Looking at Yan Jin who was approaching him with a naive smile on his face, Tang San said in a cold, emotionless voice:


"It seems you don't like my image very much, so how about this?"

Yan Jin stopped, her body twisted, and turned into a beautiful woman wearing a black classical robe, with smooth black hair, exuding an intellectual beauty.

Her eyes were as bright as the stars and as deep as the night. The robe clung to her body, outlining her curvy figure.

She took out a pair of crystal monocles from the void and put it on her right eye, with a nasty smile on her pretty face:

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

It's Amon! Miss Amon!

Tang San's body froze, and he twitched the corners of his mouth: "Is this also an illusion?"


Amon waved his index finger in front of him playfully, "Do you think I will appear in the fantasy test that normally represents 'desire'?"

A wave of coldness enveloped Tang San's whole body. He took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down the agitation in his heart.

"Poseidon will not sit idly by and ignore it. Have you forgotten the fate of the previous clone?"

"Haha, I'm afraid Poseidon doesn't have time to pay attention to this right now... He has other things to do. The previous Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was a program that he had preset, and he did not do it himself."

"Are you a woman?"

Amon pinched his monocle and replied:

"No...but it could be, this is not important to me. I will appear in this image, and it is also affected by the illusion. Because you have no desire for men in your heart, so I can only appear in the female form."

"How did you get in? Poseidon checked my body and found nothing missing except for the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. And if you got in through me, you should have emerged from my body. Rather than the outside world." Tang San asked with a frown.

"Of course not, I used other means...As for the specific method...guess it!" Amon blinked with a mischievous smile on his face.

Seeing such a naughty girl who seemed to be in love for the first time, and exuding the temptation of a witch, Tang San was deeply moved.

"Isn't it? Do you really think I will tell you? We are enemies..." Amon said in a long tone.

Amon didn't sneak in through Tang San's body. He had long thought that he couldn't hide it from the other party in front of God, so he made other preparations.

Tang San's original sixth spirit ring was given to him by Amon, and he had used Amon's skills, even the iconic ultimate moves such as "Time Rewind" and "Space Tear".

Moreover, the skill to kill the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King can be said to be killed by Amon and Tang San together. This confuses the concepts of "Amon" and "Tang San", making the two highly related. .

When a person uses Amon's soul skills many times, and most of the cost of the soul skills is borne by Amon, and absorbs the soul rings produced by the soul beasts killed by Amon's soul skills, how dare you say that this person is not Amon?

A loophole has arisen. "Amon" killing the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is equivalent to "Tang San" killing the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. "Amon" is equal to "Tang San", so "Tang San" inheriting the throne is naturally equal to "Amon". "Mongolian" inherits the throne of God!

Taking advantage of this logical confusion, Amon deceived the rules and made the inheritance space no longer resist him. Then he used the "Star Insect"'s ability to move in space and successfully entered the inheritance place.

But since Tang San was still there, occupying the main position, Amon had no choice but to replace the person who acted opposite Tang San in the illusion and became the heroine in the final stage.

Amon chuckled lightly: "How about it, do you want to reconsider my proposal just now and hand over the throne to me..."

This was different from Yan Jin's active gift. Even if Tang San agreed, it would still fall into the category of "stealing".

First, Tang San is not the true owner of the divine throne, Poseidon is. Amon obtaining the divine throne in this way is equivalent to "stealing" the divine throne from Poseidon, and the effect is better.

Second, a lot of what Amon said was not true, it was "fraud" and did not qualify as "unsolicited gift" or "transaction." He can still "steal".

Tang San closed his eyes, exhaled gently, and drove away the messy thoughts in his heart:

"You have already said that we are enemies, so just use whatever means you have!"

He looked at Amon with burning eyes, his eyes clear.

Amon made a "tsk" sound, showing a somewhat evil smile. She opened her mouth, and the countless "worms of time" in her body spit out words that normal people could not understand.

These words intertwined together to form a spiritual, terrifying and crazy raving, which simultaneously sounded in Tang San's mind:

"A traveler from another world, what do you think made you reborn in this world after jumping off the cliff in "Ghost Seeing Sorrow"?

"Is it really just fate?

"Who controlled this fate?"

The first two sentences revealed the biggest secret in Tang San's heart that he had never told anyone. Combined with the polluting mental fluctuations, Tang San almost lost his mind.

