Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 281: For Bibi Dong, Amon is working overtime

Before Jialing Pass, there is an equally tall, all black, heavy and majestic wall facing it. This was built by Yan Jin overnight with his own ability more than two years ago.

That night, the flames shot up to the sky, the rolling magma flowed endlessly, and the whole sky was reflected red.

The next day, when the lava cooled, this wall with a height of almost the same as Jialing Pass was revealed in front of everyone... and countless soldiers shouted miracles.

Yan Jin stood on the sentry tower she cast with solidified magma, looking into the distance, her dark red eyes thoughtful.

Recently, she heard some kind of call intermittently, and the call became stronger and stronger.

It seemed that something was threatening the owner of the call, making it anxious.

"Gods don't appear alone. According to the records I have obtained, gods on Douluo Continent appear in pairs and are often hostile to each other. There will not be a situation where one god dominates alone."

A clear voice came from behind. The speaker was a handsome young man with sea-blue hair and blue eyes.

"Didn't you go back to the Tuduo Empire? Why are you here again?" Yan Jin said without turning his head.

"I talked to Mr. Amon for a while and found that the country didn't need me at all. Mr. Amon knew it, so I came to the front line again... Anyway, it doesn't take much time to run a trip." Lei Yin responded with a smile.

After a pause, Lei Yin asked again: "Sister, are you really not going to take that thing back?"

Yan Jin shook his head: "Some things are not the sooner the better. You have to choose the right time. Now is not the time."

"Report, the army of the Wuhun Empire has made unusual movements and seems to want to launch a counterattack." An officer in dark armor stepped forward.

When he saw Lei Yi beside Yan Jin, he showed surprise on his face and quickly saluted, "Lord Lei Yin."

Lei Yin nodded, closed his eyes, and activated the skill of the head soul bone obtained from the evil eye tyrant ruler - the heart network.

At this moment, all the electric currents within dozens of kilometers around him were completely and clearly presented in his mind. He screened and selected them, and selected those that met the characteristics of human bioelectricity.

Then he found that the army in Jialing Pass was gathering, and seemed to want to fight to the death.

"They have gathered all the troops at the main gate, and they are coming out." Lei Yin pointed to the city gate in front.

Yan Jin's eyes sank slightly: "What are they planning?"

"Who knows." Lei Yin shrugged, "Anyway, just fight... Anyway, according to Mr. Amon, he doesn't care much about the victory or defeat of the battlefield here. He is no longer a 'conqueror'."

"You take charge, I'll deal with Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu." Yan Jin said casually.

At this time, the Titled Douluos of the Wuhun Empire had already stood on the top of the city in tacit understanding, staring at Yan Jin, and the connected aura was faintly locked on her.

Yan Jin clenched her fists, used "Soul Power Catapult" to add a very high speed to herself, shot into the sky, and then rushed towards the mountains in the distance.

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu looked at each other, nodded, soared into the sky, and chased her.

Qingluan, Xiongshi, Jinyu, three worshippers with domain skills, and "Sword Douluo" Chen Xin followed closely.

There are only a few people in the huge Wuhun Empire who are qualified to face Yan Jin. The rest of the Titled Douluos can't even survive in the "Ice and Fire Yin-Yang Domain", so it's useless no matter how many come.

Lei Yin watched them go away, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He found from some actions of the Wuhun Empire that the other party seemed to have a certain degree of tacit understanding with Amon.

Both sides intentionally controlled the intensity of the war within a certain range, thereby extending the duration of the war.

Even the soul masters sent by the Wuhun Empire to the hinterland of the Tuduo Empire to fight behind enemy lines never targeted things such as grain warehouses that would make the people unable to survive if destroyed.

Neither the army of the Wuhun Empire nor the army of the Tuduo Empire had ever made a move to clear the fields and destroy crops.

When strategically retreating from the city, even if the grain was left to the enemy, it would not be burned.

The three-year war made the generals in both armies who really understood military affairs and had insights very confused. They often cursed their commanders in private as idiots.

A layman's blind command!

What made them even more crazy was that the city lords at the border between the two countries were openly trading food, weapons, etc.! The empire didn't care!

By the end of the fight, they had emptied their brains...

The only thing that made these soldiers admire was probably Lei Yin's on-the-spot command ability.

Although it was a change of generals at the last minute, there was no confusion on the Tuduo Empire's side.

Because Lei Yin's "heart net" ability can clearly sense the dynamics of everyone on the battlefield, he can even use the "heart net" to accurately transmit his voice to everyone in his own army through the mixed use of soul power and electromagnetics, and perform extreme "micro-manipulation".

