Amon began to look through his memories, and soon found information about him in the depths of his memories.

According to the original timeline, Mu She, as the head of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, was a two-star Dou Master when he appeared.

He was also a small boss in the early stage, and he chased Xiao Yan into a panic, forcing him to hide in the depths of the Monster Mountain Range.

"Tsk... I don't know if it's him. If it's really him, judging from the mercenary's address to him just now, he is not the head of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group yet...

"That means there is still some time before Xiao Yan goes to the Monster Mountain Range for training...

"This is good news. The earlier the timeline, the more convenient it is for me to make arrangements.

"So I am now in the outskirts of the Monster Mountain Range, close to Qingshan Town? "Amon analyzed in his mind.

Although he said it might be an illusion, Mu She was alert, pulled out the big knife on his back and held it in his hand.

He also felt that he was being watched. This was a special intuition formed by walking on the edge of life and death several times. Most mercenaries are very sensitive to sight, and they can often find the peeper by such intuition after being stared at for a long time.

But although the intuition worked this time, it felt that the sight came from all directions, as if surrounded by a large number of enemies.

If the commander had not given a death order and had to hunt a first-level wood magic core, he would probably start to consider retreating based on the principle of caution.

Thinking of the commander's order, Mu She snorted angrily, thinking to himself: "Damn old man, I will kill you sooner or later. "

Amon waited patiently and eavesdropped for a long time, but he didn't hear any useful information from them.

He thought about it and decided to cause some trouble to this team and find a chance to get himself a human body.

It's not a good idea to always be with wild beasts in the mountains. Only by entering human society can we get more information and find more opportunities.

The main body got out of the ape's body, slowly crawled into the body of the snake-shaped monster, and moved its position.

The ape ran to the depths of the forest, where there was the only second-level monster nearby.

When it came to the place that had been specially recorded long ago, a huge white ape appeared in the eyes of the ape.

Unlike the one that Amon parasitized, the other party was three meters tall, covered with snow-white long hair, with two sharp fangs protruding from its ferocious mouth, and a pair of blood-red eyes, exuding a tyrannical breath.

Second-level monster, Blizzard Demon Ape.

The giant ape was lying in an open space near the mountain wall. It was sleeping on the bed, and when it heard the noise, its ears moved, it opened its eyes alertly, and quickly got up.

When it saw the hunchbacked ape, it immediately let out a huge roar. It had an impression of the ape in front of it. Although its level was not high, its fighting power was very strong. It seemed to be the leader of that strange little group.

The ape controlled by Amon also roared at it, full of provocation.

The Blizzard Demon Ape was irritable by nature, and its little rationality was immediately drowned by anger after being provoked. No, it rushed over with bloodshot eyes.

The hunchbacked ape ran away, leading it to the direction of the mercenaries.

The breath of the Blizzard Demon Ape made the first-level monsters on the road dare not act rashly. They quickly approached the mercenary group in the pursuit and escape.

The Blizzard Demon Ape lost the hunchbacked ape in the end, but was provoked by a honey badger. It angrily chased the honey badger with white eyes all the way to the path where the mercenaries were.

"Oh no, it's a second-level monster, the Blizzard Demon Ape. "A mercenary's face changed.

The strongest in their team was only Mu She, a nine-star fighter. When they encountered a second-level monster like the Blizzard Demon Ape, although they were not completely defeated, forcing a fight would inevitably lead to considerable casualties.

The Blizzard Demon Ape, in a rage, saw the crowd and attacked without hesitation.

Its claws slammed heavily on the hard shell-like material on its chest, making a clanging sound, its legs moved, and white energy gathered on its clenched fists.

It punched the nearest mercenary, who was unable to dodge and flew backwards with a scream, vomiting blood from his mouth, his chest collapsed, and he was doomed.

Such a scene caused a panic among the mercenaries. They shrank back and dared not move forward, which further boosted the arrogance of the Blizzard Demon Ape.

"Don't panic, it's just a second-level monster. There are so many of us, and we are not without the ability to fight. "Mu She shouted, trying to stabilize the morale of the troops.

However, his encouragement did not play any role. The most important thing for a mercenary to last long is: you must be afraid of death.

The fearless young man had long been killed by the monster as cannon fodder.

What Mu She said was indeed right. They could kill this second-level Blizzard Demon Ape with concerted efforts, but who would go first?

Before the opponent's condition declines, the first person to go will definitely die. No one wants to sacrifice and benefit others in vain.

Mu She's eyes swept coldly over the people who were retreating further and further behind, and he suddenly kicked the person who retreated in front of him.

The man rushed forward unexpectedly.

The Blizzard Demon Ape's right hand slapped him in a claw-like shape.

The unlucky mercenary was quick-witted and rolled to avoid this.

While pushing the man forward to attract attention, Mu She also moved. He clenched the big knife and suddenly slashed at the monster's flank.