He looked at Amon with fear on his face, "Could it be that? It's you!"

Amon was smiling.

The babble didn't stop, and continued to echo in Tang San's mind layer by layer.

"Actually, I have been paying attention to you since you were born, and the trajectory of your life is all in my arrangement.

"Remember old Jack? That was me too.

"Tang Hao is me, Yu Xiaogang is me, Wang Sheng, Liu Long, Jiangzhu, Jing Ling... they are all me! Dai Mubai is me, Ma Hongjun is me, Zhu Zhuqing is me, Ning Rongrong is me... Xiao Wu is also me!

"I know that you have a mature soul in your body, so Tang Hao was indifferent to you when you were a child.

"But there are always things that children can't do, so Old Jack is very helpful to you.

"Do you remember? I asked you to comb my hair...


One word after another formed a sentence, and one sentence after another formed this crazy and terrifying mental storm.

These words are of course not true, but with the confirmation of some "small details" said by Amon and his own "ability", these lies seem so real and so credible.

Tang San was completely broken, he couldn't accept that he had been living under the arrangement of others since he traveled through time, was born, grew up, and until now...

Everyone around him is him, his life, everything about himself is false, and it is this person who is acting with him!

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! You are lying to me, you must be lying to me!" Tang San shouted wildly.

Amon's mouth corners slowly lifted up, revealing a smile.

Although he said he didn't believe it, Tang San's performance fully explained one thing: he had believed what Amon said.

When Amon proposed to let Tang San give up the throne to him for the second time, Tang San refused without hesitation because Amon "stole" his "trust" in himself.

He quietly "returned" the "trust" he had "stolen" from Tang San when he talked to him before.

The illusion of the God's Test itself has the power to shake the mind. Amon mobilized this part of power through the ability of "deceiving the mentor" and grafted it into his own language.

The powerful lies, the mental pollution carried by the mumbling, the returned "trust", the power of the illusion, all added up to completely defeat Tang San's mental defense.

However, the God's Test did not fail, because this time the God's Test was a test of "desire", and Tang San did not break the rules and was not tempted by desire.

The God's Test judged that he passed!

This is the last level. After passing it, he will ascend to the throne of the Sea God!

The illusion around them disappeared, and Tang San and Amon returned to the golden world where the God Test was, a world surrounded by a golden ocean with a central platform and six small platforms as the center.

Tang San was on the central platform, while Amon stood on a small platform around it.

Amon stroked his monocle, and a dazzling light burst out from the crystal-textured monocle. The bright starlight formed a vast galaxy, and countless translucent insects with twelve links swam in the air.

The shadow of an ancient and mottled clock rose behind him, and the speed of the pointer's rotation slowed down from normal, and the movement of the second hand was almost imperceptible.

An unimaginable vast power emerged, washing everything around, this is the power of time!

Amon used the power of the "worm of time" to delay time, and infinitely slowed down the "one second" experienced by everything around him, to the point of almost stagnation, but he himself was not affected.

He leisurely left the suspended platform and walked to the central platform where Tang San was.

"Heh, the timing is just right, the last moment before becoming a god, infinitely close to being a god, but not yet."

Amon raised his right hand and pinched the upper and lower edges of the monocle with his index finger and thumb respectively.

The effect of "stealing" is the best at this time. At this moment, Tang San and Poseidon can both be regarded as the masters of the Poseidon throne.

Stealing the throne at this moment is equivalent to stealing from a strong man who is almost a god and a real god!

Tang San's eyes began to become dull, and the starry sky-like colors flowed in his eyes.

Amon stretched out his right hand and grabbed the void. He stole all the beliefs on Yan Jin and the beliefs on Lei Yin that were not related to "Thunder God".

At the same time, he also gathered all the beliefs directed at himself, whether positive or negative. "Tyrant", "Last Monarch", "Thief Duke", "Thief Emperor", "Blasphemer"...

He cheated the rules and twisted all these beliefs into beliefs in the God of Thieves.

Finally, he walked towards Tang San, and the bodies of the two people slowly overlapped.

Tang San's dull eyes suddenly lit up, and he raised his head again, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled back, revealing a smile.

He raised his right hand, took out a pair of monocles from the void, and embedded them in his right eye socket.

His flesh began to wriggle, and his body twisted.

The original Tang San disappeared, replaced by a thin young man wearing a black ancient robe and a pointed soft hat of the same color.

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