Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 297 Lei Yin's Doubts

Lei Yin knew that the Sea God Island enshrined the Sea God.

Tang San was with the people of the Sea God Island, holding a golden trident that looked like a divine weapon, and now a god was using his body to attack personally...

This god must be the Sea God!

There is no doubt that Tang San is the successor of the Sea God!

But can a god use the body of an heir to attack personally? This made Lei Yin's mind a little confused.

His original guess was that Amon trained Tang San, sent him to the Sea God Island to inherit the throne, and then prepared to do something in the process of inheriting the throne...

But this time, the "God's Descent" disrupted his guess. If the gods can attack personally and will always pay attention to their inheritors, then can Amon still succeed?

In Lei Yin's impression, Amon is weird, mysterious, and powerful, but after all, he is still in the category of "human". He doesn't think Amon can deal with "God".

The gods will pay attention to Tang San even at ordinary times like now, so they must be watching personally during the inheritance... Even Amon can't do anything, right?

Could it be that Amon had nothing to do with his sister's death, and he hadn't made any moves in the inheritance?

Or was Amon really so powerful that he could do something to their inheritors under the eyes of the gods?

Or... the inheritance between gods is different?

Was Tang San really trained by Amon? Could it be that he was chosen by the Sea God and became the successor of the Sea God, so he could grow so fast, and it had nothing to do with Amon?

At this moment, thousands of thoughts flashed through Lei Yin's mind, and all kinds of thoughts rose and suppressed, and his heart was in chaos.

"Tang San" glanced at Lei Yin and whispered: "It's not a good habit to be distracted in battle... young man."

Lei Yin's pupils shrank, and the next attack of the Sea God came again.

"Golden Thirteen Tridents, the third style, never to return."

The trident in the hand of "Tang San" rotated a circle in the air, bringing a burst of golden light, and shot out. In the illusory and distorted light and shadow, it instantly bombarded Lei Yin.

A desperate explosive skill... A large amount of information emerged in Tang San's consciousness, and he kept imprinting it in his mind through his mental power, fearing that he would miss even a little bit.

Amidst a loud roar, Lei Yin's body suddenly exploded and turned into countless lightning rays. A strong golden light burst out in the air, and the sky became clear.

Countless points of light floated in the air, gradually faded, and then disappeared.

The golden light converged, and the trident reappeared in "Tang San's" hand, turning back to black.

The glory of the Sea God gradually faded, and the majestic but gradually weak voice sounded in Tang San's mind:

"Do you remember? Learn these three moves well, and you will have no rivals below the god level."

Tang San asked in his heart: "When can I learn the next ten moves?"

"Don't be too greedy, wait until you become a god. In addition, the man just now didn't die, and what was destroyed was just a clone." The voice of the Sea God slowly faded away.

"What? Clone?" Tang San asked anxiously, "Then where is his real body?"

The Sea God did not answer him again.


In the distant sky, Lei Yin looked at the direction where the golden light dissipated with lingering fear.

Under the influence of Amon, he naturally had a great interest in the skill of "clone". Just now, it was his self-created soul skill, "thunder clone".

When Poseidon took over Tang San's body and retreated into the thundercloud, he had quietly gone away, leaving only a thunder clone that condensed a large amount of electric current, and then used the "heart network" to remotely control it.

Because Lei Yin's thunder clone was condensed by lightning, it was basically the same as him after using the "weapon soul true body" elementalization, and it was difficult to distinguish. Therefore, even Poseidon was deceived for a while, and he didn't find out until he finally dispersed the clone.

Lei Yin saw clearly the soul skills that Poseidon used with Tang San's body, and the terrible power made him feel frightened.

He let out a long breath and whispered, "Fortunately I was careful. If I had stayed and fought hard, I would have died... The clone is really useful."

Lei Yin did not stay for long, and turned into a lightning, shooting towards the direction of Night City.

Although he used the clone to avoid the damage in the end, the injuries he suffered in the previous battle with Tang San were real, and he needed to go back and receive treatment quickly.


Tang San slowly landed on the boat, and Xiao Wu opened her arms and gave him a hug.

"Wow, Third Brother, you are so awesome... You actually killed that Lei Yin." Ma Hongjun praised with a smile.

Dai Mubai said, "Xiao San, good job, now there is one less enemy!"

Tang San patted Xiao Wu's head, left her arms, and said with a heavy face:

"He is not dead yet, that was not a clone, and it was not me who defeated him, but the Sea God... The Sea God used my body to attack.

"But if I meet him again, I am more than 70% sure that I can defeat him by myself... In the end, the Sea God taught me three magical skills, which can be used for attack and defense, and are extremely powerful."

"Ah? He is not dead yet?" Ning Rongrong showed disappointment on her face, and there were still soul fluctuations on her body.

She was the only one of the other six people of the Shrek Seven Devils except Tang San who contributed to this battle, and she had been blessing Tang San and Sea Dragon Douluo.

Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ma Hongjun had low soul levels, so it was difficult for them to intervene in this level of battle.

As for Oscar, because the battle happened a little suddenly, he didn't have time to stuff his big sausage into Tang San's mouth.

Xiao Wu...Xiao Wu watched the show the whole time.

"Since the Iron Sea Dragon has been hunted, we can be more daring in our next trip. We can also hunt some sea soul beasts that were not originally in the plan." Sea Dragon Douluo said to Tang San with some respect.

"What do you mean?" Oscar asked with some confusion.

