At this moment, Tang San did not notice that his God of Killing Domain had changed. He was fully devoted to controlling the energy.

After all, it was difficult to control the explosion of eight soul rings at once, even with his mental power and soul power control level. If he was careless, he would die.

Blood flowed from the corners of Tang San's mouth. His right leg bone with healing ability was working at full capacity, constantly repairing his body that was damaged by the excessive energy.

Bai Chenxiang and Ma Hongjun flew in the sky, watching the battle from afar.

Looking at the blood-colored shadow behind Tang San, the former couldn't help asking: "What is that?"

Ma Hongjun shook his head in confusion: "I don't know, I haven't seen it... That blood shadow gives people a feeling of wanting to kill crazily."

Sea Dragon Douluo looked solemn. He felt a trace of the same majesty as the Sea God from the huge blood shadow... the majesty of God!

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King was not frightened by the shadow behind Tang San. He raised the corners of his mouth and outlined a smile. His smile only lasted for a moment and then disappeared.

The phantom of the Shura God seemed to have self-awareness, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

In a certain empty space, a huge figure covered with blood-colored magic pattern armor murmured:

“Is it my illusion? That soul beast gives people a feeling that something is wrong…”

Tang San roared, and a huge hammer phantom emitting dark light appeared behind him. He swung the Clear Sky Hammer from the upper left to the lower right.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King was not to be outdone, and the eight-edged plum blossom hammer in his hand met it, and the two hammers collided in mid-air.

The two forces that had almost reached the god level collided in the sky, stirring up a gust of wind that swept thousands of miles. The clouds in the sky were blown away by the gust of wind, and a deep depression appeared on the sea surface, raising huge waves hundreds of meters high.

The Sea Dragon Douluo in the distance had to reveal his martial spirit true body and use his martial spirit to protect the boat from being swallowed by the huge waves.

Tang San spit out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards, and only stopped when he landed near the sea surface. The Deep Sea Demon Whale King was also in pain. His armor was broken into pieces, revealing the body inside, and blood was also flowing out of his mouth.

Looking at the energy armor on the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Tang San's expression became more solemn. He was seriously injured at the moment. If it weren't for the healing ability of the right leg soul bone, he would have lost his combat effectiveness.

But the impact that could seriously injure him only penetrated the energy armor of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, causing some minor injuries to the opponent!

Tang San's brain was running wildly, thinking about how to deal with it, but even the strongest attack could only bring this result... This situation made him feel helpless.

He took a deep breath, and with a try mentality, he switched his martial soul to blue silver grass and activated the sixth soul skill.


In the depths of the mountains, a thin young man in a black classical robe smiled, and nine soul rings appeared on his body: yellow, purple, purple, black, black, dark, scarlet, platinum, and gray.

The ninth soul ring lit up, emitting a gray light with a hint of evil.

Under the connection of fate, the soul skill that had already paid a lot of soul power and was almost ready to be activated was "gifted" to Tang San's sixth soul ring.

Along with it, the message of the effect of this soul skill was also passed on.

A sense of enlightenment rose in Tang San's mind.

The sixth soul ring responded to his expectations and really gave him the skills to severely injure or even kill the Deep Sea Demon Whale King!

He stretched out his hands, thumb to thumb, index finger to index finger, and circled an ellipse.

In the ellipse, starlight lit up, reflecting the figure of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

Then, Tang San separated his hands heavily, tearing the void on which the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and the surrounding environment depended for survival.

The space was like glass, with cracks appearing one after another, cracking piece by piece, and shattering inch by inch, as if a house collapsed during an earthquake.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King had most of his body torn apart without any resistance. The energy armor on his body seemed to have no protective effect and was as fragile as a piece of paper.

The expression on the face of the simple middle-aged man froze at this moment. He didn't seem to expect that Tang San could use such a trick and end the battle in an instant!

The dark cracks kept appearing and disappearing in the places where the starlight shone. These cracks were like the wounds of the world. After a long time, they healed under the continuous filling of natural elements.

Even Tang San, who used this move, couldn't help but take a breath.

What a terrifying soul skill!

The remains of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King fell into the sea. He changed from a human form to a whale as big as an island.

With a loud bang, the whale fell into the sea and floated up again, and the blood dyed the sea red.

Xiaobai rushed over like a shark smelling blood. Looking at the huge whale carcass, a trace of shock appeared in her eyes. She shouted excitedly:

"You did it, you really did it! You really defeated the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, this super soul beast that has dominated the sea for countless tens of thousands of years!"

Tang San also fell to the sea surface powerlessly. Although the move just now was powerful, it also consumed a lot of energy. His soul power was completely drained and his mental power was almost exhausted.

Xiaobai quickly caught Tang San with a gentle stream of water, holding his body and putting her on her back. She swung her tail left and right, twisted her body, and swam towards the sailboat in the distance.