Under Lei Yin's command, the Tuduo Empire's army assembled in an orderly manner, lined up in the open space, and formed a neat formation to confront the Wuhun Empire's army.


Amon's figure slowly emerged on the wall of Jialing Pass.

He sat on the battlement, his legs hanging casually, looking at the Titled Douluo who were going away, and the army below preparing to fight, his eyes were deep.

He pinched his monocle and muttered:

"What is Bibi Dong going crazy about? Why are all the armies in various places suddenly counterattacking at all costs, and swinging their butcher knives at civilians?"

Then, he used the ability of "Dream Thief" to read Bibi Dong's mind.

Because his eighth soul ring absorbed the soul ring of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, and he was also a 99-level Extreme Douluo at this time, his mental power was stronger than the target.

Bibi Dong was not prepared, and he easily read Bibi Dong's thoughts and understood the reason why Bibi Dong made these moves.

"So that's how it is. He took the fluctuations emitted by the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger after breaking through a million years as the fluctuations of my stepping into the God Realm... He thought that I would break the previous tacit understanding and end the war quickly. So he wanted to do a big one at the end and harvest another wave of faith."

After thinking for a while, Amon raised the corner of his mouth and outlined a smile: "Isn't it just faith? I will cooperate."

He issued instructions to the clones who served as middle-level and grassroots commanders in the military in various places.

He ordered the Amon officers of the Tuduo Empire to reduce the resistance and make the counterattack of the Wuhun Empire easier.

He ordered the Amon officers in the Wuhun Empire's army to allow the army to engage in looting and other acts when breaking through the city, bringing more disasters and more pain to the people.

The order to counterattack the Tuduo Empire was issued by Bibi Dong, and the Amons would also take the initiative to promote her, guiding the people to direct negative emotions, resentment, and hatred towards Bibi Dong, helping her to go further on the road to becoming a god.

He also ordered the Amon clones in the Tuduo Empire to give as much convenience as possible to the soul masters who carried out sabotage activities in the Tuduo Empire.

This three-pronged approach will not only speed up Bibi Dong's collection of faith, but also put the Tuduo Empire in danger of extinction, so that his image as a "tyrant" and "destroyer" will be recognized by more people and gain more negative faith.

After receiving the order from the main body, the clones all smiled with interest, and they started to communicate and discuss through fate connection.

One Amon said, "Well... I happen to have a soul master team here. They seem to want to assassinate me, the city lord, and then create panic... But they are a little weak, and they can't even pass the city guards... I will send the city guards out to 'suppress the bandits' later."

"I happen to be in the soul master team you mentioned. I will kill you when the time comes. Don't resist!" Another Amon responded with a smile.

"You, don't forget to publicize that this is an order from Lord Bibi Dong." An Amon reminded.

"This is not a problem. Leave it to me. I will spread rumors, no, facts." An unkempt, street-slick Amon said with a smile.

"By the way, can we provide faith for Bibi Dong?" An Amon suddenly asked.

This question made the other Amons stunned, and then they showed an interested smile: "Do you want to try?"

"But it's hard for us to believe in one person."

"That's you, not me... I always have respect for God in my heart, and I am very pious."

When the Amons wanted to force themselves to believe in Bibi Dong by hypnosis, the main body stopped this idiotic behavior.

"The spirit of the clone will affect the main body. If there are too many Amons who believe in Bibi Dong, leading to the decision of "taking Bibi Dong as a belief" in the referendum of all Mongolians, then I will inevitably begin to respect, worship and admire Bibi Dong." The main body Amon said.

"Oh, so serious."

"Forget it."

Most of the Amons gave up this idea, but some Amons were still shouting, "Long live the queen", "I love Bibi Dong", "Three views should follow the five senses", "Take Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue"...

"Let's vote, it's time to choose a heroine... I'll vote for Sisi." A fun Amon suggested.

"Who is Sisi?"

"Your ideas are not bold enough. How about I parasitize Bibi Dong to play with you?"

"I vote for Amon." Amon strongly requested.

"I vote for Amon too."




Amon's original body disconnected from fate, making it impossible for him to hear the voice of his clone and shielding himself from mental pollution.

He rubbed his eyebrows, looking a little tired.

Every time he made mental contact with the huge group of clones, it was a burden for him.

Because he expanded the size of "Amon" too much, it was a difficult and complicated job to conduct macro-control so that the "Will of All Meng" would not deviate too much from the "Will of the Original Body". He had to spend a lot of time on this every day.

"Tsk, in the next period of time, the replacement of clones will be a bit fast... In order to control the deviation value, it seems that I have to work overtime..."

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