Sea Dragon Douluo picked up clothes from the deck, put them on, and said in a steady tone:

"Unlike the Deep Sea Demon Whale King who is alone, the Iron Sea Dragon actually rules many sea areas.

"In addition to its own habitat, there is also a group of Emperor Sea Dragons, and two or three other kinds of 100,000-year-old sea soul beasts live, which is also its territory.

"These sea soul beasts headed by the Iron Sea Dragon form a sea soul beast force...

"If we attack other sea soul beasts, with the speed and perception of the Iron Sea Dragon, it will soon be able to rush to support.

"So if you want to attack them, the best way is to ambush and kill the Iron Sea Dragon directly... because other sea soul beasts don't have such strong perception and may not be able to support it in time."

Dai Mubai was a little confused: "What's the point of its rule? As a leader, it seems that it has not enjoyed the benefits of rule at all. Even if it is attacked, no one comes to rescue it."

The Sea Dragon Douluo said with a strange look on his face: "The other 100,000-year-old sea soul beasts are its... well, partners."

"Oh... that's it." Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun looked at each other, and all showed a wanton smile on their faces.

Ning Rongrong stepped on Oscar, and her tone revealed a bit of danger:

"You are not allowed to have any extra ideas. If you dare to learn something bad, I will cut your big sausage!"

Oscar's expression stagnated, and he said embarrassedly:

"Rongrong, how could I have extra ideas? I am devoted to you!"

"It's better." Ning Rongrong nodded.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai gathered together, laughing even more wantonly, until Bai Chenxiang and Zhu Zhuqing looked at them, and then they restrained their expressions one by one, and put on a serious look.


Wuhun City, on the street.

More than three years have passed since the soul beast war, and with the control of the Tiandou Empire, Wuhun City has also recovered a little. Although it is still not as prosperous as before, it is no longer deserted.

"Ga..." A crow with a circle of white circles on its right eye flapped its wings, fell from the sky, and landed on the shoulder of a beautiful woman.

Hu Liena reached out and teased the crow.

The crow didn't seem to like it very much, and cast a slightly contemptuous look.

"This cold and arrogant look is really like your master." Hu Liena showed a trace of nostalgia on her face. Even though four years have passed, she still can't forget the man who protected her in the Killing City.

She did not participate in the action of Tiandou City, so she didn't know that "German" was still alive, and Bibi Dong didn't tell her the news.

Yan and Xie Yue followed behind Hu Liena.

Yan had a gloomy look on his face, "Nana is still thinking about that man... How can I replace him in Nana's heart?"

Xie Yue shook his head: "The light in the darkness is always beautiful, not to mention that it is the only nostalgia for that hellish place..."

Yan's face fell and he sighed, "Maybe I should have gone in with her at that time."

Xie Yue smiled: "If that happened, the ending would probably be different."

"Do you think so too?"

"No, I mean, if you followed him, then the result now is that you are dead and he is alive... Maybe Na'er can't come out alive."

Xie Yue's answer hit Yan hard.

A blond, cold, angular, and heroic woman came towards them.

Xie Yue and Yan's expressions changed, and a hint of hostility appeared in their eyes.

It was Qian Renxue, the granddaughter of the great priest, who came over!

It was almost certain that Hu Liena, who had been listed as a saint, would become the next pope, but her sudden appearance changed the situation.

Her talent for cultivation was so terrifying that she had reached the level of a Titled Douluo in just a few years.

There were already many rumors in the Spirit Hall that she would inherit the Spirit Empire.

"You three are here... Big sister asked you to go to Tiandou City to help with some government affairs." Qian Renxue said after approaching.

"What about you?" Yan said in a somewhat cold tone.

Qian Renxue smiled faintly:

"I don't care about these... There's no need to look at me with such hostile eyes... You can rest assured that the position of the next Pope of the Wuhun Empire belongs to Hu Liena."

Xie Yue's eyebrows moved: "Do you think we will believe it? The Pope and the throne are two in one, and who would not be tempted? If that position is left to Na'er, then what about you?"

Qian Renxue smiled and did not answer...

...Naturally, it is to become the god you believe in who has great power in himself!

She thought to herself in her heart.

Hu Liena smiled and said, "Is this what the teacher meant? Then we will set off to Tiandou City now."

She walked past Qian Renxue, paused for a moment, and turned around to remind Xie Yue and Yan who were still standing there:

"You two, what are you still hesitating about? Don't let the teacher wait too long."

Yan and Xie Yue hurriedly followed.

After getting away from Qian Renxue, Yan asked in confusion: "Na'er, you don't seem to care about this?"

Hu Liena smiled: "I am very satisfied with today. The teacher has given us enough... No matter what decision she makes, I will not complain and will obey it.

"No matter what, I will dedicate my life to the Spirit Hall... This is something I have decided long ago.

"Why, don't you think so? Yan..."

"No, I don't mean that... It's just a pity that something that was clearly determined ended up with twists and turns." Yan scratched his head.

"Don't think about it, just do what you should do..." Hu Liena responded.

The crow standing on Hu Liena's shoulder turned its head, and the shadow of Qian Renxue, who had already moved away, was reflected in its dark pupils.

Just now, it felt a trace of divine power fluctuations from Qian Renxue... Although it was very weak, it was indeed pure divine power.

It raised its wings and stroked the right eye socket with feathers, with an inexplicable light in its eyes.


Qian Renxue frowned slightly. She seemed to have sensed some malicious intent just now.

Looking around, she found nothing suspicious, so she thought it was her own illusion and put it behind her.

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