"Is it you? You want to see my Soul Saint, oh, and a handsome boy..." Zi Zhenzhu crossed her arms and smiled.

Looking at this hot and heroic woman, Tang San was surprised and asked: "Woman?"

Zi Zhenzhu raised her eyebrows: "What's wrong with a woman? Can't a woman be the boss? Tell me, what do you want to find me for?"

"My companions and I have been separated, and I hope you can mobilize people to help me find them." Tang San replied.

"It's not easy to find people on the sea, so what can you give? I won't do a loss-making business." Zi Zhenzhu stared at Tang San.

Tang San smiled and said, "What do you want? If possible, I also hope to reach a consensus peacefully. I will accept a certain price, but don't think about asking too much."

Zi Zhenzhu tapped her left arm with her right index finger, and after a little thought, she replied, "I got it. I just happened to have a boat intercepted by someone recently. You help me deal with those people, and I will search for your companions for you."

"Is it another group of forces that hijacked your boat?"

"No, it's a group of guys who suddenly appeared. They won't let you do it alone. We will go there too. I just need you to help me deal with the stronger ones among them, so that my casualties will not be too great."

Tang San pondered for a moment and nodded, "Okay."

Zi Zhenzhu showed a generous smile on her face: "Then set off tomorrow morning, and have a good rest in the village today. Guys, why don't you quickly take out the strongest cellar to entertain the guests?"


At night, in the small building where Zi Zhenzhu was, she held a banquet for Tang San.

All kinds of grilled fish, shells, and prawns were served on the table.

"Try this. This is the strongest wine made from the best fruits." Zi Zhenzhu pushed a large cup of full fruit wine in front of Tang San.

Tang San did not relax his vigilance. After all, this was in the pirate's lair.

He sniffed the wine and lightly touched it with his tongue. After confirming that it was not poisonous, he drank it with confidence.

The wine had a strong fruity aroma and a mellow taste, which made people linger.

Seeing Tang San's cautious look, Zi Zhenzhu smiled: "Don't be so nervous. I won't do such a wasteful thing as poisoning such a good wine."

She crossed her slender legs, leaned on the chair, and pulled off a crab leg and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Tang San didn't care. He looked around and his eyes suddenly froze on the potted plants behind Zi Zhenzhu.

There were two plants with dark red palm-shaped flowers blooming, with slender roots and stems, but very straight.

He had seen the record of this plant in "Xuantian Baolu": Ghost Hand Flower, which has the effect of opening up the meridians and increasing power. However, it needs to be mixed with another very common herb, otherwise it will only cause people to leak power and lose control of their bodies.

"Why are you staring at me? I admit that you are handsome, but if you want to have something with me, you'd better give up this idea. I am not interested in men." Zi Zhenzhu said carelessly.

She looked at Tang San's face for a while and sighed: "Alas, what a good face, but it's a pity that it's a man."

Tang San's mouth twitched, "I'm not looking at you, but the two flowers behind you."

"Oh, you are talking about this, I'll give it to you if you like it." Zi Zhenzhu waved her hand nonchalantly, indicating that the two men should take it to Tang San.

"Then I will be disrespectful to refuse it." Tang San arched his hand. He was still thinking about finding a reason to take it from the other party, but he didn't expect Zi Zhenzhu to be so generous.

After the banquet, Tang San came to the room arranged by Zi Zhenzhu for him with a little drunkenness. He activated his soul power and suddenly became completely awake.

He took out some herbs from the "Ruyi Treasure Bag" and began to prepare medicine with the "Ghost Hand Flower" he had just obtained.

Tang San crushed several herbs into powder, mixed them thoroughly, and kneaded them into pills the size of an index finger.

Then, he used a small stove to steam the pills until they exuded a refreshing fragrance.

Tang San looked at the brightly colored pills with satisfaction, took one, and began to practice his soul power.

After a sleepless night, Tang San replaced sleep with meditation and stayed alert at all times. After all, this was the territory of Purple Pearl and the pirates' lair, so he did not dare to be careless.

Early the next morning, Zi Zhenzhu kicked open his door: "Get up, get ready to go to sea."

Tang San, who was interrupted from practicing, showed a trace of displeasure on his face. He changed his cross-legged posture, got off the bed, and said coldly:

"Don't you know that soul masters hate to be disturbed when practicing?"

Zi Zhenzhu looked at him dissatisfiedly: "Didn't I tell you yesterday that we will set off this morning? You asked me to come and call you specially, and you still have reason?"

Tang San glanced at the hazy sky and felt that the morning Zi Zhenzhu said might be different from the morning he thought.

"I didn't ask clearly, and you didn't say it clearly, so it's even."

Zi Zhenzhu didn't continue to argue about it. She gathered the people and boarded the "Purple Pearl" and prepared to set off.

She brought more than a hundred soul masters and two hundred non-soul master pirates.

As the vehicle of Zi Zhenzhu, the leader of the pirate group, the "Purple Pearl" is definitely huge, several times larger than the "Golden Jackson" of "Klein" that Tang San and his friends rented before.