Seeing the sluggish Tang San, Oscar immediately stuffed the "Crystal Caterpillar Gut" made from the "Strong Golden Fly" into Tang San's mouth.

As soon as he ate the big sausage, Tang San immediately became more energetic.

"That's great, you really did it, Third Brother!" Ning Rongrong shouted excitedly.

Those of them watching the battle from a distance are very aware of the power of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. It is a terrifying existence that can make the sea tremble with every move it makes.

"Xiao San, you're awesome." Dai Mubai and Oscar gave him a thumbs up.

"As expected of the person chosen by Master Poseidon." Sea Dragon Douluo praised.

"Xiao Bai, send me to the corpse of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. I want to absorb its spirit ring." Tang San said to Xiaobai, the Demonic Great White Shark.

"Okay." Xiaobai said happily.

At this moment, a red light fell from the sky, and the slender blood-red sword inserted into the deck next to Tang San. The rich killing aura emanating from the sword was connected with Tang San's Qi, and the blood-red energy surged along the connection. into his body.

Shura! It's Shura!

The moment the energy surged in, Tang San instantly understood what it was.

Only then did he realize that his God of Death domain had evolved, and thus attracted this Shura Demonic Sword!

At this moment, Tang San didn't know that this was left behind by his great-grandfather Tang Chen. Because in order to prevent God Shura from competing with him for the heir, Poseidon specifically issued an oracle to tell Bo Saixi not to let Tang San come into contact with the Demonic Shura Sword.

Bo Saixi obeyed the oracle and sealed the magic sword that he originally wanted to give to Tang San.

But when Tang San was fighting the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea, the Killing God Realm evolved into the Shura Realm, activating the Demonic Sword, allowing it to spontaneously break the seal and come to find qualified people.

The power of Shura and the power of Poseidon began to fight in Tang San's body. They were entangled with each other, and it was difficult to distinguish the winner.

The violent energy conflict caused Tang San to spit out a mouthful of blood. He wanted to use the Xuantian Technique to control their movement, but at this moment his was completely out of control, as if it was not his own.

"Cousin, what's wrong with you?" Bai Chenxiang asked with concern.

"Mistress!" Dai Mubai and Oscar's eyes showed worry.

Tang San now felt that all the meridians in his body were about to be broken by the conflict between these two energies, and he could not help but shed cold sweat.

He tried his best to control his body and moved bit by bit away from the Shura Demonic Sword.

Seeing his intention, Xiao Wu wanted to step forward to help, but was repelled by the murderous aura emanating from the Shura Demonic Sword.

She flew backwards and fell heavily, but she was only embarrassed and not seriously injured.

It seems that because of Xiao Wu's actions, the speed of the Shura Demonic Sword's energy transmission suddenly slowed down a lot. Tang San seized the opportunity, cheered up, stayed away from the Demonic Sword, and cut off the entanglement with it.

The Poseidon power that had been entrenched in Tang San's body for a long time finally gained the upper hand, forcing the power of Shura into Tang San's left arm bit by bit.

Ignoring checking the injuries on his body, Tang San looked at Xiao Wu anxiously and asked worriedly: "Xiao Wu, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Xiao Wu smiled, "Brother, don't worry about me for now, just take a look at yourself."

Xiao Wu pointed to her forehead and said, taking out a dressing mirror from the storage ring.

Tang San took the mirror and took a look, and found that in addition to Poseidon's golden trident brand, there was a sword-shaped red magic pattern between his eyebrows. The two lines are intertwined, giving people a feeling that is both fierce and sacred.

The corner of his mouth twitched: "Am I the heir to the throne of God Shura again?"

"What?" Dai Mubai had a look of shock and envy in his eyes.

Tang San explained: "This sword is the Shura Demon Sword, the inherited artifact of God Shura, similar to the Poseidon Trident."

He showed a helpless smile: "It is a good thing to be chosen by God, but the problem is that the power of Poseidon and the power of Shura do not seem to get along well. You have also seen what happened just now. I am not sure whether I can accept Poseidon smoothly. inheritance.”

Tang San hesitated in his heart, wondering whether he should absorb the Deep Sea Demon Whale King's soul ring now. The two forces in the body finally calmed down, and I was worried that the introduction of external energy rashly would cause a riot between the two and lead to unknown consequences.

After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to continue absorbing it. He needed this nearly million-year-old soul ring to help him reach the 99th level of Extreme Douluo. He couldn't give up halfway because of some dangers.

After making up his mind, he jumped on the back of Xiao Bai, who had been waiting for a long time: "Xiao Bai, please take me there. In addition, when I absorb the soul ring, please protect me."

"This is my honor." Xiaobai said with some respect.

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