrew and everyone was willing to go to sea, he nodded with satisfaction, and then began to board the ship.

Riding on the ship to the depths of the ocean, Shrek and his party all felt different emotions in their hearts, with some anticipation and excitement.

The sea surface was sparkling, and occasionally small fish jumped out.

At a glance, there was an endless sky and a vast sea. Being in it made people feel particularly small.

Ning Rongrong stared at the sea surface, which was gradually getting darker: "I don't feel grounded, and I feel a little uneasy."

"Yes, I always feel that there seems to be some huge monster lurking under the water, which will suddenly pop up and eat us all." Zhu Zhuqing rubbed her arms, and the slightly cool sea breeze gave her goose bumps.

"The unknown always causes people's fear. Compared with land, we know less about the sea. But at the same time, it is precisely because of the mystery of the sea that people yearn for and are fascinated, isn't it?"

"Klein" walked over with a faint smile on his face and said softly: "Welcome everyone to the Golden Jackson again. It's a pleasure to serve you."

Just then, a group of soul beasts shaped like dolphins kept jumping up and down on the side of the ship. They made a "woooo" sound, as if they were greeting everyone on the ship.

Ma Hongjun waved to the dolphins with a warm smile on his face.

Bai Chenxiang revealed her martial spirit, spread her wings, and flew towards the sea soul beasts. She looked down at the group of soul beasts from high in the sky with a hint of vigilance in her eyes.

"Although the soul power fluctuations on their bodies are not very strong, they are indeed soul beasts. Don't you feel nervous?" Tang San looked at the crew members who looked calm and could not help but ask questions.

"This is a white-backed dolphin, a very gentle sea soul beast. In addition, they are also very friendly to humans and often rescue sailors in distress. If they get closer, we will throw some food down." "Klein" replied.

"Is that so? What if we encounter those powerful and unfriendly sea soul beasts?" Tang San asked.

"Klein" responded smoothly: "Generally speaking, sea soul beasts rarely attack ships actively. Only a few guys with violent personalities will do so.

"If they encounter one, most ships can only consider themselves unlucky. This is also a major source of danger at sea. Many people die every year because of it.

"In addition, experienced captains and helmsmen can often remember the territories of powerful soul beasts. We will not go to certain specific areas.

"There are several such places on the route to Poseidon Island. We can only take a detour. Although this increases the journey a lot, it is safer."

Tang San glanced at him thoughtfully and said, "It seems you know the spirit beast very well."

"Klein" nodded, "Of course, I am also a soul master..."

"Huh?" A look of surprise appeared on Oscar's face, "Are you a soul master? But if you are a soul master, why do you have to engage in hard and dangerous work at sea?"

"Klein" responded with a smile: "I should have said before that sailing is my hobby... If we just talk about money, my property is enough to support me to spend the rest of my life richly."

"Well, that's true." Oscar scratched his head and said with a smile.

Time passed slowly as they chatted.

At noon, when the meal was served, Ma Hongjun grabbed a big crab and ate it with gusto:

"Wow, do you all eat so well? I'm a little envious. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery and eat seafood every day."

"Klein" shook his head: "This is specially prepared for distinguished guests like you. We don't usually have such luxury."

After lunch, some people from Shrek gathered in a circle on the deck, enjoying the sea breeze and basking in the sun.

After the initial excitement of going to sea, they gradually felt a little bored. The sea surface is that unchanging blue, which looks extremely monotonous after looking at it for a long time.

Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing suddenly ran to the edge of the boat and vomited, covering their mouths.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Ma Hongjun also felt a little uncomfortable.

"Damn it, did you tamper with the food?" Ma Hongjun immediately suspected that "Klein" had evil intentions.

"Wait a minute, Hongjun, that's not the case." Tang San stopped Ma Hongjun, who was about to attack, and explained, "This should be a reaction to seasickness. The food is not poisonous."

A faint look of displeasure appeared on Klein's face: "I have no motive for doing this."

Tang San apologized to "Klein": "Sorry, Hongjun didn't mean it, he just overreacted because he felt uncomfortable."

A shadow suddenly moved, slowly growing, heightening, deforming, and finally forming a human shape. The facial features of the black figure gradually became clearer, and he changed into the appearance of "Gehrman". He still had the stern look on his face, and his eyes scanned everyone, and finally landed on "Klein".

"Gehrman? Have you always been on the ship?" Tang San's eyes revealed a trace of surprise: "I thought you weren't coming."

"I said, I will follow you all the way to the sea near Poseidon Island."

"Gehrman" replied: "But what makes me a little surprised is, why did you choose to take this guy's ship? Do you turn a blind eye to the many abnormalities in him?"

"What's wrong?" Tang San frowned.

"He is the owner of the auction house next to the Hanhai Soul Fighting Arena, and the auction house and the Soul Fighting Arena are actually one... So you still think he is an ordinary soul master?" "Gehrman" said lightly.

Tang San's pupils suddenly shrank. If you want to run a spirit fighting arena, you can't do it with money. There must be extremely strong forces behind it, otherwise some unruly spirit masters may not abide by the rules they set.

He couldn't help but look at "Klein", who smiled and nodded at him: "It's no big deal. I told you, I'm a soul master. It's normal to have some connections."

"This is not something that ordinary spirit masters can do." After "Gehrman" reminded him, Tang San became a little more suspicious of the identity of the person in front of him.

"It's true that ordinary spirit masters can't do it, but what about Contra?" "Klein" smiled slightly, and an aura erupted from his body that even surprised Tang San.

"Contra!" Shrek and the others were shocked by the power he suddenly showed.

Dai Mubai snorted coldly and asked with some vigilance: "What is your purpose of concealing your strength?"

"Klein" pretended to be innocent and spread his hands: "I never concealed anything, it's just that you didn't ask."

Dai Mubai hesitated and was about to retort when he heard "Klein" continue: "Okay, okay, I admit that I do have some connections with Poseidon Island, but that has nothing to do with you. It can only be said to be a coincidence. Well...I'm also surprised that you want to go to Poseidon Island, but you actually found my head."

"Contact? What contact?" Tang San frowned, feeling that this trip might not be peaceful.

"Actually, many of the soul masters in Hanhai City have a background on Poseidon Island...or even originally from Poseidon Island." "Kleon" calmly told Tang San the information that surprised Tang San.

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