"Wind Blade Dance! ”

This is the low-level Xuan-level fighting skill that Mu She just mastered. In order to deal with this powerful enemy, he took out his best skills.

The afterimages of blue swords kept reappearing, and finally they became simple and condensed into one, overlapping with the sword in Mu She's hand.

The Blizzard Demon Ape was a little careless because of their previous retreat, and was attracted by the man kicked out by Mu Snake, so they didn't react for a while.

Mu Snake himself had reached the peak of the Nine-Star Fighter and was on the verge of breaking through. With the blessing of Xuan-level fighting skills, he actually opened a large hole in the abdomen of the Blizzard Demon Ape with one blow.

The demon ape suffered from pain and became more violent, trampling to death the unlucky mercenary who had not been beaten to death just now but did not stay away.

"What are you still doing?" Mu She shouted to the remaining mercenaries.

With Mu Snake in front of him, the danger was greatly reduced. Only then did the mercenaries gain the courage to attack together.

While the mercenaries stepped forward, Mu She quietly retreated to the end.

"Mu" A mercenary discovered this situation, but it was too late to evacuate at this moment. The extremely angry Blizzard Demon Ape waved his arms wildly and threw out white energy balls from his hands.

The energy ball is formed by condensation of white cold air, with a weak freezing effect. Although it is impossible to control people for too long, in such a battle, a delay of one or two seconds is the difference between life and death.

One after another, the mercenaries died out of unwillingness and fear, and cursed Mu Snake.

The number of mercenaries has been greatly reduced, and the wounds on the Blizzard Demon Ape are increasing.

The mercenaries all had a fierce feeling in their hearts. The Blizzard Demonic Ape wanted their lives, and when the time came to avoid it, they would bite back even if they died.

Under the dying counterattacks of the mercenaries, the Blizzard Demon Ape finally felt fear, and there was a hint of clarity in his eyes filled with blood and violence.

It wanted to leave, but Mu She and the remaining mercenaries refused to let him go. You have already paid such a high price, how can you get nothing?

Mu She winked, and several mercenaries blocked the Blizzard Demon Ape's retreat.

Most of those who had just been tricked to death were close to the head of the group or neutral, while the rest were Mu She's direct subordinates and his cronies.

The current head of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group is in his twilight years. As the second-in-command of the mercenary group, a rising star, and ambitious, Mu She naturally has some ideas about the top position.

The grand leader originally wanted to train Mu She as the next leader and let him take over after he retired. However, Mu She's ambition made him dislike and wary of him, so the relationship between the two began to deteriorate.

Mu She recruited a group of people to expand his influence. Faced with the pressure from the boss, he decided to strike first. The appearance of the Blizzard Demon Ape gave him an opportunity to eliminate dissidents...

After all, if they died in the hands of monsters during hunting, no one could say anything... What's more, they were attacked and died in the process of searching for the first-order wood element magic core for the master.

As for the great hero Blizzard Demon Ape who helped him eliminate some dissidents, Mu Snake had no intention of letting go. He could eat a seriously injured second-level monster!

Mu Snake led his men to launch an attack on the demon ape. This time, he showed his true strength, wielding a big sword to show off his power.

At this moment, a loud bird song came from the sky.

A first-order four-winged bird monster swooped down.

Mu She was startled and quickly stepped back to distance herself from the demon ape. He didn't want to face two demon beasts at the same time!

The four-winged bird immediately took off into the air without further entanglement.

The Blizzard Demon Ape took advantage of Mu Snake's retreat, punched away a fighter, and escaped from the scene at the cost of another slash on his back.

"Damn it..." Mu She gritted her teeth and stared viciously at the four-winged bird slowly moving away from the sky, with an angry and helpless look on her face.

The Blizzard Demon Ape did not pay attention to the grass on the roadside during the evacuation process, and was bitten by a poisonous snake that suddenly sprang out.

It did not retreat in one blow like other poisonous snake-like monsters, but held on tightly, injecting venom all over its body like a death-defying thing.

"Roar!" The Blizzard Demon Ape roared, grabbed the red poisonous snake, and used its strong and powerful arms to tear it in half.

Before it could relax, another fearless red snake bit its shoulder.

This time, the Blizzard Demon Ape still grabbed it, threw it to the ground, and stamped it twice with its feet, trampling it into a pulp.

The red snake-like monster has a poison that can coagulate and freeze the blood. Although this can't kill the Blizzard Demon Ape, it will further deteriorate its condition.

Honey badger Amon howled and attacked excitedly. He is not afraid of death, even if his opponent is a second-level monster, he will still hit him without fail.

After a struggle, the huge demonic ape fell down with a scream, but it was not dead yet and could still breathe.

One after another, the Time Insects sank into the Blizzard Demon Ape's body, and there was a black circle around the right eye socket of its snow-white hair.

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