But the facilities inside were much worse, and the speed was far slower than that of "Golden Jackson".

After sailing for more than an hour, the lookout suddenly shouted: "Beware, a sea soul beast appeared ahead."

Tang San walked to the bow and stared ahead, only to see a huge spider floating on the sea blocking his way. Its eight spider legs stepped on the water, as if it was stepping on the ground and would not sink. When its spider legs were spread out, its body looked very huge, more than ten meters long.

He recognized the species of this soul beast, which was a close relative of the human-faced demon spider, the sea demon spider. According to the information he learned, in relatively rare cases, the human-faced demon spider and the sea demon spider will form a mate.

Tang San suddenly remembered the two human-faced demon spiders that he fell from the sky and killed, and wondered if there was any connection between them.

"All members, be alert." Zi Zhenzhu gave an order, "All soul masters with long-range attack skills, go to the side of the ship to attack."

Tang San did not rush to take action. He wanted to see the methods of these pirates, and then he found that these pirates were unexpectedly... weak.

Facing the sea demon spider, they would only launch long-range attacks one by one. Although the sound and light effects looked good, they did not cause substantial damage to the opponent.

The sea spider leaped high and landed on the deck of the Purple Pearl.

It suddenly sprayed out water arrows, hitting the pirates and causing them to bleed.

There were screams.

Purple Pearl solemnly summoned her martial spirit and immediately possessed it.

Her body twisted slightly, and her whole body became soft, with blue-gray scales at the corners of her eyes. Her martial spirit was the sea viper, a sea snake with deadly venom.

Six soul rings of the best proportion of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black appeared, which surprised Tang San a little.

Purple Pearl looked young, although not as old as the Shrek Seven Devils, but not far behind the golden generation of the Spirit Hall. But such a genius would actually be a pirate on the sea!

The sixth soul ring lit up, flashing a black halo. A huge shadow appeared behind Zi Zhenzhu, and it stretched out like lightning, splitting into nine large snakes of more than ten meters, and pounced on the sea spider.

The sea spider had a white circle in its eye, and a bit of disdain appeared. Its body surface was glowing with sea blue light, forming a layer of lens.

The snake shadow bit the lens, but failed to destroy the defense.

Zi Zhenzhu's face changed.

After roughly understanding the strength of the pirates, Tang San moved.

He raised his hand, and a blue-silver cage instantly engulfed the sea spider. Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent was restricted, he activated the teleportation skill of the right arm bone of the soft bone rabbit and came to the opponent's back.

The eight spider spears with blood-colored lines in the black stretched out, piercing the clothes and the body of the sea spider.

The terrifying devouring power was activated, and he quickly absorbed the vitality of the sea spider.

The sea spider screamed in pain and struggled hard, but the poison carried by the Eight Spider Lance, which was beyond its resistance limit, had already invaded its body, making its resistance increasingly powerless.

Soon after, it was sucked by Tang San until only a piece of skin was left.

Seeing such a domineering and evil method, the pirates took a breath of cold air and looked at Tang San with a little more awe.

The sea spider and the human-faced spider are close relatives, and their life sources are very similar. After swallowing the sea spider, the Eight Spider Lance was once again improved.

Purple Pearl glanced at Tang San and said with a bit of charm: "Thank you, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid more people would die. To express my gratitude, I'm yours tonight."

It's over, the captain finally got the upper hand of a man... A group of pirates who admired Purple Pearl glared at Tang San.

Sensing the hostility of the pirates, Tang San refused with a smile: "No, I already have someone I like."

"Don't worry, you don't need to be responsible, just have fun." Purple Pearl said indifferently.

Tang San's face was dull for a moment. His love for Xiao Wu made him insist on being a pure man, and he refused again.

"What, you don't want me even if I give it to you for free? Do you despise me?"

"No, not really. I've said that I have someone I like, and I will only love her."

"Damn, you wimp." Zi Zhenzhu said with a gloomy face.

Our leader is so beautiful, how dare you refuse her without knowing what's good for you? A group of pirates who admired Zi Zhenzhu glared at Tang San.

Tang San: "..."

Zi Zhenzhu felt a little embarrassed to be rejected, and vented her anger on the other pirates: "What are you idiots still doing? Clean the deck and take the wounded down for treatment. We will contact that group of people in a while, don't lose your momentum!"

Not long after, the lookout standing on the observation deck found their ship hijacked by others, and shouted to the bottom: "Boss, I saw them, just in front."

"Keep a steady speed, pay attention to alert, we will go to meet those guys." Zi Zhenzhu's face showed a solemn look.

Tang San saw a pirate ship approaching slowly in the distance, and there was a small black dot in the sky, that was someone conducting reconnaissance.

The vision brought by the Purple Demon Pupil allowed him to see the person in the sky clearly, that was his cousin Bai Chenxiang.

Tang San was stunned at first, and then he understood what was going on... The people who hijacked a pirate ship of Zi Zhenzhu were none other than his lost companions, Dai Mubai and others.

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